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SWTOR's Burnout problem

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14 hours ago, eabevella said:

it's pretty much useless to swap gears between toons because you still need to strip the toon before the gears can be swapped

Not true at all if you have your loadout setup properly, but it's becoming very evident hardly anyone knows how to use loadouts properly 😂😂

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It’s funny this topic came out when it did. I came to the realization this past weekend that I was burned out as well.

I had previously always played the game at my own pace. I enjoyed things as I learned to do them, or whenever I made time to do it. Ever since these seasons came out,  everything is time sensitive. If you don’t grind it, you don’t get everything.

PvP seasons you can barely take a week off since pops seem to be feast of famine. Oh and if you get a string of bad matches it just steals the enjoyment from the game from me. So, I resigned from completing those.

 In GS 6 I thought I was done and then saw I was nowhere near enough blueprints for the achievement.  So I had to spend the last few weeks grinding start planets so I could complete that. Again, taking away my joy. 

Reading about GS7 and the revival of the DvL bosses… oh man. I remember grinding out that achievement. I am pretty sure in order to fulfill GS7 cheevos you are gonna have to beat them all again. Oh imagine if they only make certain ones spawn certain weeks and you miss the week for one you needed.  So, I am probably gonna resign from participating in that. 

That is when it hit me.. It’s just not fun anymore.  To be always up against these closing deadline windows. I get enough of that in the real world. I don’t need it in my recreational escape as well. 

So, if I established to myself that I don’t have a desire to participate in their season grinds, it seems like my position in the player ecosystem is going to pass me by. Others will get cheevos, titles, and awards I will never be able to get.  And if I can never ‘go back’ and play at my own pace anymore… why play at all?? 

This was my first weekend I took a break, and it felt…. refreshing. It felt good not to have to have a deadline hanging over my head or a to-do list I had to complete in game.  If all the effort is being thrown at new time sensitive content…. It sounds like this isn’t for me anymore.

I don’t really have a point, but it was pretty serendipitous that this thread came out when it did.




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33 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

Not true at all if you have your loadout setup properly, but it's becoming very evident hardly anyone knows how to use loadouts properly 😂😂

The only thing that's becoming very evident that you don't understand the limitations of the loadouts, or don't understand know how to fully utilize all the spec and class variations.


16 minutes ago, JulianAjax said:

That is when it hit me.. It’s just not fun anymore.  To be always up against these closing deadline windows. I get enough of that in the real world. I don’t need it in my recreational escape as well. 

Yeah, exactly. Whenever you're just playing the game for fun, you always feel that you should be grinding something boring instead because of the deadlines. And not having a proper break between all the seasons and what not means there's not enough time to have fun in the game too. It's become a job instead of a source of relaxation. 

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1 hour ago, DeannaVoyager said:

The only thing that's becoming very evident that you don't understand the limitations of the loadouts, or don't understand know how to fully utilize all the spec and class variations.

Your choice to spend inordinate quantities of time swapping gear all over the place when it actually could be so much easier. I tried to help but like many instances in this game when u try to give ppl valuable bits of knowledge they arent interested. Happens all the time to me trying to help ppl learn to be better pvpers too 😂👍

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16 hours ago, Samcuu said:

Your choice to spend inordinate quantities of time swapping gear all over the place when it actually could be so much easier. I tried to help but like many instances in this game when u try to give ppl valuable bits of knowledge they arent interested. Happens all the time to me trying to help ppl learn to be better pvpers too 😂👍

And that's the difference that you refuse to see: you're a pvper and you can open your legacy cargo between every match if you stand next to it. I raid so I can't do that. Your so called help isn't useful for me as a raider with multiple classes and specs per character, however it might work for a pvper who can't even change spec during a match, but can change fast and easily between matches if they park next to a legacy bay. So next time you want to "help" someone, make sure yours and their needs match or you're really not helping at all. 

Btw, if you're trying to "help" people to become better pvpers by laughing at them and trying to ridicule them, no wonder your help isn't welcome there either. 

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Yeah, I think the nearly constant deadlines are what make it feel bad. .

(And how MUCH grinding it takes to get the Seasons achievements--no breaks, 5 objectives a week + in the past Season 3 hours killing mobs for bp fragments b/c the rest of the grind only got 2/3 of the number required)

The currency events can be a grind, but I never got as burnt out on them because I know they're repeating.

The thing about Seasons & PvP is the rewards are good, but they are limiting about what I can play. It's like a "to-do list" or Too Much "homework", which is kind of a downer when you're gaming.

I even enjoy a lot of the objectives now, but to meet Seasons + PVP objectives has required HOURS of gameplay every week.

(PVP alone is equivalent an entire evening of my game time for 8 wz)

Meanwhile, other content that I would play myself is often very stingy with rewards. Flashpoints that drop decos, for example, have had bad drop rates. They don't all guarantee drops, and you can't go to a vendor and Choose the ones you want more of except for a few places.

Deco drops from ops, there's some that everyone has too many (hutt banners) and others that are so rare. Eg. drops in R-4 are super uncommon.

(I do like the reputation vendors in the game, and I am very glad they made the various weeklies/dailies accessible to everyone. I wasn't far enough in the story to play most of them before. And when will I have time to really focus on story if I have Season grind + pvp + ops prog all at once b/c the Season is ticking? Lol)


Edited by Riyar
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Yeah PVP and GS running concurrently ... UGH.. I was only able to do that for two seasons before PvP went by the wayside. Obviously there needs to be a start point and an endpoint. Urgency generate action.  People who play PvP don't always play other facets of the game, so I suppose there always needs to be overlap. But gosh these weekly deadline and caps are awful.  I dunno, maybe have an early bird flare to the completion title achievement, but still let the rest of the population complete at their own pace to get the completion title of something.  Like a contingency track.

I do like that they have objectives to it that can help with other achievements or learnings in the game that otherwise would not get groups formed.  I was finally able to complete the Aratech vehicle quest when they added Nightmare Pilgrim for GS objectives. The sparks of war helps too (but would be even better if it was planet specific)   In fact I think that is a great benefit of of GS closing out legacy cheevos. I wish there were even more of that kind of stuff.   

Another wish list idea would  be maybe instead of completing the Operation and MM FP weekly to get the GS points they can set up the objective  to complete as a specific role. Tank and Heals getting higher points since they are usually in demand.  Kinda similar to GSF CQ points or the companion kills GS objectives.  Get people involved in the multiplayer content instead of grinding the trash mobs.  



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As a decade player i burnout already 3 years ago when story with incredible tiny progress keep arriving only once per 6-8 months starting with Secret of the Enclave.

I only want ONE THING. Story content with fully voiced acting. I hate Kotor style cutscenes, it kills my whole hype while playing and this cutscenes pop where they shouldn't. This is the baddest thing devs ever did to this game in my opinion. I was personally shocked. They replied a while ago to this. Maybe now things will be better?

This game is for new players mainly .. veterans like me is destined to burnout. I don't have fun doing same operations, dailies or flashpoints over and over again that why i do them barely and slowly playing only a little per day. Mainly i only waited for next story update what i always play on december and in the middle of the year (once per half year). If they can't even bring good story with more action and fully voiced then they leave people no choice. Single chapter of Kotfe or Kotet have more action than newest story updates. I should look for other mmorpg, i was thinking about it but i done too much here and for now i stay.

I play Guild Wars 2 too 8 years already .. there i have good entertainment and i don't see end of it for next long years, unlike with Swtor. Not mention amazing and MUCH better story there.

~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

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On 8/3/2024 at 2:23 PM, eabevella said:

There's barely story content to fill 1 hour if we remove all the meaningless fetch missions.

I'll hazard from the first moment my character met his mentor on Tython until the time the trinity known as the Emperor was dead required more than an hour of play.

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41 minutes ago, xordevoreaux said:

I'll hazard from the first moment my character met his mentor on Tython until the time the trinity known as the Emperor was dead required more than an hour of play.

This thread strayed from the OP's point by a lot but with some reading comprehension you should still able to see that the OP and most others were talking about new contents, mainly the post 7.0 nothing. Hence the "burnout" problem.

7.0 only has ~43min story cutscene which is pathetic for a 10th year anniversary expansion. I checked the total time because I was appalled by how short it was. I wasn't motivated to edit my recording after that sad excuse of an expansion, but up until 7.5 the story cutscene should be over the 1 hr threshold, so I'll give you that and made a revision: 2hr of story content from 7.0 to 7.5 - or in other words 2hr of story contents in 2 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wouldn't it kill them to allow us to acquire previous seasonal rewards, like weapons, armor sets, companion customization? This FOMO is dumb. SWTOR used to be great for not having it. I can't stand feeling like I have to play every day or week on end or I will get left behind or miss out. There is no gap between Seasons, I think? Can't even take a break. And we have two seasons, with two tracks each. PvP Seasons and Regular Seasons. You got their tracks, and then you have the achievements which are basically a second track. Caused me burnout. Should just be Galactic Seasons, and get rid of the stupid achievements and put all rewards on the track itself.

I want to play a game to unwind, not to work a job. Until they rectify Seasons, I won't partake in them. I mean, if the reward(s) I want are from a previous Season, why would I even do the current one?

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On 8/7/2024 at 3:09 PM, Trlance said:

As a decade player i burnout already 3 years ago when story with incredible tiny progress keep arriving only once per 6-8 months starting with Secret of the Enclave.

I felt burnout probably between Kotfe and Kotet.

ill be taking a break. It’s been several years since I took an extended break (to me that’s three months or more). Don’t have the energy or time for the season, or basilisk venture. 

***and before anyone asks I already gave away my credits and cartel items to my guild and friends (not that much considering the economy but 90mill). I like to start fresh whenever I do start back.

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23 hours ago, absolutetristan said:

***and before anyone asks I already gave away my credits and cartel items to my guild and friends (not that much considering the economy but 90mill). I like to start fresh whenever I do start back.

Did Tora offend you in some way?

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Been playing since launch and now will stop subbing once my sub runs out in December.  I was persisting with play mostly to stay guild leader and hold a couple of small guildships safe but now even doing that seems pointless.

The Kotor style is rotten in this day and age and can't help but feel the voice actors for our main characters and being done dirty.

One storyline for all is a long way from the wonderful 8 class stories which launched the game.  All the uniqueness of playing alts has disappeared since Kotet and Kotfe - those expansions were the start of the rot and I don't see much change since. Big overly long cut scenes and dragged out story to the point, as others have said, I cannot remember the thread of the minimal story.

Crafting and GTN has gone to the dogs and even "live"stream dev on Twitch lacks any sort of conversation with chat - It might as well be recorded for all I know.

Love the heart of the game but every aspect is now stale and quarterly events have meagre if any new rewards to encourage repeat play.

Adding things like "make Hutta murkier" or changing the UI or shiny dyes are not cutting it guys.  There is decent stuff on TV or books on the shelves that are more attractive than what you are offering.  Will fork out again when you EARN my money.

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Speaking personally with Season 2 onwards as an example, i grinded out rep and blueprints doing pug op after pug op DAILY. Soon as i got the max rep or 1500 blueprints and it was all about doing the weeklies to max out the achievement, i only logged into SWTOR once a week to grind out my 7 weeklies.

I played other games all throughout the other time. Because there's nothing holding me to this game outside of the small story that barely satisfies me as a fan of the game and seasons.

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I'm not burnt out, I just don't feel like the slow drip of content that has been coming is worth my $15/month. So as many others have stated. I will not be resubbing once mine runs out. 

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i bought the battle ready pack for 3X bucks on steam and took a look into the game after a year. Story up to date within 1 hours and whats left? The same like a year before. Daily/Weeky thats all in this game: GSF never opens, Flashpoints are more harder optimized and everyone rushes to a specific point to AoE everything down.

Well, i do not regret buying the pack. Mount and Cartel Points was a good deal but iam shocked a bit that this game offers really nothing at all except ninja invites into guilds with mass on inactive chars/accounts.

The next 60 months are paid and after this, don think ill sub this game.

Haven't even played a day yet and already have nothing to do. Why upgrade equipment, why dailies, weeklys. I can play GSF until I drop but nothing opens.

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On 8/5/2024 at 12:13 PM, JulianAjax said:

It’s funny this topic came out when it did. I came to the realization this past weekend that I was burned out as well.

I had previously always played the game at my own pace. I enjoyed things as I learned to do them, or whenever I made time to do it. Ever since these seasons came out,  everything is time sensitive. If you don’t grind it, you don’t get everything.

PvP seasons you can barely take a week off since pops seem to be feast of famine. Oh and if you get a string of bad matches it just steals the enjoyment from the game from me. So, I resigned from completing those.

 In GS 6 I thought I was done and then saw I was nowhere near enough blueprints for the achievement.  So I had to spend the last few weeks grinding start planets so I could complete that. Again, taking away my joy. 

Reading about GS7 and the revival of the DvL bosses… oh man. I remember grinding out that achievement. I am pretty sure in order to fulfill GS7 cheevos you are gonna have to beat them all again. Oh imagine if they only make certain ones spawn certain weeks and you miss the week for one you needed.  So, I am probably gonna resign from participating in that. 

That is when it hit me.. It’s just not fun anymore.  To be always up against these closing deadline windows. I get enough of that in the real world. I don’t need it in my recreational escape as well. 

So, if I established to myself that I don’t have a desire to participate in their season grinds, it seems like my position in the player ecosystem is going to pass me by. Others will get cheevos, titles, and awards I will never be able to get.  And if I can never ‘go back’ and play at my own pace anymore… why play at all?? 

This was my first weekend I took a break, and it felt…. refreshing. It felt good not to have to have a deadline hanging over my head or a to-do list I had to complete in game.  If all the effort is being thrown at new time sensitive content…. It sounds like this isn’t for me anymore.

I don’t really have a point, but it was pretty serendipitous that this thread came out when it did.




Yeah, I hate the timelimit aspect. Couple that with a vast number of actually difficult content and it discouraging.
how many people would audition for a role, apply to a job/college, tryout for a spots team, hike a mountain or any other actual achievements if they didn’t believe they could make/do it and weren’t being payed lol. Do you think that number would increase if they are required to pay for each attempt? SWTOR isn’t a hyper competitive role, job, team, university, or a real world aspiration. It offers no where near the real world value, yet it requires similar, time, energy, and often real world money. That use to be okay because it and the list achievements were enjoyable, realistic, and quality forms of entertainment. This is becoming less so.

The bounty payed achievement requires peeps to complete 20 contracts, 10 kingpins, and 40 DL bosses. It’s unrealistic for most player to kill 40 dl bosses in the time given. Those are operation level bosses that often require more than 8 people. They can’t be beat alone (I imagine story mode ops are much easier and am willing to wager veteran mode is also easier) couple that with the fact that most veterans players have gotten the original rewards from beating them, Most servers have low populations, and you can participate in the fight but not get credit thus having to redo it  ( and are less like to be able to do that since most people won’t help with a fight they already got credit for?) it’s an unrealistic achievement. 

@JackieKohow many of your subscribers actually complete 40 operations in the timeframe the bounty paid achievement is requesting? If it’s not most or all of them you should probably reevaluate the numbers of this achievement. I recommend 10 be the required amounts of DL Bosses beaten and a subscriber bonus of 20 gs points instead of 12 for the DL boss weekly.


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On 8/25/2024 at 7:51 AM, Aaryn said:

The next 60 months are paid and after this, don think ill sub this game.

You’ve paid up five years into the future?  Or did you mean 60 days?

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On 8/25/2024 at 5:51 AM, Aaryn said:

Why upgrade equipment, why dailies, weeklys. I can play GSF until I drop but nothing opens.

Sadly the lower population servers have issues with pops for pvp and gsf sometimes, and the devs aren't merging servers or doing cross server queues. I'd recommend maybe transferring a toon to a more populated server if u aren't already on one, and I think you'd have better luck with the queues. 

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Yeah, they are really taking the cake with all the grind with the seasons. To get the good stuff, you have to reach pretty high up close to 100. Just look at the new white loth cat kitten. It's only given at lvl 97 or something, and people have been asking for loth cats, and this is how they give them out? Behind a massive grind? Give me a direct CM sale instead. Would sell like hotcakes.

No thanks. I got burned out at season 1, which imo was the best, since the objectives was easy to do, and not so grindy. Felt more relaxed, as you could play story missions, and still get completion if you had missions at the right place. 

They also add to the problem with running PvP season at the same time.

New story only twice a year is bad. Yes, we all know the team is small, and so is the budget, but something every now and then, even if short like the date nights missions would be a welcomed thing.

I still play, but I pace myself, and have off days, maybe even an off week. What do I do? Youtube for the most part, as there's something new to find every day. May look into SW Outlaws, but not until they fix bugs and whatnot.

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