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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. If your sub runs out before the 22nd & you have not paid, you dont get the free 30 days.


    •You must have an active subscription with a Legacy Level 6 account by April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.

    Your account must not be banned.

    To be an active subscriber:You have to PAY before the 22nd.

    Basicaly If you did not reactivate your sub before the deadlines you get no free 30 day gift because your account is inactive.

    If you activate you subscription after the dead line you dont get it, because your account is not active.


    This is wrong. The original date of the 12th still stands as well as the 22nd, confirmed by Bioware multiple times via Twitter.

  2. 30 Days free is 24/4, so it's a few more days until you get those 30 free days.


    Not true, it's added when your current play time ends. The 1 day free is added first then the 30 days when it runs out.

  3. Merc comms are now obsolete, exchange them for warzone comms at the pvp vendor. All battlemaster gear now costs warzone commendation, all war hero gear costs ranked warzone commendations. You can get ranked comms from the daily and weekly quests and can also exchange your normal warzone ones for them at the pvp vendor at a 3:1 ratio.
  4. The buff to Master Strike / Ravage needs removed, other than that some classes need to be buffed rather than Sent/Maras being nerfed. Assassin, Powertech and Snipers are just as good, the rest could do with beefing up especially the poor Scoundrel/Operatives.


    You know that if Bioware give in to the whining they'll over nerf us just as they have with other classes, if people get their way all pvp will be is mediocre classes vs other mediocre ones.

  5. Then, here's to counter the devs argument that dual wielding is giving misinformation..


    Copied over from sithwarrior.com. This is a dps jugg. No offhand into this equasion.


    "For your Amusement/Information, a (kinda) technical look at how the Vengeance Juggernaut, how it works for me Smile


    I am missing one Rakata Item, no new trousers for me Sad, and I just logged my raid last night, Nightmare Karaggas Palace and Eternity Vault. I was Raiding in 4/32/5.


    For those that are curious about my Jugger ;)


    And the Log, maybe a little cramped, i did not clean it up and my rotation is not always perfect, but it works for me.


    First entry in the log is a ~6 min dummy test drive (raidbuffed, Power Stimmed and with Power adrenalin), I took 6 Min because thats the length of a nm Bossfight. Afterwards some random Tatooine Action Big Grin. The first Bossfight starts at 19:40.


    Oh and I should say I prioritize Ravage over everything, except Sunder Armor & Saber Throw (Rage can be a *****, so "gainer" before "drainer" if you will). Second most important is Shatter, the dot does insane amounts of damage and the first hit is as high as Force Scream, which comes afterwards, + you get the Crit buff for it. And fourth is my beloved Impale. Below 30% i try to "execute" as much as possible with a crit buffed Vicious Throw, special thanks to Savagery" His stats are http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/6818feae-65ca-45f1-bd1a-201d067b8737

    and the logs are http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=combat_2012-04-17_16_23_42_260131.txt#16_26_27_560000



    Now, tell me again that offhand attacks are bumping up DPS on a training dummy when a dps jugg does more than the highest offical dps we've seen on this thread.


    The dummies not being able to defend the attacks should be taken into account for a single saber user too, you haven't proved anything.

  6. Putting you back in to your group after a warzone was one of the things Bioware said would be in 1.2 but never appeared. So many little things like this that should have been in the game from day one but they seem to have trouble implementing.

    1 v 1

    So what your saying is go Vigilance? /Sigh fine, Is it fun / more fun then focus? Man focus is fun!


    Fun is subjective, try various specs and see. There's no point in coming here lamenting that your AoE spec isn't doing so great 1 v 1 if you can't be bothered to try other specs more aimed at that scenario.

    1 v 1

    Try the Immortal/Vengeance Hybrid spec, rage just doesn't cut it in 1 v 1's with the narrow radius and it being buggy with the way other players positions are detected on our screens. Mine's BM geared and tends to beat sentinals/maras.
  7. I've been playing my sentinal a lot lately, just as i was before the patch so i'll list the classes in order of hardest to easiest from my perspective. I'm certainly not the best player but i'm no slouch either.


    1. Assassin/Shadow - If a good player is behind it fights tend to end up 50/50, there are one or two sins i'm not sure i could beat 1 on 1 but I haven't had the chance to fight those particular ones like that yet.
    2. Powertech/Vanguard - The burst on well geared ones is insane to the point i can be dead before i can react if i'm not paying attention.
    3. Gunslinger/Sniper - If i can position myself in an area where they can't knock me out of range i'll win every time, out in the open it can often be a tough fight to out DPS them especially if Force Camo is on cooldown. Easier to kill as Watchman spec than Combat due to lower cooldown on interrupts.
    4. Juggernaut/Guardian - They're only positioned here because i beat Sents/Maras on mine almost every time so i know how good they are, unfortunately most people on them are crap.
    5. Operative/Scoundrel - They are only tough to kill when heal spec. DPS specc'd i'll win even if they get the jump on me as i can dish out much more damage than they can in the following space of time, they've been nerfed far too hard by the initial nerf combined with the global surge nerf.
    6. Sorc/Sage - The only time it'll even be close is if they're very good kiters and we happen to fight in an area that gives them good LOS like the buildings of the side nodes on the new map. Otherwise they are easy pickings these days, even heal specc'd.
    7. Merc/Commando - They hurt, a lot from range, but other than that.. meh. It might be a different story if they'd been given a speccable root on their knockback as the slow means nothing when you can leap right back on them instantly.



    Sentinal is very good right now but could do with Master Strike / Ravage having the recent buff removed, it's too much. I'd honestly rank Juggernaut/Guardian, Assassin/Sage, Simper/Gunslinger and Pyro specc'd Powertech/Vanguard to be just as good classes, the rest need a buff in some way tbh. We definately don't want nerfs as Bioware seem to be heavy handed in that respect, the evidence is in Sorcs and Operatives going from amongst the best classes to amongst the worst, at least in my opinion. Specs overall also need to be looked at as there are far too many weak trees that are way overshadowed.

  8. Ya looks very cool, but that is going to be a huge tax on any rig.....the amount of people able to play it is going to be severely limited. :( As most people globally dont have great gaming rigs a huge percentage of those that even bother to buy the game will be playing on low graphics settings.....which probably will be pretty similar to swtor.


    Love the idea of it though, in 5 years mmo's are going to look incredible. But of course then people will complain they dont look as good as the photo real first person shooters that will be out then.... :)


    Apparently it runs quite well, it's came a long way from the days of Crysis 1 and is even used on consoles now. We'll see though.

  9. Haha yeah, using a FPS engine in a MMO.......unfortunately it does not work that way. :(


    Games with huge environments and huge amounts of people running around in realtime need to use much simpler graphics. SWTOR is quite decent for a mmo. That said, shadows and maybe improved normal maps baked onto armour etc could be improved to make it more awesome! They can look a little flat...


    Archeage is using Cryengine 3 and is shaping up to be an awesome MMO

  10. Something a bit more than this needs to be done as rewards are awry even for winning. Some of the hardest fought matches in huttball that go right down to the wire end up giing silly rewards like 79 comms on the win.
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