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Posts posted by Lord_Scythe

  1. "a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors" FACT


    "therefore everyone should be allowed to use any color they want" the conclusion everyone is using to justify the change



    "complete nonsense" absolutely my opinion and a very good one :D


    A handful means that they had the choice to use whatever color they wanted. That means every force user has the choice of what color to use. Most choose traditional some do not. Remember in numbers on the server NPC Jedi use traditional colors so do NPC sith. They are force users in the game and even out the number of players going with other colors.


    The change has been made. The original alignment restrictions were ridiculous as they neither had the look that you guys wanted (OT) nor did they follow any part of the EU. Faction restrictions would have given what you wanted but they would have destroyed the look of the OT, Han would not be able to have red blaster bolts. You purists seem to forget that red blaster bolts were on the side of the rebels.


    I doubt that faction restrictions will ever be implemented. My suggestion is that those who want the look of OT you ask Bioware for an option that would change all Sith to red and Jedi to Blue/Green.

  2. ...and you havent presented any. Just some twisted logic that because a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors therefore everyone should be allowed to use any color they want. complete nonsense


    Info found here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber


    "Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). This color difference was a decision during post-production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re-release posters."


    What if they kept them white? I mean after all it is lore and there has to be a deep hidden meaning to the colors of red and blue. Wait a minute you mean there was absolutely no thought on the color change it was just done to differentiate between the sides? It was an afterthought during post production, but it is iconic!!!


    Green lightsaber iconic? What do you mean they changed it from blue to green because it did not show in the sky? But green is iconic. There was a deep hidden meaning to Luke choosing green! Oh wait it was an afterthought during post-production.


    In the OT color is just color there is no hidden meaning. Guess you need to learn a little bit about the making of Star Wars.


    First off I am a Darth of Sith and member of the Dark council who do you think you are that you can tell me what color I can use for my lightsaber? I am the strongest force user in the galaxy and you will not tell me what color my saber is. This is my movie I am the star and I will make my own choice!!!


    I don't whine when you choose blue or green for your Jedi or red for your Sith why are you whining over my choice?

  3. Yes but only after bugs, game optimization and missing MMO features are added and the game is running smoothly! I would rather have the development team spending the time on that stuff first.


    Mac users know that when they purchase a Mac that not all software is going to be available on their machines. Just like Linux users know that most software and drivers are officially unavailable for that platform.

  4. Good news for all you immersion folks if you are on the space slug server!


    I will be making a Jedi Sith Pureblood that uses a red lightsaber! Why am I doing this? Because you guys gave me the idea! Guess that is your bad!


    For those complaining about humans what is the big deal? I am pretty sure I would rather have the presence boost over unlocking a race in the game. The presence boost is actually an in game advantage where as unlocking a race is cosmetic!!!


    So keep up the complaints about getting an in game advantage over a cosmetic one!

  5. I've made that point at least a dozen times and it has yet to be addressed. Why can't my smuggler use the same color as the most famous smuggler in the movies?


    He can't address your question without admitting he is wrong. He seems to be very good at ignoring anything that either disproves, contradicts or otherwise invalidates his points.

  6. You said enough and I see you don't care for lore or the immersion of other in a world that you share with them.


    Like I said I want to play Star Wars not play dress up with the fashion lions!


    Perhaps but I am not a hypocrite!


    I guess whatever floats your boat. Restrictions are gone they are not coming back and feel free to check every post I have made I never once posted asking for them to go!!! I have added to the whining posts (as you put it) on this subject. You say people whined to get the restrictions removed? Hate to tell you your post is no different than theirs just on the opposite side!


    I would have lived with the alignment restrictions that were in place because frankly there are much bigger issues than crystal restrictions. Trust me when I say I hated alignment restrictions but they were not such a huge deal as to create a post about it.


    I would have lived with the faction/class restrictions had they changed to that system as there are much bigger issues that need to be dealt with. I don't hate this idea I just think it is silly to restrict choice when evidence proves that choice is prevalent in EU and that this game based on choices.


    I am more than happy that the restrictions are gone but still think there are way bigger issues to deal with than simple color restrictions.


    I do love the fact that when people create a post about wanting changes opposite to your opinion it is whining. But when you create a post about it, it is not! Hypocritical or what? Rhetorical question I already know the answer!

  7. Not to derail the color issues, if you wanna use red as a jedi or blue as a sith be my guest, but if my jedi guardian can use red, why cant the same guardian use a double bladed light saber? I understand there are certain abilities that double bladed saber users have, i have a shadow as well, but aparently what can be programed in can be programed out as well. End restrictions completly, I love to have a sentinel with a saber in one hand and a blaster in the other.

    Every game I've played that has lost the vision of what they were trying to achive, from SWG to AoC has failed. Again while i really have no problem with saber color, at what point in time doess the basterization of the game end?


    Following established canon is bastardization?


    FYI in the original movies there are Sith and Jedi there is no such thing as class or sub classes that was added by Bioware when they made KOTOR!

  8. Not an Identity, mmmmm.


    Sith Empire on SWTOR webpage is covered in RED.


    Republic Jedi covered in, you guessed it blue.


    The CG for this movie had nothing but RED light sabers exiting the drop ship that battled the Jedis in the Temple and one of the established bosses AKA Darth Malgus is equiped with a RED light saber.


    If you think the colors are not Iconic or a representation of the faction than your blind because BioWARE established the colors of the two factions all over there webpage and in there own CG movie that advertised this game to the general public.




    Because it looked cool nothing more!


    Your side wanted restrictions they got them for launch. It was done wrong and those restrictions were removed.


    I doubt they will add faction/class restrictions because EU has president for no restrictions. Game was big on choices as well.


    Best I can say for purists ask for a OT look button that will make everyone look the way you want them to look. Grant you this ruins my immersion because people don't get to see my choices!!!

  9. Because everything is based off the OT, duh! Its like talking to a wall with half of you fashion lions :p


    Yet you over look many other things in this game that break OT canon because it is a different era but color of lightsabers is where you draw the line?


    Dark side Jedi? They would not be tolerated by other Jedi period regardless if they chose to follow the Sith code or not. Does seeing Dark side corrupted Jedi ruin your immersion?


    Light side Sith would be ferreted out and killed.


    Aliens would not be tolerated as anything other than slaves in the Empire.


    But I guess to pick and choose what should and should not be used from OT is okay...

  10. Agree, it would be alright if it was a single player game but it is not because no one here is the center of the universe like being in a single player game. People don't understand nor the ones who care to play in the universe. With that said I wouldn't mind seeing one or two floating around but watch when the big influx comes :eek:


    If you want the look of OT and want immersion of OT why are you playing an EU game?

  11. Again...BW is favoring choice over immersion in a game that is supposedly grounded in story......







    EU is still Star Wars.


    EU has president for no restrictions!

  12. Well I completely agree with you. But hey this is an MMO and BW is easy to fold when people QQ just hard enough about stuff.


    Since Dark Jedi were able to use Red in TOR, I really loved the fact that the Sith had Purple restricted to them even though I play Republic myself. I started seeing Purple as the second Sith color besides the standard Red.


    But now every color is up for grasps for both factions.


    Welcome to TOR. Enjoy your stay. Don't like something, QQ about it. You'll have your way.


    EU game. EU takes presidents. Don't need to QQ when facts will do the work for you!


    The whole QQ caused the alignment restrictions to begin with. I saw the threads of OT purists who wanted crystal restrictions before the great server wipe of 2011. Why Bioware made it worse making it an alignment restriction I will never know. Faction/Class restrictions would have been way better than the alignment system. That at least would make it look like the OT. That might be ruined of course with 43+ Jedi and 67+ Sith running around.


    EU game means EU canon. Feel free to check the 120 some books approved by Lucas Arts. You will see a variety of colors that are not standard in those books. Play KOTOR which is the base lore for this game. A ton of colors not in the OT canon are in that game and are not restricted to being a Jedi or a Sith.

  13. Lets face it EU does not exist without Star Wars to base it all off of. That said SWTOR does not exist without EU.


    I don't care if you believe in only the OT. If that is true why are you here? If you think only OT is canon why are you playing a game that does not take place in OT. Kind of hypocritical to be playing this game if you only think OT is canon. Why are you supporting a game in the EU when your beliefs say that only OT is canon.


    If you are playing this game that takes place in EU then EU lore is relevant regardless whether you believe in it or not. Personal opinions do not matter only facts. It has been proven and is a fact that Jedi and Sith have used colors in the EU other than red, blue or green. It is a fact that in EU that a Jedi Leia uses a red crystal created by her brother Luke. It is a fact that in EU that a Fallen Jedi gone Sith Exar Kun used a blue light saber as Dark Lord of the Sith.


    Obviously if you are a purist who believes in only OT then my suggestion is go play SWOTMMORPG! I am sure that game will be a lot of fun. Oh yeah that game was not made. Well you will always have the blu-ray movies to keep you company. As purists I am sure you love all those "enhancements" made to that version of the movies...

  14. "The color of light-saber blades has no particular meaning. The problem we faced when working on the old films was the lack of special-effects proficiency. We didn't have the technical means to create light-saber blades of infinite color varieties. Also we only see three Force users with light sabers in the old films so there was no reason to have more than the green, blue and red light-saber blades. " -- George Lucas


    Interview can be found here:




    I have been informed that this site is a fake not sure if it is true or not.


    If anyone has a link to an actual interview with George Lucas I would appreciate the link...

  15. "The color of light-saber blades has no particular meaning. The problem we faced when working on the old films was the lack of special-effects proficiency. We didn't have the technical means to create light-saber blades of infinite color varieties. Also we only see three Force users with light sabers in the old films so there was no reason to have more than the green, blue and red light-saber blades. " -- George Lucas




    Point, set, match!


    That is the quote I was looking for!!!


    Thanks Caelrie!!!


    Do you recall which interview it was in?

  16. I don't have a problem seeing more than two Sith running around, its a different time period! So whats your point?


    Exactly different time period. Color crystals are plentiful in this time period giving both Jedi and Sith more options. How do we know crystals are more colorful? The emperor has not destroyed most of the natural sources yet. People argue canon and iconic and tradition but EU has shown exceptions. There are also more color crystals in EU than red/blue/green.


    PC's are the heroes of their own story just like the Jedi of the EU books. The EU Jedi got to choose their colors based on personal choice. Many chose to be traditional some did not. PC's should have the same choice as any EU Jedi since this is an EU game. Many PC's will choose to be traditional and some will not!


    This game is not SWOTMMORPG. That is a good thing because that game would be boring as hell. The story is known and there are no Jedi or Sith to be played!


    The decisions have been made. For those anal about their immersion I suggest asking for a OT option to make the game look the way you want because it is unlikely to be changed back or changed to faction based.

  17. My arguement is not about Light side/dark side choice but that the primary colors that have been established by the movies and countless other media should be exclusive to that faction. The big three need to be exclusive and I don't have a problem with a light sided sith using a Red color saber because lets face it a light sided sith is not really good you just take a different approach to handleing things.


    I am curious how you feel about more than 2 Sith running around the universe at 1 time?


    Isn't the rule of 2 established in OT lore and iconic?


    If you want to be true to the look of the movies there can only be two Sith!


    There are many examples of exceptions in EU amongst Jedi using red crystals and Sith using colors other than red. This is an EU game. EU lore is very relevant to the game. You choosing to ignore EU because you want OT is wrong.


    Will post this again:




    "Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). This color difference was a decision during post-production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re-release posters. "


    Don't get me wrong the traditional look is very cool looking however EU lore supports choice. Lucas Arts approves/disapproves all EU canon. I would like to know how much input George Lucas has in regards to EU.


    Anyone have a source to the quote where George said colors do not matter by chance?

  18. Your right but a synthetic crystal when fused with Dark Side energy turned red. Red would be the color of RAGE and not peace or nobility.


    Wrong Luke Skywalker created a red synthetic crystal for his sister in one of the books. Seems that even a Jedi can create a red synthetic crystal.


    OMG you mean Lukes sister a Jedi used a red crystal in the books after the movies?


    OMG yes she did!

  19. Synthetic Crystals, it’s a Sith Thang!


    Though synthetic crystals were ordinarily unsuitable for use in light sabers, the Sith discovered that they could create synth-crystals that were energized, magnetized, and modified with the power of the dark side of the Force in special furnaces, causing the crystal to glow in harmonic vibration. As a result of their artificial origins, synthetic crystals created more powerful light saber blades and could be more easily augmented. Also, their common usage by Sith and other Darksiders after this discovery caused synthetic crystals to become something of a staple among such groups, and their use among Jedi was strongly discouraged.


    Most synthetic crystals were red, a result of the forging process, and oftentimes the initiate's intentional manipulations, as most individuals who utilized synthetic crystals were Darksiders. The red-hued light saber blades generated by such crystals were often nicknamed "bloodshine blades". However, synth-crystals could be made in any color, requiring only slight adjustments of the creation process and special manipulations through the Force during the forging. Jedi frowned on the use of synthetic crystals in lightsabers, most individuals who utilized colors other than red were Darksiders looking to hide their affiliations


    1. But Exar Kun had a blue light saber!

    Explanation: The lightsaber of Jedi Knight Exar Kun was a device that was initially created to produce a single beam of blue-white energy. However, upon his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun redesigned his lightsaber based on instructions hidden within an antiquated Sith holocron. The finished product was a double-bladed weapon imbued with dark side energy, from which sapphire blades materialized up to 1.5 meters from either end of the hilt.

    (Exar Kun had learned long lost secrets from a holocron that forged the look but it is a synthetically made crystal infused with the dark side of the force.) A rarity your character is not significant enough to overshadow and take away the iconic look of this character.


    2. But Anakin used his Blue Light Saber in EP3!

    Explanation: Anakin just turned to the Dark Side of the Force and was immediately sent to kill the remaining separatist and exterminate the Jedi order. He did not have time, I repeat he did not have time to make a Synthetic Crystal.

    (What you see in the movies and a design restriction in a video game is two different things. There is a reason why these three were restricted because BioWARE knows they are the iconic colors of the two factions.)


    3. But Mace Windu had a purple colored crystal!

    In the Prequel Trilogy, Mace Windu's unique purple lightsaber was a functional change but Samuel L. Jackson, who played Windu, asked for a lightsaber to match his favorite color, and the distinct shade helped his character stand out on the battlefield from the red, blue, and green of the other lightsabers.

    A rarity, nuff said!


    Jedi used natural crystals!

    According to The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, lightsaber colors originally indicated a Jedi's role in the Order. For example, Jedi Consulars, who focused on non-violence, carried green lightsabers to symbolize peace. Jedi Guardians, on the other hand, carried blue lightsabers as a symbol of uniformity and solidarity.

    The lack of lightsaber color variation in the movies is a lack of colored crystals. According to Jedi vs. Sith, the Empire (Past/Present/Future) quarantined or destroyed many sources of lightsaber crystals. This left the Jedi with mostly Ilum crystals, which can only produce green or blue blades.



    Red/Blue/Green needs to be restricted to their respective factions. The symbols of the big three colors are iconic to the faction which they have been displayed upon. Posters, movies, books, cartoons, toys and comics is proof enough that Red is the faction color of the Sith, while Blue/Green is the faction color of the Jedi, regardless of a select few iconic characters.


    Flame away!


    Couldn't post on one of the several other post about this topic?


    The original alignment restrictions were stupid and I for one am glad they are gone.


    I would have been happier to have seen class restrictions. But am very happy to see no restrictions.


    Why green? Green is not an original color for lightsabers.


    Green was added during editing:


    source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber


    "Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). This color difference was a decision during post-production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re-release posters. "


    So Green is iconic because it did not show up in the blue sky? It was added as an after thought because the true iconic color did not show up.


    It is a matter of choice. Lightsabers are a reflection of those who use them and should be allowed to be customized as people see fit.

  20. Lotro was released in 2007. Used dx9. Then dx10 came out, they added dx10, then dx11 came out, they added dx11.


    Swtor was released in 2011. Uses dx9... what?


    Because much of their target audience is older. Older people do not update their PC software let alone their hardware.


    The lower end machines that this game is designed to run on cannot run DX10 let alone DX11.

  21. I agree, it's an extreamly frustrating thing to have someone try and use lore to back up an argument, and when proven wrong fall back to the "Well that lore doesn't count" stance.


    I've kinda come to the opinion that anyone who uses the first 3 movies as part of their argument, automatically loses the debate, because the events of those movies has little to nothing to do with this the events and background in this game.


    The other problem with his point is it's based completely on wild speculation. There is no way to know the number of people who will play a pureblood Jedi. There is also no way of knowing just how many are too many... Considering there's no lore that states how common such a thing is.



    The only thing I know of, is that my Jedi redeemed a Sith who went to Typhon and showed up again as a full fledged Jedi. So it has happened at least once. Also the Jedi Console does not seem to be overly concerned about the race or even past of people, considering how any former Sith I've run into.


    I will simply because I now know it is going to drive someone crazy! :)

  22. I have unsubbed with no plans to resub.


    Everything that 1.2 has should have launched with the game in the first place.


    No LFG in 1.2, no merges or transfers in 1.2


    Ill pass.


    Guild Wars 2 for me, with a rumored late june release.


    Excellent! So after the launch of GW2 we will see you posting on their forums everything that is wrong with that game.


    There will be a post just like this one saying Titan for me this game(GW2) just doesn't do it for me.


    No MMO is perfect at launch, no MMO is perfect 3 months, 6 months or even a year down the road. No MMO is ever perfect. The reason for this is it is meant to appeal to the masses and not a specific target audience.


    I will not disagree with you that much of 1.2 content should have been in at launch. It should have been but lets face it EA and its investors pushed for a too early launch. This game needed 6 more months of development. Unlike many of the MMOs that launched it is however playable. Are there issues? Hell yes! Will they get fixed? Of course but it will take time.


    I think the problem here is you expect an MMO to be a perfect fit for you. I hate to disappoint you but the only way that will happen is if you create the game itself.

  23. You tell me first: What does a PC do that a Mac can't?


    Play SWTOR without using bootcamp for one! Your turn!




    Once the game is stable and has been running I am sure that a Mac version of the game will get released.


    Right now the team is busy working on bugs, UI upgrades, new content and the extra's that were missed in launch.


    Companies do not initially cater to OS's with a small market share.


    That is how life works and I am sure most mac users get used to it.

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