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@TrixxieTriss I 100% agree. I've been loving playing the game but I'm not going to tolerate being spat on and abused by the devs.

I cancelled my sub already and it expires in 18days.

I'll play for the rest of it and do GS etc and afterwards I'll just dip.

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44 minutes ago, Tarlen said:

Typical response seems to be

'I can see that you have a question about free character transfers on Shae Vizla. Surely I will answer your question here.

I would like to share that due to the breakage in your subscription sadly you are not eligible for the transfer, I understand that it was just for a couple hours but sadly it will not count as recurring and due to which you will not be eligible for the transfer.

I really wish I could have made this possible for you but this is out of my hands and I cannot change it.

You can share your feedback with the Dev. team about this using the below mentioned link.


Please accept my sincerest apologies if this is not the most ideal resolution you were hoping for at the moment.`

Way to crap on the community for brief issues like outdated cards, billing/bank issues.

Poor form @JackieKo and @KeithKanneg 🤦‍♂️

That is a massively dishonest and disrespectful approach, but it is consistent with the way that they do business.

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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Come on @JackieKo how is this acceptable to you guys? Please can you look into this. You may find this is going to be a larger issue than you think. 

I think people understand you can't make a lot of exceptions to the rules (or the code) but perhaps something could be done on an individual basis where their "subscription record" could be manually modified if the lapse is only a few days (that would gin up some goodwill from the community I think).

Anyone who physically cancelled their subscription shouldn't receive a review but anyone who had it lapse on its own should get something. Perhaps if the lapse is a week or less they could at least get some transfers (somewhere between 8 and 16 depending on the situation)

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19 minutes ago, DWho said:

I think people understand you can't make a lot of exceptions to the rules (or the code) but perhaps something could be done on an individual basis where their "subscription record" could be manually modified if the lapse is only a few days (that would gin up some goodwill from the community I think).

Anyone who physically cancelled their subscription shouldn't receive a review but anyone who had it lapse on its own should get something. Perhaps if the lapse is a week or less they could at least get some transfers (somewhere between 8 and 16 depending on the situation)

They really should just give the free transfers to any APAC subscriber. It shouldn’t have a back date on it because they added that after the fact. 

This is the easiest fix. Then it doesn’t require any investigation or paying CS to manually deal with this. And it would show some much needed good will to the community. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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5 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

They really should just give the free transfers to any APAC subscriber. It shouldn’t have a back date on it because they added that after the fact. 

This is the easiest fix. Then it doesn’t require any investigation or paying CS to manually deal with this. And it would show some much needed good will to the community. 

People who stayed subbed in the interim should get more than those that quit in a fit of pique. 16 for anyone who was subbed for at least 3 consecutive months prior to the server opening, 8 for anyone subbed for at least 1 month prior to the server opening, and 4 for anyone else who was subbed for at least 6 consecutive months dating back to when the APAC server closed. Reward the people who stuck with the game.

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Well this free transfer thing isn't affecting everyone as it appears.  My sub lapsed for a few hours in Feb and it downgraded to preferred status (only way I knew something was up) which obviously I rectified immediately as my auto renewal didn't work (card and $ wasn't the issue, still don't know what happened) but anywhos I sorted it.

Just checked and my account says I have free transfers if I want it and have already done a transfer of one toon to the new APAC server so can confirm it's definitely free for me.  Also to confirm have been subbed since Jan 1 and I honestly thought I would lose out with last months 'lapse' but doesn't appear so, and imo nor should it so am grateful!

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2 hours ago, Tarlen said:

Typical response seems to be

'I can see that you have a question about free character transfers on Shae Vizla. Surely I will answer your question here.

I would like to share that due to the breakage in your subscription sadly you are not eligible for the transfer, I understand that it was just for a couple hours but sadly it will not count as recurring and due to which you will not be eligible for the transfer.

I really wish I could have made this possible for you but this is out of my hands and I cannot change it.

You can share your feedback with the Dev. team about this using the below mentioned link.


Please accept my sincerest apologies if this is not the most ideal resolution you were hoping for at the moment.`

Way to crap on the community for brief issues like outdated cards, billing/bank issues.

Poor form @JackieKo and @KeithKanneg 🤦‍♂️

I lodged a support ticket and received a very similar response. In my case, I returned to the game and bought the Join the Fight bundle that was advertised as the best way to re'Join the Fight' and then bought a recurring sub as soon as the game time lapsed.

It feels pretty rough to have been subscribed for basically 99.x% of the window (including the critical start and end dates) but to miss out for the sake of a few hours in the middle. Customer service have been pretty helpful and said they were raising it to the dev team for me but not sure where that will go.

@JackieKo and @KeithKanneg, keen for some form of resolution, even if that's just a CC refund on a couple of transfers or a goodwill credit to let us make a couple of transfers.

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1 hour ago, DWho said:

People who stayed subbed in the interim should get more than those that quit in a fit of pique. 16 for anyone who was subbed for at least 3 consecutive months prior to the server opening, 8 for anyone subbed for at least 1 month prior to the server opening, and 4 for anyone else who was subbed for at least 6 consecutive months dating back to when the APAC server closed. Reward the people who stuck with the game.

Honestly, too many people have been messed around at this stage. A good will gesture would be to just give every APAC subscriber 16 free transfers. You’ve got people who didn’t unsub in a fit of rage. All they did was let the sub lapse for few hours or they had bank issues paying EA that took weeks to sort out. There are other players who don’t have their sub on renew. They just buy the 30-60-120 day paid time. And because there could be a gap of a few hours, they don’t qualify. Which is really poor customer service. 

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You would think they could make the odd exception, I meant fine I broke it for like a day, but I subbed for 6 months, and it ends in just under 5 more months, not like I can cancel it and get a refund.

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1 hour ago, grallmate said:

I lodged a support ticket and received a very similar response. In my case, I returned to the game and bought the Join the Fight bundle that was advertised as the best way to re'Join the Fight' and then bought a recurring sub as soon as the game time lapsed.

It feels pretty rough to have been subscribed for basically 99.x% of the window (including the critical start and end dates) but to miss out for the sake of a few hours in the middle. Customer service have been pretty helpful and said they were raising it to the dev team for me but not sure where that will go.

@JackieKo and @KeithKanneg, keen for some form of resolution, even if that's just a CC refund on a couple of transfers or a goodwill credit to let us make a couple of transfers.

I'll try this one again. as the last post seems to have been deleted and it might be because I linked to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

If you live in Australia and you feel you have experienced unfair trading The ACC provides very helpful services for free to Australian consumers, considering the number of people having problems and the number of players who were playing on Australian servers and are now expected to pay to transfer back to Australian servers, a service that was advertised by EA when you originally purchased/Subscribe to SWTOR, It has been recommended if we can't politely and respectfully negotiate a fair and reasonable offer for paying Australian customers Then it is advised we submit a official "Report a consumer issue form" with the ACCC

Before starting this process check your character transfer history which will show the dates of you being transferred from an Australian server to a US server. It's also recommended that you take screenshots of your transfer history available on the transfer page on SWTOR's website. 

Hopefully, we will be able to resolve issues with Broadsword For all Australian consumers  Playing SWTOR. If this post isn't made available here then I will ensure it is posted in other locations and with media outlets. 

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53 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Honestly, too many people have been messed around at this stage.

I don't agree that everyone deserves free transfers. People who deliberately un-subbed should be punished for doing so. It's clear their intent was try to black-mail Broadsword into giving them what they wanted and Broasdsword called their bluff.

I'm all for looking at the people who had unexpected lapses, but deliberate ones should not be treated the same. At best, people who unsubbed deliberately should have the number of free transfers reduced compared to those who had accidental lapses or remained subbed.

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1 hour ago, DWho said:

. It's clear their intent was try to black-mail Broadsword into giving them what they wanted and Broasdsword called their bluff.

In my case it's because it's the only way you can be sure they see your displeasure. You are so quick to judge. 

And APAC players that have been around for years have been punished enough!

A few days was my lapse after thousands over the years. They showed what my money is worth to them. And I heard loud and clear. 

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Well, there is a simple thing, how about just anyone who has been subbed for over 30 days get 4 free transfers and then 250 cartel coins after that number, or even 2 free, certainly wouldn't hurt anything.

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11 hours ago, DWho said:

I don't agree that everyone deserves free transfers. People who deliberately un-subbed should be punished for doing so.

But it was unfair when Bioware deleted the APAC servers and dropped all those players on a NA server where they now are forced to play with extremely high latency. If you were dropped on a foriegn server with high latency, how long would you keep your subscription? If they reopened your country's server, and then charged you to go back to it, how angry would you be?

I think all original APAC players deserve a free transfer.

Edited by Traceguy
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8 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

I think all original APAC players deserve a free transfer.

If we were just talking about players who were on the APAC server when it was shut down I'd agree. The push is for all APAC players to get 16 free transfers whether they subbed two days ago or 10 years ago.

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@KeithKanneg @JackieKo the lost of trust from the with the apac community is worst than i predicted some think you want an excuse to remove the server but blame it on players they fell like this is a rug pull scam and your not serious the backdated january 2nd subscriber requirement was a mistake tell us why it was not announced in advanced? 

Edited by emperorruby
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7 minutes ago, DWho said:

If we were just talking about players who were on the APAC server when it was shut down I'd agree. The push is for all APAC players to get 16 free transfers whether they subbed two days ago or 10 years ago.

Why do you care? The APAC community has been treated badly for years. And this server opening has been a debacle of epic proportions. Throwing the community a bone would do a lot to repairing relations. If you can’t understand that, I don’t know what else to say. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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12 minutes ago, DWho said:

If we were just talking about players who were on the APAC server when it was shut down I'd agree. The push is for all APAC players to get 16 free transfers whether they subbed two days ago or 10 years ago.

I would say ANY APAC player that has paid a few months sub should get free transfers with total sub time being the key, as even when apac servers closed we played US WEST coast servers reasonably, but they moved again, making even worse ping and the nail in the coffin, with alot of us coming back here and there to see if with internet improvements whether it felt playable. Was never our choice to be shoved around over and over again, to worse situations.... 


3 months = 1 free
6 months = 3 free
1 Year plus = 8 free
2 Years plus = 16 free


Regardless of whether they are currently subbed or not, as if the game is better for apac, they will most likely sub.


and in regards to limits, BS just told APAC players that all the time and money spent we've spent playing the game was a waste, basically slapping us in the face, and laughed about it... THAT is why we unsubbed... you don't pay ppl to insult you.

There was no transparency with regards to limits, transfers at launch, so to APAC players, them changing the rules, AFTER ppl came back and subbed/spent money, makes this whole debacle, a SCAM

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10 minutes ago, Gabriaye said:


3 months = 1 free
6 months = 3 free
1 Year plus = 8 free
2 Years plus = 16 free

I'd say this is a good idea and fair to those who showed commitment to the game over the years.

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15 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Why do you care? The APAC community has been treated badly for years. And this server opening has been a debacle of epic proportions. Throwing the community a bone would do a lot to repairing relations. If you can’t understand that, I don’t know what else to say. 

I care because what you are suggesting is never going to happen (and you know it). Broadsword is not going to give up those revenues they expect to get from transfers. The best course is to find some sort of middle ground that works for both sides. I do want to see the server succeed but holding to an untenable position is not going to get the server there and continues to gin up anger at Broadsword making them even less likely to capitulate to your demands.

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On 3/12/2024 at 11:16 PM, AussieAlan said:

Oh come on, so even though I have been subbed since December last year, I am subbed until August this year, because there was less than a day between having enough money to resub after my 2-month sub ran out I miss out on free transfers, seriously.

This is the thanks for being a sub on and off for like 8 years.

Shame EA Shame.

Basically happened to me to - my sub dropped on 10th March midnight due to a funding issue for my 180 recurring sub - then I did Join The Blah to resub on Sunday - less than 12 hrs unsubbed - and that after being subbed consistently for 12 YEARS... 

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12 minutes ago, DWho said:

I care because what you are suggesting is never going to happen (and you know it). Broadsword is not going to give up those revenues they expect to get from transfers. The best course is to find some sort of middle ground that works for both sides. I do want to see the server succeed but holding to an untenable position is not going to get the server there and continues to gin up anger at Broadsword making them even less likely to capitulate to your demands.

But why do you keep arguing for them not to do it. Honestly, the way you are posting is like you have a vested financial interest in them not giving us free transfers. You’re not even from APAC & don’t understand the situation. 

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10 minutes ago, lingburger said:

Basically happened to me to - my sub dropped on 10th March midnight due to a funding issue for my 180 recurring sub - then I did Join The Blah to resub on Sunday - less than 12 hrs unsubbed - and that after being subbed consistently for 12 YEARS... 

@JackieKo this is happening to more & more players. And customer support tells us to come back to the forums to complain. And you tell us to contact support. Can you please sort this out & get this fixed. The easiest solution would be for you guys to just give free transfers to any currently subscribed APAC player. 

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4 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

But why do you keep arguing for them not to do it. Honestly, the way you are posting is like you have a vested financial interest in them not giving us free transfers. You’re not even from APAC & don’t understand the situation. 

Because I want a solution to the current issue not to continue to create bad will which is where this whole thing has progressed to. You've dug in on everyone in APAC getting 16 free transfers and Broadsword has dug in on if you missed an hour you don't qualify. Too many people are convinced that there is some sort of vendetta against APAC players and you and several others keep feeding that belief which just makes things worse (one does not have to be from the APAC to see that is the case).

The closing of the original server was a financial one by EA (it wasn't profitable enough compared to other servers at the time). Businesses make those kind of decisions all the time. I'm not arguing for them not to give free transfers, I am just a realist and know that 16 free transfers for everyone in APAC will never happen and continuing to dig in the positions does nothing to resolve the issue and just creates more bad blood.

At this point both the APAC community and Broadsword are equally at fault. Each side wants to blame the other for the issues that are occurring instead of trying to find a solution both can agree on.

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