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  1. With the Date Night missions being released per season, it'd be nice for companions who were originally only romanceable by the opposite gender have the option to be romanceable by both genders. Some classes have already hinted at this option, such as the Male Bounty Hunter being able to flirt with Torian after Ruhnuk.
  2. That might partially be the case, but then they added the Mandalorian Beskar Spear well after KOTFE and the companion changes. Torian was a great fit for this weapon when he could use it, but right now it feels rather redundant. If they ever get around to adding those new Combat Styles, a tech user style that uses a melee weapon would be pretty nice.
  3. Companions since KOTFE are essentially duplicates of their original versions. However, there's some significant (and annoying) changes. Firstly, companions like Torian and SCORPIO had their combat styles changed from dualblade to rifles. This means that any dualblade weapons that were possible to use on these companions no longer work. Such as giving the Mandalorian Beskar Spear to Torian. Additionally, all duplicate companions no longer approve / disapprove of choices made in Flashpoints, nor do their mouths move when speaking to them. Some original companions (such as Mako) are available for recovery at the companion return terminal, allowing you to keep the original versions of these companions as well as the duplicate version. Is it possible to get this functionality added for all base-game companions? I would very much like to give Torian and SCORPIO their dual-blades back.
  4. I've had this same issue. I was playing an Imperial Loyalist and was given the saboteur option during this quest. However, I was playing alongside a friend (who was doing a Saboteur character) and they were never given the Saboteur option.
  5. Satele Shan's Dualsaber would be a nice one to see in the Cartel Market again. Also, will Darth Vindican's dualsaber be introduced to the Galactic Seasons vendor or the Cartel Market now that the collector's edition is no longer available?
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