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Star Wars the old Republic is simply not ready for prime time.


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What are you guys talking about?


I was just reading some Bioware self approval press releases when I came across this and I must say...


This is the most innovative, ground breaking, new style MMO ever created in the entire galaxy to infinity and beyond!



lol +10,


Its true from all the press releases, Bioware thinks themselves as MMO gods. I the meantime we are still all playing for besically 9playing Beta.

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No one can “tell” you that nor justify if its "worthy" for you. It is a decision that you have to make yourself. Why pretend as if you don't understand such a fundamental thing?


Sorry. I just assumed this game was released in a finished state and thus worthy of my purchase. But after playing for a few days, it's apparent that this is not the case. I don't buy a car and wait a few days for someone to put the wheels on it. You might, but you know, to each his/her own.


What makes the game worth 60 dollars to you? (other than cut scenes and it being Star Wars and all) This is an honest question, because I enjoy video games. I just don't see whats so appealing about this game at all (other than it's Star Wars).

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Don't know what *****in is about,

Game is great right now and better then 98% of MMO's that first launch.

You guys really need something else to do then complain. Play the dam game . Most of us are having funnn.


Then you tell me how I get past the god damne BH bug with the class quest? The one that stops you from continue on to the Lvl 50 content.

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Sorry. I just assumed ...


That was the first mistake; it goes along with 'expectations'.


What makes the game worth 60 dollars to you?


My own Free Will and Volition to subjectively peruse and do as I please in the way I see fit with my own credits regardless of who says what, where and/or when.

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i am truly enjoying the game so far.


there are a lot of head scratchers in the game. It like 6 years ago bioware copied down what wow had and decided to develop.


if you look back to wow 6 years ago you can see swtor models alot of their game around it.


i think they locked the door and closed their windows and years later were like , we got a better version of wow int he star wars universe.


only they didn't pay attention to the advances mmo's made over the past 6 years. What's killing bioware is that the game really isnt innovative , if it came out 6 years ago it'd be amazing.


as it stands now, it's a fun rpg. There are alot of things i like that it does differently, but it's going to turn into the same;


farm dungeons, raids, heroics, pvp for gear. replace it every patch.


i was hoping for some more open elements and some non linear growth in the game.

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That was the first mistake; it goes along with 'expectations'.


Welcome to America. The land where some consumers expect a product to be fully functional when it's put on the shelf.



My own Free Will and Volition to subjectively peruse and do as I please in the way I see fit with my own credits regardless of who says what, where and/or when.


So you bought a 60 dollar game to peruse a glitchy universe with fake currency. Sounds like it's worth it I guess.

Edited by Skern
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I agree with the thread starter that the game is rough. There are a lot of bugs to the gameplay that make it feel "muddy." I dont really care about graphical glitches although I have had some doozies, at least three instances of walking around in nothing but a hot pink blur for 5 minutes until it resolves. The big ones are the heals not going through, bars not updating etc. those are bugs that create the frustration for players to quit.

Unlike those of you who say "stop crying and quit" I really dont want to see anyone quit because when people start quitting the game goes away. I would much rather see people voice their frustrations, stick with the game and let it be known what they dont like. I for one appreaciate the thread starters opinions and everyones opinions, if we get on the forums and let them know we are interested in the game, we just want some improvement, I legitimately see nothing wrong with that.

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Welcome to America. The land where some consumers expect a product to be fully functional when it's put on the shelf.


Nothing in my reply indicated that I "expected" anything from Biowre, LA and/or EA. Slathering a lack of understanding about how people willingly choose to spend their own money, regardless of what country they’re in, over an inability to make up your own mind about something so simple presents foggy logic.


It’s up to you whether or not to spend your money as opposed to pining on forum looking for someone else's justification to do so.



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Why do people want to belittle a game that is less than a month old in the market? Do you get joy out of ruining such games for the whole gaming community? Have you really ever tested a new game out. I am sorry 2004 till now not much has changed. This game is AWESOME. Enough said.


So please if you do not like this game then simply leave. Honestly no one really cares about your opinions on a game you hardly played period. Sorry but i am tired of it with every game that comes out that defies WOW people are out to destroy it. Do you realize if SWTOR is a success it will make WOW better too? NOOOOOOO most of you don't think so I doubt it. You may not say your not talking about wow. Who are you fooling? Yourself or us? So please if you have suggestions to make the game better than please go ahead use the correct channels to do so.





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Why do people want to belittle a game that is less than a month old in the market? Do you get joy out of ruining such games for the whole gaming community? Have you really ever tested a new game out. I am sorry 2004 till now not much has changed. This game is AWESOME. Enough said.


So please if you do not like this game then simply leave. Honestly no one really cares about your opinions on a game you hardly played period. Sorry but i am tired of it with every game that comes out that defies WOW people are out to destroy it. Do you realize if SWTOR is a success it will make WOW better too? NOOOOOOO most of you don't think so I doubt it. You may not say your not talking about wow. Who are you fooling? Yourself or us? So please if you have suggestions to make the game better than please go ahead use the correct channels to do so.






That is the problem with fanboyz, they believe and expect EVERYONE that has something bad , new ideas to improve or complains about bugs, all hate the game.


They dont expect people actually want the game to improve and wish that the game becomes better.


But this guy I quoted is just parnoid. Thinking everyone is coming from WoW and over here to destroy SWToR. O.o

Edited by Mamono
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Nothing in my reply indicated that I "expected" anything from Biowre, LA and/or EA. Slathering a lack of understanding about how people willingly choose to spend their own money, regardless of what country they’re in, over an inability to make up your own mind about something so simple presents foggy logic.


It’s up to you whether or not to spend your money as opposed to pining on forum looking for someone else's justification to do so.




Go ahead and throw around the "stupid card" to make yourself sound reasonable.


I'm not "slathering a lack of understanding". This is not a debate of how people spend their money. This is a debate of why this game is advertised and released as a fully functional 60 dollar game when it clearly is not.


I don't have an "inability to make up my mind". I made up my mind to buy the game because the story elements in the game sounded very interesting and (beware, I'm going to use that word you hate) assumed that the gameplay/UI (the basics) was functional because the CD was on a shelf. Don't bring up other games like Skyrim because I'm upset about that game too


And I can't even begin to understand how my logic is foggy at all. You are the type of person that let's companies get away with this **** so these buggy games keep getting released and rushed out the door to have us unwitting consumers to spend our hard earned money on.


Fix your writing style before you argue. Sounding like you have a thesaurus open when you talk doesn't help your case or make you sound superior.

Edited by Skern
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My bug tolerance is always higher the more fun I'm having with a game. Or if they have lots of unique, never done before features.


If bugs are really bothering me, I always ask myself if it's because I'm getting bored?

Edited by kalexkhan
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There are some problems with bugs and with the gameplay itself, but I am still enjoying myself. I do not agree that it is not ready for prime time. It is stable for me , I experience relatively few crashes and have experienced solo play, heroic, flashpoints, warzones, space missions and found them very entertaining. But stability issues must be fixed ASAP and there are some things requested by the playerbase such as customizable UI, dual spec, and some other things. Also when server population stabilizes, hopefully we can get free server transfers as many of use created many toons to cope with server queues.
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You can only blame EA so much; BioWare had a deadline, and they missed it. That's BioWare's own fault


I think that's heavy handed. Considering you do not develop games, I think it's fair to say you don't know **** about deadlines and the game industry., Thanks.

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There is only so much testing that can be done with software as complex as a mmo/game. Eventually you just need to release it.


That being said there is no way to catch/predict every bug that could possibly arise when going from a beta test server to a live server with thousands more people.


As to the priority, not all bugs/glitches are easy to fix, first they need to be able to reproduce the bug, then figure out exactly which line of code (among millions) has the problem and fix it, while at the same time, ensuring that fixing the said line won't affect lines of code else where in the program. This is a never ending, thankless job.

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