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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game has a terrible, terrible crafting system.


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Of all the things that are wrong with this game, you pick the crafting system? Really?


I also can't PvP because of the 15 fps in warzones regardless of graphics settings, and half the hm flashpoints are gamebreakingly bugged. But I figured crafting is a more universal problem.

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Thank you, Bioware, for this awesome crafting system. RNG in an American game, done in a way that's enjoyable. It's a very difficult feat to achieve, and you guys nailed it.


Perfect balance of fun and difficulty.


Perfect? Not even close. SWG had an almost perfect crafting system. This game just has one that isn't as bad as WoW. Also, with all the other really awful aspects of the game blasting you in the face everytime you log in, the crafting system looks a lot better than it actually is.

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I like the crafting system, but I do think it needs some tweaks. I wish I could go on the missions myself. Let us have that choice instead of paying a companion. Then we would have the choice between paying or spending our valuable play time. This would also open up a lot of neat side quests that might help fill out some of the planets.


As for profitability, I make pretty good cash just vendoring the guns I build. I scavenge so many mats while doing quests that I have to constantly build things just to clear bank space.

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I love crafting


different strokes


I love crafting too .. but this game is no SWG.


If you want to talk about 'setting the bar' ... SWG did so for the MMO crafting world.


I'm still working at it in SWTOR ... I'm still entertained ... but again .. it isn't SWG crafting.

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I love crafting too .. but this game is no SWG.


If you want to talk about 'setting the bar' ... SWG did so for the MMO crafting world.


I'm still working at it in SWTOR ... I'm still entertained ... but again .. it isn't SWG crafting.


If only they got the gameplay and endgame correct, I know I'd still be playing it and this game wouldn't exist. Maybe as a single player title, which is what it should have been anyway.

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So you are complaining that in less than half a month you can't create the best implant?


If it was easy everyone would have it and it would be worthless.


People are so used to the easy and incredibly boring crafting system of WoW. Coming from WoW as my previous MMO I have to say I LovE this crafting system. Like you said it didn't take long to get all the best plans or designs.

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I just wanted to comment on how absolutely terrible, unprofitable, and RNG-based the crafting is in this game.


Basically the way you get from green to purple quality items is by disassembling such items until you get a higher quality item with a particular prefix. So to get a best-in-slot artifact, you need to get the right combination of prefixes by disassembling many blues til you finally get your artifact. This applies to every crafting trade.


So I'm doing this for implants to get a best in slot dps warrior implant.


I'm up to 200 disassembles (days of crafting missions and hundreds of thousands of credits) and I still don't have it.


The first epic I got was a Rampart implant. Shield rating. Effing shield rating.


The second epic I just got is Commander's, which gives PRESENCE. WHO NEEDS PRESENCE?! So I can PvP better in Ilum? What. The. Hell.


How many more implants will I have to disassemble to get the fabled Hawkeye prefix? Will the million credits and ten weeks of crew missions be worth the lousy implants that I'll replace in a couple of weeks with nightmare raid gear? Why couldn't I just have an epic schematic like the crafting in EVERY OTHER MMO IN THE WORLD. Instead, I have to play the New York Mega Millions every waking moment so I can have a 1 in a million shot of unlocking a decent purple schematic.


Brilliant. I'd give Bioware a golf clap, but I think I broke my hands PUNCHING THE WALL.




Dude, that crack is designed to keep idiots occupied for months. Wake up.

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When I first heard that crafting was going to be done by companions I was really excited! However, if I'd known that I would be required to spend all of my credits on crafting I would have been a lot less enthused. Don't get me wrong; I love this game and I applaud the devs effort to make crafting different. But, dear God, it's basically pointless. I find that I'm constantly sending my companions on mission after mission just to keep my gear up-to-date, but I can't quite make everything I need so I have to buy a component here and there at the GTN. Oh, but I can't do that 'cuz I spent all of my money on C2's failed missions. And why can't I improve his affection, by the way??? Because of that he fails way too much AND takes forever to do it. Anyway...

So, essentially I'm forced to take slicing as my third skill so I can afford the extras. Again, I like that the devs tried to do something new and cool, but they could have put a little more thought into it. Maybe Cybertech could make armor, mods, AND enhancements. That would be nice. Then I wouldn't have to spend time leveling a second alt just to make one stupid thing. Sorry I wrote way too much...

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I just wanted to comment on how absolutely terrible, unprofitable, and RNG-based the crafting is in this game.


Basically the way you get from green to purple quality items is by disassembling such items until you get a higher quality item with a particular prefix. So to get a best-in-slot artifact, you need to get the right combination of prefixes by disassembling many blues til you finally get your artifact. This applies to every crafting trade.


So I'm doing this for implants to get a best in slot dps warrior implant.


I'm up to 200 disassembles (days of crafting missions and hundreds of thousands of credits) and I still don't have it.


The first epic I got was a Rampart implant. Shield rating. Effing shield rating.


The second epic I just got is Commander's, which gives PRESENCE. WHO NEEDS PRESENCE?! So I can PvP better in Ilum? What. The. Hell.


How many more implants will I have to disassemble to get the fabled Hawkeye prefix? Will the million credits and ten weeks of crew missions be worth the lousy implants that I'll replace in a couple of weeks with nightmare raid gear? Why couldn't I just have an epic schematic like the crafting in EVERY OTHER MMO IN THE WORLD. Instead, I have to play the New York Mega Millions every waking moment so I can have a 1 in a million shot of unlocking a decent purple schematic.


Brilliant. I'd give Bioware a golf clap, but I think I broke my hands PUNCHING THE WALL.




You are not very smart

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Im crafting and leveling up my crew skills as I go through the game.


At lvl20 I have created the templates for the best purple hilts, colour crystals and enhancements for which I have access to (I cant learn anything new from my trainer at this point appart from red colour crystals which are no use to me.)


Im at level 130-145 for artifice, treasure hunting and archeology. To date I have spent in the region of 25,000 credits on leveling up the skills and repeatedly reverse engineering.


Currently I have 32,000 credits worth of spare materials on the galatic market, if my last spare sale is anything to go by, then I should have all that cash by about Wednesday morning.


Therefore, for the outlay cost of 25,000 (+ whatever the skills were, I didnt check that) I will have 6 templates to purple and will have made 32,000+ the 9,000 I already sold 2 days ago.


Please note, this is without selling a single crafted item, just leveling the skills and selling the spare materials. Thats a profit of 16,000 credits before I even start making anything.


Looking good from where I am sitting. And for the record, I didnt do any of this in the brief beta weekend, its all new to me as of the 26th December.


Coming from EVE, this crafting system is childs play :D

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Both sides of the argument have decent points. In general, I'm not a big fan of RNG crafting. It can take person 200+ plus clicks to get an item, while the other person gets it on the first try. I don't think it's the best way to get recipes. Then again, this is an MMO, and taking out RNG completely is tough, mainly because you have to design something better that works.


Then again, I also agree with the point that the game has only been out for a few weeks. Take a deep breath, you'll get it. Can you buy the implant from someone else who did get lucky? Maybe trade one that you can make.

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Both sides of the argument have decent points. In general, I'm not a big fan of RNG crafting. It can take person 200+ plus clicks to get an item, while the other person gets it on the first try.


I understand the spirit of your statement.

But why can't the other guy sell his 200items he needs and buy the guy's who got it on the first click?

I have made, so far, just counting what I have on me, plus what I have bought (1.5m speeder, all the pets, all the inventory spaces, cargo holds, etc). More then 3.6 million credits.

And I didn't do it through slicing.

I did it through crafting, and selling.

And you know what I've bought for my guy?

Everyone I want.

Someone posts something for 150k? Okay.

Cuz I'll sell 20 items at 20k.

That's a fair trade to me.


If you're frustrated YOU didn't make it... well, that's something you need to work out between you, your god, and a shrink.

If you want your toon to have the best items.... then you go find a way to get em.

You don't complain on the forms about a system that isn't broken like the OP is doing.

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I only find a problem with the RNG, it is horrendous. There should be something to help increase our chances, like a temp buff after failing to discover a schematic from an RE or a RE station that automatically does numerous REs in a row but can increase your chances after each failure. Thats how inventions are made, not by some random luck but trail after trail which each trail gets improved.
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Being another person coming from eve, I have to agree this system is rather simple in comparison. Any crafting system has to run via two options. The first is that X amount of hard work will earn you Y. The second is doing some action W has a percent chance of getting Z. Would it be better to have a system where making 100 blues earned you the purple schematic? I think the random nature allows the number of high end schematics to stay low, especially now in the beginning. As a former eve player, supply and demand of items is always a big issue, and if everyone could easily access legendary schematics then wheres the fun? In two months every schematic will be found and people will be crafting and selling them on the market in every server. What else will I do with all my credits? Once I get a great schematic my plan is to make the item and turn a profit or at least get back my invested money. Anybody who is lvl 50 sitting around complaining of nothing to do needs to get some fresh air, this game hasn't even been out 3 weeks. While the crafting system could use some tweaks it provides a fun distraction, which is what it was intended to be. If anyone here wants to have a truly in-depth crafting system go play eve, it will take years to get through all the crafting content in that game.
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You mean you can't shoot to the top of the crafting system in 12 days' time? My goodness.


It's possible that the developers thought ahead as to how the market would be with purples everywhere, and made changes to the system to prevent this. Have you received any other purples through crafting and recrafting? So far I've obtained one of them out of all of the crafted items.


Perhaps this is a good reminder that blues aren't that bad at all... and purples are exquisite pieces of kit, and everyone doesn't have them.


Finally, would you care to share how much you'd make back and how quickly once you actually DO get your purple warrior implant? Is it out of reach now or are you still standing to make a profit if it works?

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I appreciate your post, but I do not agree. I think this crafting system is a refreshing change from other systems. I am okay with crafting being expensive and some purple recipes being rare because you had to dissasemble so many times.
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I do agree the rates for unlocking stuff from RNG, as well as rates for creating augmented items does seem fairly low. i understand a certain point of making it a process, but i too have put a lot into trying to get some higher tier items, and failing to do so.


And its certainly not about quiting, because that negates the point of the game. For those of us who are into crafting and succeding at it as a crafter, we care about the system and its state. And just like any other aspect of the game with issues, taking the time to express concerns or issues only makes the game better, hopefully.

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I understand the spirit of your statement.

But why can't the other guy sell his 200items he needs and buy the guy's who got it on the first click?


Because then you are not a crafter, but a buyer.

The point was that people want to be able to craft things, and to gain patterns you need to RE the items you make, so you can't sell them.

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In the last 4 days I have gained one level...just one. Why? Because I'm spending all of my time and credits on armstech to get access to every single purple weapon for every single level (up to my level-ish of 25). So far I have been successful with blasters and I'm pretty close on assault cannons and rifles.


The result of all this hard work? A huge stock of purples that I ship from the fleet to a large list of repeat customers on several planets that buy my weapons every 2-3 levels. They dont worry about drops or making their own stuff because they know I have all they will ever need and anything I make will be better than simple orange drops with a couple basic mods. I rake in the money because my customers know what I had to go through to get them these products so reliably, and they reward that dedication to my craft with boatloads of cash.


I have been in the same situation as you on a couple of purples. I just today finally got a purple schem for a blaster I've been Hunting since Tuesday. Do I care that it took that long? No, because I'm proud that I'm the only one that supplies this weapon on my whole server because as far as I can tell I'm the only guy crazy enough to spend 30k on developing schematics for level 13 weapons.


I love this crafting system because people like the OP can't do it. If you aren't willing to commit to the business, then you don't deserve to be successful.

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I like the system in itself. However crafting things that are better then what you would easily get from quests, pvp and recommendations...not so much. So it takes a lot of work and credits to build things that are not BIS.


System in itself I like. The balance between questing gear and crafted gear is a little of IMHO.

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