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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. I hope they add new orange gear as frequently as they possibly can. As for modifications, PvP gear, raid gear etc i'd rather they limit that to something like once a year. I'm not a fan of the gear treadmill but i understand the reason for it and can only hope it doesn't intrude on me too much. I like to PvP for PvP's sake, not to gain new gear.


    That being said, i probably won't be here once GW2 releases unless it turns out to be a disaster, but that could be the end of the year or next year for all i know.

  2. I have 4 level 50's, 2 toons in their 40's plus a handful in the mid levels on my original server and only rerolled to another with a friend in the past week. We stuck it out hoping that the population imbalance would even out over time for a few months but it never and population is getting lower and lower on each side every day, it was one of the reasons we started making alts in the first place.


    At this point new players roll on servers that have heavy load and ignore those that are empty so there didn't seem much point in staying where we were, with open world PvP being dead there is no rivalry reasons that would usually make us stay on one server in other games.

  3. None if i'm being honest. Apart from the obvious of them both being Star Wars the only time i've been reminded of KOTOR in the slightest was the Revan quest chain which is an utter disappointment.
  4. i like the set up dc universe had where you can get better geared w/o messing up your look you could just lock your look and colors


    Agreed, it was one of the few parts they hit the nail on the head with in that game.

  5. Your existing gear is unchanged other than stats on original mods, anything t2 gained after 1.2 can pull everything. For armoring you need to gain new gear to pull it and to pull anything from sabers, again you need to gain a new saber first.
  6. we want just having a reasonably reduced CD on disappearing act and being allowed to do our job.


    What's the cooldown on it, 3 minutes? If so then i'd concede that it could do with being shorter as could many other defensive cooldowns. 1.5 - 2mins would be reasonable, if it's already that then.. well.

  7. You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


    You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.


    Do you play all the classes in PvP and play them all well? It's frequent, especially in Voidstar, to be in combat practically the entire match when playing certain classes with the state of the current game. At 50 with one skilled geared side versus another of the same some matches are practically stalemate.


    The change is plain wrong.

  8. I find it a bit silly as well. I used to play AoC and loved the PvP there but one of the biggest things that bugged me was having to do raids in order for my characters to be competitive in PvP. I don't mind leveling up characters but i simply detest any form of PvE at max level, especially raiding. I pay a sub to have fun and not to do things i don't enjoy, work covers that enough for me as it is.
  9. From what i saw of a video of someone on the test server mitigation isn't going to go up like damage and healing will. His character sheet showed something like 17% for both damage and healing but only ~14% for mitigation. It kinda stood out on the vid after so long of seeing all the values being equal.
  10. The gear itself will be dirt cheap after 1.2, it's only 1000 warzone commendations for a main battlemaster piece so it's not really that bad.


    I'd still have prefered if they made the gear more expensive and changed commendations by increasing win gains say 30% and nerfing losses by similar. It would remove the illusion that the new system will be unfair.

  11. A lot of people come from games where PvP was as simple as standing in front of each other and clicking their mouse quickly from 1-9 or running their fingers over those keys, rinse and repeat. I played a game like that about 5 to 7 years ago, Archlord, and really it made no difference whether you were a clicker or used keybinds so it's understandable that some people don't understand the difference.


    It's a mindset certain games instil in people from their simplicity and it's no harder to get away from than simply making a toon at level 1, setting up keybinds they think might be comfortable then start playing. Keybinds become habit without thinking about it very quickly, we've all done it whether it was our first, second or third MMO back in the day.


    There's no point in asking the question on a forum, there's no point in debating it, just do it and you'll thank yourself.

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