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How to lose 400,000 subscribers in the first month, by BioWare


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Couldn't agree more.


Level 50 myself, playing this game mostly to PVP, leaving at the end of the month.


Simply pathetic how one sided the matches are. Just got out of one where I had 59 kills and the number one player on the other team had 7.


It was like doing hammer station easy mode at level 50 in a full group.


My last WZ against 50s was about the same. Their team was in the 30s in kills and we were all below 10.


Our highest dps was 43... theirs was 310. Kinda made my entire guild just go pve. No way you can fight that.

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I agree. The power levelers kind of messed up the level balance.


Those two extra days of early access really shifted balance. If anyone else here is from Canderous Ordo you know what I mean when 98% level 50 imperial teams are more and more common every day.


I think a level 50+ (when level cap gets risen) is a good way to ease the level unbalance for now.


I don't understand why people blame players when they could blame the company that allows this to happen... Why do you not want companies to improve their product? Why are people so satisfied with the bare minimum?

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I agree 50 brackets are needed. I do play against 50's myself, and I personally only have trouble with a few. The others, it's just another person. Either make a bracket or just remove expertise. Also, after reading a few posts it just seems like people want it to make it more like WoW. For the games first not even 2 weeks. It's a great game. They'll fix things. Just relax.
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Real simple: Not having level 50s in their own warzone queue. And before you whiny little kids pipe in here, I happen to be level 50 myself. It's just stupid that I have the time to type "/giggle" while tanking three level 10-30s on my healer, and I guarantee it's not fun for them.


Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitards likes Huttball at all.


I giggle aswell that you probably did nothing in the last two weeks but gaming...

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Theyre biggest problem right now is the PvP and balancing. I simply loved the game in beta and first week of release. I still love it but right now the PvP is really making me feel iffy. Hardcore players that have spent 12-15 hours a day playing non stop are basicly destroying the normal players, and they have a HUGE advantage now.


Just an example just a moment ago. Hitting a level 50 assassin as a 30 Sentinel. Usually i hit extremely hard on light armor users, they go down in mere seconds. This 50 i hardly see the health bar moving. I think i got him down to 80% health before he slayed me down. Yes my stats are boosted, but these guys have better equipment, better skills, expertise bonuses making them 40% better. Its absolutely insane to have these players in the same arena as normal players.


And im not going to be happy if tomorrow Bioware have suddenly brought in level 50 brackets, the damage is already done. People have been destroying low levels to gain valor rank 60 really fast. Watch on twitch.tv, tons of assasssins and sorcerers in battlemaster gear. Propably tons of fun for them, a game destroyed for the rest.

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Couldn't agree more.


Level 50 myself, playing this game mostly to PVP, leaving at the end of the month.


Simply pathetic how one sided the matches are. Just got out of one where I had 59 kills and the number one player on the other team had 7.


It was like doing hammer station easy mode at level 50 in a full group.


That was likely because the enemy team had 2 or more exploiters. I just finished a Warzone that had 2 people on my team with 0 score at the end. Why? Because they cue for Warzones, exit the safe zone and hide in a corner to farm easy credits/xp. If you are unlucky enough to get on a team with low lvls and exploiters vs a team with high lvls that actually play then your chances of winning are basically 0.


I really want to love playing Warzones in SWTOR but part of me just wants to stick to PvE where it's much harder to exploit. Heck, I don't even mind getting destroyed by lvl 50s that have put the time in to progress, but having teams made up of people that sit in a corner to farm rewards is getting really frustrating.

Edited by MorgonKara
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I am actually amazed at the immaturity and white knighting going on in this topic. He has a legitimate issue that I have to suffer through on my repub alt and everyone side steps the issue and starts telling him to go to WoW. Are you people really that insane?


We need a bracket just for lvl 50's I have no hope in hell of taking down a geared 50 and there is usually a whole team of them vs the under lvled under populated repub side on my server. Not to much to ask to have brackets I don't see how anyone can be flaming this guy. I mean I can jump on my Empire toon probably afk while one Empire tank healer combo can dominate Hutball and Void Star practically on their own.

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Personally I think this person is crazy with the number first of all. Second yes they will make a new battleground but lady or sir you rushed to 50 missed the main stuff about what they Bioware was trying to put into this game from the start.


All and all my personal thought in this matter is that your boredom miss/sir is your own doing and if you want to quit be my guest. Not trying to be mean I love pvp and theres room for improvement but subs are not going away over this in the amount that you're suggesting.

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Real simple: Not having level 50s in their own warzone queue. And before you whiny little kids pipe in here, I happen to be level 50 myself. It's just stupid that I have the time to type "/giggle" while tanking three level 10-30s on my healer, and I guarantee it's not fun for them.


Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitards likes Huttball at all.


If you had that impression about war zones , why did you even consider playing this game?



If I knew that a food tastes like crap, I would not buy it and eat it!


Why did you do that?

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The end of the month im leaving also due to there not being enough content other than PVP for lvl 50's.3 warzones gets boring as hell when you've played them to death and also with huttball ive NEVER faced republic only ever empire and yep,im a sith.zzzzzzzzzzzz
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Hi, I'm Roger Wilko from the statistics board. We'd love to hire you for having such keen knowledge without any charts or graphs on how many people will be leaving this game. We'll be contacting you shortly via secretary as we know that your probably very busy because your awesome number throwing.



Sincerely Roger


PS: /sarcasm off





You just made me laugh for a good 3 minutes. I dont think 400k people will unsyb if it isnt done. not in the first month. And bioware said a new warzone in the comming month.

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Couldn't agree more.


Level 50 myself, playing this game mostly to PVP, leaving at the end of the month.


Simply pathetic how one sided the matches are. Just got out of one where I had 59 kills and the number one player on the other team had 7.


It was like doing hammer station easy mode at level 50 in a full group.


I knew these kind of posts and threads would start when Bioware decided to allow leveling through PvP.


PvP is an extra, an addon if you will, It's your own fault for:


1. PvP queueing all the way to 50

2. Not doing any of the other content

3. Rushing to 50

4. Not making full use of a frankly awesome system (legacy xp system) in preparation for it's full implementation.

5. Expecting Bioware to cater to PvP'ers in a PvE centric game


You want a challenge? Level another character now there are a few 50's.


You want a greater challenge, try doing missions that are 2 levels higher than you.


It's not Biowares fault you decided to forgo all the content that was made availible to you just to Huttball it to 50 so you could QQ that you have little to do, that's entirely on you buddy.


Think yourself lucky, Vanilla WoW had no rewarding PvP at all during its fledging months, it was a mindless gank fest, battlegrounds and a pvp title system didn't occur until much much later.


But hey each to there own, I'll be here for quite a while having a blast, leveling new characters and enjoying the fact that each experience is very different, leveling through different ways, and basically enjoying the game in it's entirety, with plenty more to look forward to!

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I knew these kind of posts and threads would start when Bioware decided to allow leveling through PvP.


PvP is an extra, an addon if you will, It's your own fault for:


1. PvP queueing all the way to 50

2. Not doing any of the other content

3. Rushing to 50

4. Not making full use of a frankly awesome system (legacy xp system) in preparation for it's full implementation.

5. Expecting Bioware to cater to PvP'ers in a PvE centric game


You want a challenge? Level another character now there are a few 50's.


You want a greater challenge, try doing missions that are 2 levels higher than you.


It's not Biowares fault you decided to forgo all the content that was made availible to you just to Huttball it to 50 so you could QQ that you have little to do, that's entirely on you buddy.


Think yourself lucky, Vanilla WoW had no rewarding PvP at all during its fledging months, it was a mindless gank fest, battlegrounds and a pvp title system didn't occur until much much later.


But hey each to there own, I'll be here for quite a while having a blast, leveling new characters and enjoying the fact that each experience is very different, leveling through different ways, and basically enjoying the game in it's entirety, with plenty more to look forward to!


Did the OP say they didn't do the content they were interested in? Seriously the game has been out long enough for many to hit 50 without "rushing through content". Stop trying to use your lame excuses to why there shouldn't be brackets. Not everyone has to play the game the same way as you.

Edited by Cyndelx
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It's mostly just a skill-question.

If you get roflstomped they usually know what they do.

Why? Because about 75% of the time people in Huttball just go "ZOMG KILLKILLKILL" and don't give a rat's *** about the objective.

The bolstering is good, you just need to have up-to-date gear or you'll be on the losing end(levelled up, didn't get new gear yet and lost about 50-100 primary dmg. and almost 1k health)

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Did the OP say they didn't do the content they were interested in? Seriously the game has been out long enough for many to hit 50 without "rushing through content". Stop trying to use your lame excuses to why there shouldn't be brackets. Not everyone has to play the game the same way as you.


Jumping to conclusions much?


At what point did I say "I don't want brackets"?


I'd love for you to point it out to me before you dive on me and make that assumption.


Yes, my assumption was easy to make because the OP clearly mentioned "I play this game for PvP" meaning quite clearly, he only PvP's.


Yes there is a need for a level 50 bracket, I don't deny that and am all for it, however people making such sweeping and quite frankly dumb statements about "lack of content" and "OMG Bioware you suck for not implementing PvP brackets".


There is a very good reason there were no brackets at launch..


If anyone remembers WAR, when the power levelers reached 50, they had nothing to do and I do mean nothing, they couldn't even do any battlegrounds because there were so few at 50, Bioware rectified this by allowing everyone to queue together with a bolster effect.


Now there are more 50's Bioware can look at putting in brackets, they have already said they are coming so do us a favor and hold onto your panties.

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Plus, you're automatically assuming that whenever a lowbie queues, they won't be matched up with any 50s on their own side. From my experience, it's usually balanced out, with each side having their fair share of low-levels and 50s. So no, just because you face 50s, it does not automatically follow that you have virtually no chance of winning whenever you queue.


I wish that were true. I'm 26 right now and I have to Q sometimes 10 times to get a win. Generally levels are higher in opposing team. I just went against a group of all 50s except one guy who was 30, when we had about 3 level 50s and a couple thirties and me.


I'm not sure why that is ... I play Empire and it almost seems like Republic has more higher levels ---either that or their lower levels don't go in the WZ as much on my server. Go figure o_O;

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I wish that were true. I'm 26 right now and I have to Q sometimes 10 times to get a win. Generally levels are higher in opposing team. I just went against a group of all 50s except one guy who was 30, when we had about 3 level 50s and a couple thirties and me.


I'm not sure why that is ... I play Empire and it almost seems like Republic has more higher levels ---either that or their lower levels don't go in the WZ as much on my server. Go figure o_O;


But look on your lost matches.

Most of the time it's pretty evident that your teammates don't care about winning, they just wanna slay the other team...

If you have 2-3 people on your team that WANT to win, you can win. At least on my server. 50 or not...



Nothing wrong with 50 expertise-brackets though.

Edited by schnopsnosn
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