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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. Saw this yesterday on The Red Eclipse in Novare Coast. Player was named after a certain Operative who posts videos in this section beginning with S, but with an accent above á letter. Nodes capped before the match started and floating in the air above the mid point gloating the whole match. Same person was doing non stop over the line trolling on fleet too so probably trying to get the person they are named after banned.
  2. I never unstand this. Why would you CC a mara because he popped UDR? CCing him doesn't reduce or remove the DR, nor does CC'ing him cause UDR to end any earlier that it would normally.


    There is literally no more reason to CC a marauder during UDR than there is at any other point in time.


    Because that's 4 seconds that they can be damaging you without you hurting them. Marauders may have many faults but being able to dish out significant damage in a short space of time isn't one of them if given the opportunity.

  3. Some of my friends are trying tanking out, and have tried endurance and then did mitigation, and they said they stay alive a lot more with mitigation. I mean, what use is tons of health if you cant take the damage? So i mean, maybe a mix is in order, but just stacking endurance , that would be like a dps just stacking defense.


    The Endurance stacking is for soaking up guard damage in PvP and no one only stacks it and ignores defensive stats, it's virtually impossible to do even if you tried.

  4. Why in all mighty heaven would they do something like this and remove sets from the game that look awesome?


    This is an old thread. Enhanced Assailant's adaptive armor set is almost identical to the one the OP asked about and is in game, just the shoulders are a bit different.



  5. People still trying to complain about a gear gap are down right hilarious. My most recent 60 was in min/maxed reg gear with 8 pieces of ranked gear and that's just what I had left over comm wise from 55 + maybe 10 matches while leveling. If you actually PVP while you level from 10, you can easily get full ranked gear the instant you ding. The only thing remotely worth complaining about gear wise is augments, kits, and augmenting gear are hugely expensive if you don't do PVE dailies/craft etc.


    Maybe back in vanilla there was a gear gap, that has certainly not been the case since. Battlemaster or recruit gear to EWH with no bolster was rough, nothing in this game has come close since and I don't even think BM to EWH was that bad honestly.


    As someone who just took a toon to 60 yesterday i agree. I had enough comms to buy full dark reaver and swap out the mods that needed swapping. All i did was queue while leveling and even then i did far more PVE than PvP barring 55-58 which i only queued.


    If you put no effort into getting PvP gear then you only have yourself to blame seeing as it's so easy now. It's only something like 4k comms for exhumed and another 15 for DR now lol.

  6. Just hit 60 on a toon last night and went into my first match fully geared in augmented Dark Reaver. I didn't even do anything special other than stop pve'ing between 55 and 58 so i could make sure i had enough comms when i hit 60. Gear cannot and should not be used as an excuse anymore now that it is so easy to get.
  7. so i just saw someone with full 162 armoring, mod, enhancements on all pieces except mh/oh (which were all 148 hilt, mod, and enchancement) have full 2018 expertise in pvp. i guess its slightly different than what folks are saying in this thread. he also had pretty high hp and base damage stats.


    I have a 58 toon with 162 armoring on armor, 162 on off hand and 156 main hand and also have full 2018 exp, mods and enh are a mix of 148 and 162 depending on whether the bolsterizer added or took away stats swapping between the two. If i could find a 162 main hand i'd test that but i can't for the life of me find one. HP isn't high at single digits under 40k but I was going for tooltip damage.


    Relics, implants and earpieces are lower though, no matter what i tried in those slots anything close to 162 was lowering damage.

  8. Even with focusing down, a well played healer is difficult to kill. Add in a tank guarding the healer and it may not always be the best to try to kill the healer. Sometimes it works to cc/stun the healer and kill another player who's in execute hp range.


    Good healers do like 2mil heals for an average 8v8 match while good dps only do 1mill damage.


    That would explain why i die on mine so easily :p

  9. And here I thought they were increasing comms as well, lame, lame as hell.


    I thought that too, i must have just skim read and made an assumption.


    Doesn't really matter though as you only need ~20k to buy a full set of both exhumed and dark reaver with the new prices.

  10. Assault on Korriban and Assault on Tython solo dailies will also give you gear with 162 green mods in them that you can pull out. Probably a moot point for you as you can do Forged Alliances but handy for people searching for the subject who don't have the SoR expansion as they can be done without it.
  11. Are you using the GSI satellite for bolster? It completely negates the need to update your gear for that planet, every character (including sorc) i've ran through there wore level 37 or lower gear. If you are using it don't forget that it goes away if you do things like PvP matches and have to go click it for the buff again, a few times i've came out of matches and wonder why i just scraped through the next fight before i realised.
  12. There is no leveling build anymore it was pre 3.0 now you just go rage spec at least till level 41 but you can more with rage spec since you wont get any viable aou attack for vengeance till level 57 and leveling is basically killing adds fast so you need aoe damage. and for skillful i recommend warmonger and sweeping slash for masterful sething hatred and crushing fist for heroic nothing useful for leveling maybe through power as a speed boost and through passion. With low mod enhancement prices and 12x xp boost leveling is very easy


    I just finished levelling one as Vengeance and tbh there's not a lot of difference. You could just pick a spec at random and choose utilities at random and it's still a walk in the park. I've found that the only thing that makes much of noteable difference is which companion you have out and even that's only really affects downtime between fights. As you say, 12x xp makes things very easy, you are pretty much over-leveled all the way through.

  13. i am so sick of melee classes asking for and getting immunity to cc and movement impairment. without these tools, ranged lose to melee every time. none of the ranged classes can face tank a juggernaut, their only chance is to put some distance between them. for the tank spec, i don't have a problem with it, but these super entitled dps melee who think that because they lost to a ranged that one time, then the class obviously needs a buff are too much.


    ^ I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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