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Everything posted by grueber

  1. L2p. Really. I just finished voss up as a 45 marauder. Ditto as a vanguard. Have no idea what your talking about.
  2. I've always suspected its the technical issue of putting a functional tool together rather than the community garbage. Bioware isn't stupid. A tool that would facilate FP grouping would increase the usage of group content now and in the future.
  3. Tell your healers to do their jobs.
  4. Omg don't do the cross server lfg! You'll destroy the community of POed players sitting in fleet spamming vainly in general chat! The pvp auto queues are already fragmenting the community. Think how fun it would be to force everyone to group before pvping!
  5. I'm just sick of the repetitive leveling progression that is present in every toon. PvP is more entertaining. I only go to the worlds now to do my class storyline and heroics if there are people interested. That and flashpoints.
  6. And how does any of the above not occur with a pug through Fleet? People already do alot of the above. Frankly if you show up to a group grossly undergeared or don't understand your role in a group then I'm not sure why the other three people are obligated to hold your hand through the flashpoint.
  7. There is already too much solo content available. If you want to see what a solo FP would be like just take your 50 toon and run a low level flashpoint solo.
  8. Who anointed you the judge of how a MMO is supposed to be played? Just because you don't enjoy pugs doesn't mean everyone else feels the same. Funny how these community lovers sneer at pugs. Didn't realize the community was composed of walls topped with barb wire.
  9. Zero evidence? Maybe you should look at how many times the length of this thread has exceeded 1000 posts. Bioware has seen the evidence from people like me who have cancelled accounts and listed the lack of a LFD tool as the major reason. Yeah I prefer to pug. Yes I've been in top-tier raiding guilds in the past. I'm just looking for the casual grouping experience now minus guilds.
  10. Nice way to stereotype a whole class of players. Maybe you should play a dps class at a high level people before trashing them as pew pew pew. I've played all three roles and it's a different play style. Each class has their role. FYI your also wrong. I have 4 different toons and there have plenty of times groups have been looking for dps.
  11. The size of her rump is hilarious. That's some booty!
  12. 85 ppl on each planet? I play on shadowlands which is a heavy-very heavy pop server at peak times. I'm lucky to see more than 50 peeps on a planet once you get past coruscant or dromand kaas. It's more like 30-40 and can drop as low as 20 during 6-10 pm EST. No one forced you do use the LFG tool.
  13. Yeah the community is so great that's why I've already cancelled my subscription out of frustration over the LFG situation.
  14. You would think so, but not necessarily. It's entirely dependent on class abilities. Some classes with CC abilities can solo content that is not possible with other classes. My marauder can solo content alot easier than my vanguard because he can burn a gold-starred enemy so fast that you can break up spawn camps into doable chunks. I did alot of heroic 4 content solo on Hoth with my marauder because they have 3-4 separate abilities to mitigate damage.
  15. I see. So a tool that less than 5 people use at Fleet with 130+ is a failure because of the players. A tool that does not span zones. A tool that does not allow filtering by level. I guess that's why they call people like you fanboys.
  16. Bioware just sent me a survey asking why I stopped my subscription. I told them I would come back if they put a LFD tool in place. Hopefully enough people who quit over this will tell Bioware the same exact thing to light a fire under them.
  17. The vid card is awful. I would upgrade that. 6850 or better AMD or 560Ti or better Nvidia. The processor and memory are fine. If your really interested you can add an aftermarket cpu cooler such as a coolermaster hyper 212+ and overclock it. Most Core2 processors overclock very well. Just make sure your case can fit the above cards. The cooler may not fit. If it's a tower case you should be ok, but horizontal desktop cases are pretty limited.
  18. Vanguard is the most fun in PvP compared to a maruader, sniper, and smuggler. I think shield spec is the best, particularly when you get storm. Huttball is a blast when you can harpoon the ball carrier off the ramp or storm up/down ramps. Love the surprised look on the enemy when I'm the ball carrier and storm right to the goal line.
  19. Give me a break. I'm not the one QQ about performance issues. So are you going to tell all these folks what video card and processor running at X screen resolution are in your laptop? Are they prepared to spend the same amount of $$ as you did?
  20. Those laptops you are talking about are in excess of $1500. Not only that, but laptop go out-of-date even faster than desktops because their graphics cards are significantly weaker and most cannot be updated. If you want to be picky, it also depends on the native resolution of the laptop. Most people are not spending that kind of money on their laptops.
  21. For people who are serious about building their own system for the lowest price the best thing is to build it as components come on sale. Slickdeals is a great site where people posts all sorts of deals including computer components. For cpu + motherboard combo the best place is Microcenter if you have one near you. They sell the combos cheaper than Newegg/Amazon/NCIX even factoring in tax. The catch is the deals are only at the store. For a video card I would recommend a 6850 or up for AMD and a 560Ti or up for Nvidia. I've tried swtor on a SSD; found no significant difference as the loading times seemed bottlenecked on the server side. You can find guides to help you build your system on magazines or websites like Maximum PC.
  22. Sigh. No. Most computers sold at retail stores come with either integrated graphics or some mediocre video card. The average consumer doesn't even know what a video card is and won't pay extra for it so the stores sell desktops that can play Farmville.
  23. Which is the problem since a MMO is supposed to provide a continual gaming experience and a story eventually has an end. Even the story is not as a good as a single player experience. Contrast it to Mass Effect 2 where you actually got to interact with all your companions. The ME2 story was certainly alot more thrilling and satisfying.
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