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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. Pre-change to death from above/mortar volley vanguard would probably have been the faster leveller, but having just rerolled to a populated server myself after the changes I can't really see any difference between the speed it took me to level my vanguard and how long it's taking me just now to level the Shadow. Both of them mow through mobs without a single problem.


    Other than a few tests in PvP with Infiltration i've been KC all the way so far up to the current level of 43, for a tank spec it has no problems dealing damage in PvE leveling, it's been really good in PvP so far too but the <50 and 50 tiers are worlds apart.

  2. I know how you feel, i recently rerolled from a dying server and left and 50 sage and 50 powertech behind. i have always been an altoholic, but not anymore, shadow is the first class that i dont feel like playing an alt with.


    In the same boat here. I just rerolled to the busiest EU PvP server with a mate (both as shadows) as the US server we were on is dead and the rest of the yanks in our guild that we rolled there for in the first place are gone. We're just in the 40's on them just now but i'm already finding it more fun than my other toons, it doesn't dish out nearly as much damage as my sent but i still enjoy playing it more for some reason.

  3. I'll probably be transferring there as well. But i don't want to reroll with transfers supposedly so close.


    Don't wanna lose my legacy 39. No way.


    Good to know the community is nice, though. Thanks for the info.


    As long as you transfer your toons to the same server your legacies get combined and you don't lose anything. That seems to be how they did it for the Oceana players anyway.

  4. I can't see it ever being staggered due to the various regional servers all being accessed from the same client. The patch would have to go up for the first downtime, say Europe for example, but everyone around the world would be downloading it as soon as they log on no matter what server they play on. What would happen when someone from the US logs on, downloads the patch then tries to play on their US server that isn't due for it's maintenance to apply that patch to those particular servers for another 4 hours? Chances are it wouldn't be pretty.
  5. On the server i just rerolled to they're 5 minutes wait max, even during the day. I doubt there's anything wrong with the queues themselves and rather it's the server populations. They were getting pretty lengthy on my old server.
  6. i know they give the buff for 10 - 49 bracket. he should have had better gear, and more experience in PvP than me a lv 18 shadow vs a lv 47 marauder.


    He should have eaten you alive. At level 18 you have practically nothing to work with as a Shadow other than a few low damaging skills. He would have had all of his and capable of dishing out severe amounts of damage.


    You just fought a really bad marauder is all. Sentinals/Marauders are wrecking balls in lowbie PvP from the 20's onwards.

  7. If you do go with a new motherboard etc then get an Ivybridge CPU instead of the 2*00k's, Ivybridge is about 10% faster than Sandybridge at stock. Sandy only catches up at high overclocks. Ivy goes on sale tonight i believe and prices are meant to be the same as and cheaper than Sandybridge.
  8. Yeah because current, and what's going to be happening is exactly the same scenario... :rolleyes:


    It's amazing how people can totally disregard past success with the same situation as this. This is nothing new, people. It really isn't, hehhehe


    I still don't get your point, do you have one? What part of me waiting once the transfers come into play to see which servers end up with heavy population before making my choice has anything to do with other games past successes or failures? Or is it just a case of being contrary for the sake of it?

  9. Yes. Absolutely. Once you pass the 3 hour queue to log in, right?


    This game has never had 3 hour queues, even during head start i never had to wait more than 10-15mins to get on and the servers were being slammed. Better that than standing around having no warzones pop until late at night like it is for me now. I'd have thought that my statement about hanging back to see which servers populate would have made it clear my choice would be measured.

  10. Even if it was free, why the hell would you want to?? Well, it doesn't matter. RIFT already proved that most MMOers are smart enough not to transfer to a heavy server.


    The better question would be, why wouldn't I? I don't do PvE and spend my time solely in Warzones, the less time standing around doing nothing waiting for matches to pop the better.

  11. Someone was saying that the Z68 chipset is better then the Z77 can anyone confirm that>


    It's not, plus you have more features on z77 with the option of going for the new Ivybridge chips that are out this weekend. They're about 10% faster clock for clock than sandy bridge and really good overclockers... but only on very good cooling as they run very hot once you start upping the volts. Probably moot though as your sig now says 2700k.

  12. I doubt they'll let us move free to any of the current heavy pop servers as it would just overload them. I'm thinking that if i'm still here i'll hang back once the transfers happen and keep an eye on the ones they give as a choice to see which become the more populated then make a decision. If none of them end up with a heavy population i'll either pay to move to a decent one or i'll be gone, it will just depend whether it happens sooner rather than later.
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