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Date Night: What do you think about them?

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What do you think about the date night release today?

  • Arcann: it was very good.
  • Koth: a surprise, for sure, but a welcome one. It was very good.
  • Theron: not bad but too short. I wanted more.
  • Lana: good. Maybe a little shot too but it was good. A little more could have been a good thing.

So it's a very good start for this feature for me. :t_smile:

What is your opinion about these date nights and this new feature in swtor?


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6 minutes ago, orichichan said:

What do you think about the date night release today?

  • Arcann: it was very good.
  • Koth: a surprise, for sure, but a welcome one. It was very good.
  • Theron: not bad but too short. I wanted more.
  • Lana: good. Maybe a little shot too but it was good. A little more could have been a good thing.

So it's a very good start for this feature for me. :t_smile:

What is your opinion about these date nights and this new feature in swtor?


Nothing. I didn't romance Lana or Theron and I killed both Koth and Arcann.

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I’m a bit upset that there are decos you can get from doing them.   I like collecting decos and they’ve basically made those out of my reach since I have no intention of romancing any of those NPCs.  It’s a small thing I agree but it’s still irritating to me. 

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If your Theron is wearing something like Canderous Ordo vest (https://swtorista.com/armor/canderous-ordo), he'll show up with black arms. And yeah, it felt a bit underwhelming - guess I expected less excuses (from Theron) and more fun.

Editing to add more feedback:

  • Theron - awkward, too many excuses, wish it was more fun (expected it to be more fun due to what we've seen from Theron so far)
  • Lana - OK, I guess. Would have preferred less Dejarik, more Lana (the part they are only alluding to)
  • Arcann (watched online since I don't have anyone romancing him yet) - the best by far, you could actually feel the emotions in this one (definitely will romance him at least on one of my toons, even if just to get this interaction)
  • Koth (also watched online) - started out really good, then went to meh (too many people for what's supposed to be a date, plus the whole "show off" concept), and then a moment came that literally kicked in my gag reflexes (those who've seen it will know what I'm talking about); maybe it's just me (and my weak stomach - I'm sure some would find that part funny), but if I even considered to romance Koth, this would have been a major turn off
Edited by VegaMist
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25 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

If your Theron is wearing something like Canderous Ordo vest (https://swtorista.com/armor/canderous-ordo), he'll show up with black arms. And yeah, it felt a bit underwhelming - guess I expected less excuses (from Theron) and more fun.

I'm having that problem with Vector right now. If you equip anything that shows skin, his skin color turns to the primary color of the outfit, which will change if you use a dye pack. It's...lovely (sarcasm).

My thoughts on the date nights:
Arcann-- was all right (I'm getting a migraine so that's impacting my rating). Length seemed appropriate and I thought it had good banter considering it was with my smuggler.
Lana-- was ... okay. I played dejarik for fun but my SW seemed to be not having any fun because she was losing. Length could've been a little longer and I would've liked a little more dialogue.
Theron-- TOO SHORT. Not fun or flirty enough. Was able to complete on one of my JKs but not my pubside MAIN (consular) because she doesn't have the alert?? Have sent a customer service ticket inquiring as to what the situation is, as I can't figure out what the problem would be. Story-wise I'm on the Voss enclave (after Ruhnuk, before Kessan's Landing). I can summon Theron no problem and never broke up with him. So... *shrug*?
Koth-- don't have anyone romancing Koth anymore. My smuggler who romanced Arcann only romanced Arcann because I thought Koth dumped her. Then I got a nasty breakup letter. Well, forget you, Koth.

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I havent been able to tell anything about it yet because I cannot access it at all with any of my characters quite a few of them have Lana as romance companion and yet still do not have access to date night. Don't have an alert, went to class ship to check, went to odessen, there is nothing that is show is no mission in tab. there is literally nothing showing.

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Not even one original companion in the first four. Disappointed.
Only one I might have a romance with somewhere is Lana.
But, I can't find which character I have which companion romanced on since it's hidden from me.
So, without that, I don't really care much for this "content"
Killed Koth on 99% of my toons.
Theron and Arcann were not meaningful to romance.
It's a sad update not worth my time as it doesn't progress the story that never ends....  Malgus 7.0 coming?

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Edit: Actually, I've revised my opinion. Unfortunately, my main character chose poor reactions (stupid me but also not very well telegraphed perhaps) and actually, the second date my alt had was much much better and more in keeping with how I imagined things going. Wish I could rerun the date on my main.

I've only tried the Theron one, and confess I'm a tiny bit disappointed - at this stage anyway. It was very short but also - and I know this sounds like a contradiction of what these missions are supposed to be - it was a bit too 'soppy'. My agent loves Theron for his dry wry humour and his slightly naughty flirting-at-work so I was a bit sad this was undermined somewhat. It reminded me of how Han Solo's character changed in RotJ, where carbon freezing changes him from 'Saucy Rogue with Hidden Depths' to 'Pathetic Needy Sap', presumably so he doesn't outshine Luke's heroicism. Once you notice it, it really spoils the film, and Han, imho.

It's very early days with these, so I'll hold proper judgement until the story unfolds, but I really really hope Theron doesn't suffer the same fate.

Edited by Jazulfi
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Date Night was in a word.... Lame!

90 seconds of nothing...

It takes longer to get to the date, than the actual date is long.

I see no reason to ever repeat it. Once is more than enough. And it cost 5,000 credits to go on this lame, so called date.

I was expecting a DATE. a little Dinner, a little Dancing, a conversation about your many adventures. then some intimate romancing... but instead, Blah... Nothing

This would be classified as the WORST DATE in History.... If you took your love on a date like this they would NEVER talk to you again....EVER!

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Lets see over a year ago I ended my long lasting relationship with Lana and shortly after went with Arcann only to end that one in hopes to find Lana again but somehow found Nadia was available.

While still romancing her I was able to rekindle my relationship with Felix.

That hindsight would be handy if I had known date night was coming :D

But I'm looking forward to seeing if the other 2 are coming. 

Guess I can't go to the party just yet lol.

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10 hours ago, VandarKel said:

Nothing. I didn't romance Lana or Theron and I killed both Koth and Arcann.

The same 😂, honestly i wished that they spent the resources on content which is repeatable and being constantly used by the playerbase such as new operations and flashpoints, new cool achievements with cool rewards, new awesome in game decorations, fleshing old content to bring them to the new standard of the latest content, you can only watch the same cutscene so many times...

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7 hours ago, saremun said:

The same 😂, honestly i wished that they spent the resources on content which is repeatable and being constantly used by the playerbase such as new operations and flashpoints, new cool achievements with cool rewards, new awesome in game decorations, fleshing old content to bring them to the new standard of the latest content, you can only watch the same cutscene so many times...

Me too, me too.

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A chess game?

That's your idea of a date?

You can't be serious.


I was expecting a DATE. a little Dinner, a little Dancing, a conversation about your many adventures. then some intimate romancing

That certainly would have been nice. My expectations were not anywhere near that high, but I was still dismayed by how little they gave us for how much they hyped this up. Honestly, they could have just added these little cutscenes to a standard storyline expansion. It's about what they're worth.

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i did Lana and Therons so far and liked them both, i wish they were longer but any lana content i can get ill take, i think that for a brief cutscene it actually expanded her character quite a bit with her explaining dejarik and details she shares in an email, which talk about her past on korriban and her parents as well as how she views dejarik, overall pretty good but could've standed to be little longer.

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13 minutes ago, MsViolet said:

A chess game?

That's your idea of a date?

You can't be serious.

That certainly would have been nice. My expectations were not anywhere near that high, but I was still dismayed by how little they gave us for how much they hyped this up. Honestly, they could have just added these little cutscenes to a standard storyline expansion. It's about what they're worth.

not a very good argument as idea for a perfect date can heavly differ on a person, if two people share a hobby i can 100% see them doing it in form of a date, not to menton its established lore thing that lana likes dejarik and is very good at it, you can also actually go for a drink after a game or keep playing, choice is up to the player, im all for more choices.

hell, i wish there was an actual dejarik mini game in this game you get to play with comps or other players.

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A chess game?

That's your idea of a date?

You can't be serious.

maybe for people who watch Young Sheldon, or BBT it would be. But I'm more of an opinion that a date is go out to dinner, and a concert or movie  RL - so in Star Wars maybe a concert (palpatine went to the opera), or the theatre.

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I've only done the one with Theron so far, and it's too short, too . . . weird. Like they just met or something, not really in line with where they are and what they've been through. And that letter? It's so out of character, doesn't sound at all like Theron. I can't put my finger on it, but there's less . . . intensity, maybe? Just not feeling it. At all.

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How do you even start them? I did the romance with Lana in the expansion stories, I tried talking to her on my ship and in the base on Odessen, but nothing.

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2 minutes ago, swqael said:

How do you even start them? I did the romance with Lana in the expansion stories, I tried talking to her on my ship and in the base on Odessen, but nothing.

You should get an alert (hit N to open the panel) for it. Then hit the travel to thing, then see what happens. I haven't romanced Lana, so I have no idea how it works for her, but for Theron, I got an alliance alert thing, then had to go to my ship, then . . . blah blah, but just follow the directions you're given for it.

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Just now, TahliahCOH said:

You should get an alert (hit N to open the panel) for it. Then hit the travel to thing, then see what happens. I haven't romanced Lana, so I have no idea how it works for her, but for Theron, I got an alliance alert thing, then had to go to my ship, then . . . blah blah, but just follow the directions you're given for it.

Hmm, ok. I don't have any alerts.

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I've only done Theron but... too short. Could be a good feature but that's just not enough. I would prefere that king of story more later with a lot more content.

I feel like "There's so much other things to do with this game, why make date night now ?" OK, I feel the same with strongholds lol

I love swtor but since fallen empire and eternal throne, game lost something. Hard to explain but this is how I feel. Date night are not good nor bad but why so short and why now ?

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