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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. Well, let's see. if I wanted to do those things, I think I'd be doing them instead of sitting her eplaying. Besides, during the downtime, you want me to go OUTSIDE? Are you INSANE????? I'd rather not get ***** and murdered, due to the fact it's midnight and I live in a bad part of town.


    Well you could go to the comic book store. This way when you get home you have fresh sheets on your bed just like Howard.



  2. Didn't they used to have one or am I getting mixed up with another game?


    Anyway this is a small one but it would be nice to have a curse over effect on npc's offering a quest which stated the names of the quests they offer. Especially with story it's anoying listening for awhile just to find out they are offering a quest you have already abondoned becuase you don't want to do it.


    Yes there is. There is a link at the top of all these posts!

  3. To get into the game now you need to type in a password, security code (optional, but still), and then answer a security question. I'm wondering if this is perhaps a bit overkill.


    Back when you just needed a password, I could keep it in my head, and nobody could ever find it out. Then I got a security key and, fearing I might lose it and not be able to play, I always keep it next to my computer. Then when I could be asked one of five questions, I wrote a post-it to remind me which answers I'd picked after I forgot one for several days, and kept that next to the computer. Result: anyone who breaks into my house with the intention of playing TOR, facing three levels of security, is still thwarted because I don't write down my password, not any of the more complicated stuff.


    Meanwhile in game, I got harrassed in game from someone I was grouped with because his little brother decided to cause grief while he was afk.


    Obviously a lot more than we have since we still get the ignmax emails selling credits in game. You don't really think ignmax is paying for accounts to have them locked at the first person reporting do you?


    Every credit email sent to players is sent from a stolen account. Why on earth anyone would trust thieves like this with their credit card or bank card information is beyond me.


    Yes it must be common for people to break into ones home to play an MMO. I know it would be the first thing I did if I broke into someones home! Guess you could not write down your answers to the questions.


    FYI they make programs that are password protected to remember sensitive data like questions and passwords.


    Let me guess you are a person who uses the same password and username for everything?

  4. Honestly. The vast majority of hate posts that I'm reading here are like the one you highlighted. Basically nonsense arguments founded in a base of conjecture, logical fallacy, and ignorance.


    Exactly. Astroturfing seems to be a big trend on forums these days. A shame really. If I hate something I just don't do it! I don't go on to forums and whine and complain and bash it either.


    If that was the case I would have no time to live let alone enjoy life. There would be no time to do anything else but complain.


    I guess those who are not astroturfing must lead very sad and miserable lives. Trying to make others hate something just because you do is insane!


    They hate the game yet are supporting it by paying for the privilege to post. Funny thing is if the game becomes super popular these same nay sayers will be flouting the founders title saying they were here supporting the game from the beginning.


    I do find it amazing at how many skilled armchair MMO builders we have on these forums. No MMO is ever perfect nor will it ever be. I have yet to see a perfect video game. The key is find a game you enjoy and want to play.


    Constructive criticism goes a long way for players to get their way. The community spoke with one voice and Bioware listened. Complaints addressed were use of speeders in space ports and orbital stations, ship droids talking too much, quick travel to ships and to planets. There are several other examples in the 1.2 patch notes on PTR.

  5. welcome to star wars...instead of improving obvious things that need fixed..we give you the option to make one character and your other characters brothers...yayyyyyyyy..*** am i 12 years old?




    Perhaps you should read all of the 1.2 patch notes. I see much more than just the legacy system in there.


    As to your question no you are definitely not 12 years old. A 12 year old would use capitals and punctuation.

  6. No, if they listened to any of 1/2 of the crap on these forums, we'd bury the game in a week. Most of the ideas tossed about here are absolutely horrible.


    You mean like the idea to open 30 new servers because there was an hour or so queue on many of the servers? That was the players idea and sadly Bioware buckled to the pressure. Now there are dead servers because of the players!

  7. The game may not go anywhere for 10 years, but 98% of the playerbase will move on to better games.


    So which company are you astroturfing for? When GW2 disappoints you, are you going to be posting the same drivel on their forums? Though I thank you for paying to post on the forums and supporting this game. I hope you keep up your sub just to point out how this game is failing. Thank you for helping to keep the updates coming! I mean between players who enjoy the game and sub and those who sub just to be doomsayers how can this game not last 10 years?


    For those who keep bringing up WOW. During the beginning of WOW there were many players post how the game was doomed, how it sucked and would never last. Though it got boring for me it still became a decent game. Though I don't like the new direction it is headed I am sure there are many tweens giddy with anticipation for the pandas and Pokemon!


    This game will be just fine. Astroturfing has become so common that you just learn to recognize it for what it is and move on.

  8. Because we 'idiots' realize that the game has a /who feature.


    No need to travel to each planet just to determine how many people are there at the time.




    (See what happens when you insult people?)


    LOL. Yes and clearly every sub on every server is obviously logged in when you use that /who command.


    People will pay 15/month and only play a couple of hours a week and some even a month.

  9. I am finding this thread very entertaining.



    I find it funny how many people are astroturfing on these forums. Must be very hard for people to live such sad and unsatisfying lives.



    Now to the person who said SWG shutdown because they lost the license. That is an untrue statement. They did not lose the license they chose not to renew it. Sony released a statement stating that they wanted to focus on their own IP in the future and it was their decision not to renew. Search the net for their statement!



    This game will be just fine. I know players who only play MMO's on weekends and some even log in once or twice a month because they are busy with life. Just because servers seem dead does not mean they lack sub accounts.



    To those who keep saying they keep publishing phony numbers and statistics. They are a publicly traded company. Feel free to look up laws and penalties for lying to your investors.



    To those who are armchair programers, game designers, writers and professional know it alls. Since you are all such experts why are you not employed at Bioware or for that matter any game company. With such expertise you must have the credentials to get a job at any MMO developer. I mean playing for X amount of years must mean you are all knowing when it comes to MMO. If you lack expertise why not invest in the game? Surely if you became a big enough investor you could force Bioware to do things your way!



    As to the few who said Bioware do not read the boards or listen to the players. Are you kidding me? Why do you think there are too many servers? Players whined and cried about queue times until Bioware caved and added extra servers. If you don't believe me feel free to search the word queue and read those threads. Too many servers can be

    blamed on Bioware and the players equally.



    Much of update 1.2 is based on player input. Just because Bioware did not reply to your thread or a comment in a thread does not mean someone isn't listening. There is a whole thread full of responses given by the Dev team to player threads. They even have this thread in one convenient spot for players to peruse and see the feed back rather than searching individual threads page by page.



    Don't get me wrong I am not defending Bioware I think they dropped the ball and released this game 6 months too early because of EA and investor pressure. That said I am glad to see that the game is getting the much needed improvements it needs to qualify as a AAA MMO. I think 1.2 should have been where beta began and after 2 months more of polish the game released. That said I am having a blast playing the game and am glad it released early.



    I have never played an MMO that started off exceptional. Most of them did not even start off as good. It took time and the players and Dev team working side by side to make them good and some even great. It is amazing what constructive criticism can achieve not to mention following procedures.


    This game will be fine now and in the future. As to the original question will it last 10 years? My answer: WHO CARES, enjoy the ride while it lasts!


    My one final thought to those who are astroturfing. Thank you for paying for an account and financially supporting this game. I do find it pathetic people would pay 15 bucks a month just to bash a game, whatever floats your boat I guess! This does not apply to those with constructive criticism.

  10. I dont know about the theme park idea, but what i find it lacking is that EPIC feel. that idea comes from playing EQ, everything you did just about felt EPIC in EQ, and i find myself comparing swtor to EQ more then i should. Dont get me wrong I love SWTOR and have fun playing it, in fact it got me into PVP which i was against in EQ and EQ2.. But pve wise, i just dont have that epic feeling, Crew Skills are too easy and too quick to max out. I love my BH's story line though i feel they could have made all of the release be just Act one, and made it tougher, there by making the first expansion act 2..As far as the choice and the illusion of choice, every game has the illusion of choice no game truly is open ended, we have to eventually respond and act according to the way the devs set out for us to.


    I imagine some will argue about like the operative, or sorc story line being "epic" but consider all other things and thats about the biggest thing missing is the EPIC feel in things to me, make crew skills advance slower or something lol


    No MMO will ever match up to the first MMO you played. I started in EQ too and nothing has compared since. Then again I do not miss running for an hour just to get to a place where I could get experience. Nor do I miss the fact it would take 72 hours to gain a hell level!


    That said I love this game though it needs a lot of work to appeal long term to the various factions (PVPers, MMO players, Star Wars fans, Bioware fans and Hardcore Raiders). I really think it needed 6 more months of development to be an absolutely fantastic game.


    At least Bioware is aware that the game is lacking certain MMO features and is taking steps to correct the game. Patch 1.2 is where I think the game should have launched.

  11. pretty sad that after 4 months that this game is starting to die because they freaking panicked at launch. So what if there were queues it meant you would have people to group up with and play with. Now you are lucky if you even get into a flashpoint, wz, or heroic. Anchorhead is at most light and standard whereas before it was heavy and full at most hours.


    They did not panic so much as players complained about the queue times. Feel free to do a search and check out the various threads whining about queue times and demanding new servers. Feel free to correlate the names there with the ones now wanting mergers. Very funny to see some of the same names in both threads!!!


    FYI several MMO veterans warned people this would happen.

  12. 1. Than what is the point of playing the game if there is nothing to strive for at end game. Players need to have something to strive for at end game besides gear that looks like everyone elses and I don't understand why BioWARE didn't incorporate this into part of its end game mechanics.


    2. Just because your a Darth doesn't mean your the exception to the rules and tradition. Your color choice would display a weakness to other Darth Lords!


    If this is the case than maybe they should allow unrestricting weapons for the mirrior classes. I would like to carry a blaster Rifle instead of a pistol. Bobba Fett had one :rolleyes:


    With 1.2 players can remove all mods and set bonus and add it to any orange armor they want. Since Orange armor will now be able to contain an augment slot it will be the best armor in the game. As of 1.2 they are increasing the amount of orange armor gear in the game people will have choices. There will be rare colors in the game to strive for.


    Our characters are constantly told how special we are throughout our story. We are told we are the most powerful force user in a very long time. Let them sense weakness and make a move!


    Seriously now you are going to change your tactics regarding blasters? Those are game mechanics. You are now grasping at straws. You are changing tactics because your lore argument was disproved.


    You need to stick with the personal opinion that Star Wars to you is Red/Blue/Green sabers.


    Again ask for an OT game filter it will fix your issue and make other OT purists happy!

  13. Around 4,000 BBY, lightsaber crystals were used to indicate a Jedi's chosen class. Blue indicated a Jedi Guardian, a Jedi who used the Force on a more physical level. Green indicated a Jedi Consular, a Jedi who preferred to reflect on the mysteries of the Force and fight the dark side at its heart. Yellow indicated a Jedi Sentinel, a Jedi who honed their skills in a balance of combat and scholarly pursuits.


    This distinction fell out of practice in later years when most Jedi used blue or green crystals based on choice, and the supply of them on various source worlds. Purple, yellow, and orange crystals were still used by some Jedi until the the fall of the Jedi Order, but they were exceedingly rare, and often passed down through generations.


    Here is a timeline for you none history fans! 4,000 BBY Timeline


    1. Galactic Republic Chancery election; Sidrona Diath becomes Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

    2. The Great Sith War begins with the Sith Lord Exar Kun and his apprentice Ulic Qel-Droma.

    3. Humans from Brentaal colonize Muzara.

    4. The Tallaani Shipyards are established on Tallaan.

    5. The Basiliskans chemically poison their own planet of Basilisk, in a last effort to defeat the Mandalorians.

    6. A civil war erupts on Goroth Prime between Corellian and Aqualish miners.

    7. A fuel mining colony is established on Peragus II. (Approximate date)

    8. Swoop racing first becomes popular in the galaxy.

    9. The secret society known as the Krath is founded by Aleema and Satal Keto in the Empress Teta system.

    10. The Temple of Tet-Ami is constructed on Benja-Rihn by the Carthasian.

    11. The Jedi Temple is constructed on Coruscant.

    12. The virus codenamed Blackwing by the Galactic Empire in 1 BBY is first recorded.


    I cannot express this enough about the Colors and why they need to be rare. Its EU cannon and your lack of knowledge shows as most who argue for allowing unrestricted colors. BioWARE should of made Red exclusive for Sith side and Blue/Green for the Republic side. All others need to be rare and practically low drops. This is a MMO and its immersion breaking for end game players.


    BioWARE knows this and shows in there own CG movies advertised for this game!


    You know your beating a dead horse right?


    They will not take away colors from the players. Again you are better off asking for an OT button.


    You know the PC's are the exception to the rules. Just because there are a lot of PC's does not mean they should make other crystal colors rare. NPC's seem to stick to traditional colors.


    FYI in those CG movies I would like to point out those are all NPC's I don't see a single PC in them! Lets face it having 40 Sith light up red sabers all at once is just terrifying and awe inspiring. In other words, it was simply done to look cool.


    Again Being a Darth and member of the Dark Council, NO ONE will dictate what color my light saber is going to be.

  14. I am a huge Star Wars fan. I was very young when I saw the original movie and it was my first movie in a Theater.


    I am a huge Bioware fan. I have been hooked on their games since the Original Baldur's Gate.


    I am also an MMO gamer. I was a hardcore EQ gamer and then a casual WOW player. I have found a happy medium in SWTOR.

  15. Whats the distinction between sith sorc and jedi sage then? If not red vs green LS color (when used if restricted) ???


    You understand the difference between a game mechanic and what people are calling lore right?


    Classes and Advanced classes are game mechanics as are the weapons they use! The color of lightsabers should never have been restricted but more so never been restricted by alignment. The way the restrictions were, were neither traditional nor did follow the EU.


    In order to appease the Traditional crowd. They would have needed to get rid of all colors other than red, blue and green. They would have then had to restrict them based on classes. To get the actual look of Star Wars they would have had Blue/Green as Jedi only and red as Sith and all blaster classes!


    As has been said before there is absolutely no evidence in lore that any restrictions existed other than tradition! If restrictions in lore existed there would be ZERO exceptions in OT and EU and that is clearly not the case.


    I am pretty sure there is no such thing as class or advanced class in the movies. This is an MMO you have to define classes, the weapons they use and their skills. Without those things there is no game period! If you want two blaster pistols you choose a gunslinger. If you want a Saber you choose a Jedi or a Sith!


    As to your original again off topic question. One is Empire the other is republic. How do you tell them apart? How about the big name plate above their head indicating they are part of the opposite faction! FYI that name plate is not only a dead give away but is also what is called a game mechanic.

  16. WoW did not suck at launch, it wasn't the smoothest launch but they had so much content and solid gameplay that it brought in tons of gamers by word of mouth. WoW survived cause they had enough content to keep us entertained for prolonged periods of time. Do not take that previous statement as a knock against SWTOR. The current MMORPG model does not work effectively imo, Cataclysm had a boat load more content then Vanilla did but can't retain customers as well.


    People posting on the forums while their subscriptions are running out =/= paying to post. Now if people were at home and doing that, that would be a different thing.


    Meaning they still bought the game and subbed. Regardless if they cancelled or not they still supported the game.


    Sadly no company will push the genre. I was hoping to see a mixture of sandbox and theme park.


    My buddies played WOW and they all said wow launch was horrible. I even recall several of our raiders coming back because the servers were down or they could not loot or the lag was so bad they could not move in the cities.


    Wonder if the original forum posts exist about WOW launch. My guess is you would see same kind of venom there as here!


    On a final note is one thing to be disappointed, upset or to post constructive criticism and posting bugs needing to be fixed. It is a whole other ball game to come on forums and act like a spoiled child. Many of the posts on this forum are just temper tantrums from adults.


    This game is not great but it is not end of the world terrible either. The biggest problem is the game is too fast to level. The game has potential. Now if it will hit that potential I don't know but at least it has a shot!


    Like I said before I don't think Bioware is able to do mergers yet if they could they would have already. Though the more conspiracy theorists out there the richer I get, I invested heavily in tinfoil based on the early SWTOR forums.

  17. Actually across the SWTOR community SWTOR is getting a really, and I mean really bad reputation. The big thing that got WoW moving was "Word of Mouth Advetising" which is huge im MMORPG's and best yet it's free. If a new gamer was to view these forums, they would most likely turn away. Besides, he's account is probably running out like a bunch of ours, he's not really supporting EA if he's contributing to the massive retention drop that even Bioware can't spin.


    Yet people are still paying to post.


    FYI WOW sucked at launch. People came back to EQ complaining how bad it was and how it was unplayable how you could not loot! The customer service at launch was equal to EQ and as everyone knows Verant interactive had terrible customer service. Constant server crashes for several weeks. Yet WOW managed to survive a very rocky few months.


    Tor was released too early even the most avid fan has to see it. It will survive and will get better.


    And if the community had not whined for more servers to begin with there would only be a couple of servers in this situation. I just the bigger of those whining threads about queue times. Feel free to go back and read them. You will find a few of the players there are also demanding mergers now!

  18. EAWare will only care when it's to late.


    It's not unheard of for an MMO to fail fast. WAR, Aion etc.


    This game is just like them. Even shares the same team as WAR.


    Everything EA touches, turns to ****. That's not elitist talk, or follower speak. It's the truth.


    Every company they take over, releases games with increasingly less quality then their Pre-EA games.


    As it is with Bioware, what was once a truly remarkable, and enjoyable RPG Game Company.


    But no more. Their just a shill now. A Name, that is gaining an increasingly bad reputation.


    You hate EA. Yet you purchased their game and supported them. You are paying a monthly sub to stay on these forums.


    I would like to be the first to thank you for supporting Bioware, EA and Star Wars The Old Republic!

  19. Ok i dont want to derail off the OT... But where do we see RESTRICTIONS in using only Blaster pistols and not being able to use rifles? Or Cannons?


    Where do we have those?


    Why Vanguard cannot use 2 pistols if its CLEARLY POSSIBLE?




    That is a game mechanic chosen by the game designers just as were the original alignment restrictions. I hated the original alignment restrictions yet I did not once whine on the boards about it. If down the road they get rid of all crystal colors other than red, blue green I will live with it! I won't whine on the forums over it!


    Lets go further perhaps we should have one single class. Be a pretty boring game if one player could do everything. Players that just tank heal and dps. While we are at it we might as well merge the Republic and Empire, disparity problem solved. We could allow everyone to be force sensitive too. I don't know if I can come up with any more stupid suggestions though I will add them if I can come up with them.


    I do suggest staying on topic.


    The OP said it was iconic and canon that is what this discussion is. There is a difference between something being canon and something being a game mechanic!


    The original restrictions based on alignment were stupid, they were neither an effective game mechanic nor Iconic. They neither gave the feel of the original series nor followed anything remotely EU. There should have been either a combination of faction/class restrictions for crystals or no restrictions at all!

  20. You know up until recently, I was rather mild in my attitude toward lightsaber colours. It bothered me, I didn't like it too much but I could bear the idea o few sith wearing blue lightsabers or jedis with reds, but since this weekend I'm really starting to have issues with this free for all colour crystals...


    I was doing heroics and flashpoint and in a certain point ALL of my party members, 2 sith sorcerors, and a Sith Marauder were waving blue lightsabers around (Marauder even had both of his lightsabers in blu no less)... It felt like i was doing quests with the freakin Jedi coucil!!! ... That is really kind of ******...Really, I mean really!? Some restriction is necessary either based on aligment or faction, I don't care I just don't want to have entire Sith party with blue lightsabers...


    You obviously did not read the entire thread.


    The OP has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that exceptions exist in the movies and EU. If restrictions in the SW universe existed there would be no exceptions.


    Yes the OP explains why there are exceptions but that does not matter. Using conjecture or guesswork as to why it was done does not matter. The important fact is that there are exceptions for exceptional people.


    As it has been pointed out in several post in this universe we are the exceptional people. We are the exceptions to the rules. All three of my Sith are constantly told how special they are. We are above traditions and can either embrace or reject them.


    The OP is stating opinion and he is trying to explain away facts to do it. Facts are facts, they cannot be explained a way.


    I get that to him it does not feel like Star Wars. However you cannot restrict something when it is proven that no such restrictions exist in the lore.


    Other players have already suggested a compromise that would make both camps happy. I even mention that compromise in my last post. Will let you go back and read it!

  21. Seems to me like they should just be able to carry your legacy over to a new game. If the name is taken you'd have to change it but they could transfer your level and also your 50s so that you can still have all the same content you'd have on the previous server. Then they could simply delete your existing progress of legacy on the previous server and then if people want to retain there legacy on the old server and start a new legacy on the new server they have to be at least 30+ and then if they have a 50 instead of a 30 getting transfered you'd simply be out of 20 levels of legacy.


    I don't see why the legacy system would make it that hard to implement.




    Obviously it is an issue because it failed on PTS and that was just copying not transferring. The whining in this thread is bad enough can you imagine if they wiped out peoples Legacy's? It would be 10 times worse.


    Reprogramming something as big as this is not easy regardless how easy it seems to the standard player.


    If they are not willing to transfer the Aussies until late April I doubt they are able to do it now.

  22. Transfers have already happened; hence the big hoop-la over the oceanic and Australian servers. They've already stated that the reason they haven't implemented them for US and EU servers is because of issues with transfering legacy.


    It's a BS reason to be honest.


    I responded to this already. Show me when these transfers happened since last I heard it was Late April that Aussies would be allowed to transfer.





    Now if you are talking about the copying of characters from normal realms over to PTS that is not transferring. There was a poster who mentioned his character was copied to PTS successfully but his Legacy level is a mess!

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