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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. Taken from the test server section thread:


    Centurion Commendations

    1 Centurion – Standard Small Credit Case

    12 Centurion – Ancient Premium Storage Box

    30 Centurion – Ancient Prototype Storage Box

    45 Centurion – Grade 6 Crafting PvP Box


    Champion Commendations

    1 Champion – Heavy Small Credit Box

    7 Champion – Ancient Premium Storage Box

    20 Champion – Ancient Prototype Storage Box

    30 Champion – Grade 6 Crafting PvP Box


    Battlemaster Commendations

    1 Battlemaster – Baradium Flux

    1 Battlemaster – Grade 6 Crafting PvP Box


    Mercenary Commendations

    20 Mercenary – Warzone Expertise Adrenal

    20 Mercenary – Warzone Medpac

    30 Mercenary – 10 Warzone Commendations

    750 Mercenary & 750 Warzone – Longspur Recon (Valor50)

  2. There's a video posted from the PTS somewhere that shows the character sheet on there now that the DR has been changed on Expertise, if i'm remembering right mitigation didn't get the same increase as healing and DPS.
  3. At that level 200kish is pretty normal and i'd say you're doing fine, voidstar especially can get a bit silly when you have healers even at low level. Once you get into the 40's you'll start seeing 300 to 400k regularly without a single person healing you. I'm still leveling my Sentinal and was quite surprised at that, even Alderaan matches where the rest of the players have 150k you easily end up with 300k.


    Scoreboard damage on a Sent seems in line with what my Sorcs was while leveling, that was something that completely took me by surprise. It kills people much more efficiently and isn't as boring as the Sorc though :p

  4. Ok, i've reached level 50 on the assassin. Will have some pvp work to be done! :cool:



    At this moment i think i go for a marauder. If i want to tank, i still can respec my assassin so...

    Still have some questions thou... I've read a lot about the rage tree. What's up with that?

    The most marauder say that the annihilation tree is the best. I don't have any experience with a warrior. Is the annihilation tree way better then the rage? If not, why not go for a rage juggernaut instead? :)





    Annihilation has more survivability due to the self heals from your DoT's and deadly saber being in that tree, once you get into the 40's Zen (or whatever the marauder equivilent is) which makes your DoT's auto crit and heal your whole party will be up most of the time. The Rage tree is still good but will be more worthwhile playing once 1.2 hits as they are putting the juggernaut feat that gives 30% extra damage and lowers the cooldown of smash into tier 1 of the rage tree for both Juggs and Maras, plus some other changes.

  5. I see much less of it on these forums than i have on those for other games. I also see much more disgruntlement on the subject of the disparity of the gear from each parts of the game than i do between the players themselves.


    Perhaps i should start cherry picking which posts i commit to memory.

  6. Trust me, once some more people quit WOW, there will be plenty more players online. Just wait and see.


    Uh huh, a few hundred k decline in WoW every quarter is going to totally polulate all servers and factions in TOR in the blink of an eye. No other games exist :rolleyes:

  7. TBH I'm skeptical of the 1.7 million statistic. I've rolled on 4-5 servers and population is about equal, fleet @50-75 prime, other planets roughly 20-40. Do the math, even if there were 100 servers (which I don't believe there is), that would mean in average 17000 players/server. Just for giggles, bump prime time #s by 20, it's still a far cry from 17000 people on that server. I understand that's not reflecting low times. Low times are like 20-40@fleet,10-20 per planet. Of course double those numbers for opposite faction. I just don't see it. Am I missing something? I mean I'm sure a company wouldn't fudge numbers to appease shareholders...


    Love the game that doesn't mean I'm blind.


    Fleet is 150-200 on the Imp side on my server during peak times, Prophecy of the Five, it's a shady 40-60 on the Pub side though.

  8. They nerfed the credits from it but it seems they nerfed the purple augs too, i haven't had a single one on a toon i just leveled to 50 and maxed out slicing well before it reached cap whereas i had loads of them when leveling my Jugg at launch.


    I find that Treasure Hunting is a much better money maker but i suppose it depends on the GTN on each server.

  9. This has probably already been said, but i'm not going to read 36 pages to find out.


    If and when server meges are to happen they have to take faction imbalance into account and this is something that is going to be very, very hard for this game to do. The vast majority of servers have a majority of Imperial players leaving very little wiggle room when it comes to merges. There are very few servers where the republic population even matches never mind exceeds the imperials meaning that when server merges commence balance won't be the result.


    They'll have to weigh the decision as it will piss off so many subscribers when their servers get merged and the imbalance is just as, if not more obvious. Personally i'd be fine with any merge that meant more people on the republic side, especially as open world PvP is now non existent outside of organised occurences.

  10. I can't help you with the duration but i can tell you that they get returned to the sender eventually. I get returned mails every so often on my Juggernaut with items that i can't even remember sending to alts that i haven't played for a while.
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