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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I'd say that the millions of players in WoW that got to complete content that they probably wouldn't have gotten to see (at least at the appropriate level) because they didn't have guildies at their level, or like most hardly ever could find groups on their server by spamming LFG messages, would disagree that a LFD is a bad thing.


As well as the majority of people that saw the server communities start to get better when finally the elitists and overbearing players that liked to lead groups with iron fists didn't have a captive audience.

Edited by Umbral
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RDF Completely killed Server Community. Before RDF in WoW, if you ninjaed you got blacklisted. Afterwards, Trolls were free to do what they wanted without anything. That and the ease of name changing and server transferring made it to where a troll could easily get away with trolling.
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RDF Completely killed Server Community. Before RDF in WoW, if you ninjaed you got blacklisted. Afterwards, Trolls were free to do what they wanted without anything. That and the ease of name changing and server transferring made it to where a troll could easily get away with trolling.
I never saw ONE ninja looter be affected by some "blacklist" in WoW.


Simply never happened.


It's a fallacy seemingly put forth by people that may have thought their whining about a certain player actually meant something. That and 50% of the time, or more, the person being "blacklisted" didn't do anything at all. Well except maybe get some elitist angry for not following "orders" in a group or some such nonsense.

Edited by Umbral
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I'm okay with a LFG tool that allow you to premake your group while you are questing or pvping.

But I'm NOT okay with anything cross-server, or automatic, with insta teleportation.



NO to the WOW/Rift-DungeonFinder.

Edited by Elloa
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When you can just click a button and enter a dungeon queue, you no longer need to socialize with your server.


This means the server slowly degrades into a bunch of people waiting in a queue, never joining guilds, never creating a proper community.


Guilds are the foundation of an MMO. Any function that makes success possible without a guild degrades the community.


The community grows when you have no choice but to socialize with people to get into raids/dungeons.


That's the dumbest comment I've ever read in trying to explain how a dungeon finder is bad.


NONE of the games that have a dungeon finder are short on guilds. NONE of the games that have a dungeon finder are short on community interaction.


ALL of the games that have a dungeon finder are short on people spamming chat screaming for someone to join their group - leaving chat for more socialization. It's clear you've never played a MMO with a dungeon finder.


I'm okay with a LFG tool that allow you to premake your group while you are questing or pvping.

But I'm NOT okay with anything cross-server, or automatic, with insta teleportation.



NO to the WOW/Rift-DungeonFinder.


So you'd rather be forced to insta-teleport to the fleet, drive to the flashpoint bay and insta-teleport to the flashpoint?



Edited by oursacrifice
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A nice LFG window that doesnt auto invite and teleport would be good .


But sadly some people want everything straight away without doing anything Farmville WOW or Hello kitty would be good for them


if you are looking for a group for a flashpoint you would already be in the fleet station anyway, since the flashpoints are all there. what is so bout about an auto port back to it if you are out questing when you group finally forms? all it would do is allow you to go out and enjoy other parts of the game until you got a group.

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I'm okay with a LFG tool that allow you to premake your group while you are questing or pvping.

But I'm NOT okay with anything cross-server, or automatic, with insta teleportation.



NO to the WOW/Rift-DungeonFinder.


This. When this happens no one will quest anymore. Everyone will stand in town and do dungeons all day long. No one will know where the dungeons are actually located in the game, no more exploration, no more playing the game... just dungeons all day long. I have never had an issue getting a group for a flashpoint. I ask my guild first and then ask in General. I make my own groups. I see a lot of people spamming "LFG for insert quest here" but I see very few say "Looking for 2 more for insert quest here". Take the initiative and create your own group. People are more willing to join a group that is already created. I really think people need to stop being lazy.


Just for the record I have met some really cool people in Flashpoints and while grouping for Heroic quests. I would never want the LFD tool to go cross servers. I want to know the people I'm actually playing with.

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Go back to the game which had it if you really want it.


It's the worst thing ever invented for mmo's.

Destroys any sense of community.

If you lack the minor social grace to talk to people to arrange a group without having a computer do it for you that's YOUR problem.

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Heya All,



Just to add my view. Please Bioware, absolutely no dungeon finder please!!! It is just not needed and all the negatives far outway the positives for all the reasons stated elsewhere.


I played WoW closed and open beta and Vanilla up to BC with no dungeon finder and it had a great server community, you tended to build up a friend list of like minded players who you did instances with and you got on well with. I went back to WoW with Cataclysm to find a cross server dungeon finder tool that had just ruined the server community and promoted a bad attitude from certain sections of the community in the instanced dungeon environment as there was absolutely no need for any social interaction or teamwork.




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: LFG Athiss




"i come"


This is the "immersion and social interaction" some people here are desperately trying to save. The argument is a joke at best.


The social part takes place in the FP, not while LFG.


LFG tool needs to be implemented ASAP, chat only covers 1 area while people your level are always spread out over 3-4, making LFG stupidly difficult and inconvenient.

Edited by DashFiss
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This. When this happens no one will quest anymore. Everyone will stand in town and do dungeons all day long. No one will know where the dungeons are actually located in the game, no more exploration, no more playing the game... just dungeons all day long. I have never had an issue getting a group for a flashpoint. I ask my guild first and then ask in General. I make my own groups. I see a lot of people spamming "LFG for insert quest here" but I see very few say "Looking for 2 more for insert quest here". Take the initiative and create your own group. People are more willing to join a group that is already created. I really think people need to stop being lazy.


Just for the record I have met some really cool people in Flashpoints and while grouping for Heroic quests. I would never want the LFD tool to go cross servers. I want to know the people I'm actually playing with.


umm, all the flashpoints are in the fleet, no exploration required. I have asked guild members, they were busy. I have asked in general, no responses. Looked for a tank for half an hour the other night before the group broke up. Looked for an hour for a dps a few nights before that, for Maelstrom, we finally got it done.


Also, to me, flashpoints just move to fast to 'get to know' people. No one talks regardless, we get the occasional laugh after doing a boss we didnt know how to do (eye laser guy in Maelstrom) but hardly 'social interaction' worth waiting an hour of spamming in fleet for.

Edited by Basiliscus
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sounds like a good idea but on my server which is classes as a heavy server, i barely see any real players while im around and general chat is mostly dead..........


So with this in mind you pretty much never get into a Heroic mission or flashpoint unless your in a guild which kind of anoying as it makes the game feel very singleplayerish rather than a massively multiplayer game.


Im sure this a issue as i remember in other MMOs which had far less people but it forced people to get together to complete tasks thus made people come into contact with other players....the horror i know, but really made the game less empty while you played it.


i know some people like to never see another player while they quest but some of us like the community of playing with other players and teaming up without comiting to guilds and their ego hungrey leaders:eek:

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This. When this happens no one will quest anymore. Everyone will stand in town and do dungeons all day long. No one will know where the dungeons are actually located in the game, no more exploration, no more playing the game... just dungeons all day long. I have never had an issue getting a group for a flashpoint. I ask my guild first and then ask in General. I make my own groups. I see a lot of people spamming "LFG for insert quest here" but I see very few say "Looking for 2 more for insert quest here". Take the initiative and create your own group. People are more willing to join a group that is already created. I really think people need to stop being lazy.


Just for the record I have met some really cool people in Flashpoints and while grouping for Heroic quests. I would never want the LFD tool to go cross servers. I want to know the people I'm actually playing with.


the standing all day in the city/hub in WoW because the game is 7 years old and many do not have a reason to go out and quest. it was going on before LFD was put in the game the only difference was that you had chat filled with "dps lfg" or "1 more neaded for (insert dungeon name here).

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: LFG Athiss




"i come"


This is the "immersion and social interaction" some people here are desperately trying to save. The argument is a joke at best.


The social part takes place in the FP, not while LFG.


LFG tool needs to be implemented ASAP, chat only covers 1 area while people your level are always spread out over 3-4.


LFD haters have this backwards idea of what meaningful social interaction actually is. They've also never played a game with LFD to any degree due to their claims that it destroys a game.

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What exactly is everyone's sense of community? Talking in general chat? I have a hard time understanding exactly what it is you're afraid will be 'destroyed'. I'm just not seeing it. I've done a ton of flashpoints. Everyone was amiable, but I can't say I ever group with the same people twice (or if I did it didn't occur to me). No one developed lasting bonds or anything. If it happens it's probably fairly rare. Rose-colored glasses here.


Right now there isn't a huge need for a real LFD tool, but there will be, and we'll end up getting one. The current one is extremely inadequate, but that's mostly because few people use it (and doesn't seem to work across zones). If you want to keep your 'sense of community', the 'looking for group' part should be completely separated from the generic /who command, and you should be able to see it globally. I would be alright with at least that much, and I think that would be a good compromise for people that really need to do things the hard way.


On a tangent, why are there always people that view convenience as a bad thing? Breaking the community? Calling people lazy? Ad hominem attacks? Seriously, are you people really that insecure?

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I like how people say the /who window is some sort of lfg window.


Yes, you can flag yourself as LFG. Yes, you can search for LFG and it will show you all the people who are also flagged for LFG.


When you do that search, have you noticed how much room you have to describe your role and what you are LFG for? Looks like about 12 characters to me before it gets cut off. What if I want to note at level 50 that I'm a healer and I'm LFG for 3 different hard mode flashpoints? That tiny space won't cut it.


Not to mention it's a clunky crappy "feature" just slapped on to the basic /who function that half the people don't even know about.


I don't really want a LFD tool that automatically sticks you in a group and teleports you to the instance. But I think a real LFG window would be a good thing. Something like what WoW had back in Burning Crusade. A separate window where you could properly flag yourself with your role and what you were looking for, and search it easily by dungeon, quest, or raid for other people who are looking for the same thing, and you can then talk to them and form a group.

Edited by lueckjathom
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: LFG Athiss




"i come"


This is the "immersion and social interaction" some people here are desperately trying to save. The argument is a joke at best.


The social part takes place in the FP, not while LFG.


LFG tool needs to be implemented ASAP, chat only covers 1 area while people your level are always spread out over 3-4, making LFG stupidly difficult and inconvenient.




You mean instead of



........................... HEAL FFS ............................Boring i teleport out and quest while you clear this.


With auto invites and teleports comes aswell that you need to protect/prevent people taking advantage of it.


Look at WoW they still havent figured that one out so they have given up

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You mean instead of



........................... HEAL FFS ............................Boring i teleport out and quest while you clear this.


With auto invites and teleports comes aswell that you need to protect/prevent people taking advantage of it.


Look at WoW they still havent figured that one out so they have given up


Then they get booted and replaced in a few mins? Also i've only RARELY seen that. People were generally fairly positive.


I must have been on a good battle group or something.

Edited by Basiliscus
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You guys just hate having to be social in game is all. You know that if it is up to the players, they wont invite you to their team if your bad. People that want a dungeon finder wish for the ability to be horrible/afk and still be able to get a group no matter how many times they have been kicked for being afk/terrible.
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