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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. In the contrary, I would offer Jugg tank/veng hybrid, but it died with 2.0.

    I rarely ever lost 1 vs 1 while defending a turret. each 9 sec sonic barrier, accuracy reductions, def chance was high, people would just miss their attacks. Now full def can hold turret for a ridiculus amount of time ofcourse not killing any one any time soon (if they would be forced not to run but to keep fighting, I guess it could kill eventually), but that's not their role.... some people think accuracy is a waste...


    if they would add maras root to revage, vengence jugg would be a monster... literally.

  2. happens... I didn't have AH on my operative in a week, you had 8 in a row.. that's how it works...


    I had 2 armorings blue learned from first RE of green, took me 32 mods to get 'blue'.


    to many games in a row that is sickening? leave at start. no penalties. (just please leave at start, so team don't get punished - if want to type something explaining why you leave, make it short and quick, even 'sorry, hate this wz to many times in a row')

  3. He is talking about combat stealth > sap > out of combat heal.


    any one actually does that? I mean, I never consider 1 vs 1 that can take ages, always have in mind WZ 1 vs 1 kill asap>cap before help arrives.

    resolve from spike, stun and low slash will be white, leaving spike out of it, sapping would be filling resolve for free, even if we consider 6 seconds for self heal (more like 4 sec , stealth>sap>unstealth>self heal>stealth)


    would be good for undying rage, but in that scenario would leave shroud to cleanse dots right before vanish.

  4. A good watchman can give a good shadow a run for his money. No stealth and sap ****, pure PVP :D. For those who don't know, you can dot the shadow during resilience because watchman dots are applied with WHITE DAMAGE. When resilience wears off, the dots start ticking ...


    any one that starts a 1 vs 1 duel with mind sap deserves to get his lightstick activated in his butt.

  5. Or you could just answer his question since obviously he had no idea wha'ts wrong with his gear. If you did that, maybe there would be 1 bad tank less in this game by now.


    really? at 55 not to know what is your main stat?

    Sure, i probably gave giggle to some when I did not notice that I had STR implant on my PT for few weeks (got it same day I bought same implant for my jugg tank, so used same vendor huh.) , but atleast it was tanking implant :o


    some people we meet on GF gives me wonder, how on earth that even finished they story line. THink with friends...

  6. People consider Huttball as any other map which is wrong. The target is to score, not to farm medals for damage or healing. You can win 6:0 and your team has no one with over 100k damage/ healing while the other team has 500k damage/ healing.


    seen that so many times.. top damage our team - 32k

    top healer, 50k

    total kills of our team came from pulls into fire

    result - win in 3 minutes 6:0


    total pug.

  7. as for the green text, I ignored it as it hurts my eyes and I really don't understand why people need to express them selves with colours... 'hey, I write in <insert eyes hurting colour> It must be smart and cunning'


    I wasn't negative about RP either, indeed, lack of 'sit' on chair is silly... why I have a couch and a bed on my ship.. I can't use it.. 9 chairs, and i can sit on 4 (including 3 in the cabin)? others are reserved for the emperor?

    alliances and /w between fractions would also be nice, as game it self attacts multi alts


    CC comes with subscription, so it's not a biggy ;)

  8. I'm only offended by people who:

    1.walk away from nodes when they are guarding it solo (or going afk/crew skills while guarding)

    2. last night, voidstar, a guy after our 2 minute attempts for first door, said 'let's give up, they are better' and moved to the corner... occasionally starting a fight not to get kicked... on end result, he did total 20k damage and nothing else...

    I mean, comon :|


    he was from respected guild to...

  9. they got it faster than you, its just a glitch right now where the game doesnt end...


    yup, happend last night to me aswell.

    we downed brige, I think 'damn, we won, we won, in your face' (we played against my sister guilds premade, we were pugs), and then game didn't stop.


    that was one heroic dance for that second door, and feelign of failure when we didn't make it..

    and then





    it came naturally to me that it must still count time for last doors that went down as we had less kills but indeed took bridge very fast, it's either glitch (it still stops game if attackers moved futher) or working as intended to give other team chance to get some medals.

    no idea.

  10. I preffer not to.. even if every one is on their top.

    unless it's a weak mob who dps missed on their race 'who will kill his elite mob first' that I can finish in 3 gcd...

    from operative/scoundrel perspective*


    you never know what's gonna happen, some one can pull, or be KB to other group... or tank will not wait and jump right after last mob is dead.

    you won't make much difference.


    if I have 15 seconds for my self while every one is HoTted and max hp, I preffer to grap a sip of juice or scratch my self...

  11. well, oil slick is kinda like saber reflect... (60 sec cd)

    reducing cd on shield/heal would also work

    but yeah, some 2 cd minute shield +20% for 12 sec (it's a shield tech dammit) would be nice.


    numbers can be different, so it won't be over powered compared to other tanks, math wizzards would figure it out.

  12. Hey, the dorfs in L2 are bloody epic. You want to 1v1 me? Meet my siege golems :V


    well, you could go between 10 yo girl (while male is an old fart), banging double D dark elf that was bending over like she was looking for a nickle, 14 yo girl human mage and hulk hogan alike orc female who could make you squick..

    even light elves putted out to much in few armours...


    so... could be worse.. (that's reference to comment that games are targetted for >19 yo boys)

  13. Nah, don't feel bad.

    Fem voice acting here is much, much better. fem inquisitor (even if she does sound like my grandma), fem bounty hunter, fem scoundrel.... fem warrior, female sage is bit off imo, but fem knight is good.

    only male acting I like is agent and trooper, so I have 4 males 8 females.


    as for the butts, I tend to equip all my chars with capes... damn I love capes...

    females body type 4 <3

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