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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. Well, I have to say, it's not gone un-noticed by most of us that the creative minds designing the missions got stuck at.....kill this mob...on way have a bonus for killing x amount of sub-mobs, err, rinse and repeat. That is fine for most of us drip-fed MMOers who can cope with this lack of imagination while we're pushing towards the end result of raiding.


    I will agree that the quest system is the same as every other MMO. But how do you make it original? I personally can't think of any way to change it from any other MMO.


    I mean I guess we could go back to EQ days where you ran to an experience giving zone which could take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours depending on your level and then sit for 4-5 straight hours pulling the same mobs over and over again.


    However, the one thing I have to say is more irritating than this lack of thought and creativity for the paying customer is something as mundane as having to run from my ship, through airlocks, spacestations etc when I have a perfectly good speeder. There is little excuse when the likes of Nar Shad and corellia allow you to ride inside to have to make us waste quite as much time on inter-planetary transport. We all know the devs will try and get away with as many time-sinks as possible to extend the game while levelling, but come on guys.......when you've got a speeder and are lvl 50, let us use it and at least give us a little breather here. Trust me, the repetitive boredom only goes so far, ask age of conan players, pretty game, innovative combat system, but killed by the lack of originality in the quest system.


    I hate running too and wish that our speeders worked every where. However compared to my time spent on EQ, I can live with this kind of running!


    I personally am done with WoW, but had hoped so much that a newly designed MMO would have some new ideas, they are sadly lacking to date, but have coped with this for the change of scenery and space-age storyline, but it's already getting old and not sure a release of legacy rewards is going to be enough to make me re-subscribe next time around if someone with common sense does not bonk the devs on the head with an originality stick.[/Quote]


    Name an inventive MMO that has managed to become popular? Every MMO that has tried to be different has failed. Becoming pay to win is failing. I too was hoping to see something different but lets face it if they had gone too inventive from the norm they alienate casual gamers and the game ends up dying.


    I was really hoping to see a combination of theme park and sandbox blended together.



    I post this more as a plead to the devs than a troll to try and get something for the player to stay for, as I would really like to be given at least some hope for my monthly fee =)


    I think you need to add solutions to your post. Why do the Dev's need to come up with the solutions? How would you change the questing so it was different from kill x or collect x kind of quests? How would you make changes to the game to make it more unique?


    My hope is to see a true 50 PVP planet with PVE elements. You hit the planet and are automatically flagged for PVP. Blend the PVP and PVE quests and make sure that both sides are forced to cross each others path when questing.

  2. What polls? any links to them.


    I am pretty sure it was a question asked before the wipe. You are probably as capable of searching through the hundreds of polls in the poll section as I am!


    If they are none there on this specific question then it was a poll that happened previous to early launch and was wiped from the boards.

  3. ACs are not classes. You choose your class, like Jedi Knight, at the creation point.


    This is the best explanation of class I have seen on this board.


    Jedi Knight would be your story. Your AC is your class either Jedi Guardian or Jedi Sentinel.


    To OP:


    Your not getting dual AC. There were polls done and the majority of the community were against it. Sounded like the Dev team did not like the idea either from some of their posts.

  4. Sick of people complaining about legitimate complaints in regards to a AAA title that has a monthly fee. Its 2012.


    As a Battlemaster who has cleared all of the content on NM, there are issues. Yes they are being fixed.


    Very few of them are legitimate complaints. Most complaints as you call them are as follows.


    Fix this now or I quit.


    I am sorry but how can you take a person who reacts like this seriously.



    Now if people presented constructive criticism and multiple ways to fix said issues that would be a whole other story.


    Not to mention they need to post the complaints in the correct forums.


    Not to mention people want things their way and no other way and there is no way to please everyone.


    The use of intelligence would go a long way to helping to improve the game but rant threads end up being ignored by the powers that be.

  5. I know you can get ship upgrades, but I'm talking about the interior or possible getting a new ship all together. Is it possible?




    Though they have stated in interviews that they have a wall of crazy at Bioware which is full of ideas that they want to add to the game but are too big to do.


    One of those ideas was the ability to customize your ship.


    My guess is a future expansion will be centered around the ships, space combat and the ability to customize or purchase new ships.

  6. As the title says, I am beginning to wonder if Bioware has heard these terms. Because taking the servers down multiple time per week for more than 15 minutes is beginning to get a bit old for some of the things they are doing.


    I understand the need to fix things, but I have to wonder how many of these itsy bitsy patches could have been solved by a hotfix and a rolling restart.


    In before close.


    If you read the patch notes you will notice it is fixing a bug introduced in Tuesdays patch that is causing many customers to freeze!

  7. There isn't an actual license key for installing the game, so I'd go with yes. They make the REAL money off of the monthly fees, so as long as he's playing on his own account, he should be fine. I have the game installed on my desktop AND laptop, so far no one's complained.


    No you need an activation code from purchasing the game.


    Don't guess, giving false information is helpful to no one!


    There is no way around this.

  8. Having said that though, they do need to work on how they're handling this. Multiple downtimes throughout the week (almost weekly so far) when they know they could have done it during scheduled maint, is very bad practice in the long run.


    They are fixing game altering bug that was introduced on the Tuesday patch. Please explain how they could have done this patch to fix the issues introduced in last patch?


    Guess reading patch info might be a good idea... Just saying!

  9. In order to activate an account you need an account code. To get this code you need to purchase the game. Without the code no active account.


    No way around this. He must at the very least purchase a digital copy and get a code emailed to him.

  10. I belong to a webite of like minded individuals all waiting to see if this is gonna change, were eager to play.

    I found out the hard way by assuming I could do this in swtor since ive never had this problem in any other mmorpg.


    Vanilla EQ did not allow it. It never dawned on them that people might like to run multiple characters on the same account... They did eventually add it though and I am sure SWTOR will too.

  11. Having the same problem lvling. It's BORING not because it's kill x got to y, I did that in WoW for YEARS n it never bothered me. The problem is you srsly spam 1-2 spells 99% of the time while questing its BORING AS HELL!


    jedi sage - project - telekinesis throw spam.


    Jedi shadow - The back stab spell and double swing or w/e its called.


    BH merc - i only spam tracer missile and i won't even need to bother hitting anything else till i get the unload dmg buff at the top of the tree.



    The classes are just beyond stale and boring to play.


    I am curious why you bothered to leave WOW? If you did not get bored with it why would you leave?


    My Hunter, Death Knight and Shadow Priest all used the same rotations. There was never any change. EQ was no different except it was auto attack on and then hit 1 or 2 abilities.


    All MMO's are the same. Any time an MMO is different people complain it is different and do not play it and the game fails. If a game sticks with what has proven to work players complain it is a knock off.


    Since you guys are so damn smart and know what this game is lacking why not create your own game. It will obviously be perfect since you are all experts in what a game should be. The fact that I doubt any two players would want the same thing is irrelevant.


    This game is far from perfect. Between many game altering bugs and exploits changes need to be made. I am sure the changes will come. A fully customizable UI will need to be implemented sooner rather than later. Sadly an in game version of recount will need to be added to please the min/max crowd. Third party add-on's are not needed and I hope they are never implemented.


    I personally would have preferred seeing 500 hours of game time to make max level. Then again I don't need nor do I like the "easy" button. I did find much of my class content at 30+ to require tactics. I could not just go into every fight with a tank and spank mentality and expect to win.

  12. Awesome! Some of you guys are bored. So what is the fix?


    You guys will post what is wrong with the game but give no hint as to solutions. How do they fix the issue.


    How it should work is post issue with game and post possible solutions that would make it better.


    Most of these complaint posts all I get out of them is {OP: "Hey everyone look at me, I am over here!"}. Seems people just want attention.


    I have many issues with the game and I have sent feedback using the in game ticket system.


    It is okay to have issues with the game because it does have issues but seriously people add reasonable solutions with your complaints/problems.


    FYI there is no such thing as a perfect game.

  13. How do you win against a sith maruader in pure melee combat? I don't have any other skills like push pull slam, choke, electrocute, or whatever. All I have is a lift that holds the target in stasis for 8 seconds. I cannot attack the target in anyway during that skill use or the stasis stops.


    I'm now taking on 3 level 34 sith maruaders with a level 34 sentinel to secure a ship and its quite difficult. Everyone of them has a stat of 14K while I have 7k and my companion has 6.5K. The sith marauders seem to be duel weilding sabers and my most powerful attacks aren't doing much damage at all.


    It never seems to block the marauders attacks even when it should happen automatically.

    I'm using Rank 5 skills which should be enough to defeat a marauder, but it doesn't seem to do much damage at all. I ask consulars and other classes why their bosses are so easy to defeat and they say these bosses are no challenges at all. I don't know what it is about this game, but bosses tear me to pieces in pure straight up melee fights.


    The only thing I have besides melee is a lift and hold in place function for all of 8 seconds that takes 1 minute to recharge. So I'm not complaining by saying its too hard or such I am asking how would you use a pure melee class to defeat a marauder that has 2x your armor and the ability to block him is minimal.


    Anytime I do get a successful block I hit reposte, then force kick to stop his next attack for 4 seconds, then force sweep, then master strike.


    Simple solution, you get someone to help you. No shame in getting aid on a single mission.

  14. I had an old 13inch macbook pro, with its bad integrated graphics. My PC is way beyond the minimum requirements, yet it couldnt handle this game. Got bored one day, bootcamped my macbook pro and was surprised to see it handle this game better than my custom built pc.


    Here are the specs for my PC


    Intel Core i7-2600 3.40 GHz

    8.00GB RAM

    Nvidia GTX 560

    2TB Hard Drive

    Windows 7 64bit


    On even low settings, I was amazed to see less than 20fps on swtor. I mean, this rig can run skyrim on ultra settings, yet it cant handle swtor on low settings?


    After 2 weeks of lagging out on the imperial fleet, I decided to test if it would be any different on my 2008 macbook pro 13 using bootcamp with win 7.


    I am now getting 60 fps on low, and 30 on high. I dont understand if its just me, or this game is somehow not optimized with windows, but its running fine using bad integrated graphics, yet choppy using the GTX 560.


    I am gonna go out on a limb to say that you are either not running the latest drivers or that there is a known issue with the drivers that you are currently using. I am not talking just video drivers either.


    Start updating drivers and see how it goes from there.

  15. I've been defending the difficulty of the game so far, but I just got to what I think is the last fight in Act 1 for my Imperial Agent, I'm the correct level for it based on the quest (32), and I've tried it about six or seven times until I just alt-f4 rage-quitted out of it. I've never rage-quitted on an MMO before.


    The worst part is the story will not make any sense now. The situation is super tense and I'm supposed to act immediately to basically stop armageddon, but instead I have to just turn around and walk out of the instance. So much for feeling like a hero, huh? Now I have to put saving the galaxy on hold while I go farm pvp and space missions for a few days to gain an extra level. It's ridiculous. It makes the game and the story and everything just ridiculous. I have been a super fan of the game until now, but this kills it for me.


    I found several of my events very hard and have died at least once on several of them. I love the fact they are not tank and spank events. I actually had to use strategy to win the events just like I would in a group encounter.


    I think the game difficulty is fine. Make it too easy and why bother to play it! This is a first, an MMO is actually making you learn how to play your class through solo play!

  16. customizable ui is fine. the crutch that are macros are not.




    Yes a fully customizable UI is required and I am sure it will happen. When it will happen is anyone''s guess.


    Several of the interfaces need to be improved including galactic trade.


    I am perfectly okay with no addons if they are going to make the UI fully customizable.


    If they decide to go addons they need to either be approved by Bioware and downloaded from their site or have a addon team that makes the addons themselves.

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