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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. I rolled a republic player aside my empire Ptech, I dont know if its the class Trooper but the choices in dialog are just OMG bad and so dull

    i went to lvl 7 and I just couldn't stand the goodie goodie attitude in the dialog.

    went straight bak to empire where if yu meet a spy u just put a bullet in its head no remorse.. :p


    yu enter a room full of enemy defeat them and let them go cause it gives LS points..



    and the dialogs.. 10 year old soldier roleplay thx but no thx..

    fix republic to a more realistic warlike attitude its unplayable..


    I found my smuggler funny as hell. I have laughed more often during that story than any of my 5 Imperial class stories.

  2. We have the blu-ray versions only because we no longer have a working VHS player and that's what we had the OT on (grew up watching it on Betamax....and I think my grandfather's not only still works, but is still hooked up).


    Don't think we disagree on much here except that I think his opinion is internally logically consistent. He wants his lore a certain way, and this system will oppose that. That said, he's out of luck.


    Yep he is.


    I think that anything that encourages players to play the opposing faction is fantastic.


    Just Irks me when someone uses canon as a defense then when it is used to prove them wrong they chose not to believe in it!


    I would like to know how much stuff has to be approved by Lucas Arts and what the procedure for that is.

  3. Ah, but this wasn't a call to "fix" anything - it was a call to bring out the inequities we see from people every single day into a single thread. Also - I go to great lengths to point out these are my *personal* observations, and nowhere claim them to be 100% accurate across all servers.


    With that said - It may indeed be 57 to 43 when you lump all servers together as a whole. Bioware I am sure is quite aware via their metrics that some servers are far different.


    For instance - again, using my Main server, Darth Sion - At 4pm (IE, now) there are 21 people on Carrick station (Republic fleet). At the same time, there are 55 on the Imperial fleet.


    Anecdotal, personal observation - more than 2 imperials for every Republic character at this moment. This number within a few points is copied throughout the day/night when I play. But, I am certain there are servers where the reverse is true - which is how the totality of servers is viewed by Bioware.


    I am certainly very happy you, and others in this thread, have perceived no issues. However, just because your experience differs does not mean all the people who DO see issues are incorrect.


    I am not saying you are incorrect. I am asking you for solutions.


    You can't force people to play what is needed cause people will choose no to play rather than play something they are forced.


    Incentives can be put in play and I think many will play republic after 1.2 because of the legacy system.


    Bioware knows there is an imbalance in number of player per side.


    Allowing players to transfer on their own could make this situation even worse. It could also destroy some of the guilds currently on those servers.


    Bioware merging servers would be a nightmare. Who gets to use a duplicated name if 2 players have the same name from the merging of servers. Servers are merged and are all sitting at full. What happens when friends start to join because ht game hits main stream and becomes more popular? Are people willing to put up with queues again?


    This is a no win situation for Bioware. I cannot think of a single solution that would not tick off many of the current players...




    As for the other issues I am not seeing it as I am far richer at level 46 than I was on my Sith at 46 and am leveling much faster as well. I am also finding that because of less players I can sell stuff way easier on GTN and I rarely have stuff that does not get purchased.


    EDIT 2:


    You are correct that there are imbalances in the game and I am sure that the Biometrics will point them out and that they will get fixed. However people are biased to their situation. I have heard people say that the game is too hard and that soloing is impossible. I have managed to solo 2 Imps to 50 and a Reb to 46.9.


    You should also know that no MMO is ever going to be 100% balanced. It will have to be balanced and rebalanced from now until the game is shutdown.

  4. True, although I would argue that Lucas has done some substantial damage to the franchise, so there is a case to be made for arguing for lore independent of Lucas. He is legally the authority, but that doesn't mean he doesn't do more harm than good.


    I'm not a giant SW lore fanatic, nor do I agree with the OP (I love the Legacy system except for the fact that it makes me need at least one more character slot). Without being a diehard SW fan, I still refuse to acknowledge the existence or canon of "those other 3 movies."


    The fact that he makes poorly reasoned and impassioned arguments isn't really a good reason to chase him around the forums attacking him. His point is valid for people who share a certain interpretation of the lore, and no amount of pressure will force them to view this universe through your lenses (or mine). For people who feel like he does, this really is a bad system, but it is an awesome one for many of the rest of us, and it isn't going anywhere so he is left with only a handful of choices:


    • Accept it.
    • Protest it for the next 5 years to no avail.
    • Quit.


    I totally agree with you about George doing more harm than good to his own franchise. As a matter of fact I no longer watch anything but the OT before it was reedited. I won't buy the blu-ray movies either.


    I thought I was a giant SW fanatic until I came on these forums. I don't even hold a candle to many of the passionate fanatics on these boards. That said I roll with the punches and know how MMO's work. Good or bad the majority will win.


    My main point is you can't say you do not believe in something and then use it as proof to your opinion.


    Which lets face it everything is a personal opinion.

  5. I'm just hearing about this and I don't like it. I could understand Rattataki going Republic or Miraluka and Mirialins going Imperial or even a Chiss going Republic. But the idea of a Sith Pureblood going Republic...that just doesn't sit right with me. I'm sure there is the possibility of those one in a billion defecting, but I'd have to imagine it would be hard for a Republic to trust a pureblood.


    Yet this is a small part of game and is not a big deal. If you like this feature use it and if you don't then ignore it!


    If other people making a choice to use this feature is going to offend you? Then is an mmo really your type of game? MMOs change weekly, monthly and yearly and not every change is going to be good for everyone. People with either adapt to changes they dislike or quit.


    There is no way for anyone to make a million plus people happy all the time.

  6. His language was hyperbolic, reactionary and highly emotional.


    Trimming that out, his point was that large populations of the enemy suddenly appearing as allies is jarring and, based on the cultures involved, contrary to his interpretation of the lore. This breaks immersion for him, and, thus detracts from his enjoyment.


    Should he have phrased it better? Absolutely.


    Do I agree with him? Not in the least.


    Does he have a valid point? For those who will find large numbers of Republic and Chiss jarring, his point is valid. For others, it is not.


    Regardless a ton of my post is based on previous posts by the OP. I will find some of my favorites. These posts can be found here:




    Here is my favorite:


    In the screwy world of Star Wars "canon" there are no "facts". You have to be nuts to accept what even Lucas says at face value concerning these subjects, much less all of the spin off for profit media that form the EU.


    My yardstick is simply the obvious meaning and intent in the movies, and common sense. If X author can make stuff up, I can too, and I find my version a better fit than most of what I've seen outside of the movies.


    Short version: I'll play my Star Wars, you play yours.


    Yet he constantly uses lore or canon to prove points. You can't say in one post that even what Lucas says is not lore and then use lore to prove your points!!!

  7. Maby you should read up a bit on the canon then... because there IS plenty of canon for this timeline... Bioware cant do whatever they want.

    They still have plenty of lore they have to live up to, and there is a full total of 2 known sith that were jedi in the entire known history of the galaxy.

    This is because of the sith society structure of course, one that promotes the sith way of life, and its not going to be very nice or forgiving to citizens that think differently.


    Also, those two sith were jedi ~36.000 years before the battle of yavin. Some 33.000 years before this game. And they were part of the Je'daii, the forefathers of the present jedi culture, they werent actual jedi... they practiced balance in theforce rather than what the jedi of today do. They embraced both the dark side and the light side as one.


    For there to suddenly be a huge influx of Sith purebloods showing up everywhere in the republic would take some sort of massive event, like the discovery of a hithertoo unknown sith colony or something like that.



    but of course you dont care... you just want to play a sith pureblood jedi because its "cool".


    The OP does not consider anything lore other than OT he specifically said so in another topic. I am basing off much of my post off previous posts by this user on another topic as well as what he is saying here.




    Feel free to go read the entire thing if you wish.


    I know Lucas Arts has final say, I also know they have to review anything that could be canon changing. But lets face it, even original Canon changes. George has no issues changing things regardless of the feeling of his fans.


    I will use features in the game when given them yes. If something offends me I won't use it. If something really offends me I will just quit the game. I will not go on the forums and demand they change them or see it my way!


    I wish they still had polls for this type of thing because I have a feeling the community would support these change by a large margin over condemning them.

  8. Are the personal insults necessary? Are they part of the base on which you are building the aforementioned logical argument (that never appeared)?


    The OP makes a logical argument.


    He asserts:


    1. Legacy will allow cross-faction race characters.
    2. The numbers of cross-faction race characters will be large.
    3. Large numbers of cross-faction race players will decrease immersion for him.


    He concludes, based on the above, that the Legacy system will decrease his immersion.


    He then asserts:

    1. The Legacy system will decrease his immersion.
    2. Decreased immersion will decrease his enjoyment.


    From which he concludes that the Legacy system will decrease his enjoyment.


    He then asserts:

    1. The Legacy system will decrease his enjoyment.
    2. Any system that decreases his enjoyment of the game is a bad system.


    From which he concludes that the Legacy system is a bad system.


    This is a valid logical conclusion, which means if his assertions are true then the conclusion must be true.


    Now let's examine the assertions to see if they are true:


    1. Legacy will allow cross-faction race characters.
    2. The numbers of cross-faction race characters will be large.
    3. Large numbers of cross-faction race players will decrease immersion for him.


    1. This one is a fact.
    2. This is speculation. If it proves true his conclusion is valid, if not, it isn't.
    3. This is a personal opinion, and, as such, the conclusion will only apply to people who share it. I, personally, do not hold this opinion and I am not bothered by large numbers of characters of any race.


    So far, we can conclude that if his speculation proves true, this system will decrease his immersion, but not mine.


    1. The Legacy system will decrease his immersion.
    2. Decreased immersion will decrease his enjoyment.


    1. See the previous conclusion. Conditional upon 2 and 3 above.
    2. This is subjective, but clearly holds true for him (and many of us, including myself). Accepted as true.


    Through this point we see his argument is valid, assuming his speculation is correct and you share his views on species and immersion. Under those two conditions, his enjoyment will decrease.


    1. The Legacy system will decrease his enjoyment.
    2. Any system that decreases his enjoyment of the game is a bad system.


    1. Again, this was found to be true, assuming his speculation is correct and you share his views on species.
    2. This is generally accepted as true by definition.


    So, logically, the OP has reached a perfectly valid logical conclusion based on two conditionals: that his speculation on the number of people playing cross-faction races is correct, and that your immersion will suffer from that increase.


    The only way to debunk his argument is to disprove those two points.


    The speculation is only that, speculation, and is just as valid as any speculation to the contrary. Only time will tell how many people want to play Republic Chiss and Purebloods or Imperial Miralaku or Mirialans.


    The second is entirely subjective opinion. He considers the races to be fairly uniform in their politics, and thinks that the number of defectors, refugees, etc should be sufficiently low as to be confined to a few NPCs at most and not player characters. I, on the other hand, think that opening it up to players to create their own story, such as my Chiss refugee RP framework I described earlier, makes this a tool to increase enjoyment regardless of faction-species player demographics.


    There is almost no way to change a players view on that second one. I have provided alternative ways of viewing those cross-faction race players, but if that troubles you it probably always will...and therefore you are correct to conclude that, for you, this is a bad system, while I am correct to conclude otherwise.


    OP said


    "It is lore breaking in the worst way and for the WORST reason: convenience. "


    Show me where this is lore breaking? TOR lore is being written daily.


    There is no gun forcing players to use these features.


    The OP wants SWOTMMORPG and I am sorry but that is not what this game was intended to be. He wants it to be based canon. SWOT canon has changed. Many changes were done in the editing room. Lightsaber color of green for one.


    "Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). In Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but the film reveals that it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes and also in the re-release posters."


    You can't use this breaks lore as an excuse because the "TOR" lore is being written by writers as we type.

  9. So, most everyone and their brother sees the massive imbalance that exists in this game - but many attribute it to a PVP problem only. Fact of the matter is, it's not just PVP - PVE is also massively in the Empire's favor.


    So, any Bioware people who happen to read the Forums, here's a list of things I personally notice that help to create your Empire-centric situation:


    1) Easier to level in PVE as Empire.

    Perhaps you haven't noticed how easy you make it on your Empire players. Playing from 1 to 30 on both a Republic & Empire based character, you begin to see a few issues. First off, the "Bonus" missions where you click things, or kill "X" number of NPCs. Both sides get them - But, note that for the Republic, it's generally killing 10 to 15 NPCS. On Empire, many have you killing 30 to 45. So, the higher number = more XP for a particular mission off the bat. Add to this that many of these "Bonus" missions are the Mulit-tier type (Which give better rewards), so of course, the players note it's faster & more efficient to roll on Empire.


    2) The Empire doesn't walk as much?

    So, both sides have taxis to offset the walking issue at low levels. It's a huge complaint from players, and it seems we are getting scaled run speeds in the future as a response. however - why is it that on Nar Shadaa the Empire players can find speeders to click to speed up their travel from spot to spot? I don't seem to recall any of those for Republic characters...


    3) Mirror classes?

    If this were true, the Republic would have attacks that could be chained with extremely low cast & build-up times. Not to mention the sheer amount of stuns...


    4) PVP valor levels.

    Empire has more people on the side on most servers- this is acknowledged. as a result, even if they have to play Huttball over & over, they gain Valor at a more rapid pace. This results in the ability to get to battlemaster far faster than n the Republic side - which means more Expertise & better gear faster. So you DO run into situations where you face a team of battlemaster equipped people taking on people lucky to have some Expertise at all. Yes, this is not truly a game mechanic issue - but consider that the problem WILL get worse the longer imbalances exist.


    So people, add to the list. Maybe (Doubtful, but one can hope) someone will eventually get that it's NOT just our imagination.


    What is your fix? You have all the of the building blocks for a beautiful whining thread. Complaints with no solutions. Why do players expect the Dev's to come up with all the solutions? You seem an expert in what is wrong, what is your solution to all these problems?


    Do you want it required that players who start off new have to roll Republic? I am sure if you were forced to roll Empire when you started you would have been perfectly fine with that, correct?


    57% Empire and 43% Republic to the released number during the guild summit across all servers.


    FYI I am almost level 50 with my Republic and I have yet to see any of the problems you are saying except for a lower number of players compared to Empire. I am keeping pace in level to planet just as I did on my two Empire characters.


    As for walking Sprint will be available at level 1 come patch 1.2.0.


    FYI this game came with a pre installed EASY button and works on both side. Sadly it is on all the time for both factions.

  10. This is a HORRIBLE idea. It makes a total mockery of Star Wars lore, and will completely ruin the game's atmosphere and integrity. Simply from the perspective of a Republic player, I do not want to see a bunch of Purebloods and Chiss running around on Carrick Station, it will just look completely stupid.


    It is lore breaking in the worst way and for the WORST reason: convenience. I for one am willing to forgo this "feature" until REAL new races are released...whether that be in the near future or several years down the road...or frankly...never.


    This decision is so bad and so detrimental to the integrity of the game and even, given the fact that these games are being used these days as a source of "canon", to the Star Wars franchise as a whole, that this is something I would NEVER want to see in the game for any reason whatsoever.


    For those who may think "well you have to have the race at level 50 to make one..." you should realize that that is an extremely minor limitation which will not significantly change the fact that you will be seeing an impossible number of these cross faction races running around once the patch hits.


    I personally will not be able to suspend disbelief, and I ask that Bioware SERIOUSLY reconsiders this move, both for the health of the game and Star Wars as a whole. Star Wars is too significant and admired an IP to trifle with things like this simply so you can provide people with a "perk".


    EDIT: Since so many people seem to want to pick and choose which aspects of this they want to respond to so they can have the last word without actually addressing the issue, and keep bringing up the notion that "there will always be X number of any race that switches to the other side etc. etc." without reading the 2 or 3 posts I made explaining why that is meaningless in the context of these changes, I will state reason that is so here.


    Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


    That argument holds no water.


    I am gonna use logic. I know you are going to have a hard time following after all your posts on the crystals.


    This is not Star Wars I-III or IV-VI.


    This is TOR. This is the concept of Bioware. There is no lore for this timeline. That means that Bioware is making the lore for this era in the Star Wars universe as they go.


    Your argument holds no water as there is no canon for this timeline.


    With all your negative canon posts I suggest you move on to a different game. You are not happy unless it is canon and since OT canon cannot work for this time period I think you would be happy else where. I know I would be very happy with you else where.


    Perhaps arguing with other game builders how incorrect their games are would be more your style.


    For anything else I refer to my sig!

  11. Why did the Dev's messed over Artifice skill class. now you can pay credit to a vender to get level 50 crystals

    why didn't you make it possible for the Artifice to make this and sell it on the market? I really think you made a lot of people mad like I'm upset now. I could have made credits off my crew skill Artifice but now you can pay a vender and the credits are lost to a vender not to a player that has grind up a level 50 and to make purple 50 crystal items.


    This is a temporary fix. Artifice will be able to craft those and probably many more colors in future!


    patch 1.2.0 will make for all skills to have a use for end game!

  12. I don't have any desire to level up another character what so ever, I barely have the time to focus on having one which is semi competitive on the republic side. I'm not alone on this either as I play with just a couple friends who feel exactly the same. I like to play one character not amass an army of alts! So is the up and coming Legacy System just going to put my guildless jedi knight at a further disadvantage?


    You can spend in game credits to get the same benefits. Many when it launches, though some will be delayed to let those who worked hard to get their legacy level high feel an accomplishment. They took into account players who only play one character...


    Kudos to them for including both camps...

  13. I won't be calling anyone names.


    I thought the purpose of this summit was to get player input into how to improve the game. This will most likely be the ONLY chance this year to give this input.


    I did not think this was meant to be a party that lucky people get invited to. If it is just a party then you are right, everyone is equal and should get to go.


    However, as a player feedback forum, I want people who have minimally reached level 50. A level 50 can give feedback on level 20 content, but a level 20 cannot help with 50 and post-50 content at all.


    Yes cause the in game feedback has absolutely no purpose at all. As a matter of fact I bet in game feedback has a much better chance at being read and put on a Bioware to do list than complaining in a forum.


    This was a guild summit of guild leaders, I am kind of curios as to which word is tripping you up? I don't see the words uber or high level or hard core in there at all.

  14. What are you cowards going to do when everyone asks you guys about server mergers in person?


    You don't strike me as the type of team that would even anticipate the question so how are you going to dance around it?


    Probably laugh at them since it was whiners who did not want Queue's to start with that caused the mess. I know I laugh at the whiners who wanted more servers to avoid queues and am laughing now at the whiners who want mergers.



    Psst! Some of them are even the same people. They whined about queues and now are whining about mergers!

  15. Red represents the the Sith thinking in absolutes and the colors represent the Republics diversity. I don't care what anyone says, even Lucas. It's going to be sad watching what we all know is settled law being thrown out the window. I mean really, Sith with blue light sabres because its "cold" or green because its "sickness"?......This is the first block of the game coming loose and unfortunately gives an idea as to where we are going. Whatever, who cares.


    Sith are already using blue and green and Jedi are already using red. That is the problem with alignment based restrictions


    Don't know what game you are playing but alignment restrictions are dumb. They were dumb when Bioware said they would not be included and were just a thought on the original boards. This restriction was dumb when implemented because it did not follow what the OT people wanted or what pro choice people wanted.


    FYI the first blocks came off when they changed Lukes Lightsaber to green because his original blue did not show up well with the blue sky! In the original series green was an after thought chosen in the cutting room!

  16. Information on Canon and who Leland Chee is and how canon is established


    By 1996, Licensing was keeping an in-house bible of reference materials as the volume of publications, facts, and figures grew to such unwieldy proportions that it became difficult to know everything relevant to a particular project. They finally decided something had to be done to organize the increasingly large collection of media which chronicled the Star Wars universe. A system of canon was developed that organized the materials into what was and wasn't fit for the Star Wars story.


    In 2000, Lucas Licensing appointed Leland Chee to create a continuity tracking database referred to as the "Holocron". As with every other aspect having to do with the overall story of Star Wars, the Holocron follows the canon policy that has been in effect for years.


    The Holocron is divided into 5 levels (in order of precedence): G-canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.


    G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


    T-canon[2] refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series. Its precedence over C-Level canon was confirmed by Chee.[3] C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.


    S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.


    N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I-III.


    Leland Chee continues to answer questions about the Holocron in the Holocron continuity database questions thread at the starwars.com forums.


    On August 4, 2004, when asked if the G and C-levels formed separate and independent canon, Chee responded by stating that both were part of a single canon: "There is one overall continuity."


    In a December 7, 2005 post, Chee commented on how the Holocron is applied to licensees:

    "The Holocron comes into play for anything official being developed for books, games, websites, and merchandise. For anything beyond that, it is simply a reference tool."


    In a December 6, 2006 post, Chee suggests the existence of a second continuity composed only of the films:

    "The only relevant official continuities are the current versions of the films alone, and the combined current version of the films along with whatever else we've got in the Holocron. You're never going to know what George's view of the universe beyond the films at any given time because it is constantly evolving."


    On a post made on the same day, Chee stated that:

    "Anything not in the current version of the films is irrelevant to Film only continuity."

    This statement confirms the existence of two separate continuities, the "film only" continuity maintained and followed by George Lucas himself, and the "films + EU" continuity that is used for licensed products; G-Canon, and Star Wars Canon.


    No point in using logic with him. He goes by what he believes is Canon. If you read his posts he shoots himself in the foot more than once.


    In the end he lost the restrictions are going and we can get on with choosing our own colors as it should have been from launch!




    IMO He is arguing just to argue.

  17. OK let me spell this out differently...forget the time issue, he simply HAD NOT CRAFTED HIS RED SABER YET.


    Which he ends up with and uses until he eventually dies. Did he do that just for fun? It seems obvious that he uses the blue one because he had not yet had the opportunity, or had not CHOSEN yet to make a red saber.


    I see this case as more evidence that a Sith WILL choose to use a red saber as a natural preference, trying to interpret these scenes as evidence that Sith use blue sabers is really, really silly.


    You just shot your whole argument in the foot!


    He chose not to make it a red saber yet.


    Meaning that every PC Sith or Jedi should have the Choice of what color they should make!

  18. That's a rather naive and wishful conception of how this stuff happens.


    Yet no less true. Any big changes to "canon" as you call it gets approved through Lucas Arts.


    One of my favorite authors, Jim Butcher, has been asked if he would ever write a Star Wars book since he is such a huge Star Wars fan. He said he would like to but Lucas Arts is very restrictive on what you can write about and they only pay scale.


    That means a lot of work to create a good book for very little pay. Why do you think so many of the books are meh or out right terrible?

  19. My 2-cents (I skipped to the end so if this point has been raised sorry).


    I don't mind the restrictions being lifted. I know when I play I like to act like my character collects trophies from his/her fights. (i.e. A Darkside Sith Jug killed a Jedi and now uses his blue/green Lightsaber)


    That being said if they lift the restrictions on crystal color they might want to consider adding more to the Dark/Light Side Vendors. Relics, boots and gloves are nice but I would like to be able to buy a full set for being all on one side or the other. As of right now there is really no point to being dark/light other than personal choice. Which I like but this brings me to another point.


    They need to add Neutral vendors so people don't have to play Space Jesus or the Space Devil all the time. They can choose to act like real people in actual situation and not get penalized for it. As small as the penalty for not getting for stuff from vendors is.


    I am sure all this is coming eventually. They changed so much near the end of Beta that it feels to me that they did not have time to create and itemize stuff to put in the game.


    I love the game and am a big fan of SW and Bioware but this game feels like it needed 6 more months of development!

  20. In the screwy world of Star Wars "canon" there are no "facts". You have to be nuts to accept what even Lucas says at face value concerning these subjects, much less all of the spin off for profit media that form the EU.


    My yardstick is simply the obvious meaning and intent in the movies, and common sense. If X author can make stuff up, I can too, and I find my version a better fit than most of what I've seen outside of the movies.


    Short version: I'll play my Star Wars, you play yours.


    "Common sense"? You want to keep this alignment based. Star Wars the movie is faction based. There is no common sense in your arguments.


    No faction whether you want it canon OT or EU should want the current alignment restrictions.


    The current restrictions do not fall into any camp, OT or EU.

  21. I'm gone as of the end of this month for this very issue. Yep cancelled. I don't want to controll what others do either, all I'm asking is for an optional filter, the same way you wouldn't want to be trashtalked or perhaps see profanity in chat. It's not a problem in the part of the game BioWare are proud of and do best; they pretty much stuck to the OT canon.... it's what happens afterward that is becoming less and less like Star Wars.


    If this is the sole reason you are quitting that is pathetic.


    A minor issue feature I want is not in so I am taking my ball and going home.


    There are much better reasons to quit a game.


    Not having fun playing the game would top my list. Boredom would be number two on my list.


    I could see power gamers quitting after beating end game and getting all their gear. Lets face it they quit all games they play because no MMO producer can pump out enough content to keep them happy!


    But to quit because they won't put in a feature one player wants to make Sith LS red and Jedi Blue is sad. Lets face it you are the proverbial child holding his breath to get what he wants! I think you need to toss in a tantrum with a ton of kicking and SCREAMING! This might get your way!


    This game is not based on Star Wars it is based on KOTOR. Sure KOTOR is placed in the Star Wars universe and loosely bases itself on Star Wars but much of the lore was made by Bioware and approved by Lucas Arts!


    Frankly a MMO based during the OT would absolutely suck! You would not be playing a Jedi for one or a Sith for another. The game would be bloody boring especially since the story is already known!!!

  22. Star Wars fans understand restrictions on colours are stupid.


    End of story.


    Go watch EPIII and see Darth Vader using a blue saber. Check out some EU and see Sith from the old republic Era using Blue & Purple. Then go watch EP II & III and see Windu waving around that same purple colour.


    Of all the things Bioware may have got wrong, this change is not one of them. The mistake was limiting it in the first place.


    Non psycho Star Wars fans do.


    Fanatical Star Wars fans are a whole other matter.


    Unfortunately they want Star Wars and in reality this is an extension of KOTOR which was loosely based on Star Wars.

  23. I love how in this franchise video games are treated as "canon". What a completely backwards endeavor this is overall. I guess in the long run I'll stick with my movies and play the game as I want to, and the rest of you can go around with your marrying Jedi/soap opera/rainbow brite lightsaber version of Star Wars. :cool:


    Yet you like the alignment restrictions yet the movies so called "canon" is faction based not alignment based!

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