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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. I absolutely hate leveling up characters.. it takes so long and is increadibly dreadful. At least, to me. I currently have a level 50 and increadibly love the whole end game things. What are he odds that Bioware would even give me a free level 50 character? I mean what's the harm in it.. I've already paid $60 for the game and $60 additional dollars in two 60 day time cards. And also does anyone else wish upon a free level 50? I mean heck I'd be happy for a completely gearless level 50 and if we was put back at the beginning of the main story so I still had to do my class quests. I do not mind grinding those. Just the painful trip of making it to level 50.


    This has to be one of the most absurd ideas I have ever read on these boards. The whole point of a game is to play it from the beginning to the end. If you don't like 90% of the game, why on earth would you even bother to play it!


    I mean seriously why not just have an I win button that gives you a level 50 toon decked out in full pvp and raid gear.


    Welcome to the computer age of self entitlement and the Me! Me! Me! generation.

  2. Being a crafter and having several level 50's I find it a pain to send out companions from my other characters. I have to swap characters and this tends to be a pain.


    Would it be possible to create a legacy reward in which we can send out companions of our other characters from a legacy window to go out on missions or to craft?


    Just an idea. It would save time swapping characters in and out.

  3. The problem I saw with this promotion is that they're using Star Wars day ineffectively.

    Ingame title would have solved the unbalance, not hard to do either since they have the system in place to mail title items to players.


    Instead of saying "Celebrate May the 4th be with you!" and "enjoy $25 off" they really need to add in something that specify the target audience, such as "Join the SWTOR community now and Celebrate May the 4th be with you with $25 off deals on standard and DD versions on Origin!"


    Clarification is needed when it comes to posting stuff like this everywhere, not through fine prints after clicking through the links.


    It's the game's first May 4th encounter, and we're not seeing it being used to its maximum potential.


    May 4rth is a pop culture reference It has nothing to do with Star Wars. It was made very clear that there would be no pop culture references or real world holidays in SWTOR.


    If you cannot deal with it you might need to grow up just a wee bit!

  4. May 4rth is a pop culture thing not a Star Wars thing. It was made very clear no pop culture references or real world holidays in the game.


    Because of the above there will be no in game event that celebrates the 4rth. They may start an event on this day but I doubt it!

  5. People in the NA who play off peak or near the end of their peak whine over earlier maintenance. Most people are sleeping during this time.


    People in EU feel ripped off it is during their regular work day. Most people in EU are working during this time.


    So far seems to be a very good chance most people are either sleeping or working. Since this was the original launch territories seems to me that would be an excellent time for any company to do maintenance.


    As for Oceanic. They never had to launch for your territory they could have said screw it and let you keep the lag to EU or NA servers. For the Aussies can you tell me how many other MMO have Australians servers?


    Before you all whine to me about play times etc etc etc. The maintenance falls during my normal play time.


    I find things to do on maintenance day. No idea why you guys can't!


    Servers need maintenance. Deal with it!

  6. May the 4th is long running joke when people mispronounced/misheard 'May the Force be with you'. It has slowly developed into unoffical Star Wars. Books, DVDs, trailers and all sorts of SW info are often released on this day plus real hardcore fans (not me in this case) host movie marathons and parties.


    I would have thought that this would be the ideal time to do an in-game event, even if it is only for 24hrs. I would actually be quite shocked if nothing happenned.


    Nothing will happen as there is no pop culture reference in Star Wars. Pretty sure that will include the unofficial Star Wars Day.

  7. I love it when people use real life physics to complain about what happens in a Star Wars game.


    If you were riding a motorcycle, you wouldn't be traveling a foot above the ground at 100 mph.


    To the one I quoted.


    You are right, amazingly funny how people compare things to what they know. Excellent news flash.


    Too all in general:


    Watch the movies. Princess Leia knocked off a trooper with a blaster. Guess we could just look at the movies to see it as a possibility! I am thinking that some one on the design team may have just watched a movie or two and decided to incorporate a thing or two from the movie.


    It is a game mechanic. Just have to look that far that it was intended to happen so it does.



    FYI: I almost never get knocked off on the fastest speeder. My theory is it is based on speeder type, speed traveling and gear.

  8. No I will not unsub for this reason. I am not an impatient child.


    Things people need to know:


    NO game will ever meet a hardcore gamers expectations.

    NO MMO will ever give the same rush as your first MMO experience.


    If I decide to unsub it will be the day I get bored or stop having fun!!! Imagine that quitting a game when I stop having fun or get bored of it.


    Oh and I won't be wishing it fails after I go either guess I am not that big of a loser! I hope no game fails because competition is good for current games and games to come!

  9. I think the event was fantastic as it was though a few changes need to be made for future events.


    I would make the Starting worlds and Fleets 100% safe zones. In this case I would have put in 2 Elite CDC type guys to kill anyone leaving their ship with the infection, shuttle bay or orbital station. Let players stay on the infected planet and infect each other.


    Any world event should not turn on the pvp flag of a player on a pve server. In this case a plague infected player with pvp on could flag non flagged players when he exploded. This should not be possible. I loved the fact that one of the mobs was in a all vs all pvp zone though.


    I would have made the serum persistent through death so those who did not want to participate could go about their business with very little disruption.


    As for how the event started I thought it was fantastic. I loved the fact there was no notice and think all events should be done this way depending upon the event in this case it was done perfectly. I loved the daily increasing quests. Not everyone should be able to get everything all the time that would defeat the point of special events.


    This even was successful because it was fun and a surprise.

  10. People complain BW don't fix bugs..... when BW want to fix (i.e. maint time) people complain...




    Welcome to the webs version of "mob mentality"


    To the OP:


    Do what most of us do when there is unscheduled maintenance.


    Go to the comic book store so your Mom, Wife, Life Partner or roommate can change your sheets. When you get home and that fresh scent hits your noise when your head hits the pillow and all your rage about SWTOR being down will evaporate!


    I would like to know what people with real issues would think about such minor complaints.

  11. Why would I assume something was permanent when I have no info that says it would be?? Bioware made it perfectly clear in the game that your AC would be a permanent choice.. Even in the early betas.. We never got to test legacy in the beta.. All we had was a screen that said comming soon.. It was a tab attached to your talent trees screen.. We (the beta testers) thought it might be dual speccing..


    So it would be some what stupid to assume something was permanent unless there was something telling you it was.. That would be like assuming that your crew skills are permenant and that you can't change them.. Bioware needs to let us the player know when something is a permanent choice.. Otherwise we will act as if it isn't in the absence of any information that says it is.. We all knew from the very start that our AC was permenent.. We were not only told in dialogue boxes, but in the conversations with the quest givers and trainers as welll..



    As I said before there were several interviews with the Dev team where they said the Legacy name would be permanent and would be attached to all characters. The old Forum had the information pre launch as well.


    If you don't like your legacy name don't display it. You have 3 options in how it is displayed. Last name, Title or off!


    You made the mistake of assuming period! You assumed that it was not permanent. You should not have assumed anything you should have researched.


    Again turn it off until you can change it! Though I will assure you they are not going to let you change it for free when the time comes!

  12. That wasn't there in Jan. when many of us created our legacy. But thanks though..


    See patch notes for Feb. 14th 1.1.3 when it was added..


    You are correct that info was not available till later in game. However there were interviews with developers about legacy name and the importance of them. Not to mention several posts on these forums about it as well. All it would have taken is a simple Google search to get info on legacy name!


    I guess being silly is never a good thing.


    FYI there is an in game option to turn it off in game. Problem solved!

  13. Why are lightsabers and vibroswords essentially the same weapon? This should not be the case, if they were why would the jedi and sith ever have stopped using training blades(vibro-swords)? I submit that the lightsabers should count as elemental damage and not be affected by armor. Shields should help with damage mitigation but not armor. Now i do know that this is not the movie, but that being said i have never seen any armor capable of stopping the lightsaber. Armor should be effective v.s. vibro-weapons hence why the jedi moved to a weapon that could not be stopped by armor and actually why the jedi themselves dont wear armor against each other.


    So you want REALISM in science fantasy. I am gonna let you work out the fatal logic in your argument!


    MMO needs mechanics. You yourself say you don't have the answers. A constructive post contains an issue then has solutions. You will never get one over powered weapon over another!


    A little research would let you know there is a metal that can block light sabers in EU. Since you are so smart I will let you do the google search to find that metal and all other pertinent information!

  14. http://consumerist.com/2012/04/congratulations-ea-you-are-the-worst-company-in-america-for-2012.html


    Whether it's on a console, a PC, a smartphone or tablet, hundreds of millions of people play video games every day. Yet most mainstream media covers the industry the same way it treats adult dodge ball leagues and cat fashion shows (both noble ventures, but neither of them multi-billion dollar industries). And the only time you hear legislators discuss video games is when some politician decries them as the death knell for all things righteous in the world (hint: they're not). Now, after years of being ignored and relegated to steerage, game-players have voted to send a message to Electronic Arts and the gaming business as a whole: Stop treating your loyal customers like crap.


    After more than 250,000 votes, Consumerist readers ultimately decided that the type of greed exhibited by EA, which is supposed to be making the world a more fun place, is worse than Bank of America's avarice, which some would argue is the entire point of operating a bank.


    To those who might sneer at something as "non-essential" as a video game company winning the Worst Company In America vote: It's that exact kind of attitude that allows people to ignore the complaints as companies like EA to nickel and dime consumers to death.


    For years, while movies and music became more affordable and publishers piled on bonus content — or multiple modes of delivery — as added value to entice customers to buy, video games have continued to be priced like premium goods.


    There have even been numerous accusations that EA and its ilk deliberately hold back game content with the sole intent of charging a fee for it at a later date. It's one thing to support a game with new content that is worth the price. It's another to put out an inferior — and occasionally broken — product with the mindset of "ah, we'll fix it later and make some money for doing so."


    New, independent game companies do pop up all the time, but the cost of entering the market has historically been too expensive, making these indie innovators prime targets for acquisition by mega-publishers like EA. Our hope is that the growth of app-based gaming and downloadable games will continue to make it easier for developers to get their products out without the backing of companies that don't care a lick about the people who fork over their cash.


    Oh well, Worst Company In America 2012 is officially in the books. All that's left to do is send off the Golden Poo to EA.


    Traditionally, the Poo has been delivered on its little red pillow. But this year, we'll give EA three different color options for its pillow, though in the end it's still the same old Poo.


    Thanks again to everyone who voted. See you all again in about 49 weeks!




    Yes cause 4chan never rigs online voting for anything. Feel free to look up the online votes they have messed with.


    Polls mean jack! Easily rigged online polls mean even less.


    FYI this has been posted several times!!!

  15. Hello,


    Up until this point I've been under the assumption that all things unlockable via the legacy system would first and foremost be unlockable by attaining a certain legacy level. However, when I look at the legacy "other" section, for unlockables I see that ship unlocks and cooldown reduction unlocks seem to require specifically credits to acquire them. I was slightly confused as at the recent summit it was expressed that credits would be a completely alternate method to unlock legacy rewards.


    What I'm wondering is if this was an intended design choice, or if it's just a place holder, because it seems incredibly strange that we're being given only the option to purchase these things (For 1mil each no less in the case of the ship unlocks) in a system that was supposed to reward altaholics, and the creation of alts.


    Just something strange I noticed.


    Some things are based on pure legacy level or purchased via credits. Some things require a certain legacy level plus credits. This is an intentional money sink!

  16. One thing I would quite like to see is the ability to set my own waypoint on the map. Toggling the map or running with a "light" map overlay is cumbersome. If I could put a point on the map and follow my mini map marker it would be very helpful!




    I was discussing this with my guild as well and would love to see this option added.

  17. You're absolutely entitled to enjoy the event, but just be aware that some are not always looking for something to complain about. I try to avoid complaining, generally, and if anything have the tendency to be too lenient and let things go. Yet I am unhappy about this, because I genuinely don't like it.


    To each his own, but please don't just attribute other people's opinions to some kind of predetermined opposition.


    Simple solution, don't participate! I am pretty sure most players have a perfect safe zone on their ship!

  18. LOL! People whine there are no events in SWTOR and that the game is so sterile for environment.


    They add a huge event and do it without a patch and players whine/cry about it.


    Simply put if you don't like it don't participate!


    2k is nothing and if you don't want to spend money on the cure just don't log in.

  19. Thank you all who are pushing my tin stocks through the roof.


    For those with common sense, intelligence and just plain normalcy. Thanks for keeping up the fight against the complainers. Also thank you for keeping me entertained while servers are down.


    For those complaining the servers are down I suggest going to the comic book store. When you get home you will have nice fresh sheets on your bed!!!

  20. Guess it more shocking that being able to marry my other female toons had priority


    They were working on Legacy system long before people whined about a group finder. Legacy was scheduled to be in on launch a group finder was not originally planned.


    Not really a surprise at all if one uses logic or does any sort of research.

  21. So finally we're getting a guild bank, a basic requirement for running a guild in an MMO and one which should have been in the game from the start.


    But really? Is this right? NO guild tax feature?


    In the word of Homer Simpson....."doh!"


    They made comments about this already at the guild summit. I would tell you what they said but then I would deprive you of a learning experience.

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