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Everything posted by grueber

  1. The fanboy responses are amusing for their delusional quality.
  2. Why do you want to do the bonus series? I find that you quickly outlevel the equipment available at the comm vendors if you stay on a planet too long.
  3. I've played all three roles and appreciate that each one has its own nuances. A good dps besides "dps" can offtank adds off a healer. I've played a marauder and sniper so far and both have abilities that will buy you a significant amount of time for the tank to regain aggro or simply kill the adds. There are some players who are just foolish and careless. I make a quick judgment of whether they are bad enough where it's worth the gamble of doing a FP with them or not.
  4. It's apparently so rare I see them on npc Jedi/Sith quite frequently. It would too logical for your toon to be able to pick up the lightsaber and use it as your own.
  5. Turkey bacon sucks. Hormel thick cut bacon is my favorite from the stuff you can buy at the store.
  6. I would give it at least a year before the f2p option is seriously entertained. I'm not sure how much more the game can be improved during that time to retain disgruntled subscribers if Bioware has been working on it for so long and this is the best they could do. Rather than rehash the ridiculous 1.7 million number or the stupid commentary on EA's stock price I'll just say that I have grown tired of this MMO faster than any other I have paid for. By a long shot.
  7. The warzones are the only thing I really play now. Ironic since I really did not enjoy pvp in WoW and focused almost exclusively on raiding. WOuld like to do more FPs but getting a group together is painful. I try not to go to a world unless I have to. Most are half to nearly empty of players unlike the pvp matches and fleet.
  8. I have not played WoW in years. Sorry you can't handle criticism of swtor without actually having a response that deals with it. If you LOOK at the posts people are complaining that big empty zones = terrible MMO world. That heavily separated zones with artificial barriers and big empty expanses of nothing do not make a compelling game world.
  9. The planets are awful on repeat play. Apparently I'm not the only one who feels that way as most of the planets are empty. If you like questing solo through empty worlds then swtor is the game for you.
  10. Voss is a good example of how swtor world design sucks compared to WoW. Just click on M and you see that it's the same hub-fly to each separate zone BS. It literally looks like Nar Shaddaa except the background art is different. You can't actually travel to each zone except through the flightpaths. The ship-orbital station-spaceport loading mess is awful.
  11. The problem is most of them feel empty, especially now where there are only 30-50 peeps in each world past Coruscant and Dromand Kaas. The worlds look pretty bad when there are no other players running around. Making them larger only compounds the problem. Like someone else mentioned, the worlds also feel like giant mazes with artificial boundaries. WoW did a much better job making a contiguous world that flowed from one zone to the next minus loading screens.
  12. I don't care if a player is slight undergeared. I'm concerned about the people who are wearing mostly greens 10 or more levels below their current level. I've only had two instances of god awful players. One was a 22 sentinel on athiss who didn't seem to do any damage during the Beast encounter on Athiss which is easy. I inspected him and he was still using the saber he got in his class bag as his offhand. I guess I should give him credit for opening the bag. It would be easy for a tool to average the gear on each person and spit out a numerical score based on the player's level. Most of the gear is already given a number value except for earpieces/implants/relics.
  13. Do I personally inspect each player I group with in swtor? No. It's readily apparent on the first few encounters whether someone simply sucks and/or is grossly undergeared. Usually they go hand-in-hand. I just don't like the attitude that people think they show up "prepared" when some clearly do not. Gear checks are a crude method of checking. Fact is good and conscientious players do not show up for instances as a liability.
  14. If you think it's fun dragging around undergeared players through instances then go right ahead. Let that option be open to you. Grouping is a team activity. If you want people on your team that are not willing to be prepared that's your prerogative. That you consider it "selfish" to expect people to show up prepared... well that speaks for itself.
  15. Yeah that's what Nintendo aimed for with the Wii. That's doing really well I've heard. Casual gamers are a very fickle lot with a short attention span.
  16. Let me clarify why your attitude is incredibly selfish and give pugs a bad name. If YOU show up prepared and properly geared for a flashpoint or Operation, you will be contributing to the success of it in a meaningful way. On the other hand if YOU show up for it hoping the other people in your group are going to carry your undergeared and lazy butt through the encounter then yeah I would boot you out in a heartbeat. Do you really think it's enjoyable for others to work harder because your unwilling to pick up the slack? And if you come prepared.... well then there's nothing to worry about right? FYI gear checks existed long before LFD was in place. They existed back in EQ1 which was the first MMO I played. Bioware can make an option so all of you terrified of gear checks can group with each other. Have fun.
  17. They should have added the ME2 good/evil choices that temporarily flash up during conversations: Annoying NPC: "Sorry but" (dark symbol flashes) NPC croaks in spectacular fashion. I would certainly pay more attention during the endless yapping.
  18. You gotta be kidding. There is very little difference between a HDD and SDD for SWTOR. I know because I've tried it both ways. The bottleneck seems to be on the server side. If you want to run this game on high textures with AA on and a good resolution you need a decent video card.
  19. Play a trooper and wait until you see General Garza. That's a rump.
  20. My marauder looks awesome wielding blue/yellow sabers. Besides I hope it makes it less likely for ranged toons to target me since I'm wielding goody-goody sabers. The evil choices on the sith warrior class story are pretty stupid IMO. The light side choices are surprising good for the marauder. I won't spoil it for others but there is one memorable scene in Belsavis where you get to be a tricky bastard doing the light side choices.
  21. That's what happens when you have a large population of players who think their low end Nvidia/ATI card "exceeds" the game requirements.
  22. The problem is in the sameness of all the quest designs. Really almost no memorable quests that I can think of in swtor after leveling through toons to the end of their class storylines. At least a few of the quests in WoW stuck out in my mind. There is still that one in Felwood where you escort a captured NE that was really interesting. The one escort quest in Balmorra on the Imp side was incredibly underwhelming. You would have to be brain dead to fail it.
  23. Preordered a long time ago. Yes I'm one of the ones disappointed with swtor and have already cancelled my sub. ME2 was a great single player game. Frankly swtor could have been a great single player game but the concessions toward making it an MMO has bastardized the experience. ME3 better be better than DA2 though. If ME3 is the disappointment DA2 was I'm talking Bioware off my short list of developers I always buy from when they release a new game.
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