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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

7.4 Kessan Landing Saboteur/loyalist bug


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When dealing with the SIS agents on Ord Mantel, I was given the option to contact Jonas on a non-saboteur character. When I did the same quest on a saboteur character, the option never appeared, even when choosing the exact same dialogue choices.

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6 hours ago, Farferello said:

I never saw a Saboteur option when interacting with the SIS on my Imp Saboteur either. 😕

Same here.  I ended up letting them go, but there was no saboteur specific option. 

... there's a reason I run fewer and fewer alts through all the storyline now.  What's the point when even the teeny tiny differences from choices we make are bugged af.

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2 hours ago, JuventusAndFCK said:

Same here. I had the option with my loyalist but not with my actual saboteur. Frustrating that the one time it's relevant it's bugged.

I am pausing my saboteur characters from progressing until this is fixed.

Same here. My first run was with Imp saboteur and was surprised that there wasn't anything related to saboteur. Today I did my Imp loyalist and behold, there was my saboteur option. I have four more sabouteurs, but they are not going near this content until fix. Don't know if it works on pub side, but not going to try.

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I had this too, I opened a ticket and they said it wasn't a problem and no one had reported it so I must have just missed the opportunity which I didn't because I was looking for the option the whole time. Pretty unfair to try and blame the players for a mistake on their end. I hope this doesn't lock me out of the saboteur option completely in later content

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I just did this story on my agent saboteur, never saw an option for her to contact jonus, pretty upset. The whole time it acted like my character was a loyalist and i have no agents who are loyalists. Not sure what to do. The only other thing I can think to do is just play my pub characters until it is fixed. 

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I've just had the same problem. I did it on a non-saboteur Assassin and he was offered the saboteur option to contact Jonas. Now I'm doing it on a saboteur Sorcerer and he's not being offered the option. I've reset the mission twice and each time I had no choice but to fight. (I ran off , which reset the fight, since I didn't want to be forced into a non-saboteur path.) I absolutely don't want to have him act like a loyalist. He's my most Republic-aligned imperial. I did it on a saboteur sniper with no problems, and a friend said it worked fine for his saboteur Powertech.

Edited by dinowoman
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I didn't get a specific saboteur option on my Agent who's been working for thr Republic since forever, but I was able to come to an agreement with the SIS agents that didn't involve us fighting. Instead we all happily agreed to go our own way and pretend we never saw one another. Which, honestly is probably how my agent would have played things anyway. I'll wait to run my other Pub aligned Imps through until after this gets fixed, because they'd be all about getting Jonas to deal with the issue.

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It's definitely an issue with the conversation itself. In order for the Option "[Saboteur] I know someone who can clear this up. Let me get Jonas Balkar on comms....to be available for selection, the condition is_imp_patriot must be true. Obviously that doesn't make sense for a saboteur option; it should be using the is_imp_traitor condition instead.

Edited by Kinslayer
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2 minutes ago, Leoperaghost said:

Ohh I regret not checking the forums earlier when I started feeling like my saboteur agent was being a little too gung-ho about the empire. 😢 Now I'm worried I flubbed it majorly as a saboteur...

They need to allow a full reset of the update for this. Or something to correct it.

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6 hours ago, JenaSalton said:

I didn't get a specific saboteur option on my Agent who's been working for thr Republic since forever, but I was able to come to an agreement with the SIS agents that didn't involve us fighting. Instead we all happily agreed to go our own way and pretend we never saw one another. Which, honestly is probably how my agent would have played things anyway. 

I realised after I posted that this was also the case with my sniper, but it fitted well (and I assumed at the time that it was a special case for the agent, since he was criticising the guy's acting and an agent would be very familiar with having to act out a role). My sorcerer didn't have any option to discuss things at all - every option (and there were far fewer of them) led to a fight.

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4 hours ago, Kinslayer said:

It's definitely an issue with the conversation itself. In order for the Option "[Saboteur] I know someone who can clear this up. Let me get Jonas Balkar on comms....to be available for selection, the condition is_imp_patriot must be true. Obviously that doesn't make sense for a saboteur option; it should be using the is_imp_traitor condition instead.

Thank you so much for finding that. That gives incontrovertible evidence that it's a bug, and it should be really easy to fix. I just hope they offer some way round the problem for those who have already played though, not realising there was supposed to be a saboteur option. I am very glad I ran the story first on a loyalist and then on another saboteur before doing it on my saboteur main, so I knew something was amiss.

Edited by dinowoman
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It looks like they broke the dialogue options of the saboteur, my empire loyalist can contact Jonas Balkar in the moment with the SIS agents, in turn, the real saboteur has no dialogue options at all, just release or kill these same agents (I don’t know about the pub side, maybe there same problems)

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I just checked on my pub side saboteur: he does not have such a problem, my character contacts NR-02 and sends the found cargo to the Empire, in the last dialogue there is a saboteur option. It seems that only the imp side saboteur has this problem (and this is bad, I ruined the passage for my character because of this, it is necessary to add the ability to go through kessan again for those who have this problem) 

@JackieKo @CommunityTeam

Edited by YuriManishek
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Yikes, I had this issue too and did not realize there was supposed to be a saboteur option. I played through this segment as a Sith Inquisitor working for the Republic. I did not get the special option to call Jonas and instead opted to just diffuse the situation without a fight. 

Edited by RosarioBones
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Hello everyone ! 😀 I just did Kessan's story as well, I play a Sith Warrior who sided with the Republic. And the same, during the meeting with the SIS agents, I did not have any sabotage proposals. At the time I said to myself that it was a shame, that it was a missed opportunity, but no big deal, I let them go because I couldn't do better. And so, I'm a little frustrated at not having been able to make this choice on my main character... 😥 would it be possible to restart the mission once the bug has been resolved. I'm going to stop any progression in the story with my other characters until this is resolved. Looking forward to your return.
Well otherwise I'm complaining xD But the story is very nice and I really like the new area, thank you for the work your team has done !

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Et, bien. je suis foutue. Je n'ai qu'un personnage à se lvl là. Elle était saboteurs agent. Je suis un peu énervé que les loyalises peuvent faire l'option et non nous. Cela gâche mon plaisir et mon personnage agent impérial. J'espère qu'on pourra refaire la quête. sinon, que cela ne gâche pas notre rôle de saboteur si on n'a pas peut choisir ces options ? Je ne sais pas si on manque des options et si on perd notre option saboteur.


Je traduit via google traducteur si besoin: 

And, well. I’m screwed. I only have one character to go there. She was a saboteur agent. I’m a little upset that the loyalists can make the option and not us. It spoils my pleasure and my imperial agent character. I hope we can do it again. Otherwise, it doesn’t spoil our role as saboteurs if we can’t choose these options. I don’t know if we’re missing options and losing our saboteur option.

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