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Everything posted by Amonet

  1. I really like the Engineering/Lethality hybrid spec myself (0/18/23). Its got amazing dps through massive dot uptime from corrosive dart, corrosive grenade and interrogation probe. Synergizes well with the talents that increase both AoE dmg and dot dmg as well as their crit chance/crit dmg. Has high single target and AoE dmg with good energy flow thanks to the talents that grant you 2 energy for every dot crit. Also much more mobile than a pure MM build, allowing you more dps uptime on boss fights that require a lot of movement.
  2. also are you sure you meant UT not investigation? because i leveled UT to 400 on my main and dont recall ever getting a schematic for anything. Just the blue and purple metals/silks.
  3. good call! will try there as well. thanks!
  4. I'm trying...im vain, to find the schematics for these pieces so i can make a nice set for my Marauder Alt but for the life of me i can not find out where to get the schematics for them! I've checked the GTN daily and havent seen any of the three mentioned. Also i dont know which of the crewskills such as investigation, slicing, underworld trading have a chance to find them, and specifically which mission. Argh this is driving me crazy! There is so little info on the web about this, Torhead is useless since their database only shows the item but gives no info on WHERE to find the schematic and how. Any input on this?
  5. might want to actually READ the talent trees you are discussing before berating someone else. Bodyguard has a talent that increases ranged and tech CRIT by 2% per talent for a total of 6% crit. Pyro has a talent that increases range and tech ACCURACY by 1% per talent for a total of 3% accuracy.
  6. /facepalm lol think outside the box? my friend, this build of yours is so utterly horrible it needs to jump back into the box, dig a hole, bury itself into the ground, and then have concrete poured over it so that no one can ever dig it up again. i mean seriously, did you just close your eyes and click the talent trees randomly until this hideous mess of a build got thrown up?
  7. like another poster said, i couldnt care less about LS or DS choices, especially considering how meaningless they are and have no lasting consequences. I simply chose the dialogue options that gave the most affection for the simple reason of getting faster crafting and more crits during crafting. As everyone knows the higher your affection the faster your companion will craft an item and the higher their chance of creating a superior item. So yeah. I dont role play evil or good, i only choose that which benefits me most in game from a practical point of view.
  8. how soon or how late do you guys pick up the 6% crit from the bodyguard tree? I just rolled a mercenary alt and am strongly thinking about putting my first 3 points there since that is, in my opinion the best 3 points you can spend, in ANY tree. A flat 6% crit is a huge boost, even if it means delaying getting tracer missile for 3 levels. Any thoughts? Get it early? Or just go up arsenal until tracer missile and then get it?
  9. people keep throwing around this "community" like some kind of catch phrase without actually knowing what it means. Its just the cool thing to say as a response to any kind of mechanic they dont like. LFG tools dont destroy "communities" lack of things to do in the actual game world destroy "communities" You need to give people actual incentives to leave the fleet and actually go out into the world to accomplish things. This is one of the major changes WoW devs said they are implementing in MoP, getting people out of the cities and into the world.
  10. I found the Guild Wars system the best out of all, both for ease of use, and user friendliness as well as complexity of gameplay. There every class only had one bar in which they could only use 8 abilities at once, usually only 5 or 6 were attacks while the other 2-3 were buffs and rez. Yet no one complained that the game was noobfriendly or ezmode. In fact the whole joy of Guild Wars was picking and choosing from over 150 abilities and then using only 8 that complimented each other really well. In fact PvP in Guild Wars was a hundred times more complex and more enjoyable than SWTOR because of this. If i had a choice id definately choose the 8 ability setup of Guild Wars over the carpal tunnel inducing, finger bending ability bloat that is SWTOR.
  11. this is apparently the most difficult thing to code in the entire history of MMO's because ive yet to play an MMO in the last 15 years that has managed to make the impossible possible... ....a hood toggle.
  12. ive said it before and ill say it again....NUMERICAL COOLDOWN TIMERS!!!!!!
  13. i am tempted to roll a scoundrel healer but from what ive heard the top tier talents that increase the healing of your hots by 10% and emergency medpack by 15% have been broken since beta and still havent been fixed. Thats a bit discouraging for those of us hoping to reroll if our top tier talents that increase healing by a huge amount are broken :/
  14. awful, wretched beyond belief this new GCD implementation. Not only can i not see what abilities to use next, but the constant strobe light flashing on EVERY SINGLE BUTTON is giving me splitting headaches since i started playing today. Done with this game till they make up their effing mind on which GCD display they want to go with, seeing how they change it every week. edit: for the millionth effing time, give us NUMERICAL GDC indicators. You know, numbers that count down until the ability is ready. Why do you think cooldown timers is the #1 downloaded mod for World of Warcraft?? This is the most fundamental aspect of any MMO UI, the cooldown indicator. Can't believe how amateurish Bioware is being with this. Its embarassing really.
  15. So today i got an E-mail from Bioware telling me that Mako misses me and is eager to resume adventuring 0_o i was like what the....??? Now i find this amusing because i stopped playing my Powertech as soon as i hit 50 because all my friends rerolled Republic on another server. So i havent played that character for a month. Now im a little confused as to why i got this e-mail, cuz it seems to me Bioware thought i unsubbed and sent this hoping to draw me back in with some Mako tease, but alas they should know the reason i havent played my LvL 50 Bounty Hunter in a month is because i rerolled on another server. Weeeird.
  16. this thread is moot, we all know Guild Wars 2 will rock everyones world and SWTOR will be left with a skeleton subscriber base.
  17. i like to know how all these sentinels are speccing "tank'. please do share, cuz id love to figure that one out. Or just trolling Guardians in the sentinel forums.
  18. Cover is the best aspect of gunslinger! i love it! provides me with 20% ranged dmg reduction, 30% dmg absorption shield (talented), CC immunity for 20 seconds(1 min cooldown), immunity to interrupts and pushback, increases my energy regen (talented). It really is amazing, and a smart, well played gunslinger will utilize cover to its full potential, while a lazy slob like the OP who cant be bothered to use it, or understand its purpose will suck horribly in PvP and then cry on the forums how Gunslingers are the worst class in PvP.
  19. ^ This People forget that cover is directional, as is entrench. If you set up with a 120-180 degree cone in front, you CAN get knocked back, CC'd by anyone behind/to the side of you.
  20. Please educate yourself on the game mechanics next time before making stupid pointless troll posts.
  21. how can they let such a horrendously gamebreaking issue exist for so effing long? this is unreal! and literally destroys all incentive to play the game at all. Most of us only log into the game to complete the dailys/weeklys now that we are lvl 50, but since actually winning WZs doesnt even update your quest what is the point of logging in at all????!
  22. says the tracer spamming monkey. Good retort sir, i applaud you.
  23. holy **** will these mouthbreathers not rest until OPs are completely erased from the game? They nerfed our burst AND sustained dmg by 20% and now they want to nerf our stun capabilities as well? Why not just remove our abilitiy to wield weapons, or wear armor? Nerfing our burst was one thing, but to remove our only control abilities would basically eliminate the class from PvP entirely.
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