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Posts posted by Kabaal

  1. Original server (Prophecy of the Five) : The Imperator Legacy

    It was during the week head start and i was eager to just keep going with the game so never really gave it that much thought. It's the Latin word for Emperor.


    On my current reroll server (Tomb of Freedom Nadd) : The Haggis Legacy

    I only have one toon there called Scotsmania so i thought it was fitting.

  2. Cloak of pain being changed to a set duration would go a long way to alleviating some of the concerns. It's already on a very short 60 second cooldown and most defensive abilities are 2-3 minutes where it is 60 seconds, constantly refreshing really isn't necessary and they have other cooldowns to fill gaps. Guarded by the Force/Rebuke is fine, one CC takes care of it, sure it's a pain in the *** if all your abilities are on cooldown but when they're not it's a non factor. Perhaps a longer cooldown on it.


    DPS should be left the same.

  3. They have a very short window left to turn things around, if it's not already too late. Their biggest mistake besides focusing too much on the 1-50 content while leaving the 50 content less than full is not already having methods in place to control server populations. It never fails to surprise me when each game releases that the devs don't have the foresight to have simple systems in place such as server transfers.


    The longer the current state of the majority of the servers goes on the less like they are to retain new subs, people will keep buying, trying and then moving on from the game.


    Content needs to be fleshed out faster and server transfer/merges need to happen ASAP. Going by the recent interview they gave though i doubt the former will happen.

  4. Summer starts at different times around the world and even in the same countries it's often seen as starting at various times depending on what one goes by. Besides, you'd have more success playing pin the tail on the donkey than trying to guess Bioware's targets.
  5. Iv'e been rather on the receiving end.


    Nothing really big and I have 1326 expertise but a sniper once consecutively crit me for 3 whopping 5.6, 5.4, and a 4.3 in just 3-4 secs. So that's 14k damage in a flash


    I imagine assassins/shadows do more, with only 2 war hero pieces and the rest BM my new alt shadow hits for 6.2k twice at the same time plus another 3k ish if the second 50% project procs. Full War Hero ones probably do around 7k+ twice plus the 3.5k project proc for a total of 17.5k hitting at the same instant.

  6. Gloves and helms both have power on them for you to put in your other pieces, the trooper also has a 37 power/51 surge enhancement you can use. Even with just one of the trooper enhancements and the power mods/enh from the gloves and helm in my other pieces (All BM augmented with willpower and WH weapon and earpiece) i was critting squishies for x2 6.1k's last night. On paper the little bits of power you add don't seem like much but in practice they make a huge difference.
  7. You might have gotten top damage on the board at the end but you likely weren't really hurting anyone. TK throw/Force Lightning hits for a pittance and with all the massive spike damage in the game your dots are an annoyance at best unless multiple sorcs cast them on a target.


    Sorcs are not OP in the slightest right now.


    BUT your estimates are off imho, 40 coms for loosing and 90 for winning is the absolutely low end you took not the average.


    Loosing usually gives more like 40 - 100 coms and winning 80 - 140 Which would make the average mor like 90 Coms pr game rather then 65 cutting a few weeks from that estimate.


    Indeed, i'd go even further and say yours is too low also. For losing i usually get 60-90 odd and for winning 100-140.


    The OP also forgot to take into account that PvPers also have enough commendations to get one of the big war hero pieces as soon as they hit 50.

  9. Up to 1100~ish. Stacking more than that is nearly pointless.


    People get confused when they read things like that. To clarify a little... DR past 1100 is hardly noticable, the curve is very forgiving, but stacking past that number means missing out on other important stats. Having 24-25% expertise is no good unless you have the other stats for it to take that percentage from, 24% of crappy damage is obviously less desirable than 22% of great damage.

  10. I didn't roll my Shadow until after 1.2 so it's hard for me to compare the specs to how they were before, i will say that it's much easier for me to take KC's down on my other toons now albeit they're probably still the spec along with PT/Vanguard Pyros that are the only pain in the bum for my Sentinal which says a lot.


    Myself and the last remaining guy in our guild rerolled recently to a more popular server and both made shadows. We're only BM geared so far (and not even fully yet) but they're the class i've had the most fun on up to this point, even with having others much more geared and tbh better classes. I've been KC up until today and loved it, now i'm trying infil and so far am loving the 7-8k burst from project and force breach (not quite at your 6k+ per hit yet lol), survivability isn't much less than KC tbh just less utility. Balance i'll get round to, haven't even touched it so far as i found it dull on the sorc but should be more frenetic as shadow.

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