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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. hmm that doesn't seem to state anything about Oceanic transfers coming first, if anything it just shows that they are working on server transfers as a whole and that is a good thing. I'm not saying the NA servers should get it first, I'm saying they should fix the issue as a whole or people will ***** and moan about it like it was the next holocaust


    Didn't see your edit...bleh looks like it will be a **** storm afterall unless they change there minds :\


    Some people will *****. But when Oceanic become guinea pigs and any bugs end up on them first.


    As it is, the copy process to test server was unable to move over peoples legacy levels correctly!


    Had people listened to us mmo veterans and not whined about queues in the first place there would be 30 less servers on each side of the pond and the remaining would be medium to full during prime time.

  2. Not befor they fix the north american server issues, either they do it at the same time or they will have a ***** storm like no other


    After 1.2 Oceanic transfers will happen before NA servers. They have said this several times in interviews and posts on this site!


    A little research goes a long ways!




    Transcript from Pax


    Q: Without server transfers right now, my server is very low pop and in it very hard for my guild, which is a hardcore raiding guild, to replace people when they quit because the pool is very limited. Is transfer coming SOON?


    A: That is one of our #1 priorities right now. I walk into our programmer’s office and ask them everyday if we can get that feature out faster. So yes, it is coming soon. We need to make sure when you xfer over that it comes with everything like legacy, guild and all that stuff. It is not as easy as it might seem.


    Question 2 from Pax


    Q: Can we expect char transfer? Not part of 1.2?


    A: No but very soon after. We are going to be doing char transfers for Asian/Pacific players right after 1.2 – that is the first stage to get to a to a larger scale character transfer.


    Full transcript can be found here:



  3. I dont need to claim anything. US server with my lvl 50, fleet population at peak hour 20-30 people. EU server where most of my Empire chars are 30-40 at peak hours.

    And I seriously doubt GW2 will end up like Swtor, TSW is possible though.


    GW2 will not live up to your expectations. No game will live up to your expectations.


    Yep some servers are dead and some have queues.


    1.2 will bring back those who have hit top end gear for pvp and op. They will grind out the new gear and then quit until a new tier is released.


    Transfers will follow shortly after. First with those in oceanic countries and then others.


    They commented on server transfers and there is a post that transcripts it for everyone her on general.

  4. Game is dead. GW2 and TSW will be here soon. Not even bothering to care anymore. Bioware has hit rock-bottom anyway and is not the company it used to be anymore.


    Yep those games will be out soon. Then you will be posting on their boards how that game fails and how sad it is! You will be complaining on their boards as loud as you are here. And when they don't meet your expectations you will be claiming they are dead!


    You must live in a sad little world!

  5. You didn't miss it.. I don't think there is mail between factions.. You are going to have to send stuff the old fashioned way.. Use the Hutt Cartel Trade Network on Nar Shaddaa..


    It was the same way in WOW.. Had you use the Goblin AH there.. That is the only way you can send yourself stuff to toons that were different factions..


    I hope it stays that way..


    They are after all.. Different factions..


    Wrong on test server I am able to mail stuff cross faction to my own characters.

  6. Patch 1.2 will take a colossal crap on the integrity of the game. First we will get the removal of all restrictions on color crystals, then we will get Chiss on Republic side and Mirialan on Empire side...as if that would ever happen.


    At least WoW took a couple of years to start crapping all over their own lore to accommodate forum whiners. I am really starting to become very pessimistic concerning what Bioware actually values when it comes to Star Wars.


    Yes cause it is unheard of people switching sides in any conflict, fiction or factual. I mean it is not canon for a former Jedi (Anakin Skywalker) to become a very powerful Sith Lord (Lord Vader). No way a Jedi would change sides. Unheard of in OT lore I tell you! It is inconceivable! Inconceivable!


    There is no way possible that factions would send in spies! I mean I am sure that in real life or fiction that has never ever happened before!


    Pretty sure people who are very familiar with EU can come up with several other examples on top of this. Including ones with species specific to factions.


    You lost your argument with the color crystals. Many of us have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was traditions and not restrictions in EU and OT.


    You are arguing not from fact but personal feelings. You are arguing based on your viewpoint of what Star Wars should be. There are many people who do not share your same vision. Even when facts show that such exceptions exist you try to explain them a way!


    It is 100% proven that characters in the SW universe can change factions. It has happened in the OT.


    Facts are facts. Characters in Star Wars can change sides. The legacy system is just a way of doing that!

  7. Every race played to 50 unlocks that race for all classes.


    If you do not want to level a race to level 50 you can purchase most races for 1.5 million credits and level 8 legacy level. Humans, Cyborgs and Zabrak are 500k I believe. Humans unlock a bonus to presence since they are available to all classes. Cyborgs unlock all cyborg looks for all classes. Zabraks unlock all colors for both factions.


    There are no new races being released.


    FYI this is all info already released!


    Edit there are you tube videos with players on PTS going through the unlocks of Legacy!

  8. Will be interesting to see whats "said" this year eh? Still waiting on last years announcement to come to light = ) enjoy


    This is why i dont get excited until i can play whats been said. 1.2 ui customization is true ill give them that




    Excellent post! My stocks in tin keep going up and up and up.


    Seriously if you don't like the game why play? If you like the game why not go the the suggestion box and put in your ideas on how to make open world pvp better? Seriously OP add suggested fixes for the game not just they lied woe is me!


    Constructive criticism might not get you lambasted. However a silly blanket statement is a guarantee unless that is what you were wanting!


    I can link you tube videos too!



    100 vs 40 here! Kind of an unfair fight though:



    Those look like mass pvp battles to me!

  9. Do the colors stay even after you remove the chest they are matched to?



    So if I put on a black chest, match my boots and gloves, then take off the chest, the boots and gloves stay the new color. Then I put on a different color chest and match the rest of the items to another color?


    No they do not. When you take the chest piece out they turn off and then you have to enable them to a new chest piece.

  10. Hey, does anyone else agree that SWTOR needs needs Rainbow Colour crystals. I mean, it would be the best colour everywhere. I have white now which is cool but the day I have a rainbow coloured lightsaber would make my Sith Jugg pure awesome.


    Just to let you know, COLOR is spelt COLOUR in New Zealand


    This type of crystal already exists in EU lore. It is very rare.




    No idea on what color the gem produces in a lightsaber though!

  11. How on earth do you "grief" with collision detection as in Warhammer Online?


    It was near impossible in EQ1 to really do it, basically if you had 15 people trying to annoy you there, then in all likelihood you probably had done something to deserve it. :)


    Arete of E'ci server in EQ was famous for blocking narrow passages to raid mobs using big body type races. Raid mobs were all open world back in the day and Arete always found a way to block other guilds progression. Their guild leader and two other members had their accounts banned over several incidents like that.


    It was quite common in EQ1 just had to look to see it happening.

  12. I was thinking about this and i would like to share this idea with the community, obiviously it wont matter at this point but this just idea for fun.


    My Idea for Leveling


    All leveling should have been done through your main questline, with out sides quest available during the leveling process. I realize this would be a shorter leveling process but hear me out.




    This could have freed up a ton of finance from VO used during the leveling process and this would have kept people from having to repeat content when rerolling. Keeping people focused on the storyline while they level and not getting side tracked.


    This would also keep people within the appropriate levels for content meaning that in order to progress you will have to learn to master your profession rather than being able to over level difficult content.


    What about the VO?


    The best part is this...All those side quests that you did not play during the leveling process, can be introduced as end game, level 50 content spread out through out the galaxy. These could have produced a ton of options for themeparks and end game items that players can acheive on their own or with a friend (you still have 4 man misssions).


    This also gives more reason to return to planets. Everything is so heavily instanced it would be easy to seperate the end game and leveling areas.


    Currently if you skip a questline you will never want go back and play level 20 questline just because, this makes all quests created mean somthing. Everything serves a purpose.


    What about PVPers


    I mostly pvp myself but the main storyline is rather important regardless and would not take that long if your just running the main story. Warzones still require valor so we still have that grind


    Wont is be short to level?


    Yes obviously, but really isnt the goal just to have fun anyway. If you cant really out level your content and you have to L2P your class to progress then the leveling process is more of a tutorial and thats seem benificial.


    Anyway this is just an IDEA I think would be neat, I would like to hear more from the communtiy.


    So instead of taking 6 days of game played time to level it would take 2-3. Players would level to 50 in less than a week and would be whining days sooner that there is nothing left for them to do.


    It is impossible for developers to develop Hard core content at a pace faster than the players consume. Making it so the casual player out grows end game content sooner would kill any MMO. Once there is nothing left to do people get bored and unsub!


    The leveling process should have taken 3-4 times longer than it did. The hardcore would still be well ahead of new content but at least they would still be busy doing it now!

  13. The "other things" sure does not include fixing the game engine :mad:


    How do you know they are not fixing the engine?


    Just because every fix is not listed amongst what is being worked on does not mean they are not working on it.


    Thank god I invested heavily in tin before the launch of SWTOR. This community is making me a fortune! Conspiracy! Conspiracy! Conspiracy!

  14. Not to mention with the Legacy system they are adding EXP bonuses,i just about fellout of my chair when reading that,so not only do you get very nice armor to start your brand spanking new alt but also EXP bonuses and next or now people want instant teleport to anywhere anytime,geesh i tell yah,why not make one instance to level yourself up and then you dont need to go anywhere and have one armor set so you dont have to worry about that too.


    This was a,i concur reply.


    Yep these players want a game with an I win button that they can press and be done with the game. They want to put in zero time and zero effort and want to get everything in the game!


    Welcome to the internet instant gratification me generation.

  15. That said, there is a good reason why we are not playing EQ. Vanilla EQ as you point out took foooorrrrrr aaaaaggggessss to travel, but that was vanilla, and years ago.


    Don't you think devs could learn from past MMOs? We want it all and we want it now, right now!!


    There is way too much pointless running around in SWTOR, it is simple time wasting.


    Yes in 1.2 it is slightly improved, though why we have to wait for 1.2 is beyond me.


    LOL! What do you want instant level 50? Why bother playing a game at all if you are worried about time? Perhaps a the game needs an I win button and you can get everything with a single press and then move on to the next game!


    As it is this game is too easy. Bioware installed the easy button and it is always on. Leveling is very easy and quick to do. It takes an average player 6 1/2 days played to make it to 50. Hardcore players will do it much quicker especially if they skip cut scenes.


    Instant gratification MMO does not make it better than its predecessors.



    If they release 1.2 and anything is wrong with it the whiners will be crying up a storm. If they release 1.2 and introduce more bugs the whiners will be crying up a storm. If they release 1.2 and it requires another emergency patch the whiners will be crying up a storm. Testing takes time.

  16. Sometimes I feel that all I do in ToR is traveling and it doesn't feel epic at all...


    LOL! If you had played vanilla EQ you would understand the concept of traveling. Takes me less than 10 minutes to get from one place to another in TOR. In EQ it could take up to an hour to travel to a place where you could gain experience. It could take another hour in a full group of 6 to get to a possible place to farm experience!


    Traveling is very easy to do in SWTOR and come 1.2 it will be even easier!

  17. So with all the people who are basically screwed because they happen to be on a low-pop to dead server, you decided it would be a good idea to come here and complain that you're on a high-pop server?


    Hehe.... this ought to be fun.... :D


    Yes and the people complain about dead servers would be complaining about queues too if their servers had them. Why do you think this is an issue in the first place? People complained about queues and they opened up 30+ servers!


    The thing about complainers is that those who do it will always find something to complain about. Welcome to the anonymity of the internet and generation me!

  18. Queue? Not possible. I have read all the threads about all the servers being dead! Thus with all the servers being dead there is no possible way there could be a queue.


    Have you guys not read the posts here? This game is dying, it has been posted on the forums daily now. As we all know everything posted on the internet has to be true!




    How can someone named Miffy be wrong?


    All I can say is:




    Yes everything in italics is sarcasm!!!

  19. Nope, they built the game, have control over the game they set the rules to the game. It was short sighted of them.

    As you can see they learn't with the oceanic servers, they wanted more severs and bio didn't open any because of past mistakes.


    There are several threads of people threatening to quit if the queues did not cease!


    Feel free to read through them!

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