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11 Good

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  • Location
    Arkansas...for now.
  • Interests
    Other than gaming I play guitar, read quite a bit, and sketch.
  • Occupation
    Just a student at the moment.
  1. When I first heard that crafting was going to be done by companions I was really excited! However, if I'd known that I would be required to spend all of my credits on crafting I would have been a lot less enthused. Don't get me wrong; I love this game and I applaud the devs effort to make crafting different. But, dear God, it's basically pointless. I find that I'm constantly sending my companions on mission after mission just to keep my gear up-to-date, but I can't quite make everything I need so I have to buy a component here and there at the GTN. Oh, but I can't do that 'cuz I spent all of my money on C2's failed missions. And why can't I improve his affection, by the way??? Because of that he fails way too much AND takes forever to do it. Anyway... So, essentially I'm forced to take slicing as my third skill so I can afford the extras. Again, I like that the devs tried to do something new and cool, but they could have put a little more thought into it. Maybe Cybertech could make armor, mods, AND enhancements. That would be nice. Then I wouldn't have to spend time leveling a second alt just to make one stupid thing. Sorry I wrote way too much...
  2. Finally beat Syvrip Evacuation!!! Man, that one took me forever! Stupid shuttle kept going down right at the end. How is everyone else digging space combat?
  3. Shouldn't this thread be titled, "I'm an idiot!"? The whole point of an MMO is that it's always improving, never finished.
  4. I had some trouble with this guy, too. I returned to Taris to do the bonus missions which got me to the next lvl. I also upgraded my armor and sabers a bit. But what really made the difference, as others have mentioned, was working on the interrupts. Made a HUGE difference. He was the first guy I really had to think to beat, but it paid off because the bosses don't get any easier... In fact, I didn't notice any real difference when fighting him after gaining a level or upgrading gear, or using stims. It was just using strategy that made a difference. So, kudos to the devs for that!
  5. I waited until I was basically done with all of the other quests so I was lvl. 28 when I beat him. But I didn't get it on the first try 'cuz he kept tossing my padawan off the cliff. I finally changed tactics and engaged first, and then it was easy. I killed him with 90% of my health left.
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