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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. Probably to get all the whinybaby EU reading convention going costume wearing nutjobs off his back.


    Really does not matter. The movies have instances where a one side or the other use blades of each other.


    This game takes place in EU not OT.


    The original plan was to never to limit the colors based on faction or alignment and was only added to appease whiners. What is worse is they added based on alignment and not faction which makes no damn sense and makes this addition a mistake!


    I could have lived with this error as I think there are way more areas of concern that need to be fixed. I am not sad to see it go.


    I could have lived with them changing it Jedi blue/green and Sith red simply to change the look. I would have allowed blaster classes to use whatever crystals they wanted.


    I am very happy that they chose to remove all the restrictions period. The whole game was supposed to be predicated on choice much like KOTOR was. KOTOR had no color restrictions!


    You get to choose your Story Sith Inquisitor, With Warrior, Imperial Agent or Bounty Hunter. I know people call this the class but I think it is better to consider it the story.


    You get to choose your AC which I prefer to think of as the class.


    You get to choose which path you want to follow be it Dark, Light or Neutral.


    Why should you not get to choose what color your iconic weapon is going to be?

  2. Not true.


    GL: blue and green for "good guys" and red for "bad guys."


    He has since said saber colors do not matter.


    And really this whole topic is pointless since as of patch 1.1.5 color restrictions are gone as this was how it was originally planned by the developers and does fit in with the non restrictions based in kotor.


    As of patch 1.2 from what I understand people with artifice will be able to make a much wider range of color crystals.

  3. The restrictions were a mess before launch and made it through to retail. The extended universe which is perhaps indulged in by maybe 5% (judging by book sales less than 0.05%) of people who like Star Wars is in direct contradiction of the films.


    For force users; sith mostly and eventually use red. Samuel L Jackson gets purple, and everyone else is blue or green.


    I totally agree that ranged weapon users should be free of restrictions.


    If those who don't care about George's Legacy are getting their way can those of us who do care please also get a classic color filter option or two. One with classic colours and one with solo exemption and everyone else (force users) with classic colours so we can have our Star Wars fantasy too.


    Ummm Dude Have you not read the posts it has been said George himself has stated that color of sabers do not matter!

  4. that's what ya do to make a popular game. Listen to the masses of the casuals who complain. If you want to survive, especially in the mmo world..you have to or else the players will get INSTANTLY turned off "WHAT!!? I HAVE TO BE DARK I TO USE THIS!? LAAAMMEE IM GOING BACK TO WOW!!"


    Now that crap will be gone and players will get to choose what they want..


    SWTOR is about choice and the more we go down the road, the more decisions we will be getting to make with less restrictions.


    Yes but listening to morons can be dangerous if 80% of the people here want Panda's or light axes you would be okay with that?


    There are people who wanted WOW weapons in this game. Check out a few of the peoples signatures of some of the dumbest suggestions you ever heard.


    FYI I think the restrictions should be gone I thought they were dumb in the first place and should never have been implemented because a slightly larger group wanted them. People only post when they hate something not when they like it!!!

  5. Except, Dark Jedi doesn't mean Sith, as a Dark Jedi can be a Dark Jedi without being or becoming a Sith.


    I said true purists. Purists base stuff only directly from George Lucas which in this case means movies I-VI. Tell me in these movies which Jedi is a Dark Jedi? From what I recall of movies I-VI the two I know of become known as Darth Sidious and Darth Vader.


    No Jedi I know of can use force lightning or Force Choke.


    I don't agree with this view just stating it as an example.


    I can accept no color restrictions and prefer this option.


    I would even accept, though grudgingly, Jedi green/blue and Sith red.


    I hate the alignment restriction as it makes zero sense.


    My favorite movies are IV-VI. I can tolerate II and III. Tor is roughly 3000 Years before the movies so canon from the movies is irrelevant.


    Again Bioware had no intentions of adding the color restrictions based on Devs interviews during beta. They also said there would be hundreds of colors many that have never been seen in the movies. They caved and are caving again! Bioware seems to to go with the majority on issues without any independent thought.


    My theory on lack of colors is they did not have time to get them in.

  6. I genuinely believe this was a poor (but well intentioned) idea to begin with and I'm glad to see that BW is adaptable enough to remove it.


    There were originally no restrictions to saber colors in early beta. You can even do a search and see that the Dev team stated that there would not be alignment restrictions in several interviews.


    Then the "purists" came out in force and put up a poll before the wipe and they ended up edging out others. They were very loud and wanted color restrictions so Bioware caved. Now they are caving to the back lash.


    I don't like the color restrictions of any sort but I really hate it being based on alignment. If they were going to make restrictions it should have been faction based.


    Since the game does not allow swapping of sides a Dark Jedi is still a Jedi and a Light Sith is still Sith. I mean if we want to be purists a Dark Jedi would become Sith and a Light Sith would become Jedi. So based on a purist point of view it should have been Blue/Green Jedi and Red Sith regardless of alignment.

  7. OK let me put it this way...it makes sense from a GAME standpoint not to do this because it will just look totally crazy with NO consistency and everyone just running around with any color they choose having ZERO ground rules of ANY kind for ANY colors.


    There is no consistency as is. Both sides consist of light and dark players. Each side has blue/red/green sabers. I am sure every PVP match there is a mix of sabre colors.


    The only way to make it consistent would be to make Sith red and the Jedi blue/green. Again I hate any restrictions on color!

  8. First thing. I love your signature. I miss that guy from beta!!!! lol.


    I think what would be the best of both worlds, allow people to use any color they want. They are paying there $15 a month to how THEY want to play.


    However, when people queue for WZ's: Perhaps have the game convert all Sith Sabers to Red in color and all republics to blue or green? It would make it easier to tell the sides also.


    How about nameplates telling who is from what side? In Huttball players are mixed so that system would not work!

  9. Ok you are right in that I was more interested in commenting on the post you quoted than your +1 response. I got lazy and quoted your post instead of the original. My apologies.


    Thank you.


    I do prefer the original Star Wars. Simply because that is what I remember as a kid and that is how I want to remember it.


    I also hate changes to movies after the fact. A directors cut to me is either made to make money or had a Director who did not have the balls to stand up for the movie he actually wanted to make in the first place and caved to the powers that be.


    In the early versions of BETA there were no restrictions on crystals and I even got a purple crystal to drop on the third planet. The restrictions were put in based on the reaction in the original forums where people insisted it was canon.


    I don't get why alignment, Dark/Light should be in the argument. If you argue this point a Jedi should be Blue/Green and Sith should be Red. It should not be based on alignment but class. I disagree with this stance because colors do not signify anything other than personal choice...

  10. Ok look...you have responded to multiple posts saying complete gibberish, so you need to calm down.


    Where does it say because I quoted your post that everything I write in comment is directed at you personally. I clearly said "you guys"...are you a "guys"? Unless you are used to speaking about yourself in the third person, I assume you have the common sense to understand I was not specifically aiming that comment at you.


    But I think you are just being abrasive to get attention as you haven't actually posted anything original in the entire thread and just keep quoting people, giving them +1 and whatever other kind of cheerleading you are doing.


    I'm waiting on "LOL you need a calmings down bc you are say the gibberish. Just read this posts and you see, you are complete wrong and all colors are for every classes!", so by all means go for it.


    Then why quote my post and not just hit reply and make a general post. By quoting my post you imply that I am part of that said group! When you are quoting someone you are responding to them, that is the whole point of quoting someone!

  11. Lol I love how you guys curse Lucas to the skies when he makes Greedo shoot first or makes Jar Jar Binks a perpetual character in the last three films, but when he says color has nothing to do with alignment, it is "Oh ya Lucas says so so it MUST be true!".


    How convenient. /snicker




    I have never ever said anything about either of those things. Though thanks for putting words in my mouth.


    ASSume much?

  12. How is it an "imbalance" that you are "forced" to use a color appropriate to your alignment? Alignment /= faction.


    Everyone supporting this change simply wants to have their cake and eat it. You want to play Republic...but you want to make dark side choices...BUT you still want to use a blue crystal...(or whatever).


    Regardless of what "lore" you cite or "rational" arguments you make, the fact remains that having RED as an indicator of "The Dark Side" and blue/green as indicators of "The Light Side" are both deeply entrenched in both the visual style and the ideology of Star Wars...and also make a LOT of sense from the perspective of how people seem to be oriented towards certain colors based on personality/mood/psychology whatever.


    This is a HUGE piece of Star Wars identity they are getting ready to rip out, and I don't think doing it for the sake of giving people more cosmetic options makes even a shred of sense.


    You need to reread the posts here proving it is not a basis for alignment!

  13. Which has nothing to do with the fact that everyone being the hero will result in an inordinate and unrealistic number of each faction having inappropriate looking color crystals. You really need to slow down and read more than one sentence of a post before you respond.


    LOL I am forced with my light side Sith to use blue or green. The imbalance already exists.


    It is not inappropriate to use any color crystal you want. There is no rules that say any faction has to use a certain color crystals any where in Star Wars.

  14. If you even bothered to read my post you would notice I said TO DIFFERENTIATE ALIGNMENTS, not to differentiate FACTIONS.


    It is your reading comprehension that is a very big fail.


    What does it matter who is light or dark. As someone said in a previous post a light side Sith is not going to advertise he is light side nor is a dark side Jedi!

  15. I won't even get into the debate about "cannon"(oh wow, Lucas signed off on a bunch of stuff to make money, and that makes it real, whatever), the simple fact is that IN THIS GAME we need something to separate and give character to the two alignments. The color crystals are the MAIN, and in fact only really distinctive, way to do this.


    Removing the restrictions will just make a huge mess, destroy the identity of alignments as it has been established in the game, and frankly reflect poorly on both Bioware's will to make the game what they want it to be, and their priorities.


    LOL your logic is failing. Light side Sith can use blue and and dark Jedi can use red. How does this differentiate the sides?


    I guess the fact that Republic have green name tags and the Empire have red when pvp is on. This is not distinctive enough for you? How about Huttball where factions can be mixed?


    Your logic is a very big fail!

  16. I find it funny how people keep quoting canon to keep the crystal restrictions.


    Hate to tell everyone but the Star Wars universe is not just the six movies and the games KOTOR I and II. There are a plethora of official books authorized by Lucas Arts. These books have Sith and Jedi using an array of unique saber colors.


    Ordinary NPC Sith should only use red saber colors because that was what is readily available. Ordinary NPC Jedi should only use green/blue sabers because those are the most common color crystals available to them.


    PC's are heroes of the universe and should be able to use any color they choose.


    Here is a list of saber colors and where they appeared.



  17. zergs = / = harder


    if anything they are even easier, and 1/4 of the raid can be half afk spamming one abilty for all intents and purposes unless they make naxx 1.0 mistake and make everyone be buffed up the bejeezus to even have a shot at killing the boss...yeah that worked out well...


    and since we play this game for fun, i dont see how being able to complete the content int eh ops limited timeframe is actually a bad thing... i agree they could be a little harder, but i wont complain about INTRODUCTORY raids in any case, i guess well get more challenging stuff eventually , wow was a tank and spank fest at first , endless wave after wave of trash tank and spank mobs, with a boss with 2 tank and spank ads...ad nauseaum ... it was actually "Tedium" passing off as "hard"


    Try the EQ raids that are events. More people is bad. They have events in EQ. Top end stuff was no longer tank and spank it took tactics and people paying attention.


    EQ raids did become events in their own rights and even the best geared guilds had issues figuring out how to beat them...

  18. It came to my attention a few minutes ago in my 16 man HM EV.


    The first boss is killed. Yay. The guild leader loots the boss and we begin rolling on items. I literally (and I literally mean literally) ran out of time on the loot timer for all the items dropped. It's like an f'ing pinata of purples that rain down on the raid. ***. I wasn't even taking my time looking at the loot.


    What happened to like 4 items dropping from a boss? What happened to needing a group of 25 people (or 40 if you go that far back) to take down a boss that takes incredible focus and skill? Where is the challenge? Where is the difficulty? I'm at a loss for words.


    I used to play hardcore and now I have a full time job along with a family that prohibits that. I still have two 50's (one in 4/5 Rakata with almost full Champ and both Rakata weaps, one in 4/5 Columi with full Champ). I play a few hours every other day when I get home from work (12 hour shifts) and I've still managed all that. Some off days I can squeeze in 3 to 4 hours, some I cant. It's sad. It's even more sad knowing that casuals are running out of things to do in this game.


    What can we do? We can start by minimizing the amount of f'ing crying going on in these forums. It's so easy to do anything in this game but people still want it easier.


    LOL 25 man and 40 man


    Try 60 man or 120 man raids.


    EQ raids allowed 10 groups of 6 in a single raid. It was possible to have 2 or more raid groups working together to get stuff done.


    It seems that every mmo seems to dumb stuff down a little bit more. Sadly people want easy games, they do not want hard games.


    Welcome to the ME want NOW generation.


    Sadly I have seen several posts complaining how hard this game is!!! There are people who actually think it needs to be made easier!

  19. I am on the fence as to what age a child should be allowed to play video games or even on the internet.


    My theory is as long as they are supervised and the game/net does not overtake their entire life then it should not be an issue.


    Would I ever let my child play an online game or an a game I found age inappropriate? Hell no!


    I have watched a 7 year old lose his PC privileges removed because he watched **** online. He is no longer allowed to use a PC out of sight of his mom!


    All children should be supervised on the internet and playing games...


    internet and games are only bad if the parenting is bad.

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