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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Arguments that an LFG ruins community are rediculous. Jerks ruin gaming communities, not dungeon finders. LFG will add convience and get more people playing flashpoints. I've run a couple flashpoints right now but its just not worth the hours of time it can take to form a group. Questing is just easier and until they add a better LFG system, I will probably just stick to it with occasional attempts at finding a group. Trolls and mean people will destroy communities, not LFG finders.
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Yes people do world pvp, just like guilds do not pug raids or flashpoints. Even with a tool this is still possible. I dont see auto queue pvp killing the community, why would LFD do so. Oh, oh , and you know what? it teleports you to the warzone! cheating!


if you look at the pvp forums you notice that there are already people complaining, because you are auto qued with randoms.


some of them are stealthed afk, farming points and there is nothing you can do about it.


so you see the pvp que tool is already pretty bad.

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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


It was a sucess in WoW? Yeah, it was sucessful at KILLING IT!


A dungeon finder for individual server, im ok with. Anything cross-server. hell no!

And if you think that was good i can only assume that you're one of the trolls that used it to be miserable to others without having any consequences for it. Its an MMO, if you dont want to socialize, you're playing the wrong game.

Edited by Nemmar
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Get over yourself.


Usually (last night even) I would see LFM HAMMER STATION NEED HEALER. I would send a tell as dps, get my invite. Looked in my guild saw a few people questing, a couple were healers. Asked if anyone wanted to heal hammer. Got the group going and had a blast. It's not that hard if you put a little work into it. Like many things, you will get out of it what you put into it.


Your facetious imaginary situation, was a trite attempt at humor and in no way represents the experiences I have had with this game.


"Your humorous anecdote does not much up against my own anecdotal evidence."

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I don't see how spamming in general chat builds the game's community but pressing a button to enter a queue for a dungeon destroys it.


There is no mystical voodoo that prevents people from socializing and building friendships in a dungeon-finder group.


Bad communities kill bad communities.


A lot of people use WoW as some sort of grand example that an LFD tool destroys a game.


WoW's community was awful LONG BEFORE the LFD tool came out.



agreed. found my guild from LFG in rift, would I have joined them if I never ended up grouping with them numerous times with LFG? No.


If that is destroying a community then I don't know what to say.

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It was a sucess in WoW? Yeah, it was sucessful at KILLING IT!!


A dungeon finder for individual server, im ok with. Anything cross-server. hell no!!

And if you think that was good i can only assume that you're one of the trolls that used it to be miserable to others without having any consequences for it. Its an MMO, if you dont want to socialize, you're playing the wrong game.


while i agree cross-server is a mistake, adding superfluous exclamation marks does not make your point more effective.

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There was a certain charm in the older mmo's where you had to spam for a group 30 minutes long, add people to your friend lists and beg the healer but that's the past.

But back in those days I didn't quite like it while I can laugh about it now.

Just like I feel nostalgic about a lot of old games, but the truth is most of these things where not better neither where the communities.


The thing is when I look for an instance, I am mainly interested in the games challenge.

I'm not looking for an instance for the sake of being a conversationalist neither do I consider this as social.


My social interactions come from talking with people during quests and joining a guild.

Doesn't take away that I do add people to my friend lists from instances but even with a general spam or LFG it's pretty random what type of people I end up with.



In the end WOW introduced the LFG tool and I liked it, just as I like to queue for a warfront and not have to form my own warfront groups.

I didn't like the cross realm part since it means you build less of a server community, on the flip side Bioware doesn't even give us a realm forum so they aren't all that bothered with that.



So yes please I want a LFG tool.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I don't see what a dungeon finder has to do with the destruction of community. Can you elaborate on your strange comment?


The way say WoW's dungeon finder works it enables trolls, ninjas, general lazy people easy access to good community members that need to fill a group with pretty much no punishment for being a complete jerk. The worse offenders being those that sign up for the tank or healer role but are incapable of either job ecause they want to actually DPS but knew that it would take way way longer to get a group because they are one of the 10 million DPS players.


It keeps people from communicating in any form other than complaining or voting someone out who doesn't fit what the group needs because dungeon finders typically just slap people together that dont have the same goals.


If they do a Dungeon Finder I hope to god its a datapad terminal were groups can post what they're planning to do, what they don't want, and what the rules are and that it severly punishes trolls, ninjas, and lazy *****es that sit there and make you do all the work.


Make friends, Join a Guild, fracking Craft..there's things to do while waiting on a group besides ************ OMG i can't find a group OMG your nto the right build what you mean i have to teleport back to the station and walk a few feet to an elevator?! GASP the horror of playing a game.

Edited by Kindara
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while i agree cross-server is a mistake, adding superfluous exclamation marks does not make your point more effective.


It makes for more effective hyperbole, especially when you talk about "KILLING" something. Especially when that thing that is suppose to be "KILLED" is still up and running and the most successful MMORPG at the moment!!!!!!!111!

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agreed. found my guild from LFG in rift, would I have joined them if I never ended up grouping with them numerous times with LFG? No.


If that is destroying a community then I don't know what to say.


right on. Same server LFG can actually improve community, i dont see this opposition to it. I can understand X-server resistance though

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Arguments that an LFG ruins community are rediculous. Jerks ruin gaming communities, not dungeon finders. LFG will add convience and get more people playing flashpoints. I've run a couple flashpoints right now but its just not worth the hours of time it can take to form a group. Questing is just easier and until they add a better LFG system, I will probably just stick to it with occasional attempts at finding a group. Trolls and mean people will destroy communities, not LFG finders.


Does that argument work with you? Seriously?!


Its just like, guns arent bad people are. Wich is true, but how did this discussion ever started? Oh yeah, someone got a gun!


No im not gonna give a gun to a bunch of trigger happy people tyvm.


And yes, it totally ruins the community. Your actions have no consequence, you dont build social relationships because you wont ever see those people again, and you sit your *** in town all day. YES, IT DOES RUIN COMMUNITIES! You presented no evidance or logic to the contrary.

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You can already do all of that by flagging yourself as LFG and then changing your comment, specifying which flashpoint you want. Also, speaking in General chat on the planet you are leveling on has been a great way for me to find groups for a flashpoint at the level I was at.


What you really want, I think, is something that will automatically put you in a group. I don't feel we need it, and I don't ever want to see it. If it's too much effort for someone to join a group and not have it done for you, they shouldn't even be playing a game. Try Facebook or some browser game for that.


That is not what most of us are looking for, however we are looking for a more functional LFM/LFG tool other than just flagging ourselfs lfg and spamming general chat.


Do I want something that "Automatically" puts me into a group, absolutely and positively not.


Do I want a more in depth LFG tool that lets me show what quest i am trying to fill a group for, what classes and level range of players I want to allow to join. Other players can view the LFM's and select a group if they want to join. Additionally it lets me view players wanting to join the group and accept or decline them.


This lets me form a group and get other important things out of the way while trying to fill the group other than spamming a general channel over and over "LFM!!@#$!#@$"


As it sits, I *REFUSE* to group with any random people. I refuse to use the current LFG system, I refuse to spam a channel to try and fill a group. I refuse to group with anyone outside of my guild until I have a proper LFG/LFM tool...

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The way say WoW's dungeon finder works it enables trolls, ninjas, general lazy people easy access to good community members that need to fill a group with pretty much no punishment for being a complete jerk. The worse offenders being those that sign up for the tank or healer role but are incapable of either job ecause they want to actually DPS but knew that it would take way way longer to get a group because they are one of the 10 million DPS players.


It keeps people from communicating in any form other than complaining or voting someone out who doesn't fit what the group needs because dungeon finders typically just slap people together that dont have the same goals.


If they do a Dungeon Finder I hope to god its a datapad terminal were groups can post what they're planning to do, what they don't want, and what the rules are and that it severly punishes trolls, ninjas, and lazy *****es that sit there and make you do all the work.


Make friends, Join a Guild, fracking Craft..there's things to do while waiting on a group besides ************ OMG i can't find a group OMG your nto the right build what you mean i have to teleport back to the station and walk a few feet to an elevator?! GASP the horror of playing a game.


Haha I feel I have to emphasize this:


while waiting


GASP the horror of playing a game.


If they implemented a dungeon finder you can still manually form your own groups this way you can weed out the undesirables or people you feel make you do "all the work" (by the way it's a game!).

Edited by HoneyBoy
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Get over yourself.


Usually (last night even) I would see LFM HAMMER STATION NEED HEALER. I would send a tell as dps, get my invite. Looked in my guild saw a few people questing, a couple were healers. Asked if anyone wanted to heal hammer. Got the group going and had a blast. It's not that hard if you put a little work into it. Like many things, you will get out of it what you put into it.


Your facetious imaginary situation, was a trite attempt at humor and in no way represents the experiences I have had with this game.


Unfortunately, for some reason, it gets harder finding groups in the higher levels (25+). I had no issues finding groups for Hammer or Athiss either. I'm level 36 now and it does take a long time to find groups. I have to spam Fleet and planet channels to find people now.


Of course, people can always claim anything on these forums too. What is undisputable is that people will find it harder and harder to find groups as the game gets older.

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I only have trouble with flashpoints when my friends *aren't* on. try reading the post next time.


No, my argument isn't invalid. Yes, you are a dps, however.... People whispering you assume you are a healer.


You can bluster all you want, but deep down, we both know they're asking you to join to heal.


no they ask me to dps in their flashpoints.


they know me as dps, since we all get qued in warzones and we doing ilum pvp together.


however i agree that a no name shadow tank will have a hard time to find groups, since people think you are just another stealther with burst dps.


but not even a lfd finder will help you, they will just leave right away when they see that a shadow is tanking, thinking you will be just a 1 or 2 hit for a boss.


dont blame it on the game, its the mindset of people.

Edited by Sheneria
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Does that argument work with you? Seriously?!


Its just like, guns arent bad people are. Wich is true, but how did this discussion ever started? Oh yeah, someone got a gun!


No im not gonna give a gun to a bunch of trigger happy people tyvm.


And yes, it totally ruins the community. Your actions have no consequence, you dont build social relationships because you wont ever see those people again, and you sit your *** in town all day. YES, IT DOES RUIN COMMUNITIES! You presented no evidance or logic to the contrary.


No it doesnt. You should present evidence as well that it does? DDO's who party system revolves around an EXCELLENT LFG/LFM system. Do I want a Que? Absolutely not, but as I just stated in the post above. Not having a proper LFG/LFM system does just as much damage to the "community" as having a bad one.


I've built countless friendships and relationships using DDO's LFG/LFM system. However, I will state again I *REFUSE* to group with anyone not in my guild until a proper system is in place here in TOR. Should one not ever be implemented then I will never group with a random person *EVER* in tor.

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while i agree cross-server is a mistake, adding superfluous exclamation marks does not make your point more effective.


You like to play grammar police dont you? There i removed the second exclamation point per your request.

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if you look at the pvp forums you notice that there are already people complaining, because you are auto qued with randoms.


some of them are stealthed afk, farming points and there is nothing you can do about it.


so you see the pvp que tool is already pretty bad.


After playing 35 ranks of pvp I am yet to see how you can farm points being afk, since your points are being enhanced by winning and medals, 2 things you will not achieve by being afk in stealth.. that's probably why in all those warzones i have never seen any1 afk, because it's pointless.. coming back to the topic of the lfd system, it will suck imo..


In tbc on wow I knew half of my server, You'd know who wanted to do things proper and who knew their job. now on swtor so far I know around 50 new people and I know what they can do. When the lfd system came in wow, I never had a clue who i was dungeoning with, I only had a few core friends left because community was no longer needed to form groups.


If your lazy idea goes through I guess that's fine, but I can see many people quitting aswell when so. WoW became insanely boring ever since lfd, loot became too easy to get because you were able to spam dungeons 24/7 as a tank without having to say a word to any of the groups. Sounds amazing right? I cba finishing this post. bye

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Level 50 for 4 days and I can't get a group at all. Right now everyone is pvping because there is a little button for that. Otherwise its doing dailies then sitting on Ilum or the Fleet spamming trade for a group between warzone matches.


My buddies and I are about done, the game is terrible at 50.....

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No it doesnt. You should present evidence as well that it does? DDO's who party system revolves around an EXCELLENT LFG/LFM system. Do I want a Que? Absolutely not, but as I just stated in the post above. Not having a proper LFG/LFM system does just as much damage to the "community" as having a bad one.


I've built countless friendships and relationships using DDO's LFG/LFM system. However, I will state again I *REFUSE* to group with anyone not in my guild until a proper system is in place here in TOR. Should one not ever be implemented then I will never group with a random person *EVER* in tor.


As long as you realise that is your choice, and nothing you're getting forced to do.

You are explicitly telling us you refuse to socialize in an MMO because you opt to do so, so maybe this kind of game isnt for you.


Yes the system can be improved, but no, a cross-realm LFG system is clearly not the best solution.

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As it sits, I *REFUSE* to group with any random people. I refuse to use the current LFG system, I refuse to spam a channel to try and fill a group. I refuse to group with anyone outside of my guild until I have a proper LFG/LFM tool...


now that i think about it, i got to know more people on my server through the cross server lfg dungeon finder than i ever did the whole time i played before it was implemented...

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I'm happy with no lfg tool, flagging yourself up = means we can pick what we want and make a balanced team,


Why would I want a team with say 3 melee when i have to heal them though aoe damage, hence why better to be able to start a team myself.


LFG = for lazy people, simple as that.

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After playing 35 ranks of pvp I am yet to see how you can farm points being afk, since your points are being enhanced by winning and medals, 2 things you will not achieve by being afk in stealth.. that's probably why in all those warzones i have never seen any1 afk, because it's pointless.. coming back to the topic of the lfd system, it will suck imo..



well its a bot program as far as i can tell, and its pretty effective.


you go afk and the bot will just go to a corner stealthed and on autorun while pressing buttons every now and then.


you basicly get points while going shopping or sleeping or do whatever you are pleased, and yes it happens.

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