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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. if im not mistaken, didnt they allow aussies and kiwis to transfer their toons to the new servers when they launched in oceania?


    Last I heard they said it would be a couple of months before the Aussies could transfer. You will have to show me where they did this because I saw no notices about it anywhere!




    Unless they changed their minds no they did not.



  2. Am i alone in thinking that bioware takes absolutely no notice of what people are saying?.



    They have sunk so much money into this game and yet it takes them what seems like forever to make simple changes. I know it can be complicated but for them it shouldnt be too hard.


    I can point out several points in the 1.2 patch notes where changes are being made because of posts on this forum.


    Examples are speeders in spaceports, quick travel to planets with orbital stations to name a few off the top of my head!


    They do listen, they don't always respond immediately.


    Patience is a virtue many of the players lack, especially the overly vocal!

  3. no, apple is so successful because they have a great marketing department.


    No, the reason apple is so successful is people are gullible sheep!


    There was a time that apple was a superior machine for some things. That all changed when they decided to go with the same chips as PC's.


    Don't get me wrong Apples are very nice to look at and they function well for most things. However, with such a small market share they don't get all the software developed for them on releases.


    Back to the transfer issue. Like I said in my previous post, I don't think they are able to do server transfers or mergers at this time. Much of the game was not completed it is not unreasonable to believe that they never programmed the ability to do those things. They were too busy trying to get stuff into the game and bugs out of it before launch!

  4. To be totally honest, the easiest way to have avoided this would have been to just make it so your class quest can take you from 1-50 without ever needing to do side quests. I love the class quests and want to do them all, it's just that the side quests suck.


    I hope with legacy we get some xp boosts, BOAS, or XP stims to make this path of leveling a reality.


    There will be XP boosts to certain things so you can alternate level rather than doing all the side quests. They touched on it during the guild summit but never went into any details.

  5. Take shaft from arse and un**** yourself!


    Read above, I already addressed this pathetic point.


    Which makes you no less wrong!


    I mean they said it was going to be a fully voiced MMO. Guess you missed the marketing campaign around that fact!


    Well I guess they did use big words like STORY and FULLY VOICED. Yeah I guess I can see how that would be hard to understand!


    Carry on!

  6. Yes. And it could have been avoided, very easily.


    Each Class (Not Advanced Class) gets their own set of Sub-Quests.


    I can't believe they didn't do this, since a big part of this game is Alts.


    But hey.. incompetence and all that.


    So all sub quests all different. Do you realize that the game never would have been released had they gone with this method.


    Not to mention the cost to do separate side quest would have been 8 times more.


    But hey... common sense and all that.

  7. Here is the direct cause of the currently dead servers.








    Both players and Bioware are to blame for the current situation. Players WHINED because they had to wait 1 hour to play a game. Many MMO veterans tried to warn the community this would happen if they opened too many servers. People still whined instead of having patience and sadly Bioware caved and this is the mess we are in.


    People keep talking about how easy it is for character transfers and merges. This game launched missing many things common to MMO's and with many poor features. Do you really think that with all the missing stuff in game that they even considered to put in options of transfers/merges or had the time to even do it?


    It has nothing to do with making business look good or not listening to the player base. They simply cannot do it and until they free up programmers from bug fixing and finishing the game. Who knows they may even have a team currently looking into how to go about transfers and mergers.


    Someone here asked a "hater" why they had to be like that and I have the answer. Those type of people are petty. There is no other reason to act the way they do or hope a game fails. They are not happy unless they make other people equally unhappy. The anonymous factor also gives them the ability to say anything with no repercussions. Simple solution is to ignore those players and not even respond. They have no constructive input and will not help improve the game. Petty people are never worth listening to!


    EDIT: FYI I love the game and once they fix what needs fixing and add what needs adding this game will be very good!

  8. Lol, really! You guys dont know jack and i do understand its a video game but its game revolving around story and immersion. I got it some jedi had colored crystals but your points are noted but none of you are looking at the bigger picture. You know why Star Wars games go into decline its because the true fan base likes consistency and i have given it. i can see most of you dont know the lore but you claim you do so go ahead play with your pink saber....


    Yes but you are stating a personal opinion. I get the immersion aspect but your immersion varies from mine. Just because you feel they should be typical colors from the original 3 does not mean other people will. Anyone from the clones era will have a different opinion. Anyone who grew up with the E1-3 are going to have a different view.


    I get you want the look and feel of original Star Wars. As a matter of fact I only consider the original 3 in there original form to be any good. I hate all new editions to the original 3. But to me the thing that is iconic for Star Wars is the saber itself not the color and I do think blasters are important too. You need both to make it feel like Star Wars.


    I do think you should go to the suggestion box and ask for an option to turn other player sabers to "traditional" colors. I think that is a perfect compromise. It would allow my side to have our unique and interesting colors yet allow you to see what you want! I think we can agree this is the best win/win scenario for everyone involved. It might not be a high priority but at least it could hit their list!


    Edit: Hell if you post on the suggestion box link it here and I will even sign it! That way everyone can have their immersion and not ruin it for someone else.

  9. Honestly I do not understand why Maintenance at the very least can not be performed at a convenient time for the regional server groups. After all they DO have that ability to take down individual servers down to reset or fix them - so its not an impossibility.


    Come on BW Oceanic group is only 3 frigging servers


    Regarding patching,


    Simply change to the logging screen for the client with a message which informs you that:


    "The patching cycle has started with US servers at<Stated time> EU servers at<stated time> Oceanic Servers at<stated time>, you may upgrade your client now but should you choose to do so, the other server groups will be unavailable until the end of the upgrade/patching cycle. If you want to play on a server that is not yet reached its patch time simply select NO and continue, please be aware that you will not be able to play on patched servers until you have upgraded your client. this will be indicated by "incompatible version" in the server status column"


    Doing it this way would keep everyone happy - and if by chance there are people who play on 2 servers from different regions then they would have at least one server available for play 100% of the time - I cant see how it can get any better than that...




    The entire launcher needs to be reprogrammed. I am sure the prep on the back end will be a nightmare as well. If it was a simple solution that took very little resources to change it would already have been done.


    Again as I have posted before they are currently using resources to fix bugs, add missing features and create new content.


    I am sure once the game is stable they may look back at making patches regional.

  10. http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/generalpvppop1.png


    Its simple bro everyone with a brain can see this check number


    gz for imps they should change the name of this game to "Darth Revan Legancy a place without Republic" for sure this will happen


    Those are not accurate numbers. Do that every day for a month and give me averages!


    What about casual players who might only play once or twice a week. Students may not play at all during a semester and only play during breaks.


    You willing to give up your name if someone created the same name before you did on another server for the sake of the merge?


    What happens if merges happen and all of a sudden there are queue times? People will get angrier! Cries of I want to play now there should be no queue times.


    It is not as simple as just merging servers and being done with it!

  11. Being in the majority is no basis for preferential treatment. Maths has nothing to do with good customer service.



    You are correct but until they are able to implement patches by region they are still going to cater to the larger number of customers.


    Would you rather risk losing the 280 thousand customers or the 1.17 million?


    Now if they had the foresight to do regional patching in the first place there would not be this issue. However there would be people who play late night regional posting about unfair patch times. Then again if they had the foresight they would have done a truly global launch at the same time and postponed the game to have the missing elements in place before launch. It sucks when the bean counters force a game out the door early!


    Have you not seen the crying about the emergency patch? It happened during the EU prime time. It should be quite entertaining to watch if this goes into NA prime time!


    You would think by some of the posts that someone shot their dog or something!


    As to your other post anyone who says "fix this or I am quitting" is not acting as an adult. I consider that a tantrum. I equate this phenomenon as the "I'm taking my ball and going home!".

  12. This is for everyone:


    No one will take you seriously if you do not use punctuation or capitals. Don't get me wrong I am by no means perfect when it comes to spelling or grammar but the basics of capital letters and punctuation is easy to do. When you don't use them you come off as lazy!


    Those who do not break up thoughts into paragraphs your ideas just don't get read by people as it kills the eyes! The great walls of text are terrible especially if they have no punctuation.

  13. I think that the unfortunate reason for this is the fact that Bioware is an American company.


    Without wanting to make any rash generalisations some people in this world are more insular than others. They tend not to leave their own country and as such have a rather self centred outlook on things. These sort of people sometimes wield a little bit more power then is really ideal.


    I don't know where you might find these people.


    Actually right now it is based on numbers.


    North America: 1.17m 53.3%

    + Europe: 0.74m 33.9%

    + Rest of the World: 0.28m 12.8%


    If it were flipped and Rest of the world had 53% of the games population server down time would be flipped as well.


    Do you possible tick off 1.17 million or 280 thousand players. Simple math decision.


    Again once bugs are fixed and missing features implemented and programmers have time, I am sure they will revisit maintenance times and move them to a regional time.

  14. A company that wanted to treat the customers evenly.


    We're paying [minus currency fluctuations] exactly what the US players are paying. But we're not treated the same.


    Well individually you are correct each customer pays the same amount.


    However based on sales numbers:


    North America: 1.17m 53.3%

    + Europe: 0.74m 33.9%

    + Rest of the World: 0.28m 12.8%


    A company will always cater to the larger portion of their customers. Though I am surprised EU is not on par with US sales numbers!


    Not the end of the world! Pretty sure the game will be here tomorrow!

  15. And here you are again, letting us all know that you don't care, and that it's just a game. If it doesn't bother you then others are being unreasonable when they are bothered?

    As for the hours, please take 168, then minus sleep(40ave), work(39ave), eating(14ave), other functions(who knows lol). Soon comes down. Bout 75 if you don't include other functions. So 8 hours in 75 is a more realistic figure.


    I understand the concept but again it is not as big an issue as people make it out to be.


    You are right I don't care. As I have said I am an adult I deal with change very well! I am also not a member of the NOW generation.


    I am wondering why this is on the general forum and not in say the suggestion box.


    I answered the OPs question about why. Shear numbers affected.


    To make it a truly fair maintenance schedule it will need to be rotated based on percentages. That way each zone would be affected equally!


    In the future I can see them doing scheduled maintenance based on regions. But their programmers are currently trying to fix game bugs and prepare patch 1.2.


    Comes down to priorities. Whats is more important for the game? Fixing the maintenance time issue affecting a smaller percentage of customers or fix the game bugs and add the stuff that should have made launch. In order to fix the maintenance time to region serious reprogramming of the launcher needs to occur. I do not know how much work would be required on the back end.


    100% of customers are affected by bugs, class imbalance and missing features.

  16. Ok the OP asked why the maintenance times are the way they are.


    Simple numbers.


    According to copies sold in each region:


    North America: 1.17m 53.3%

    + Europe: 0.74m 33.9%

    + Rest of the World: 0.28m 12.8%


    Oceanic is classifies as rest of the world. Though I am guessing a portion of that 12.8% is in the red zone as well.


    Now flip the times so NA is prime time 53.3% of customers are affected.


    Now flip the times so EU is prime time 33.9% of customers are now affected.


    Don't get me wrong I think rotation is a great idea or an option to choose what servers you play on so they can take down the servers on local off peak times. A check box saying this are the servers I play on and that is when you get the patch!


    However the team is currently working on bug fixes and getting stuff in that should have been in on launch. I doubt they have spare hands on deck to be changing this anytime soon.


    I would also like to point out though I am Canadian I prefer to play in the wee hours of the morning!

  17. You keep posting about how you are fine with it as it is, and that's good for you, but with all due respect, this isn't about you, or any one person. There will always be people that are happy with it, same as there will be people annoyed by it. You cannot set a standard based on whether or not you're fine with it.

    I'm glad youre fine with it, but alot of people aren't. Should they be ignored because it's fine the way it is for everyone else, or would it be better to rotate downtime, so everyone gets it during the night every third month or so?


    Guess you missed the fact that I don't care what system they use.


    Again if the game is down scheduled or not I find something else to do. Not a hard concept to grasp!


    1) It is just a game.


    2)It is down 8 hours out of 168 hours per week.


    3)It is not the end of the world.


    Move it to NA prime time, EU prime time. Hell rotate it hourly for all I care. It cannot affect me if I do not let it!


    I am an adult way more important things to worry about than a game being down for maintenance.

  18. Actually its not even that hard adding a tab to select regions is fairly easy and there really wont be all that many playing an alt on a downtime server. There already are other mmos out there that alow access on every region with seperate downtime frames. That really isnt the biggest problem.


    And yes you are right, most people who are complaining about it care about it because it effects them, they probebly dont care if it effects others. Then again the vast majority of people who are fine with it and/or tell people to learn to live and deal with it are the ones that are NOT effect by it, dont care that it cuts into someone elses time but DO care that it may start to cut into their time.


    Right now down time has little to no effect on me, it hardly ever cuts into my play time and when it does, like you I have better things to do then getting all worked up about it.

    I have plenty in my life. friends, movies other games, heck even the metaphoric mango tree is an option! But I do see the way its being done right now isnt really fair, I have no problem sacrificing some of MY time in attembt to make down time more fair for all of us.


    Scheduled maintenance can never affect me as I plan my playing times around it... ;)


    Though my preferred time is around now.


    Like I said I am fine with any system they implement...

  19. Sure you can. Just include an option like this:

    Synchronise updates with

    * AUS

    * EU

    * US

    (choose one)


    I'm not saying that this is a small change, but it is definitly possible


    Yep this would work for sure. Very good idea.


    You should add that to the suggestion box.


    Though it will come down to what is more important. Working on the patch times or actually fixing the game.


    But the issue will remain. People who work late will be ticked they can't play because the maintenance is during their play time.


    I do like your idea and would love to see it implemented.

  20. Dont get me wrong, Im not angry about how its done right now, the downtime is almost ideal for my hours. But people have a valid point about maintainance is sceduled right now.


    I dont think its needed to lock people into a specivic region either, other then the time things are handled now, nothing really changes. Ofcourse this would exchange downtime in prime time complains into why does region X get the (content) patch first whine, which.. is resolveble too. People will never stop complaining.


    With a single launcher you cannot patch the game in region x because too many of the players play in cross regions.


    Many Australians play on the EU servers.


    I am fine with a rotating schedule. I am fine with it being during the day evening or early am NA time. I just don't care enough to worry about it. Most people commenting only care that it is affecting them they don't care how it affects others.


    Yes no matter what time they choose someone will complain. Welcome to the internet the NOW generation! ;)

  21. Server merges are a hideous idea. They are also fraught with massive problems, such as - how do you merge and what do you merge?


    Many servers on the torstatus.net site have values that are or approach "standard" population numbers, which means if you tried to merge two of those you'd get to full and beyond on the resulting server.


    Parceling people out from one server to two or three servers would be complex as well - you'd have to take into account both legacy and guild affiliations and even then you'd miss something and cause mass rage-hysteria.


    Now, voluntary moves from one server to a server that is not already trending full at peak, that I hope is on its way and will take advantage of. The only issue there will be legacies, as I'm one of no doubt many who has a legacy on several servers. I'd even pay a buck or two (nothing outrageous now, Bioware, just literally a buck or two) to be able to move my characters off the server I had to abandon to the one I play now.... and I'm sure it's in the works.


    Out and out server merging though? Horrible idea, and it would have to be a last-ditch measure if there were servers that were basically empty and not just below average on population. And I don't think SWTOR is nearly at that point, I'm sure the population is growing slowly but surely because in the end, this is a really fun game with lots of staying power in spite of the many many shortcomings it has still a few months after launch.


    Not to mention who gets to use a name that is taken by two players! Someone is going to be mad when they are told they have to change their name!

  22. I understand your point and 2 questions


    1- you really think this game will survive with 1.2 and gw 2 coming at same time in april ?


    2-Do you really think anyone will stop gw 2 cuz they will send email about possible merge ?



    With the number they have sold of course it will survive. If you think otherwise your just not being realistic.


    Not everyone wants to play a fantasy game.


    So what if GW2 is not the second coming everyone expects. What if reality falls far short of expectations. Expectations of TOR were way too high and I see the same thing happening for GW2. Too much hype is a very bad thing.


    Why are you here if you don't think this game has longevity? Why bring GW2 into a discussion of server mergers.


    GW2 will not appeal to the pure Star Wars fan. It will not appeal to the science fantasy/fiction fan. It will not appeal to the Bioware RPG fan. It will appeal to a portion of the MMO players.


    Yeah SWTOR will be just fine!

  23. Tell you what. Lets change the maintainance scedule to cut into US prime time the say way it does EU/Ausies for a month, I look forwardto your posts then. I have no problem with that, I play on US servers on a US time scedule so yes it WILL cut into MY prime time

    with that change.


    And no, it is unneeded to bring all servers down at the same time when they are physicly located on completely different continents.


    I am sure many of the NA players would be whining and crying too. And I would be the first one posting to tell them it is not the end of the world. You know why? Because it isn't!!!


    My Sony network went down for months and I did not complain. I found other things to do until it started working again. I watched movies instead of playing games. I read books like The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. A great read for those who want something entertaining to do during down time.


    I would be perfectly fine with rotating schedule and on one the first EU posts about patch times during early access I even suggested the rotating schedule. I would be fine if they did regional locks and patched each region separately though I think red zone players would be a tad upset at buying a game they could no longer play or have characters on servers they could no longer access.

  24. I think your missing the point man, it's not about ONE day a week where we cant play, it's about the fact that many of us only have a few hours on certain days a week to play and for a lot of us one of those days just happens to be a patch day.


    Lets say for example you did your 16 hours a day for a month, and then got Monday and Tuesday or Tuesday and Wednesday off. You'd think to yourself "Great, here's a chance to play that new star wars game in the afternoons once I've spent the day catching up on all the housework and associated chores I haven't been able to do 'cos I have been working 16 hours a day for a month and have had only 8 hours left to myself each day, at least 6 of which were spent on sleep". Then 'Bang' server goes down just as you finish dinner and sit down at your computer....


    You to would think all of the aforementioned posts regarding this were totally valid, rather than make out like you know whats best for the company, or why they cant do rotating shifts, etc.


    No I would not. Scheduled maintenance is scheduled not a surprise. I don't ever get upset over something as trivial as maintenance. I didn't get upset when they brought the game down on a Friday night NA time for an emergency patch. I found something else to do even though I had set aside that evening for TOR.


    Now I could understand people being upset if the game went down every day for scheduled maintenance or emergency patches continually happened during your prime time but this is not the case.


    This is a game its is not the end of the world. I don't get upset at much. I am perfectly happy with them moving the maintenance time to any time cause I just don't care. Feel free to petition to have them move it to my prime time. I will adapt and find something else to do.


    If for some reason I could only play for the 8 hours on Tuesday during that maintenance window I would just not play.


    Keep saying I would be mad though, I find it funny because you think every person reacts the same way you would! I just go with the flow!

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