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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. pve gear, pve spec, pve mentality..

    nope, you won't win game with that.

    pve gear is fairly competetive, but other 2 isn't.


    just by saying you maxing stats, with current set of bolster, means you have pve mentality of over gearing.

    you que up with a thought 'i'm soooo over geared, it will be a cake walk' - when in fact you are over 5% behind people in pvp and augmented gear, and you are so far in denial that you refuse to see numbers proving you are wrong.


    and relics? are they pve too? with little mark 'wont activate on pvp area' :rolleyes:


    not saying you are bad, there are tons of baddies out there to be killed. even my PT tank has her own share of solo kills ;)

  2. @kingofmachines: you mate got some serious anger issues :eek:


    I think I enjoyed killing Scotia.. he was just full of it and had it coming from some noob L15.... dind't use droid thing I had in inventory.. all mighty sith lord my bum...


    any one else that wasn't already mentioned? hard to say, that stupid jedi from BH, Tarro, hunter, I wanted to kill that Sith bone head scum who took Kalyio from me... saw the guy for 5 minutes and hated every bone in his body, but don't remember what happend to him in the end, other then he died which gave me satisfaction.

  3. last night I had pleasure of healing dps assassin in dark charge... I told him he's got tank charge, he said it was healing him.

    told him it generates threat and he's being hit, he swaped to lightning charge... with 110 force it was clear he should be surging, but we pulled it off, atleast he didn't pull agro at all.

    tank on other hand tried to stand 10 meters range and bless him, he was doing good job at it. force lightning, dishcharge and shock. on the last boss, when I typed 'please attack turrets, not the boss', he said 'i'm positioning him' - which was BS since he just stand next to other dps..

    atleast all of them knew to move away from red circles, so there is hope for future.


    as for colicoids mentioned earlier, for a moment I thought it was me, but we didn't wipe when I healed it from the middle, although on second turret I noticed my self that we had self healing and mine wasn't really needed. but it was first colicoid for all 4 of us, and our tank didn't leave :p

  4. Why doesn't BioWare just bolster gear in PVE? That way you would never have to worry about players being sufficiently geared, and would not have to vote kick them over that issue.


    would remove need of grind, sub/unlock, need of filling time.... not good for business.

    pve is progression, you go from L 1 to L 55, get fixed enemies... I won't continue, there have been walls of text about this, I don't need to add another one...


    don't remove tool which is used to remove tools.

  5. This is where the incentive to either sub or buy the corresponding unlock comes into play. Why should subscribers lose another tool to people too cheap to pay for the game?


    And if your friend is repeatedly kicked from groups, there are bigger reasons than that he is F2P.


    didn't go thro 13 pages, but this^^


    I didn't see people kicked from L50 hms in L 47 greens, even LI is doable this way. Help him getting some augments to neutralize difference.

    L50 blues is good enouth, and only reason for being kicked out is either having wrong stats (look at 'weird people you find in group finder' thread - like PT tank in dps gear and might stim) or acting stupid (same thread).

    please don't remove the tool that is used to remove tools...

  6. two tanks pvping.. well, open a can of energy drink and find out... be prepared for atleast 1,5minute fight.

    sin has healing, jugg has more CD and reflect. if we assume no accuracy many hits will miss...

    make that 2.5 minute...


    imo jugg has more chances... whole fight sins/shadows dps will be cut in half while juggs dps will be more or less constant


    pvp tanking is not about killing tho, so experiment would be waste of time..

  7. I didn't say missed I said failed. I know what a miss is.


    When your char goes through half an animation, a GCD goes off and there is no fly over text that is a failed ability not a miss.


    ah, yeah, that is annoying. can't say I expierienced much of it besides few glitches which seemed more like sync lag.


    more annoying is 'I'm behind target, back attack is active, hit back attack and boom 'you are not behind target'' - well thank you very much.

  8. I've had Shadow Strike fail to go off in many duels at a node. One night I would swear it had almost a 60% fail rate. Sometimes failing as many as three times in a row. Haven't had as many issues with Spinning Strike as people say there is with Assassinate, I've never played a Sin so I don't know.


    this comes from people with lack of accuracy.

    one of things they didn't biofail is, when SS/Maul fails it doesn't lose a proc and you can hit that button again.

  9. well, FOTM reroller will lose...

    specially ex vanguards/PTs who run out of stealth with no accuracy on their gear...


    dueled one guy 3 times last night on a WZ, every time he went look for me out of stealth. didn't even use his CD, and used CC break after spike...

    oh, and he tied to use whirlwind..

  10. true... double xp weekends are a very good thing for people who hate pve content.


    or for ones who are doing their 11 and 12th alt ;)

    excluding deleted characters...

    how many times do we have to enjoy Alderaan... it's gonna blow any way...

  11. Think most of FOTM(year) PT/Vanguards moved to assassins/shadows... amount of bads running around out of stealth, guarding out of stealth, running no accuracy gear in L55 pvp (oh thanks double exp) is just not funny anymore...

    rest moved to smash spec, but probably didn't notice that force statis/force choke doesnt build shockwave any more...

  12. Just ran with a group of 55's in hard mode false emperor who didn't know to interrupt unlimited power.


    not many people interrupt Revan,Lorric or That sith fella on Battle of Ilum either... maybe interrupt skills is payed extra for new comers. or binding + interrupting got old school....


    2 nights ago on Directive 7, my coundrel healer had to destroy cores and small turrets as 2 dps and a tank constantly refused to aknowledge existance of such weak mobs during encounter. Even if they stand right next to it, probably been to busy fighting the claw... they clearly didn't try to avoid aoe I can say...


    I won't even mention last night Lost Island HM when tank was constantly positioning Lorrik heading us on grenade phase and not move from grenades... and when fire crawling things came up, I typed 'keep away from fire guys' and tank with dps... walked straight to them.

    I cleansed cc (not sure if cleasne worked or they used CC breaker) and what they did? They walked on them again...

    facepalm was so loud, my fiancee heard it from the kitchen...

  13. Either Commando or Merc.


    1. They are 30 m range, no need to run around, which is important when you learn the game.

    2. Pretty straight forward rotation.

    3. You get 1 minute CC mezz early (think 20-22) which makes heroics 2 soloable with healer pet, and on those heroics 2 you get to learn your class more (energy managment, rotation on 45+ etc).

    4.Both stories aren't half bad.


    Final vote, commando or merc, well, commando's companion comes a bit later (still fairly quick), which will actually help you to get to know the class a bit better, and when you get that companion, it will be super easy from there. Also, healer is wearing heavy armour and same main stat as you, which makes gearing up easier (but point is moot as first crew skill you should have is cybertech).

    Merc has his first companion healer makes everything easy peasy, different main stat, but when you go Cyber it doesnt matter much.

    You will get barrels and enhancements with Planetary comms.

    So it only depends, do you want to play with imps or reps.

  14. [...]

    3) Using Force Wave to plant a mob within an AoE that a teammate is about to lay down.

    6) Using Cleanse to remove a snare from a melee tank who'se gap closer is on CD.

    10) Using any attack to finish off a gravely injured mob that no one else is attacking.



    3. just please make sure you are not saving tank this way.

    I love nothing more then a healer who does aoe damage moving mobs away from my aoe threat dama :rolleyes:


    6. this should be printed to anyone who uses more then 5 skills up in healers tree... I mean really, how many times I've seen people going low on Athiss when healer says 'I don't cleanse, it's easier for me to heal it thro'... and I never ever seen clense on mandalorians after that bloody droid placed 70% slow on me.... instead of cleanse, healer is dpsing :rolleyes:

    on contrary, when I run healer and I cleanse most things, I get whispers 'damn, didn't know you could do that, last time it was different' etc.


    10. that's just dps being stupid..damn that's annoying.

  15. a day and 2 hours?


    3 hours?


    Hahahaha noooooooo


    I read once that each employee of MIcrosoft (I know this is BW but still) writes 3 lines of code per day. Or was it 30? Pretty sure it was 3.


    I know many people know programing only from movies like Iron man or Die hard, but it isn't.


    most job is documenting, debuging, and thinking of how it will impact to the rest of a code + error handling. only in movies they press random keys and produce hacking software with it.


    it's better to have good 3 lines then worthelss 30 lines which will fail on first encounter of unpredicted variable.

  16. For the healers; they couldn't stop us from running orbs or taking pylons. Our kill counts were truly embarrassingly low, but I'll take my x5 round win any day of the week!


    What?! What did you expect this thread to say? :jawa_tongue:


    maybe they weren't smart enouth to stop you from actually taking orbs.


    week ago had 6 healer + 2 dps run and we won.

    My healer was guarding, 5 other healers where middle, and 2 dps sins ninjad their pylon (even without that we had more points, but they wanted to win faster)

  17. I'm using old EWH Power and new relic that gives X power on proc when you attack/heal.

    Most people I spoke with, at first proposed proc healing relic, but when I said I had old EWH, we all agreed it's better.

    but who knows.. we need math magitians.


    /subscribing here

  18. The best support healer class and spec is also coincidentally the best 1v1 duelest? That's not broken at all.


    that post was missing *in my opinion*

    note he placed tank sin as 2? and veng jugg as 6?


    aside, this was MELE list, mercenary and sorcs are hardly MELE.

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