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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. Bioware should have been clearer that you could not play without a subscription. I will add my credit card to my account as soon as a Bioware rep posts here that it is 100% protected and can never be stolen. Guess what, they wont. IMO you should never leave a credit card on your account. All it took to prove this to me was one hack through a Microsoft account (you would consider them secure) and all got to my paypal account.


    I downloaded the game from Origin. Here is what I was going to do. Play the game and before my thirty days was up find some gametime cards.


    So I login today and cant get in? So I go to the forums and see that you need a subscription. :mad:


    I managed to get a digital game card from Origin but not even going to tell you the details of what a cluster that was. I dont suggest using them unless their website gets WAY more user friendly.


    Some things I can more than understand due to launch but this is not one of them.


    No company can claim to be 100% secure.


    If information is on the internet no matter the protection or encryption it can be stolen. If you want a 100% guarantee that your information is secure I suggest never going online.


    I also suggest shredding and then burning all physical documents with your personal information as well.


    Living in a cave or under a rock is a very good option as well. )

  2. no, I have something wrong with waiting an hour to log in and finding no EU servers are in service because they are all on NA servers... They were not designed for this kind of load.


    Cheese, tissue or a hot beverage?


    Because you do not understand the concepts of time zones I am gonna guess you won't understood that that first line meant... ;)

  3. All right, enough is enough... the EU servers are all LIGHT, and the NA servers are all full... whats wrong with this? So basically no players from Europe are playing? NOPE! They are just avoiding their regions servers and congesting the rest. There is only one server at this time on EU listing that isn't light, and it is STANDARD... C'mon!


    Dude when ours are full theirs are gonna be light they are offset by 8-12 hours. Most people in Europe are sleeping when NA plays.


    A little research goes a long way! Ignorance is not a defense. Check their servers around 8 am our time.


    I am gonna assume your not the sharpest tool in the shed! ;)

  4. Title pretty much says it all. Why are we waiting till we have the game code to get our items even though we are registered on the account page as being CE pre-orders. Kind of annoying having to go through the game majorily before I even get my stuff. Ruins the experience.


    Because if they gave them to you based on pre order code people would cancel and their orders and buy the SE.


    No such thing as dumb questions I guess!


    A little logic goes a long way!

  5. Greetings.


    My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


    Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


    Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



    Kind regards


    Let me guess you were one of the people wanting in all at once.


    Cheese, tissue or hot beverage?

  6. Roll on another server?


    I've spent around 15 hours already on my character, and I'm level 22. I don't think so. And you think I'm the only one complaining? I'm only complaining because I paid £130 to play the game and do not expect such ****.



    Cheese, tissue or hot beverage?


    Please tell me when I go back and check your previous posts your not one of the people complaining about not getting access day 1.


    No game launches without Queue's. Wait till the 20th then the 24th. Queue time is gonna be insane!!! ;)

  7. Greetings.


    My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


    Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


    Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



    Kind regards


    LOL. Never been on an MMO during a launch day huh? Wait till the 20th queue will be insane. There were games that launched and had 12 hour queue times!


    Suck it up act your age and do something while you wait in queue!

  8. IMO BW could have done a better job on EA and stopped all the flamers by simply telling people when (What Day) they would get into EA very easy to implement, people wouldn't be all over the forums and waiting for every new twitter from BW just getting more and more wound up.


    I'm sure next time there think it through.


    And if something happened and people did not get in on that specified day then what?


    You would have the same QQ going on.

  9. No they didn't they just aint around any more to do the next calender lolz. It actually amazes me how many nutballs actually don't realise that and think the world is gonna end. So funny.


    Nope it is true it was posted on a calender therefore it must be true.


    FYI all calendars cycle and I am sure so does the Mayan. But it is funny all the same. Sarcasm does not come out well through text!!! :)

  10. I saw a post by a very kind gentleman showing a screenshot of the CE store.


    Why does the CE store sell legendary level items?


    Can I get legendary items @ the vendor that sells "white" armor....? Where can I get equivalent gear?


    Credits are always easier to farm than commendations.


    Why do CE purchasers get a pay 2 win mode in the game?




    A little research goes a long way!

  11. Everyone else should be in today so huzzah! No more QQ'ing, if so the doors that way



    They will be back here QQ about queue times. If there are no queue times then they will cry about something else.


    Nature of the beast.


    The good news. Dec 21/2012 it won't matter one iota. There will be no one on these boards to QQ. There won't be any people left because the world is ending. The Mayans sent me a memo... ;)

  12. Yes, that's why EA is suddenly slapping "Bioware" on every upcoming game they can think of, including the new C&C by the way.


    Remember Origin, the company that created UO that EA swallowed and dissolved? EA at least waited over 10 years before slapping their name on stuff. Come back in a year and see if any original Bioware develpers outside of the good Dr.'s are with the company anymore.


    Mass Effect 2 becoming more of a shooter than an RPG, Dragon Age 2 being hastily cobbled together with copy/paste dungeons, Mass Effect 3 being revealed as a wannabe Quake Arena, etc. are all indicators of the control EA has over the supposedly sovereign Bioware.


    And now with the latest news that EA is selling cars in Need for Speed Online for $100, I can't wait to see what the item shop is gonna look like in ToR.


    If you hate EA so much why are you going to be playing this game? Seems kind of silly to pay for a game and then pay a monthly sub when you hate the companies involved with it!

  13. UM


    1. I ordered in the STORE for the last time


    2. Those are leaked if you read the articles.


    3. No where does it state on those leaked articles that EGA is based on activation of your code key it simply states PRE-Order grants you early access.


    You need to box up your computer and send it back whence it came. Would solve a lot of your issues!

  14. DUDE! I preodered in the store.


    Ignorance is not a defense...


    Guess you should have done due diligence.


    Cheese, tissue or hot beverage?


    So the person you should really be mad at is yourself for not researching how the pre order would work. Okay now we know where you really should be focusing your rage.


    Okay now I give you permission to go to a mirror and yell at yourself!

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