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Thanks for the new world drops in 7.4.1

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6 hours ago, Bxvx said:

I can't sell any of the 50 or so fitted drops I've gotten so far on the gtn.

It's unintentional. They didn't test the update before releasing. However, the will patch it in one of the upcoming patches.


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Is it the worst possible way to do a good thing?

Stuff we get seems random, it should be somewhat connected to planets, so it'd be farmable. It's BOE, doesn't unlock in collections, it should work as remnant gear. It's unsellable, it (and remnant gear) should sell for 1credit, so it's easier to get rid of.. It replaced item rewards from treasure hunting lockboxes (making artifice even less useful), TH should have this gear ADDED to lockboxes.

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19 minutes ago, czqu said:

Is it the worst possible way to do a good thing?

Stuff we get seems random, it should be somewhat connected to planets, so it'd be farmable. It's BOE, doesn't unlock in collections, it should work as remnant gear. It's unsellable, it (and remnant gear) should sell for 1credit, so it's easier to get rid of.. It replaced item rewards from treasure hunting lockboxes (making artifice even less useful), TH should have this gear ADDED to lockboxes.

Did they do any research on which looks were both actually missing and wanted by the players?

Nope - a lot of this stuff is already available through crafting, as well is old, low resolution, no detail, dated stuff few if anyone is going to use as an appearance.

Did they think through the implementation?

Nope - instead of 'here are some additions' being added, they replaced useful 'garbage' that could be sold to a vendor or deconstructed for tech frags, end-game currency, and jawa parts with literal garbage that players have to waste time deleting from their inventory.

Did they test the implementation?

Nope - patch notes say this stuff should be trade-able, but it isn't and is now listed as a bug.

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On 3/8/2024 at 9:19 PM, JoeStramaglia said:

These items will not be in collections. They will however be Bind on Equip! This means they can be traded or sold on the GTN. A big part of why I wanted to get these into the game was to make up for the random stat appearance items no longer being tradeable on the GTN due to our backend changes.

Please consider "Bind to Legacy on Equip".

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so how come its just armor pieces even i found afew. i found one boot that actually worked well on some leggings i use. but the other random armor pieces dont work well. :/ and how come we arent finding Ancient Armorment Weapons? i was expecting to find random gold guns, blaster rifle, sniper, doubled saber, lightsaber, assault cannon or something of a different design ... but just these random world drops of armorings sighs.  and what are we supposed to do with those building materials? we collect for GS? 

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53 minutes ago, TrueJediLord said:

and what are we supposed to do with those building materials? we collect for GS? 

The blueprints? They're "junk" items. You can send your companion to sell them or press the "Sell junk" button at vendors.


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29 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

The blueprints? They're "junk" items. You can send your companion to sell them or press the "Sell junk" button at vendors.


If so, they are incredibly misleading.  Why would they have needed to be bind on legacy?  And why did they need flavor text saying they had something to do with the Copero stronghold?  (Yes, I know the patch changed them to be bind on pickup... but if they're trash why would they need to be bound in the first place?)

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4 minutes ago, Luneward said:

If so, they are incredibly misleading.  Why would they have needed to be bind on legacy?  And why did they need flavor text saying they had something to do with the Copero stronghold?  (Yes, I know the patch changed them to be bind on pickup... but if they're trash why would they need to be bound in the first place?)

I think picking them up counts towards some achievement, maybe this was to prevent them from being passed between players?

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22 minutes ago, Luneward said:

Why would they have needed to be bind on legacy?

Million dollar question. It's possible they added them to the game before figuring out what they wanted to use them for.

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4 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

Million dollar question. It's possible they added them to the game before figuring out what they wanted to use them for.

I think they planned to have a reputation track but ran out of time to implement it (or were badgered into cutting it like they were companions). They have an NPC in the stronghold to turn them in to. Or maybe it was just part of a last second nerf of the CQ points (really cuts back on the number of tokens available to turn in for the CQ points). There's really no reason for it to be an actual item if there is no need to turn it in.

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20 minutes ago, DWho said:

I think they planned to have a reputation track but ran out of time to implement it (or were badgered into cutting it like they were companions). They have an NPC in the stronghold to turn them in to. Or maybe it was just part of a last second nerf of the CQ points (really cuts back on the number of tokens available to turn in for the CQ points). There's really no reason for it to be an actual item if there is no need to turn it in.

Wait.... so you CAN turn them into someone at the stronghold for something?  And yet they're automatically classified and auto-sold to vendors as junk?  That's messed up and bad.

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1 minute ago, Luneward said:

Wait.... so you CAN turn them into someone at the stronghold for something?  And yet they're automatically classified and auto-sold to vendors as junk?  That's messed up and bad.

No, just like the previous season, there is an NPC that could have been used to turn them in. That functionality was never implemented because they did not implement a reputation track

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Question from a fairly new player... What's the purpose of these Fitted drops? As someone still leveling, I just noticed getting rating 8 & 12 gear drops instead of the regular gear drops that had a rating that made them actually of use to me. Do those no longer drop?

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23 hours ago, Bxvx said:

I can't sell any of the 50 or so fitted drops I've gotten so far on the gtn.

At the rate these things are dropping, even when people can list them on the GTN, they’ll be worthless as everyone will have had access to 1000’s of them.

Totally not worth your time listing them. They should be given a low credit amount so you can easily junk them at the vendors. Even gray junk is worth a few credits.

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6 hours ago, AsheliaLeniya said:

Question from a fairly new player... What's the purpose of these Fitted drops? As someone still leveling, I just noticed getting rating 8 & 12 gear drops instead of the regular gear drops that had a rating that made them actually of use to me. Do those no longer drop?

Ok so the answer in two parts. First what's the purpose, well they are cosmetic gear, it's there so players can play space barbie and have a bunch of outfits to dress their characters in. Do the useful gear no longer drop, well for now they don't, apparently, according to the Bug report the team did a oopsie and the fitted drops are far more numerous than they should be, as in they fall all the times you should instead get actual useful gear to progress. If I followed correctly, there's patch coming next week which should take care of that problem.

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As much as I respect the SWTOR-Team and as much as I love(d) SWTOR, I honestly have to say that I am (once again) dissapointed, even though I thought that wouldn't be possible anymore. When the Team announced "over 2,000 armor pieces and sets" I was dumb enough to think it means we probably get some of the juicy NPC sets or other cool looking armor pieces from the past. But instead (after looking through the item list Swtorista posted on her website) it's clear these are merely some stupid, random looking pieces with no real value or aesthetics. Some of these we can craft by ourselves even. Really dissapointing, but well... it's SWTOR so who were I to think they would put any effort in this game.


(And yes, it bothers me because I'm one of these dudes caring for good looking and unique transmogs. But hey, at least we can buy Valkorions armor set for 4,000CC on the Cartel Market, right?)

Edited by Jesseriah
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+1000 for adding credit value to those items. There is no reason not to, since they are not in collections, and it is really tedious to deconstruct those items, especially since the drop rate is quite high.

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On 3/8/2024 at 3:19 PM, JoeStramaglia said:

Hello folks!

Just wanted to pop in real quick and give you some more info about these since we haven’t released all of the details.

What are these exactly?

So these Armors and Weapons are new versions of existing ones that had randomized stats and that there was no other way to acquire their appearance in the game aside from existing world drops. These were no longer available to trade on the Galactic Trade Network due to the backend changes, but there are others that may not have been tradeable at all. There are a lot of them! Hundreds of weapons and over 2000 armor pieces. The sheer amount is why we didn’t post a detailed list.

Ancient Armaments Login Reward Calendar

This reward calendar will operate very similar to our 3 existing reward calendars, complete with Achievements and various items available on the track. This has been added to the rotation of login calendars so it might not show up right away. The big change to this one is it will include a chance to get some of these new versions of previous appearances. There will be a Weapons Pack and an Armors Pack on the calendar, the weapon pack will give you a Fitted Weapon from the list of new Weapons. The Armor Pack will give you one complete set of one of these armor sets. The packs will be legacy bound but the contents will be Bind on Equip!

World Drops

Many of these have been difficult to acquire due to requiring specific levels or planets or various other rules. These new ones can drop in any world drop. World drops will be single pieces of armor or a weapon. You can still get the normal randomized stat world drops, these drop in addition to them! However, because we’re adding all of these new items to the normal drop pool, they have no vendor value, so if you want credits for them you’ll need to do some trading. If you don’t want to bother with all of that, you can always destroy them (though they will not disassemble).


In both cases of the packs as well as the world drops higher quality items will be rarer. Premium is the most common, followed by Prototype, and then Artifact. Because they can drop at any level they should appear a bit more frequently than many of our other armor world drops.


These items will not be in collections. They will however be Bind on Equip! This means they can be traded or sold on the GTN. A big part of why I wanted to get these into the game was to make up for the random stat appearance items no longer being tradeable on the GTN due to our backend changes.

I hope that answers many of your questions but if you have anything that I wasn’t able to answer with regards to these new items feel free to ask!

May the Force Serve You

In short: "Because we did a poor job with the GTN backend, we have to create new gears that fit the GTN, because, you know, we have no clue how to retro-fit the previous gears to work on the GTN (or are too lazy to go through the list of old equipments, or have no clue how to make a script for bulk changes)."  

You still could have made the new gear (bind on equip) sellable to NPC vendors. And the legacy bind deconstructable for the jawa junks and stuff.

The i270-320 drops were only 500ish credits (a big nerf already compared to the 250ish and 306 of previous versions (10k-25k credits), nothing that can increase inflation like your own mistakes that allowed exploits for credits in the past. But at least they (i270-320) could be deconstructed, so I assume most people deconstructed them instead of selling them. By getting the jawa junk, we could buy stuff at the jawa vendors, resell on the GTN, or use them to craft something to sell on the GTN. The more jawa junk people had, the lower price on the GTN of the items, because less rarity.

By removing deconstructable drops, YOU ARE CREATING RARITY AND INFLATION.

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It's quite annoying to have a full inventory of items now with no selling value. Especially as a new player who still struggles for credits early on, in a game that has seen the worst inflation of any game I've ever played.

Guess I'll be "on break" again til this gets a better solution.
I love Star Wars, but this game just never received the love and dedication it deserved (don't get me started about 10+ years old bugs that are still there).

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2 minutes ago, ytrenor said:

By removing deconstructable drops, YOU ARE CREATING RARITY AND INFLATION.

lol I saved a few copies of the level 80 BOL junk gear because I liked the look of them. But yeah, by flooding the loot table with utter garbage, and that is what most of the new gear drops is and always has been, the gear we liked to decon with nice models is much harder to get.

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18 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

At the rate these things are dropping, even when people can list them on the GTN, they’ll be worthless as everyone will have had access to 1000’s of them.

Totally not worth your time listing them. They should be given a low credit amount so you can easily junk them at the vendors. Even gray junk is worth a few credits.

If enough people list enough of the drops then MAYBE complete sets show up that people like.

Yes, 90% will go unsold, but I think it'd be worth it to list them at an ultra low credit cost just to see if anything comes out of it.


That's my idea about it anyway.

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25 minutes ago, Darev said:

If enough people list enough of the drops then MAYBE complete sets show up that people like.

Yes, 90% will go unsold, but I think it'd be worth it to list them at an ultra low credit cost just to see if anything comes out of it.


That's my idea about it anyway.

Considering the non-refundable GTN listing fees, most likely you'll be paying for the privilege of trying to sell these items and then eating the losses after they do not sell.

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Thanks for the dev post on this - it's nice to hear something about the intent behind these changes.

On 3/9/2024 at 7:19 AM, JoeStramaglia said:

You can still get the normal randomized stat world drops, these drop in addition to them! However, because we’re adding all of these new items to the normal drop pool, they have no vendor value, so if you want credits for them you’ll need to do some trading. If you don’t want to bother with all of that, you can always destroy them (though they will not disassemble).

Drop rate issues aside, looks like they're serving as replacements for existing drops, not as additional ones. That's the case for treasure hunting lockboxes, at least. (Opened 8 sub-11 TH boxes, got 1 item each time, total 7 fitted, 1 non-fitted. Opened 4 grade 11 TH boxes, got "2-4 grade 11 mats + 1 fitted item" each time.) Making them replacement items with vendor+scrap value would simplify inventory management. Additional items with no vendor+scrap value (ideally, 1 credit value) would be okay too, just more of a hassle, depending on drop rate. Replacement items with no vendor+scrap value turns this into a nerf to credit+scrap fountains, along with being more of a hassle.

I agree with previous comments about adding to collections, if possible, so people can retain easy access, while freeing up inventory space. Same for comments about greatly reducing the drop rate. GTN sellers aren't guaranteed to get a sale, but are guaranteed to lose their deposit fee. If the market value of these is very low, due to huge drop rates, there's not a lot of incentive to even try selling them on the GTN.

On 3/9/2024 at 7:19 AM, JoeStramaglia said:

There will be a Weapons Pack and an Armors Pack on the calendar, the weapon pack will give you a Fitted Weapon from the list of new Weapons. The Armor Pack will give you one complete set of one of these armor sets. The packs will be legacy bound but the contents will be Bind on Equip!

Being able to list that armor pack on the GTN would be nice. Maybe even turn down the drop rate of armor pieces much further than intended, but add armor packs as a very rare drop. Could have a range of different scenarios from that, depending where prices of individual pieces and armor packs end up:

- Looters ignore everything.
- Looters ignore pieces, but take the time to sell packs.
- Armor collectors or middlemen with time buy packs, open them, get random sets, keep the sets they want, and sell remaining sets piece by piece. (This opens the possibility of a second credit sink in the loop, looter -> middleman -> piece buyer, similar to gatherer -> crafter -> craft item buyer.)
- Looters sell everything.

Edited by Duck_Cider
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As someone who loves collecting armor sets, and has been trying to collect all these new sets all week, I can already say, this is a mess.  Issues with GTN selling aside, storing and keeping track of all these pieces is a nightmare.  If you don't have a spreadsheet going, you may as well give up.

I've currently have at least 1 piece from over 100 green sets and 50 blue sets.  And I'm sure there's plenty more I haven't come across.  Trying to figure out how to store all this is just a headache.  Not to mention dealing with duplicates (which I apparently can't sell anywhere, so thanks for that).  Even more annoyingly, I seem to keep getting the same 1-2 pieces for each set, rather than getting different pieces from that set.  Sure would be nice if we could trade this crap on the GTN so we could fill in the blanks.

But ultimately there are a number of things that would make these so much better:
- Make this empty, modifiable gear.  Lord knows there's plenty of cheap modifiable gear available elsewhere, so why not make this the modifiable, rather than just "Space Barbie" gear?

- Make it binds to Legacy.  Others have said.  I'm saying it, too.  It's already hard enough tracking down one full set, tracking it down multiple times is a big "NO!"

- Put it in collections.  Again, this is a no-brainer.  We don't need more gear sets cluttering up our banks.

- Make it sellable.  Low level, sellable gear is not the reason the inflation is so bad in this game.  You guys putting credit exploits into the game, instead of properly testing before releasing, is the reason the inflation is so bad in this game.


Why is it so hard for someone that works at this company to actually use their brain?  I promise you it's not that hard.

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