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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. Believe it or not, I prefer the chaotic launch like WoW had. I know it sounds stupid, but there were a few things that I was able to do that made it worthwhile.


    1) I was able to get a character name I liked. I didn't have to settle for the names that werent chosen by 750,000 players before me, each with up to 8 characters.


    2) PvP was fair from the get go if that was your thing. It bugs me that the game went live for me today, and when I hit level 10 and queued up, I had to contend with a bunch of 20's and even 30's with skills much higher than mine. Im not a super hardcore player, so release is about the only chance I have at ever getting an even shot at PvP.


    3) They had most of their issues ironed out after day 2 and everyone had access. It will soon be day 4, and there are still folks out there who arent in yet.


    All this business about "I pre-ordered first"... so what. It's a pre-order. Since when did games start making it essential to pre-order immediately? That doesn't seem like a very good pattern to start. If people know that 2 months after pre-orders start, their incentive to pre-order really isn't that great, they aren't going to pre-order. I realize the pre-order said "Up to five days" and somewhere out there BW explained the situation. However, traditionally, when people pre-order a game and there are bonuses listed, they have gotten those bonuses. Bioware pulled the rug out from under some folks here, and Im not sure that was a great idea to kick things off. The general forums seem to be full of a lot of negativity, especially considering the great overall quality of the game.


    They have sold 2-3 times more pre orders than any game has launched with. Not rally gonna hurt box sales.Those who cancel over the EGA were just looking for an excuse to do it and would have found another one before the 20th.


    As for WOW. I recall how many WOW players came back to EQ because their servers were down. It was like that for several weeks and then again when people realized there was really no end game!


    Yes it is full of negativity. Our technology has made the world a me first, me first mentality! Simple concept of a line. Not hard to understand and very simple. People have been doing it for several centuries at least!!!

  2. DUDE!


    Here is the flash screen on July 21 2011 as posted by one of the fan sites.




    Here is the full shot of the pre order page.




    That is what the pre order page looked like on JULY 21 2011. Notice the big bold letters?


    Suck it up, you did not do due diligence! Ignorance is not a defense. You go to any country in the world and break a law you can't defend yourself with the words "I didn't know"!


    Again I ask.


    Cheese, tissue or hot beverage?

  3. I'm enjoying the game but I would never want to take part in an EGA again :D


    I can't see this being adopted by other games. But we'll see. Maybe others will hail it a big success.


    Actually every other game would be dumb not to do this. Almost every MMO previous to this has had server crashes and longer queue times.


    Feel free to check the threads on other MMO launches to read the horror stories if you like...


    Though they need to put the concept in bold letters and make it idiot proof. They will need to spell out the line concept and make sure all retailers tell their customers how pre order works.

  4. Average wait to get in is 1 hour 30 mins now. It will only get worse. Whoever is in charge of pre-assigning guilds to servers didn't do a very good job. Other than that, pretty smooth so far I guess. Pity me and my guild mates are wasting are time on the server we got assigned too...have to wait several weeks after launch to get any indication what would be a good server to move to that does NOT have a massive wait to get in.


    You know that a lot of that queue time is people just picking a random server right? 2-3million pre orders and if I recall correctly only 550k were involved in the guild program. Forget where I read the guild program number so I could be wrong.

  5. I disagree. This was the worst lunch ever.

    Looks like no one in BioWare was thinking about community implications of those stupid waves.

    Because of this staggered launch i got separated from my guild. Before i got in, my guilds server was full and queue was 50 minutes. I know that for some players that may not be an issue but for me it is. It was after 8PM in Europe when i got my invite, and i have to get up early for work. So waiting for 50 minutes is unacceptable. So i had to choose another server.


    Um you could have waited to play when you got off work the next day. You having to get up for work is Bioware's fault? Psst it is just a game it will be there later.


    Some people are more tied to their guilds and that's the reason why some serwers had even longer queues. And that's all because of staggered launch.

    Firs BioWare deployed guilds stuffing servers almost to maximum capacity. Then some players from those guild got in, and some slots were taken by people without guild or by guilds that were not deployed. Same happened on day two.


    The biggest problem every MMO faces after early access is players not subing or moving to other servers and then they end up having to merge servers. You need to do a little research on other launches. Too few players is worse than an hour in a queue.


    And then suddenly BioWare added new servers. Why they needed new servers? The should know exactly how many servers will be needed at EA, is it so hard to divide amount of registered pre-orders by server capacity ? Add (let say) five (or more) to it and you have needed number of servers.

    So on day three everyone want to play with their deployed guild, but there was no room on servers so they got stuffed even more.

    Terrible planning BioWare. I thought you can do better than that.


    Again you need to do research. There has been very little downtime compared to many other MMO launches. From what I recall of the WOW launch the game was unplayable for several days.


    What I get out of your thread is poor me!


    Cheese, tissue or a hot beverage?

  6. "9500 GT graphics card with over 100FPS"


    i doubt that lol


    get some decent hardware...not 5 year old graficcards ffs


    WoW is no reference...


    how much ram? leeme guess 2 gb ?




    My 2x 8800 gts seem to run the game fine. My next purchase will be a 560 but not gonna do it until I start raiding!


    Game was designed for a broad range of players...

  7. Hi, I have been playing wow on my 9500 GT graphics card with over 100FPS and smooth graphics. I started playing SWTOR today and its choppy as heck, i can barely even move my character without overturning or having complete choppiness.


    All my settings are on Low and I am on Windows 7.


    Anyone else experiencing this? Is it the huge server load? My graphics card (which still runs WOW great) I cant imagine this game is more graphics intensive so that the LOWEST setting would be hard to run.


    Thanks for the suggestions.


    I use two 8800 GTS in sli configuration and I am running the game on high and it is very smooth.


    I suggest updating your drivers.

  8. Pre order ppls that waited for weeks that want to play befpre the 20 that cant cause of already in use cd keys, Missing e-mails in the duo of mails for the early acess, 3 hours of waiting listening to elevator musics and getting hanged up on the customer support lines.Just watch the customer service threads, total disaster imo, hope you guys will be able to survive and get into position of being able to overcome the wave of problems.Good luck hehe from what i saw i hope your staff is quite good and have not been chosen cause she cute hehe.


    Dude game does not launch till the 20th. How can it be the worst launch ever if the game has not launched yet?


    This is early access aka a soft opening!

  9. Bioware Treats December people like second class citizens.

    Only letting in half of the 7th makes no sense.

    Now they have many on the forums complaining.

    Unless they add another wave it will get worse.

    Seriously Bioware just throw us a bone.


    What would it harm adding the last of us to a final wave.

    All it would do is add a few more to each server as they would not all go to the same one.

    Valuing your customers loyalty should be a priority

    Eventually this kind of treatment will hurt you financially.


    It was explained. My god dude Why did you not pre order earlier. Not knowing that you could pre order July 21st is not a defense. You had the same opportunity to order as everyone else and get in line sooner than later.


    Suck it up!


    Would you like some cheese, a tissue or a hot beverage?

  10. its *********** stupid to split players up from each other like this launch has, you are supposed to be able to play MMOs with friends.. not now when everyone has a ******** of levels between them. Complete idiots. well done.


    If they are your friends they will play alts till you get in. My guild leader waited for me!!!


    You could all wait till the 20th too if you like! 2-3 million people cannot hit a game at the same time. Sorry but it would crash. Nobody would be playing and queue time would be 10-12 hours.

  11. This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


    Um! How can this be the worst launch ever the game does not launch till the 20th which is 5 days away! Your rant fails based on that simple fact!


    Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


    You are not "chosen" because you did not stand in line early enough. Why did you not pre order with others on the 21st if you wanted to get in? Ignorance about not knowing the game was available for pre order on the 21st is not a defense. You could have been first in line too. FYI I was not first in line.


    Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


    You chose Gamestop. You could have pre ordered the CE from Origin on the 21st. You should be ticked at Gamestop for not getting you the code in a timely fashion.



    So why am I being denied access?


    Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


    Lots of people ordered on the 21st from other than Origin and they are in. They ordered from partners and got their codes very quickly. You make a choice and you live with the consequences. Pst this is how life works!


    I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


    Game officially launches on the 20th your not late for anything! CE entitles you to the same game as everyone else that game is $59.99+$14.99 per month there after. You sir paid $90 dollars more for digital and physical crap. Nothing more nothing less. If you want to know I paid $20 dollars more for digital crap. The date you entered your code entitles you to your place in line for early access. Been that way since day 1 of pre orders.


    worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


    LOL! All I can say about this.


    Worse Launch ever?


    Game does not launch till the 20th! What you are seeing is early access or last major stress test before launch. Casinos call this a soft opening if you will!


    It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


    Is it better to have 2 million people crash the all the servers at once possible causing damage and pushing back the launch date. Lets face it if something bad happened and this came to pass you would be one of the first demanding to play on the 20th regardless of server issues! If your server crashed you would be in here lambasting them for not handling launch well!


    Not sure if I should pass you some cheese, tissue or a hot beverage!!!

  12. Just trying to get an understanding of the way that bioware does things, considering i MAY be spending quite a few years with them if this game is a success...


    I hear that the queues would be long and dreadful, but at least those queues would tell you an estimate on when you could play. Unlike the current queue were in with an unknown wait time.


    I also hear that the servers would lag and crash but... What lag would there be if there were queues that prevented too many people to be on the server thus causing lag?


    And the word on the street is that there would be ghost town servers, and server mergers would have to occur. But couldnt that happen now anyway?


    2-3.5 million pre orders. No idea how many will actually sell on launch day or be opened for Christmas.


    Only way to handle those numbers is a staggered launch.


    I understand why there was lack of info but it might have giving at least some relief to some of the complaints.

  13. you go fanboi, silence those critics who say the implementation sucks, after all they dont know anything about anything


    Those critics certainly don't understand the concept of lines and their practical uses in the real as well as virtual world.


    It was stated from day 1 that people would be invited to early access based on when they redeemed their pre order code. Thus, the phrase based on when they redeemed their pre order code is the same thing as standing in a line.


    Simple concept that seems to apply not only in this case but to real world applications as well.


    How much Early Game Access time do I get?


    The order in which you will gain entry into Early Game Access is dependent on how early you burned your Pre-Order Code at our Code Redemption Center. The earlier you burned your Pre-Order Code, the earlier you will be granted entry into Early Game Access. [/Quote]


    Don't understand how people don't get the concept of first come first serve out of the FAQ. Heck on the first day it was on the main page of the pre order page it was not even buried in the FAQ though the FAQ did explain it better.

  14. Seriously fools.. you all need to calm down. You are anxious, you are flipping out, and worrying about every little thing like its going to make or break this game.

    You need to relax, and take notice of the fact that there are barely any posts from people who have actually been selected for early game access!

    Why is this? Because when you finally have the game, posting on the boards is pretty *********** lame... for me its usually something I do when the servers are down.

    But seriously.. we know that a bunch of invites have gone out, people are playing the game.. and they aren't on here with us worrying about pvp server balance an economy flux. And its pretty safe to assume that as soon as you have access you won't be worrying about it too much either. You just play the game.


    No sadly people will still find something to complain about.


    I mean standing in a line is unheard in the year 2011. I mean come on it is not like people have to stand in line at their banks they go and get in right away. They don't have to stand in line at a restaurant to get their meals either. They definitely don't have to wait in line to purchase tickets for a sporting event or rock concert either.


    What is really sad is looking at disasters of general seating for concerts or football matches. How many people get crushed. Letting everyone in at the same time would cause the servers to be crushed the exact same way. Sure it is virtual crushing but still no one would be playing at all.


    There is a reason for the concept of lines people.

  15. Everyone pays the same amount for the game. That is $59.99


    As a DDE owner I paid 20 bucks extra for digital crap!


    You as a CE owner paid 90 bucks extra for digital and physical crap!


    We all pay the same monthly sub, we are all equals.


    If the company you bought the game from gave you a bad code and took a long time to get you the right code then they are the ones you should be mad at.


    You get to wait in line like the rest of did or are!


    I am sure the world will still exist once you get in!!!

  16. as title says,


    IF ea/bioware are going to discriminate against people by allowing certain people onto the game before others , there is no point.


    we all PREORDERED, we all should get the same treatment.


    Do you stand in line at the movies, restaurant or bank? Do they serve everyone at the same time? No you wait in line till it is your turn.


    Cancel please. If you cannot understand the concept of a line I really don't want to hang out with you in a game that requires a little thinking and a lot of skill!

  17. I have been reading the forums and people making posts to defend Bioware on this are totally wrong. This EGA policy is simply WRONG


    Please Allow me to explain why:


    1) Even if i had to pay 1$ for a service i am still a paying customer. It is not my fault you charge that much for a service... It is yours.


    As long as i have paid for a service i expect to go in when you open doors. You either open doors for everyone or you don't open em at all. You had all the BETA stress tests to test your servers.


    Oh really! So if a restaurant can seat 100 people and there are 500 people waiting to get in. Everyone should be allowed to get in at the same time since you are all paying customers? Real world example of why your logic FAILS!




    2) Why some people think that because they made a purchase earlier than me, have more rights than me? When they first announced preorder did they mention that they will apply this policy of "WAVES" for invites in the game? No. The fact that i have other obligations in RL and i cannot read this website every day make me less important than other people that spend they whole day refreshing a page?


    Actually they do have more rights than you. They got in line before you did. It is how Bioware decided how it would work. Heck this is how the world works. Get in line first you get served first period. Again your logic simply FAILS!


    3) This is an MMO game. We play MMOs to be able to play with friends. My friends are already in game. By the time i get in my friends will be level 20-30. Why you put me in the tough spot to ask em to wait for me? Why should i level up alone?


    If they were really your friends they would wait for you to get access to level. Oh well guess you need to find real friends.


    4) I have been playing MMOs for years and this is the first time i experience a wave invite.


    No MMO has ever launched with this number of people before. 2-3.5 million.


    In my humble opinion this is wrong.

    Always with respect .... Thank you for reading.


    Humble? You seem to think the world should work your way and not the way it actually does. That is not humble. Besides it is an opinion and everyone has the right to have one and be wrong!

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