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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. This is a poor argument to use. If a company is global, and has customers all over the world to please, they have to desl with different timezones. You employ people with this in mind. If you, as an employee cant adapt to shift patterns, well get a job doing regular shifts.

    Having said that, rotating the downtime for regions could be monthly rather than weekly, or even every 4 months. Doesn't have to be weekly.


    And they have chosen a time that there are the fewest players online globally. There is no global conspiracy. They don't hate EU or Oceanic players. They looked at their biometrics and found the time when they had the least number of players.


    Eventually in the future they may go to a rotation or do separate shutdown times for regions.


    No matter what time they choose they are going to be affecting people. It will not matter if they split it into regions. Someone is going to post and complain about maintenance happening during their play time. I am sure there are plenty of Oceanic people who play at 2 am their time when the patch would be happening! What are you guys gonna say when they complain about the unfair patch/maintenance times?

  2. Meh. This sort of thing is old news for us Aussies, at least for me, and it honestly doesn't bother me anymore. It's convenient, it's one night a week, we deal with it.


    Having said that, i'd pay good money to see the servers down for that long each week in US primetime for a month and have them keep the forums up. I would not miss that show for all the tea in China.


    You are right about the crying. It would be magnificent. I would be laughing at US and Canadian players and telling them the same thing. World is not gonna end.


    I would like to add that most emergency patches happen during the day in the US/Can.

    Now if the game is going down everyday during your prime time you have a right to be miffed...

  3. Republic Vision


    -Ligth servers 5-10 players on fleet


    -Standard 20-40 players on fleet


    -Heavy 100+ players on fleet just 3 servers are Heavy


    we have 200 servers for nothing its so pathetic they spamm your propaganda with 2******kk subs and next month will be 3***kk but if you play on a ligth or standard as republic you know that its a pure lie


    Keep posting about merge


    Caused because of all the whining about queue times. Many people warned people in those QQ threads that this would happen. People had to play now and screw later consequences. Dead servers are the later consequence.


    Merges are going to have to happen unless patch 1.2 brings back old players or bring an influx of new players. I doubt they will merge any servers before 1.2.

  4. YOU would flip out!

    Some of us who have to work each day to get a project completed are faced with that scenario every day, I get it all the time, not just on Tuesdays either my weekends are often used for project completion on a job site 3 hours away, and it's not difficult at all. For doing this we get paid accordingly + overtime and then given 2 days off. If one finds difficulty trying handle their current job, it's probably time to exhaust career options elsewhere.


    I doubt you have to rotate 1 shift a week. Most people would flip out at having to do that. Hard enough to work night shift. let alone be jumping down to a day shift or evening shift one day a week.


    I worked 16 hours a day with only 1 or 2 days off a month. I will tell you now many people won't do that either. Even with the compensation it is very hard on the body!


    Again it is 1 day a week you can't play. I am positive the world will not end after that one day! It is not like they secretly changed the times for the maintenance.


    Remember I play the same time as the oceanic players and I don't think it is a big deal!

  5. That's kinda the problem; it's not like I have a choice whether to play that day or not.


    Last month I at least had an hour or 2 to unwind, do some dailies, check my mail, finish off that class quest on Taris so I could (go somewhere more fun). Nothing too serious.

    Then, 7pm, cook dinner & catch up on some tv, or head out to a mate's place. no big deal.


    Now, and for the next 6-8 months, we're basically excluded from playing on Tuesdays without resorting to unreasonable alternatives.

    We're not being given a choice if we want to play on Tuesday evenings or not.

    We've had that choice taken away from us; it's choice-theft.


    And again the world will not end if you can't play every day of the week. Without region locking or forcing employees to rotate unreasonable hours nothing is going to change.


    A hobby is healthy. An addiction is very very bad!

  6. Except that, for people who have work/school during the day, those 4-6 hours are all we have without resorting to unreasonable shifts in rescheduling our day:

    I can't reasonably play for 4-6 hours in the morning and then go into work 4-6 hours late.

    I can't reasonable go into work 4-6 hours early and then go home and play.

    I can't reasonably play all through the night and then go to work (even with 4 hours' sleep).

    I can't reasonably play while I'm at work instead of working.

    I can't reasonably call in sick every Tuesday.


    The "it's only 4-6 hours" argument is a fallacy when that's 90-100% of the available playing time for that day.


    So don't play that day. The world gonna end if you don't play 1 day per week?

  7. They can stick with their global maintenance as far as I'm concerned. Just have 1 week at 2 a.m. GMT, the next week at 2 a.m. CST, and the next at 2 a.m. AEST and loop through again.


    Everyone gets to experience breaks in their prime play time, this would be the fairest way of doing it surely?


    How would you feel as an employee and your boss told you oh yeah to make our customers happy you have to change your hours every Tuesday.


    You would flip out end of story.

  8. Why are the Aussie servers going down for maintenance in the prime time of playable hours for us Aussie's?


    The U.S. server go down at 2am so why don't the servers in Australia go down at 2am AEST?


    A Little Unfair!!!!!!!!!



    Also why are the forums shut down as well?


    Some people used the maintenance time to check out forums, Like they did with WoW to catch up on anything new.


    There is only one game client for all 3 regions. You can't have 3 separate maintenance times with only 1 client.


    Bioware has the option to region lock the servers and then separate maintenance times. This would mean all red zone players will not be able to play the game! Not to mention that people playing on servers that better suit their play times would be forced to go to servers in there region.


    Other option is to rotate times so that everyone is affected equally. Problem with this option is the actual employees. How would you feel if your employers said well we are changing your hours every Tuesday. Very few people would bother to stay in a job like that.


    I generally play at all times. Though I prefer late night early morning. I generally am playing during patch times. When patches happen during my frequent play times I just find something else to do.


    Scheduled maintenance once a week will not kill anyone. If scheduled maintenance is that big a deal to people they really need to take a good hard look in a mirror.

  9. You obviously have not read MY post so I will make it big too!


    For millennia, the Jedi Order lit lightsabers in every color and hue imaginable. However, following the Battle of Ruusan, the hues of most available crystals had been limited to either blue or green. Lightsaber color crystals could also be compressed, resulting in a pulsating blade, or they could be unstable, resulting in a core which swirled and sparkled.


    The Battle of Ruusan was 1000BBY... We are over 2500 years before that. Therefore, color restrictions have no place and I am glad they are gone.


    After the Battle of Ruusan, Jedi had to use Ilum as our source for crystals. We are 2500 years before that. At this point Jedi use any crystal color we want! Your argument is invalid.


    /end stupid and pointless internet yelling


    He tends to ignore anything that disproves his point. Really a moot point anyways since they have no intentions to bring back restrictions...

  10. BS, you do not ruin Artifice because of the stat changes in the crew skill as you level up. Matter of fact it would be a enhancement to the crew skill for the simple fact they could be the most thought out if the crystals were rare. Who the heck really takes artifice in the first place??? You can get pretty much what ever color you want vendor wise and through flash points.


    Like I said, if BioWARE wants players to play and have consistency for them to strive for soemthing, than they don't need to look far, its staring right in front of them. Small cosmetics drives the economy example: look at how all of you are so guarded for unrestricted colors.:p


    I'll make it big!


    Oh and I can see that you didn't read my post. I stated my opinion on blasters as well. I have rebutteled every claim with a valid answer but all I hear is.................... Nothing! Red Crystals and any other crystal from Ilum other than green/blue are rare. I don't make this crap up its in the EU which most of you claim your argument but facts are facts. Ilum is the stomping grounds for all Jedi ready to make there pilgrimage to construct there saber. Synthetic are imbued by the dark side of the user who makes them that is why they turn red. There is a difference between Synthetic crystals and home earth grown cave dwelling crystals.




    You have proven there are no restrictions. If there were restrictions then no exceptions would exist. There is no debating that point. Exceptions exist therefore there is no restrictions in the Star Wars universe period. You cannot justify away exceptions.


    Players are the exception to the rules. We are the Exar Kun and Mace Windu of our game. I am a member of the Dark Council. Pretty sure I can put in a pink and purple pokadot crystal in my saber with zero repercussions. My other Sith is the Wrath and pretty sure I could put a yellow and orange candy striped in my sabers with no repercussions.


    Yeah opinion! Feel free to exclude blasters I am sure blaster classes could care less about lightsabers. I read your answer to blasters and I disregard it since I think it is ignorant to ignore other players in the game! You propose changes that effect other parts of the game and your answer is I don't care!


    Keep arguing you already proved with a shadow of a doubt that no restrictions exist. You are arguing based on your opinion and don't care how it effects anyone else or the game itself.


    I suggest asking for a ot button so it turns stuff to the right color because restrictions are gone and they are not coming back.

  11. I personally think that the best way to fix things is make all the colors besides red, green and blue super rare and very hard-to-get. Maybe even make them limited edition.


    I'm a bit tired of seeing this rainbow fest and am very thankful BW has removed alignment restrictions on some crystals. My light Jugg can finally have a red saber.


    Not going to happen as you imbalance Artifice! Unfortunately any change has to consider balance of the game as a whole. Making stuff rare because some people don't like something will ruin the game in other areas.


    It has been stated several times That NPC counts as part of the world and they far outnumber PCs. This will by extension make players with other colors rare enough.


    Arguing against other color crystals than red, blue or green is pointless. OP has shown exceptions in his posts meaning if there are exceptions then there cannot be restrictions. If crystals had restrictions there would be ZERO exceptions.


    Using immersion as a defense is a personal opinion. I am sure there will be many smuggler players ticked they can't have red blaster bolts if restrictions end up in play. I am sure some of them may even care that they do not feel immersed. Restricting crystals does not just affect sabers it also affects blasters. Sure some people have said who cares about blasters because this is about sabers. Picking and choosing what is iconic in Star Wars is another personal opinion. This is another one of those big picture issues that upset other areas of the game than just lightsabers. Han Solo and his blaster are just as iconic as Luke and his lightsaber!


    This is an MMO you have to consider the balance of the game in every area when considering changes of this magnitude.

  12. During the beta, no one complained about having crystals unrestricted. Once they restricted them, the complaints flooded in. I believe if they never added the restrictions, there wouldn't be any arguments about them in the first place.


    I have done more than my share of research on the Lore of the crystals. This is The Old Republic. We have a LOT of leeway in the lore at this point. As it stands, color choice is mostly up to the person. Making artificial restrictions on them just to keep the "look" similar to the movies is simply ridiculous.




    The Battle of Ruusan was 1000BBY... We are over 2500 years before that. Therefore, color restrictions have no place and I am glad they are gone.


    Actually the reason they added the restriction was people saying it ruined the game not having restrictions. There were numerous threads and a couple of polls on the issue long before they wiped the boards for game launch.


    There was way more whining than this thread to have the restrictions put in place in the old threads. What is worse is Bioware made the wrong restrictions and did it by alignment. At least the OP has proved that there is no restrictions on crystals in all his points.


    Grant you why he proved the opposing view baffles me. He can add all the explanation he wants the fact is crystals are not restricted the movies and books prove this!


    If there were restrictions in place there would be ZERO exceptions!

  13. Whatever happened to events that forced you to think than just tank and spank and do x amount of damage before mob goes bat crap crazy and beats everyone to death?


    EQ had some very challenging raids that required more than just pure DPS. There were raids that felt more like games. Events like Simon says or one where you had to sing along when a mob gave you a tell. 8/16 man coordination is simple compared to 60 man raids.


    I really don't care about combat logs per say and if they are in game I will use them for my personal use. I am against in game tools that automate the game. Combat logs for parsing after the fact are not a bad thing. Lets face it any real raid group would figure out how to parse a log in real time anyways. No reason to have in game parsers.


    What is a bad thing is when those tools are abused by a small minority of players. Hell it is already happening with Flashpoints and the space bar. I have already seen the don't group with so and so he refuses to use the space bar messages on fleet.


    Lets face it elitism is going to happen.


    I do agree like minded people should be playing together. Though lets face it pug operations are gonna suck. Players doing pug operations would be best off joining casual raid guilds.


    I do like the idea of opt in/out logs. That way people know up front what type of players they are playing with.

  14. I hear this way too much in life, "If you don't like it get out!" Sad really, only way things change is if you lend your voice to change. You hear this too "Think outside the box." or "Think differently." But if you do and then ask for the different thing, back to "What?! you don't like what you have? Get out!" I say push against the box, push and push until you get that change! If you need someone to sign on the dotted line or walk in a protest line with you, look me up, don't listen to the "get outers!" Keep pushing, and point out what you think is in need of change, you are not the only one who think things should be better.


    I doubt that much of the stuff on the board is even read by the Dev team. Seriously you would need a team to keep up on everything here.


    Lets face it most posts here addressing problems are less than constructive. I know I for one do not take anything seriously unless they not only identify the issue but offer credible solutions. People who say "This game sucks I am quitting" should get out. They are useless at helping the community and Bioware at fixing issues.


    I don't know how many times I see a topic like "Questing sucks" or "questing is the same as other MMO's" Second topic is kind of true. When you ask those people who make comments like that how to make it better they have no input.


    The best way to reach the Dev team is the in game ticket system and feedback options. I mean when someone quits the game and does not continue to subscribe they should get a feedback email or popup. If this is at all anything like the one we got asked to send during beta it is quite extensive. The only reason to post an I quit thread is to get attention.


    Constructive criticism with possible solutions is fantastic unfortunately most of the crap on these boards is just that crap!

  15. Yeah I can see that conversation happening all the time because blue lightsabers are so rare. ;)


    And even if it did happen...who cares? Default the option to "off" so it can be opted-in by those who get all twisted in knots when they see a Jedi with a red saber or (heaven forbid) a black core saber!


    As far as the game goes, they can add a saber crystal that pulses all the colors of the rainbow for what I care. But some people seem to want the "more immersive" game where traditional colors are used. If (I said IF) it's easy tech-wise, then by all means let them have the option to pretend color variety doesn't exist.


    Um! There is a rainbow crystal in the books. No idea how the color of it works but I know they call it the rainbow gem.




    So it has been done. There is nothing to say if it was a solid color or if the color changed with time!

  16. OP's post was very well-written and thought out. Definitely a lot of effort went into it.


    But, at the end of the day, it's only a series of facts supporting his personal opinion that uniformity is superior to diversity. You can throw out words like "tradition" and "norm" and "rarity" all day long, but it won't change the fact that it's a minority opinion.


    The OP has proved there are no restrictions.


    If there were restrictions then there would be no rarity. He has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that no restrictions exist in the SW universe. If they did we would see zero exceptions!

  17. definition = "precedence"


    by your own admission. whether George Lucas did it intentionally or not doesnt really matter.


    Change has happened. Why because the lore proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are no restrictions. How do we know this because it has happened. We see examples of Vader lighting Lukes Saber. If there were restrictions in the movie he could not have lit the saber.


    Anakin uses his own Jedi saber after becoming Darth Vader! If there were restrictions this would not have been possible.


    Technically there are no crystals in the movies if we want to get lore specific. First mention of crystals came in an EU book.


    No crystal restrictions holds to canon there is proof the OP has posted it. We are the Lukes, Vader, Windu and Kun's of this universe. We get to make our choices. This is my story and no one is going to tell me I have to put a red, blue or green crystals in my saber when canon dictates that exceptions happen and that I am an exceptional character in this universe.


    You want your vision of Star Wars pop in the movies.


    The only thing you and the OP might get is an option to filter other peoples sabers. This is the only solution as it gives the OP his immersion while not infringing on other peoples immersion coming from choice! Guess you could start that thread!!!

  18. everything you mention is unique and rare. gather everything together that exists for starwars and you'll have your answer. The theme is everywhere, even on this very website.


    i get what your saying about "special" in the story but its not the reality in the game though. Your still going to be put together with large groups of players that will destroy the reality that your special color lightsaber has any meaning for you.


    what about the basics of the game? choices are supposed to have meaning, why strip that away just because you want to. The starwars story doesnt belong to any player, it belongs to George Lucas. You can take part in it but you cant change core elements of it.


    Sorry but seeing a rainbow of colors across the battlefield is stupid and thats why the color theme exists.


    No the color theme exists because they thought it looked cool that way when they were in post production. Original lightsabers were to be colored white. There was never meaning behind it, it was simply a device used to differentiate characters end of story.


    You can't dictate meaning of Star Wars to other people. The original OP has already proved it can happen. That means if it has happened before it can happen again.

  19. because no one gives a sod about blasters. They appear in hundreds of different movies. The lightsaber is iconic to starwars. get it?


    Oh I see you get to pick and choose what feels like Star Wars. There are several people who have posted about blasters. You obviously did not read or chose to ignore all those posts. So the people who play blaster classes can go to hell? You are going to ruin their immersion because you don't care about blasters in Star Wars.


    In other words you are picking and choosing what should be in the game based on what you believe to be right. Sounds like opinion and not fact.


    FYI The OP in his own original post has already proven that in the SW universe there is no restrictions on color. He gives several examples of it happening. If there were restrictions in SW universe there would be no examples of other side using the other sides colors.


    It does not matter if it is rare or not it could not happen if there were restrictions but since it has happened in the movies and EU then it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that no restrictions exist.


    You either apply the rules to all or none end of story.



  20. I am currently watching Star Wars digitally remastered version and not the blu-ray. Wish I could find my original. Every single blaster bolt so far is red?


    To the original OP?


    You keep claiming that people running around with wrong color lightsabers ruins your immersion. How come people with blasters of colors other than red don't ruin your immersion?


    You gonna force all blaster users to use only red crystals?

  21. Lol, keep the good fight going but this is exactly how lore is destroyed in most titles. People want there cake and eat it to. What bother me is this game is centered on story and choices but you would think those choices would have consequences when exposed.


    You never answered my question.


    People posted to have the color restrictions removed and you called it whining! How is you posting to have restrictions added back any different?

  22. Colors of crystals in the movies is easy to explain. Lucas based the Jedi and Sith on a mixture of mystical traditions.

    Green - planet Venus,spring,youth,rebirth after winter. Yoda green saber-teacher of the young. Luke- the saber that he made was green. youth, rebirth "A new hope". I could also say somthing about Luke useing his fathers saber. "Story of the green king" if anyone is interested.

    Blue-Jupiter, the color of justice. Obi,Anikan-peace keepers.

    Red-Mars, War,blood,passion, power, bravery or being cruel if unbalanced. That was the key. The color red was very hard to keep in balance and users fall to its vices. In the movies you never see a Jedi with a red saber. It was the symbol of the dark path.

    Purple-royalty, kingship, the color of red and blue in balance. Mace, acting head of the order. I think I posted this in one of the "Joe Cambell/Lucas threads" on the beta forums.



    Um no he did not! There is zero meaning about the colors of lightsabers!


    "Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). This color difference was a decision during post-production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re-release posters."


    "Green would become another standard blade color for Jedi lightsabers in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Mace Windu's amethyst-bladed lightsaber, as first seen in Attack of the Clones, was a personal request from actor Samuel L. Jackson as a way to make his character stand out among other Jedi. Jackson's favorite color is purple and he frequently requests the characters he plays to use an item of the color. "


    Try again! Colors were after thoughts in post-production.

  23. no the distiction exists period. In every movie that was ever made, tv cartoons etc. Look at the freakin box this game came in. How can you deny that its always been there intentional or not?


    It is a personal opinion. There is a post with examples in the movies of people using blades you say they are not supposed to.


    OP said that whining on these forums got it changed. Seeing as the people who wanted the change were on both sides and made post exactly like he did to get the change that must mean this is a whining post too.


    Change has been made, guess we all have to just deal with it!

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