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Everything posted by grueber

  1. Gee I dunno, maybe because it's a game for the PC? Your like someone complaining your car is too slow when you choose to drive a Yugo on a highway.
  2. Don't embarrass yourself. I mean really. You are embarrassing yourself. As someone who knows how to build and overclock systems laptops are POS. Why? Because their compact design causes them to suffer from heat issues. Because unlike a desktop you cannot drop a custom cpu cooler to allow for large overclocks. Because their "mobility" graphics is a gimped POS compared to the equivalent desktop card. Both Nvidia and AMD play the stupid numbering system with their vid cards that most consumers have no idea what they mean unless they carefully research. Most of these posts are hilariously funny because people think their system is "good". Well most of them are not for serious gaming. If you want the best performance for the buck dump the laptop and build your own desktop, preferably with a single card solution. Crossfire/SLI always are behind compared to a single card solution because the performance is highly dependent on the video drivers and game.
  3. So at the end as a vanguard I found it incredibly annoying facing Ratkan's two bodyguards who kept spamming knockbacks and heals. I ended up running back outside where the rest of the Republic troops were standing around. His bodyguards followed me all the way back up and were promptly annihilated. I walk back down and Ratkan was doing a variation of knockback/immobilize with a hell of a snipe. Went back up where the Rep troops were and Ratkan was also promptly shot to pieces. I doubt this is how the encounter is supposed to play out.
  4. People play for a variety of reasons, not necessarily to be a part of a "community". Just because certain aspects of a MMO float your boat does not mean it does for others.
  5. I've never had a problem running either the beta or release game. I would wager the vast majority of the problems people have with performance is either a mediocre video card or internet connection.
  6. I would not call a 5700 series card "good" hardware. 5850 and up is a good last gen card. A 570 gtx or 6950 amd is "good" hardware.
  7. After some thought you could make the banned list apply to the account and not just the toon. This would prevent a D-bag from hopping on another toon without you realizing it.
  8. Story is fine. They could save the voice acting for the stories, flashpoint, and heroics. The voice acting on the side quests are wasted IMO. At least with a group you are not forced to play the stupid alignment game and can see alternative choices depending on group members. Space was badly bungled. There is such an opportunity to provide a sustainable experience here that does not exist in wow. That alone would have provided a fresh MMO experience.
  9. I want a cross-server LFD tool. Better yet, I want a tool where I am given the flexibility of: 1. same or cross-server LFD 2. rep system 3. buddy system where you can add people you enjoyed grouping so you can preferentially group with them even if they are on a different server 4. banned list for those you don't ever want to see again When LFD is put in place I'll renew my subscription and check it out.
  10. Just officially cancelled my sub this AM. I put the lack of a LFD tool as my major reason. If the LFD haters want to play by themselves they are free to do so. I have better things to do.
  11. I have 4 separate toons between 20-46 and the repetitiveness of the linear world progression is overwhelming. I have to hold my nose and spacebar through the quest giver yapping because I can voice the lines before they come out of their mouths. The only things that are interesting are the class story lines and playing a different toon that requires a different style of play. The space combat points to the level of recycled content in the game. Same exact missions down to the same exact flightpath. But wait! You get either Sith or Republic ships as enemies! Unfortunately I don't see a quick fix for the problem. Bioware would have to rework large parts of the preexisting worlds which I don't see happening.
  12. I've found revisiting planets on an alt so painful I just try to minimize the amount of questing I have to do on them. Only thing I'm interested is the class story and not rehashing the same old quests/zones. Even if you switch factions the amount of quest and zone overlap is too much.
  13. Sounds like you need to be playing EQ1. As a former 60 wiz with an epic pre-luciden, yeah I got alot of drooling. Ditto as a healer with benediction in WoW pre Blackwing Lair.
  14. Don't be a tool. I've been in raiding guilds in the past. I understand that being in a guild is a time commitment. People in guilds like to group with competent players and I've been guilt-tripped enough times helping out and putting RL stuff on hold. If you want to pay my bills and handle my RL responsibilities. I'll be more than happy to chtchat and blow the breeze at leisure.
  15. At least the forum moderators can pass the word that a large number of their subscribers want a LFD tool. They have been closing multiple threads on the same subject daily. Only question is whether bioware can implement one in a timely manner. Maybe even improve on the feature via a reputation system and the ability to add people to a favorites list across servers.
  16. They are too terrified that their guild, buddies, and friends will ditch them. Really what other answer is there? Not that they bother to address the hypocripsy that people in guilds tend to chat and group only with guild members. If they really wanted a "community" bioware should just nuke guilds and force everyone to be in a big "community".
  17. Thanks I'll start rolling need based on the fact I can "wear" it even if the major stats are completely useless and I would have to reslot 2-3 of the mods to make it useful. Sure the 3 other members in my group may think I'm a ***** but hey I can equip it it's fair game according to you. Remind me never to group with you. Unlike you I actually will stop rolling need if I have already won a piece on a FP run and someone in the group could use a drop. It's called courtesy.
  18. I've already had multiple instances of people being idiots for loot rolls. Last night I had a marauder roll need on a slotted chest with cunning. Another run had a sage rolling need on a str saber that pissed off the Jedi knight in the group. People can be just as thoughtless or stupid whether the group is formed via chat or LFD.
  19. Yeah like swtor is real hard. Lol. It's hard not to hit 50 too fast lest I get stuck in the purgatory called the "endgame".
  20. Something different from every other MMO out there. Bioware should have known of the backlash they were going to get if the endgame content is the same derivative raid/pvp that has been out there for years. They are supposed to be game designers. Well start designing and not providing WoW with lightsabers.
  21. Sorry the truth hurts. All the QQ about community boils down to people like you needing to force others to play in a fashion you approve. It's not my fault your terrified your chat buddies will ditch you in favor of a LFD tool.
  22. Garbage. The tool DOES NOT PLAY THE FP FOR YOU. No one is asking for content to be made easier. How does a tool you choose NOT to use impact you? It all comes down you wanting to hold people hostage to the guild system.
  23. Yes its my fault for choosing a low pop server. Yes let me just dump all my toons and redo all the content on a new server because I should have predicted the population drop off after launch.
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