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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


    Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.


    I hope by early summer you mean May as if it ends up being into June and July i'll likely be gone. Playing on very quiet servers is just not fun for anyone, i have plenty of single player games for that.

  2. I'd stick with the SSD, reduced load times and instant access to files and programs is priceless. I certainly wouldn't drop it in order to get an i7 as its extra threads wouldn't be used in games anyway, there's hardly any that even use the 4 cores of the i5. Clock for clock they have the same performance.
  3. So if i just use the one graphics card i will be fine with that motherboard? I am using the website pc specialist to spec it out you see.


    Yes you will. However i would have chosen a 7850 for a new machine.

  4. Yeah that big ol' pond between us makes us stupid I guess! :rolleyes:

    Was just curious because I seem to see a lot of hand-wringing about this from our European friends. Though to be honest I've been confused by this also when viewing EU sites and getting dates wrong on them.


    Nowt to do with being stupid, that's your call not mine ;) Different was the word.

  5. This has always made me wonder something. When Europeans ask each other what the date is do you say "Today is the 25th of April" since that is the way you like to display it? Here in Amurica we would say "Today is April 25th". Just curious and sorry to go off-topic.


    We say today is the x of, at least here in Scotland. It's just the way it's said.


    You folks out in yankee land like to do things different whether right or wrong.

  6. You know ill post a comment on this ,


    As of April 22nd I had a legacy level 41 , (2) level 50 toons . And been a subscriber since day one and received an email stating that I would receive the pet and free play time. Did i miss any ting in there ?


    I was billed for the next installment of the pay period yesterday.


    Any one care to summarize?


    The 30 days free was the 25th, your bill date was the 24th...

  7. Your customer service over the phone told me that since my account expired last night 4/24/12 that I no longer qualify on that account for the free 30 days that you promised. I have had a level 50 on that account for over a month and am legacy level 25. But because I let my account expire one day before you applied the 30 days I was SOL.


    So do I listen to what is being said here or do I listen to what I was told by your own customer service over the phone that I do no get it even though I met your requirements?


    Ignore it, my sub was due on the 19th (i'd already cancelled it two weeks prior), the game was still playable until yesterday when i resubbed and the free 30 days was applied to my account this evening.

  8. Which provider are you with? I ask as if you're with Virgin there's a couple of things that could be causing it. The recent doubling of speeds has caused intermittent problems with latency for many. Also your connection can be affected by others in your area, if a few heavy uploader/downloaders start hitting things hard near you you can end up with problems as it's all shared.
  9. I see it says 9.53am on the clock in the screeny, servers being quiet during offpeak is to be expected. That being said... this is the first game ive played where the servers are literally a ghost town outside of peak hours. The one i play on is just the same, practically no one on during the day then the fleet picks up to around 20-30 in the evening, Imp side has way more though.
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