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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. You guys are crazy, the new rewards system is much, MUCH better than 1.1.5! Now team players are actually rewarded for helping the team, and not camping the turret once the 4 medal is achieved...


    But they're not, your rewards are just the same as the were before for winning. No team wins ALL their matches so no matter how good or bad a team or person is the new system is an overall nerf in rewards for everyone.

  2. When 1.2 first came up people were dying in the blink of an eye, since yesterdays patches things seem a lot better. I know i'm certainly not dying on my jugg in 3/4 global cooldowns, i even went back to lolrage and shii-cho form last night for a bit to test it out with the changes and still wasn't dying that quick. Full BM gear with 21% ish expertise and the jugg is finally a tank. My sentinal is also fine and it's only half cent/half champ. My sorc and vanguard are melting but they're not even in full cent with silly low hp as they don't get played.
  3. ^ This, I spent the last 2 days pvping almost non-stop, solo mostly, and I had a blast, it isnt THAT different then it was before. I still win a good portion of my matches, and still get destroyed by the same old pre-mades that destroyed the pugs Im in before.


    I'm definitely loving 1.2 so far.


    When the patch first came up people were pretty much being insta-gibbed, it was as though mitigation just wasn't working somehow. It was the first thing i noticed and so did everyone else who was on vent at the time, people's health would just disappear before you could get more than one hit in on them. Yesterday things seemed to go back to normal, well except for everyone doing more damage, heck my tank/vengeance juggernaut is now seeing 4 and 5k crits regularly.


    Biggest problem with the PVP right now IMO is the leveling part, they've made it ridiculously slow and that's a killer for people like me who like to level through it. Luckily my current alt is 44 so i can grin and bear it, but i won't be making any more.


    The legacy system is terrible, I think i'm legacy 40ish and the only useful thing there for me is the group buffs for having different classes at 50. Pretty much everything good in it costs silly amounts of money, money you just don't make PvP'ing anymore. Ano no I don't care about race unlocks as i don't see my characters race through the armour anyway, unless their helms are so ugly that i hide them... besides, they're all humanoids and uninteresting.

  4. errr.. i just got this game last month and am playing with the free 30 days. i haven't paid for any 1 month of game time yet. so does that means that i am unable to get the free 30 days even if i managed to have a lv 50 char?


    As long as met these requirements by yesterday you should be fine


    • You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.
    • You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code.
    • You must have at least one level 50 character.
    • Your account must not be banned.

  5. i played rift for exactly 1 month and unsubbed...they didnt send me any welcome back or free time emails till about 2 months ago..it took them nearly a year to beg me back..bioware is doing this after 4 months,something is wrong there,and anyone who says anything different,needs to take the blinders off.


    Rift did constant promotions selling their game for silly low prices like £5 not long after launch. I even remember some on Green Man Gaming where you got the game for free and it came with 30 days.


    Companies like EA have some of the best marketing people in the world working for them and that's all this is, not the end of the world.

  6. No you're not. The token is Legacy bound, you can send it to an alt.


    My bad for not explaining properly, once you use it your stuck with whatever class type weapon, it doesn't change from a saber to a rifle just because you send it to a sniper for example.

  7. So does this mean that the date of the 12th no longer applies? I ask as i qualified under yesterdays promotion but my game time runs out in 4 days meaning i wouldn't qualify for the new date of the 22nd. I imagine the 12th still applies if you already qualified before this change but would just like to clarify as i would not have been renewing my subscription this month.
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