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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. Ok so you want to be able to get champion, battlemaster and war hero gear before 50, right?

    Can PvErs get tionese, collumni, and rakata gear before 50? No, they can't. Your analogy is flawed and complete crap.


    I don't see why not, PvP is meant to be competitive and there's nothing competitive about melting fresh 50's due to them having crap gear.


    You can try turning on Vertical Sync to cap the framerate and see if that helps any. Otherwise, I'd suggest looking in the Customer Service forum to see if any of the tech folks there can offer more help.


    This ^ I had to do the same as it was causing my GPU fan to go nuts until it was capped at 60fps. Also, just because your GPU isn't showing excessive heat when it happens doesn't mean it's not not the problem, my temps weren't going over 55C but that's because of the cooler on the card being good and an aggressive fan profile being set, hence the noise.

  3. You show an amazing lack of knowledge regarding the mechanimns. You know that you get kill credit if you heal the people killing the opponents? Thats been in for a few patches now. So if you are in 6 Bm pieces and get the 3 medals only on a regular base... had to tell it but its you than.



    Not sure if it's true or not but people were complaining in general chat yesterday about healing not counting for kill credits since the patch.

  4. Also getting full BM gear from full recruit gear will take forever. It can be done, but super farming is required.


    I'm not even gonna touch the subject on getting full WH...


    Not true, I ended up getting 3 pieces yesterday on an alt one of those being the weapon. It's not hard at all.

  5. Now that you mention it i haven't noticed getting it but that could be to do with the game sound messing up so frequently since the patch. Zero deaths is frequent though, especially its a steamroll, so it should be there.
  6. Immortal/Vengeance hybrid Juggernaut doesn't die fast at all, Assassin tanks aren't dying fast, Powertechs... no idea as they all seem to be pyro these days.
  7. It's a bug that's been there since beta and is well known, it doesn't happen as often as it used to thankfully. Usually happens to me when i misjudge my force charge and i don't avoid the vents. Edit - it's not just force charge that does it btw, things like being knocked back in that area can do it too.
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