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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Damn me to hell! Sorry, wasn't sure what colour would be better...I will try a different one next time. Could be worse...I could have used blue.


    we'r on a HIIIIIIIWay to hell..

    sure, no problem :)

    better then cyian or violet... or other combinations some people use on lore section to make their point more valid


    I type violet, I misht be right <insert way to many ! here>


    think when you said 'most male players who play fem toons are bads', many people took it to their heart instead of as personal observation.

    I have 9 fem 3 male chars, and took no offense.

  2. No, I didn't miss the last line of his post. I just don't care what Chuck Norris or Mr. T would do. I'm not them. Anyone that uses the terms "Man Card", or "Man Points" is just juvenile. Plain and simple.


    you missed the

    /sarcasm off

  3. U are forgetting 1 major factor with 'just switch targets quick and kill'. Operatives have good CC as well for escapes. Like flashbang, debilitate. Taken into the fact that u cant interrupt their heals (the dot and the surgical probe) and its hard.


    However i dont think operatives should be nerfed, there should just be more 'anti-heal' abilities. LIke the one that marauder has. And not a measly 20% but mayb a lot for a few seconds so healers cant heal themselves for a few seconds and in that time u haev a chance to finish em off.


    kolto cloud, 6k total heal over 9 sec 15 sec cd. surgical probe requires TA, so big heal atleast once (or shiv, or proc from kolto cloud) and is only never ending story under 30% which means if you actually got him to 30% one hard stun should finish it, it heals roughly 2k per gcd (3k on crit - maul hits 6,5k on crit and discharge about 6k). FB is 10m range mezz on 45 sec cd, debilitate is one target.

    another hot is kolto probe, which does (on 2 stacks) 4k healing for 18 seconds.


    note, my numbers might be a bit wrong since I can't turn game atm. - I write from memory of green numbers.


    what I would change, would be that trauma is reducing healing recieved AND done. (could last longer too I guess)

    It would reward traumatizing (lol) healer and target of focus fire (like ball carrier), and both healers on cross healing.

  4. You're still failing to see the big picture. Yes, it takes 3 DPS to focus fire and deal with an Operative/Scoundrel healer who has guard/taunt/peel. Now, throw in a second healer. How about a 3rd? Point being, your team only has 8 players. By your own admission above, it would take at least 6 DPS to effectively remove 2 players from the field under focus fire and coordination. A 3rd healer would take 9 players, which is obviously impossible.


    This is balanced in your opinion?


    he mentioned 2 healers and 1 tank scenario, so yes, 3 dps vs 2 healers and a tank is balanced.

    3 dps = 3 interrupts = one healer shut down and other healer has to heal focused healer and a tank who is guarding provided healer.

    now let's assume that 3 dps are able to switch targets quickly. throw a mezz on second healer and first target will die in 6 seconds. if not, throw another mez/stun.


    quickly swap targets and peel healer who is not guarded.


    considering 67% of people fail to attack marked healers, that is probably to complicated for most dps...

  5. nothing beats building exp like fast questing during story progression if you have rested exp.


    flashpoints might be quicker for healer who isn't stealth, and for tanks in tank gear.


    only if group isn't stupid.


    having daily quest gives huge chunk of total XP, so 1st flashpoint will be much more XP rewarding then second one that day.


    hope that helped.


    edit: specially on double exp weekends. same XP for killing, but, double for reward, and that's alot in 2x XP+25% boost if have one.

  6. Nothing wrong with that indeed.


    But 1 single scophealer surviving 2-3 DPS while still being able to heal his team mates in a zerg, that's another story.


    Of course, you will tell us that DPS are all bads and if they were good then the scophealer would fall. And you will present us a manual with solutions as how to fight a scophealer.


    But I'm tired of people trying to counter incoming nerfs by fooling themselves that their class is played by the high skilled, while all other classes are played by the bads. The bads then would need to study a manual and play synchronized like premades on TS to stop one single scophealer and this is supposed to be balanced.


    The most straightforward answer to the game's current situation in PvP is that scophealers are way too strong as a specc and not that they're played by super skillors, while everybody else is a tard who needs to l2p.


    if 3 dps are hitting operative healer and he can heal him self, and is team mates, then the problem is 3 dps being stupid.


    learn to play issue.

  7. Things happen.


    Please note this saying I found a few decades ago :

    "Your [weirdest] imagination is only succeeded by Reality". (Sorry for the grammar, since English isn't my 1st language.)

    Since then, I'm not amazed anymore. Everything can happen, and that's a fact.


    You just expect too much from people, imho.




    Most Newbies don't even KNOW that there's a Kodex - because accessing that isn't easy.


    A tab at the BOTTOM of the MISSION LOG and then in DARK GREY colour, just so that it shouldn't be noticed at all ???


    A pure design failure, in my opinion.


    The Kodex should have its own place in the menu bar. 'Nuff said.


    as already mentioned, main stat is posted in our faces many times during loading screen.

    There is also tutorial each time you start a character.. I know, we are all pro and disable it first time it apears, but that is not dev's fault.

    Sure, they could force us blocking whole screen and posting basic info in our face every week after reset 'your main stat is <stat>, you are speeced as <tank/healer/dps>, expertiese is doing <insert some text here>',

    but hell, that would be annoying...


    problem is, when you have PT dps, qued as tank, with might stim, telling you to shut up cause rocket punch is mele.

  8. I love getting my chars nice looking for cheap gtn stuff, most expensive thing I bought was something hero something and black/red dye 34k to it (fits nicely her red skin and black hair)...


    dyes are fantastic idea, can turn hidius armour into master piece...


    unify colors is yor friend :o

  9. Dude. Clam. Xanax is your friend. I'm just looking for an alt for giggles and strat. If it's fotm so be it. And I get a fair number of MVP's on my main, but she's lucked into fotm as I've been playing that sniper for a year. Just looking for some fun lowbie pvp. And my epeen is average. Just wanting to have a little fun while learning a bit more about another class, lol.


    Could get over my head a bit, but question was sort of 'what I do to wreck in lowbies'.

    You will not learn anything about another class on 10-29, specially by running class who will wreck in them.

    I'll go even further, you will not learn anything about other class untill L55 pvp. People in lowbies don't care. Not playing competetive, and while I blame them for it, I don't blame at same time. Half of people there are simply for XP.


    If you really want to learn in lowbies, do a class who DOESN'T wreck. Do mostly underpowered class for lowbies, and there you will 'learn'.


    Xanax is a person or a drug? I didn't get that :confused:

  10. Tanks have that defined Role too.

    You: Mazikeen are a bad tank!


    Actually, when a dps constantly over jumps my tank and it's getting on my nerves, I /w healer 'mind if we kill him?'

    if I'm a healer on that FP I don't have to ask :rolleyes:


    (that doesnt count for L 50 hms, they are usualy snooze to heal so atleast I can show off, I'll only get upset if tank gets upset and doesnt take threat off me while I save dpss ***...)


    They have always been the absolute worst tank in PvP.


    I'd disagree.

    For face tanking, yes, they take it hard, but before 2.0 they were far best utility guarders/ninja cappers/carrier pullers/last man stanting interrupter and behind the lines ball carrier for team play.

  12. there is no other way to fix this.


    pvp should be for merc/commando only.


    one tree only (the middle one).

    even there, we all should be limited just to 2 buttons, default attack and TCM/Grav.


    starfe disabled.

    keybinds disabled.


    and it will all be perfectly equal.

  13. if my assassin can down a scoundrel healer on 1 vs 1, and next WZ I can kite sentinel and shadow on my operative healer, does it mean scoundrels, shadows and sentinels should be buffed and assassin and operative healer nerfed? :confused:


    empire is so over powered :rolleyes:

    if a person complains that he and 2 other dps can't down a healer who is standing still, where do you think the problem is?

  14. less you care about them, more you get.


    I noticed that too, I had top heals? healer below me got 5 mvp

    I was second healer? top healer got 5 mvp.

    I scored 5 solo goals on HB? top dmg got 5 mvp


    The second you stop caring (about MVP), they will come.


    only exception to that, would be positioning your self during HB so every one sees that you are always positioned, spam chat 'i'm positioned left/right', and genearly be an attention wh*re, then you will get MVPs ;-)

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