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Everything posted by ReavJ

  1. so true. It's due to the fact that mmos were opened to the more general populace too. Which kinda says a fact about the general populace. We go from mmos where huge grinds are expected, to being spoon fed crap and loving it.
  2. Heh.. Found this amusing, never knew about it as Republic. I'd not treat the slave as a slave if I had an option, however people finding it offensive should get real.
  3. because a person spending 2 hours on their char should be stronger than a person who spent 200+ right? daft troll. try harder.
  4. Go back to the game which had it if you really want it. Seriously. It's the worst thing ever invented for mmo's. Destroys any sense of community. If you lack the minor social grace to talk to people to arrange a group without having a computer do it for you that's YOUR problem.
  5. I believe most peoples issue with this is they believed every ounce of hype. I started seriously following TOR in 2008 and since then the amount of changes that have been made is staggering.... then the hype.. But. I refused to believe any of it. Infact I believed all of it was ****, down to every little detail. I did this because I knew if I expected another superduperawesome MMO that is going to change everything about gaming for the next 5 years that I'd be disappointed and want to quit in the first month even if the game was infact better than the current competition. (and in my opinion it is) So instead of expecting everything to be so good, I have been discovering things I like about the game and of course things I dislike. With my low expectations I find my self content and willing to play more. Of course how it remains a endgame after all are 50 for some time remains to be seen but I am optimistic now. All these fanboys now see their little dream is nothing like they imagined and are now throwing the toys out of the cot because of it. It's not the developers fault. It's your own for being stupid enough to believe in Hype. Because guess what- that's all it was.
  6. ReavJ

    Framerate in WZ's

    In open world its perfect no problems. In WZ. Especially Alderan(unplayable) its a significant drop. Even when FPS is not spiking low, people are blinking around the area which frankly looks stupid and is near impossible to do anything with especially as a melee class.
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