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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. repetitive linear space combat got old in 2 weeks,


    lack of fellow players to group with to do simple heroic dungeons, makes leveling impossible.


    awful edge of world restrictions, tattoine especially has these odd areas where you are discouraged to explore, its a mmo guys!


    no retribution for hacked players who have tampered their client to improve player speed in pvp is only 1 example. players abused bugs in the system and no one has had accounts suspended or removed.


    lack of end game content.


    bugs.. so many bugs...


    I want your proof that people were not banned. They don't exactly announce when they ban though they did announce a few.


    a little research goes a long way!






    Don't say they are not banning players.


    As a general rule they don't announce bans.


    So glad you are such an expert!

  2. That or STO. I'm sure there are many others that have better character creation than this one. Heck, the newest version of the Hero Engine has better options than we see now.


    The current creator for SWTOR is a pile. :(


    Yet it is currently functional and not overwhelming for new players and can be changed down the line!!!


    Also not a game breaking issue!

  3. It is not game breaking.


    Seriously where do we draw the line. How about hunting for those who want to hunt? How about we add fishing for those who want to fish. While we are throwing all this in might as well have a crash derby track.


    Where do you draw the line.


    Swimming is not required to play the game if you enjoy swimming there are several other games you can play that allow you to swim.

  4. I want to dual spec. I want to be able to heal, tank, and damage! It takes SOO long to level already, and I have to do it SO many times on the SAME LINEAR Planets to get what I want!


    EDIT: A lot of people are talking about how I'm complaining about the length of time it takes to level. It's true that it does take time, but it feels EVEN longer due to the fact that you'll have to do the same quests over and over, and then spacebar through everything again, which is just ugh.


    And everyone's like "Well all the class quests are awesome". Well that's good and plenty. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE 3 DIFFERENT TOONS. I want ONE Character, that does NOT require constant logging off and on. I want a character that I will always have. I don't want to have a handful of toons. And the game takes forever to load anyways. I don't understand why this game sucked so hard. I have been really let down by this game. I deactivated my account a month ago, wanted to give it a second opinion last week, and didn't even feel like leveling past 15 the second time around.



    You forgot the better option. You should quit!

  5. PvP wise there is one non functioning planet... Oh and 3 war zones we have been doing since level 10.


    This is a lot to you?


    I guess if the game stayed in development for 20 years they might have been able to bring out everything everyone wanted.. Grant you no one would bother to play as we would all be playing games in our homes in 3d emulators...


    Many games launched without pvp and pvp was added in as an afterthought...


    In comparison that would be classified a lot!

  6. Lack of constructive criticism.


    Everyone on this forum seems to be an expert. I am not going to say people don't have legitimate complaints and concerns. However, there is a way to post said concerns and possible get Bioware to listen. Everyone seems to know how not to make an MMO. My biggest question to most of the players since they seem to know how to do it why haven't they made their own MMO?


    First off, the general forum is a bad place to post. Suggestion box and customer service forum have a higher chance that a Bioware employee might actually see it. Actually using the in game feedback system would be even better. Those who quit and post on the forums I have to ask why? When you unsubscribe from the game or cancel your subscription you get a survey that will actually be read by a company working for Bioware or Bioware itself. The only reasons to post would be to try and get others to follow suit or because you have a pathological need for attention.


    Second saying I am going to quit if x is not fixed is akin to being a kid with a ball and taking it home if people don't play the game your way. No one takes this kind of person seriously. I mean seriously a grade school mentality is sad in anyone 13 and up and pathetic in anyone that is classified as an adult.


    Third research goes a long way. Reading dev blogs and interviews would tell people what bugs and issues are being worked on. I see the same posts about the same complaints all the time. Yet if you look at the Dev tracker and interviews from various sources much of those complaints have already been commented on by a Dev. They occasional even post what solutions are coming and sometimes when.


    For instance a common complaint I see is Ilum sucks. This is nothing more than a personal opinion however how can one even begin to fix such an issue if they don't know why. Now this is a complaint I agree with however this is a better way to post.


    I dislike Ilum because:


    -The Republic and Imperial forces are segregated and there is no feel of immersion for such a contested pvp planet.


    -One of the quests is broken (Defend the Shipment) and can only be completed shortly after the server comes up. After the bug gets activated when clicking on the shipment you get the error message "Object in use".


    -The dailies feel like they were tacked on as an after thought.




    Please revamp Ilum to be a true pvp planet. Once you hit Ilum soil your pvp is on! Rework the map so dailies force both sides to contest for pve content as well as have pvp objectives interspersed amongst the pve content rather than in their own section of the map. Make the map wide open.


    Biggest thing to remember is this is just my opinion and just because I dislike it does not mean everyone does.


    Every MMO has issues when it launches. There are rumors that a few of the premier titles were unplayable when they launched. It took several of those games months and years to become a decent game.



    I am a Bioware fan, Star Wars fan and an MMO fan. That said I expect a lot and fortunately for me many of my concerns have been addressed in either interviews, blog posts or on the Dev tracker itself.

  7. Anything that you would like to see bioware make. Personally i would like for guilds to be able to make a base and like customize it. If some one post something everyone likes then maybe as a community we could get bioware to approve of it!:D


    They have a whole suggestion box area for this kind of stuff!

  8. Does anybody else feel this way? I have literally spent WEEKS looking for groups to do Heroics on several different servers of various populations sizes to no avail. They are a complete and utter waste of time and do nothing but detract from the enjoyment of this game. :mad:


    Pssst. If you don't like them don't do them!!!

  9. thanks for quick responses but no one answered my question just yet


    reasons why should I play on the dark side? other than fun, what's so intriguing about it?


    Stories are better written on the dark side, though I do admit that the smuggler comes close.


    The gear looks better for the most part.



    Most people go through real life being good. It is nice to play the other side. It is nice to escape from reality!

  10. Be warned....this is a long one


    I find it funny that you are calling most people who do not use macro's lazy!


    Lazy are the players who need to automate the game so much that they have nothing to do, that is lazy! Seriously if you are gonna have addons buff others or auto heal why bother playing? Seriously just find a bot program and let it play for you!!!


    A good player can play with and without macro's.


    A good player can play with and without addons.


    I like the idea of macro's they help the handicapped. Unfortunately they also can be abused and used to automate parts of the game that the developers never intended to be automated.


    I don't like the idea of player made addons. I don't know how many times I had friends in WOW that could not raid with their guild after a patch because addons were not updated yet. They would try to raid and fail. That right there tells me their players needed the addons and the addons became a crutch. I am sorry but if the addons are required you are not a good player!


    This all said, we know that in patch 1.2 the UI is supposed to be fully customizable. If this becomes reality there is no reason for player made UI's.


    We also know a personal version of recount is coming as well. This will allow players to min/max without the judgmental attitude that some players seem to exhibit when they can see others DPS. Sadly a few bad seeds ruin it for the many!

  11. Hi all, as all the WoWers are gone from the first mass population month, i've noticed that some servers like Dune Bantha have few people despite of The Red Eclipse wich has a good population health, (my main is on Dune Bantha and don't want to level 45 again with the same char and have many alts), usually mid range planets have 15 people as spike on the best hour range, I think this issue happens on other less populated servers aswell, I think that sooner better than later should be a server merge because an MMO is all about playing with people, so my question to BioWare is when can we expect server merges?


    Could not post on the topic that is on the first page that is the same as yours?




    In before thread is closed!

  12. Adons are not needed as many people suggest, they are wanted.


    Everything in this game can be done without.


    That said people really need to research before posting. Customizable UI is coming for the big patch in March, patch 1.2.


    A personal form of recount is also slated to be added to the game though I am not sure if it will be in 1.2 or not.


    Patch 1.2 has many huge changes. Will this patch be a game changer? No, but it will go along way to keep casual mmo players very happy!

  13. Seriously to the "get a life" trolls I worked a 16 hour shift today,


    2am minimum has been the industry standard for every MMO todate and some of us have limited time to play.


    If you don't have a problem with it fine, some of us actually do have lives as opposed to pretending to have one on a message board to belittle the simple request that they don't start maintenance in the middle of many players evening.



    I live in Washington state it's 21 degrees tonight and it's raining you go outside in this crap.


    OMG. I live in Northern Alberta. It was -36 degrees Celsius a few weeks ago. Server down time happened to fall on one of our coldest days of the year. Yet the earth continued to turn and I managed to survive and find other things to do!


    We go out in the middle of blizzard. Why because people still have to go to work, school etc.


    OMG it is raining! The end is nigh!!!

  14. People are pathetic!!!


    The down time is when I want to play, poor me!


    EU servers are down during the day.


    Oceanic is down during prime time which will be a concern March 1st when the Oceanic servers go live.


    The only fair way would be to rotate the down time weekly. The problem with this option is it would be very unfair to the team that rolls out the update. They would be forced to change their schedules weekly to accommodate people who whine and complain.


    People who ***** about scheduled maintenance need to:


    a) grow up




    b) get a life.


    The ME ME ME attitude is pathetic. I suggest taking your ball and going home!


    FYI server maintenance is generally during my prime playing time, I am a night owl. I can find a million others things to do when servers go down.

  15. I am no way defending GW2, but that game really stands out or at least to me. The first one was heavily focused on PVP but the 2nd one is not just PVP. It's more than PVP if you watch the videos at guildwars2guru website :)


    Too much hype on any game will make it a disappointment.


    No MMO is perfect at launch and most don't get good until the 1 year mark.



    People quit and when stuff gets fixed they end up coming back. Nature of the MMO market.

  16. Bioware runs a f2p game.


    Dragon Age Legends on Facebook and Google+.


    After playing the game f2p you can only play roughly an hour every 5 unless you buy gems. Gems are expensive.


    My estimates based on playing the f2p version is 1200 bucks a year minimum. More if you upgrade your castle and buy gear for your character every few levels!!!


    Pray this game never goes f2p.

  17. 12am is really screwed for west coasters, just saying every other game maintenance didn't start till 2am.


    Of course I'm still bitter from when you announced maintenance, canceled it then had it the next day.


    That was two days straight I didn't get to play....




    Already considering canceling, I can deal with 2am maintenance but I don't even get home and chance to sit down till 10-11ish.




    As opposed to EU who is middle of the day?


    How about when the Oceanic servers come out? The down time is during their peak hours.


    Seriously dude 1 day a week you could probably get a life.


    All I hear is ME! ME! ME!


    The end is nigh!!!

  18. Server mergers are not gonna happen any time soon.


    Why? Because people *****ed moaned and whined that new servers were needed to alleviate the queues. Don't believe me go look at the topics regarding queues.


    There were many voices of reason saying after the free month was up many of the queues would be gone. Low and behold the expected drop off of players happens queues are gone and too many servers are now light.


    Sadly a few people moaning about the server merges also were the ones complaining about queues.


    You have 3 ways to deal with it.


    1) Reroll on a heavy server.


    2) Quit the game and move on.


    3) Deal with it!

  19. there are many strange decisions Bio made. tbh i was suspicious when they moved their offices from canada to texas... i mean from the beautiful and democratic VAncouver, to the messy and dangerous Houston... really? why? no idea


    Vancouver? You know they started in Edmonton, AB right? AS a matter of fact their offices are just off Whyte ave!!! Pssst they don't even have offices in Vancouver!!!

  20. Obviously you haven't been to the forums in awhile. Considering there are countless threads saying the same thng as the OP. He is in fact speaking for a very large part part ofthe player base. Just because you have low expectations as a consumer and are happy with regurgitated features used 10 years ago doesn't mean he is wrong.


    It is a fact that people will complain about stuff rather than come on here and post good things.


    The loud majority that you claim are speaking is actually a small minority of vocal players. 1.7 million active players of EA's last press release. Lets face it a good majority of these players don't even know this forum exists let alone there is a web site for TOR!



    You fanboys crack me up. Have some respect for yourself as a consumer and demand a better product.


    You cam enjoy something and still want it to be improved. This game has it's problems, instead of ignoring the issues how about we fix it?


    Fanboys are hilarious. They eat up mediocrity and claim it's perfection.


    You are 100% correct here except about the fanboy comment. This is a game of great potential and needed about 6 more months of development before being released. I know many of my concerns about the game will be addressed in patch 1.2. Then again I did research and read the developer blogs, interviews and comments on the board.


    Most of the comments condemning the game are generally of three types.


    Type 1: Fix X or else I will quit. Why on earth would anyone take a person like this seriously? This is beyond childish. Reminds of the playground and the phrase "I'm taking my ball and going home if you don't play the game my way".


    Type 2: General complaints. I have yet to see people add solutions to their general complaints. A good example here is the OP. How do they change the questing system to make it feel less repetitive?


    Type 3: Doomsayers. These are the players that continually post how this game is failing or sucks. I don't get this type of player why should they care that the game is going to fail or succeed.


    A post not done in a constructive way automatically comes off as whiny regardless if it has merit or not!


    FYI I consider myself a fanboy but know the game needs improvement. Then again I did the research and found that most of my concerns will be dealt with in patch 1.2...

  21. Yes and No




    I enjoy the game and am having fun playing . I know many of my concerns will be fixed in patch 1.2 and beyond.




    This game needed at least 6 more months of development. I do understand why it was released when it was. It still needed the extra time to add things and to improve several things common to MMOs.




    I am glad this game is not supporting add ons and hope it will stay that way. I am hoping that the game dev's do not do knee jerk changes. The future is bright for this game but it will not be noticed until the 1 year mark as to how bright it will become.

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