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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. EA always refuses to merge servers or admit failure in any of their games. (Ostrich with its head in the sand. If they can't see any danger or problems, then they must not exist.) The free month that they gave all their subs was simply to try and save their quarterly figures. The truth is they have over 80 NA servers open with little or no active populations. They don't care about their players and they never have.


    Really? They were continually merging servers in Warhammer Online.

  2. There is something strange going on after 1.2. I have a lvl 50 Sentinel and Vanguard. Pre 1.2, my Sentinel was around 26% damage reduction from armor and my Vanguard was around 48%. Post 1.2 my Sentinel is at 25.5 and my Vanguard is at 29.92%.


    The only thing I can think of in regards to this is this statement in the patch notes for 1.2-


    The diminishing return formula for several stats (including expertise) has been adjusted.


    Surely though they didn't nerf heavy armor to the point where it is nearly the same as medium armor intentionally though right? Maybe a glitch in the diminishing returns formula for heavy armor? Maybe something is wrong with taking armor values into account for heavy armor. I dunno, but 29% damage reduction from heavy armor seems...well, not very 'heavy.'


    You're in the wrong stance...

  3. Ppl say that ReadyBoost does not make significant changes on RAMs like 4GB or more. Is it worth trying?


    Not really. The 4GB RAM isn't the problem with your system, it's everything else. The CPU is woefully slow and would remain so even if you were to upgrade it within the same architecture. Your graphics card is also limited, it's the 320mb 8800 which really wasn't that good, people in the thread seem to be mistaking it for the newer version which was significantly improved... but even now it would be struggling.


    On a PC of that age i would just start from scratch rather than upgrading a piece here and there for very minimal improvements only to have to spend more money on it after that sooner rather than later.

  4. If this is true why are they the most numerous class when I do /who? Seem to be more of them that sages/sorcs and BHs now. I find it hard to beleive they are all pro gamers with razer nagas, $200 gaming keyboards, and can use 30+ keybinds like its second nature.


    Because it's a star wars game and everyone wants to be Luke or Vader, Knights and Warriors have been the most popular since day one of the game.

  5. I'm against this and i'm an altaholic. There's so little to do at 50 for pvp'ers that looking at the new gear and planning what to get is a welcome distraction while waiting for warzones. It's not like it's hard to get.


    I'm not against you having the gear or me having it on new 50's it's just that there's bugger all to do other than stand around waiting for warzones to pop as it is. That being said, Recruit gear could do with some stat boosting so you could compete easier.

  6. Gear gap is one of the reasons that Warhammer Online never stabilized in subs once the game had settled down and improved, not the only reason but one of the main ones why it continues to bleed the few remaining subscribers. TOR is already bleeding subscribers from the PvP segment for other reasons and this can only compound things.


    Cross server queues, proper open world objectives, merge servers and then a valor 60+ bracket should have been introduced to rectify things but sadly with the removal of valor requirements from gear that likely won't happen. It still should but it's hard to see it on the horizon with the direction Bioware are currently taking.


    I say this as someone who's two toons i play are both fully geared. I'd prefer to fight other geared people and i'd prefer the pvp population didn't dwindle any further.

  7. It gets better quickly as gear is so easy to get now, it's only daunting for the first day or two. Within a week my latest alt went from having mostly cent gear with a couple of pieces of champion to being full battlemaster and maybe a day or two away from having the war hero weapon.
  8. Actually April 22 is the only deadline, and even then the time will not be applied to player accounts until April 25. You are either misunderstanding the Twitter reply or it was made in error. I'm guessing the former is the case.


    It's not the only deadline, my quote is taken directly from the main TOR site. I also didn't misunderstand the twitter reply as my question was very specific.

  9. No, they said that once it was applied to your account the free time would begin after your paid time expires. The free time will not be applied to any accounts until after the promotional deadline. Since that deadline has not yet passed, no one has a free month applied to their account at this point.


    There are 2 deadlines.


    Have an active subscription and have a Level 50 character by April 12, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.

    OR have an active subscription with a Legacy Level 6 account by April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.


    The reply i got from them on Twitter is that it will be applied when my current time ends tonight. I guess we'll soon see.

  10. Don't PVP for the gear, PVP for the fun. Gear is an extra.


    I tend to pvp drunk and it's a nice surprise to get on the next day to see 1000+ extra ranked comms in my inventory :cool:

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