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Politicians make a lot promises and sometimes implement changes that often only help a minority (usually their political buddies, rich developers ect)

When they start playing politics with a game community its going to end badly.

I'm a founding player from AU and currently have 2 active accounts and play on 2 computers.  We have moved OS to SE Asia, but back in Brisbane my wife and I had 4 active accounts and used to play 2 accounts each simultaneously - however we mostly played PVE due to the sad ping rate and we'd sometimes try some Veteran Flashpoints with Lvl 50 comps.  A lot of crafting and even had our own Guilds to use much like an extended legacy across US 2 servers...

You could say I have wrung as much out of the game that is possible over the years and spent a lot of real $'s doing so.

I thought it was great that they made the move to bring some decent gameplay back to the APAC region. Once again, very little information was available and certainly nothing solid can through. I didnt real hit SV until early in the year and was disappointed that I could not transfer any characters over (then there the 90 new server limit)

Here's the deal:

1) If your gonna do something get off your butt and do it completely - don'l half do something

2) Don't run experiments to the detriment of your long term subscribers (my ordinal account has been subscribed consistently since day zot)  and dedicated community

3) Listen!!

4) Communicate!!

5) React!!!

6) Be clear about what this is:! Is it a new clean-slate server for testing something you plan on releasing for EU/US in the future? Is this a new server for us to move EVERYTHING across to (including all of our credits)

There's one unfortunate thing about being in Australia  that has been clear to many of us over the decades. We tend to be a dumping ground for crap that companies don't want to risk selling in their 'larger' markets. 

Don't dump your bad practices on us and expect us to be happy - we are not your guineapigs...

Since when does a game engine need to earn credits - its a bloody central bank anyway!

While your at it - get rid of that demonstrous 28 day Gould-Bank lockout - Guild banks are the real of Guilds and access should be managed by GM's not some clown sitting in an office that's never run a guild in his life!!!

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I love how even with the start of the new PVP season, no PVP pops because everyone left. The hubris of the devs to continue to double down on not getting server transfers in order to placate a tiny minority who care about the GTN prices. To Broadsword UNDERSTAND THE SERVER NEEDS AN INJECTION OF PLAYERS NOW OR THE SERVER WILL DIE, it may already be too late.

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18 hours ago, MuskyBoy said:

I love how even with the start of the new PVP season, no PVP pops because everyone left. The hubris of the devs to continue to double down on not getting server transfers in order to placate a tiny minority who care about the GTN prices. To Broadsword UNDERSTAND THE SERVER NEEDS AN INJECTION OF PLAYERS NOW OR THE SERVER WILL DIE, it may already be too late.

There is almost nothing on the SV GTN.

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3 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

There is almost nothing on the SV GTN.

Not surprising really.

As long as people still have the hope of unlimited credit transfers, it would be silly to sell anything of value on SV when you can make 100x as many credits on Star Forge and then simply transfer them over. Once transfers open (and it is taking too long for that to occur), people will realize they are not going to get tens of billions of credits onto the server with transfers and they will start selling there to have credits where they are playing.

Those that are there are also holding off for transfers because they believe they will get a big boost in the potential sale value of the items they have with a huge influx of credits onto the server. Thus, they are waiting too.

Opening the transfers as they have been defined by Broadsword already will quickly turn around that issue.

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1 hour ago, TormentAU said:

you're incredibly optimistic.

Its still not enough, I am sure some will transfer, but the damage has been done, hopefully it will turn around for those still playing/paying

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13 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

There is almost nothing on the SV GTN.

No transfers means no APAC players, which means no GTN listings, which means no inflation for those players from the EU & NA worrying about credit transfers & a fresh start server experience outside of their own region.

But it also means less income for BS & EA because unhappy APAC players aren’t going to keep subbing or buying cartel coins when they feel mistreated (once again not my words. I’m only repeating what I’m reading on other social media platforms). 

The continued communication blackout from the devs isn’t helping matters either. It’s actually turbo charging the negative feelings in the community. 

I just hope the damage already done can be reversed with some better & more fair decisions about the APAC server than have already been made or announced. There is a vibrant community waiting in the wings to flourish & grow if it’s treated right & nurtured properly. 

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13 minutes ago, Gabriaye said:

nope, just a realist, based on what evidence we have.

The evidence I have is that of all the people who have unsubbed and threatened to unintall the game over whatever reason they thought important almost all of them came back within a few months and most never let their subs actually lapse. There will be some that don't come back, but not enough to make a difference in whether the server survives or not.

Edited by DWho
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6 hours ago, DWho said:

The evidence I have is that of all the people who have unsubbed and threatened to unintall the game over whatever reason they thought important almost all of them came back within a few months and most never let their subs actually lapse. There will be some that don't come back, but not enough to make a difference in whether the server survives or not.

Lol, ok champ. 

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7 hours ago, DWho said:

The evidence I have is that of all the people who have unsubbed and threatened to unintall the game over whatever reason they thought important almost all of them came back within a few months and most never let their subs actually lapse. There will be some that don't come back, but not enough to make a difference in whether the server survives or not.

And what of all the potential APAC subs & players who did come back & saw how they were treated & quickly left again. Most of those players won’t come back at all now. Even if BS give them heaps of free stuff. You have to remember, many of those players still had bad feelings about the last APAC servers being closed. To then come back & be treated in such a manner was enough for them to say bye again.

The server was never going to be successful with just the current APAC players who had stuck around on the US servers. I said as much back in November. 

BS needs the older APAC players who EA ejected from the game 10 years ago when they closed the original servers to come back. As well as new regional players to find the game & play.

But how is that going to happen now? They don’t do any paid advertising or marketing to the region except to send out emails to old players who they then treated unfairly when they returned. The players that came back after the 2nd January don’t even qualify for free transfers & I’m reading many didn’t even get the email until after that date. 

Honestly, all of this was foreseeable & avoidable & it’s sad that this servers great potential has been squandered. They’ve not only hurt the community, they’ve ultimately hurt their own companies earning potential. They had a whole region ready to start throwing money at them. Now I’m not sure 🤷🏻‍♀️

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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7 hours ago, DWho said:

The evidence I have is that of all the people who have unsubbed and threatened to unintall the game over whatever reason they thought important almost all of them came back within a few months and most never let their subs actually lapse. There will be some that don't come back, but not enough to make a difference in whether the server survives or not.

my favorite are the people who got all hurt over the quick travel taxes and stated "I WILL NEVER QUICK TRAVEL AGAIN!!" but I can still see them posting on the forum talking about playing. I'm sure these die hard players who will never quick travel again are walking everywhere.

Same goes for the anti-GTN people who think the changes destroyed the GTN and "I WILL NEVER USE THE GTN AGAIN!!". Yet I still see them talking about selling items on the GTN.

Players have to understand those threats only make themselves look like fools. Post why you don't like something and leave it at that, don't make hollow threats that every dev knows you won't stick to.

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5 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

And what of all the potential APAC subs & players who did come back & saw how they were treated & quickly left again. Most of those players won’t come back at all now. Even if BS give them heaps of free stuff. You have to remember, many of those players still had bad feelings about the last APAC servers being closed. To then come back & be treated in such a manner was enough for them to say bye again.

The server was never going to be successful with just the current APAC players who had stuck around on the US servers. I said as much back in November. 

BS needs the older APAC players who EA ejected from the game 10 years ago when they closed the original servers to come back. As well as new regional players to find the game & play.

But how is that going to happen now? They don’t do any paid advertising or marketing to the region except to send out emails to old players who they then treated unfairly when they returned. The players that came back after the 2nd January don’t even qualify for free transfers & I’m reading many didn’t even get the email until after that date. 

Honestly, all of this was foreseeable & avoidable & it’s sad that this servers great potential has been squandered. They’ve not only hurt the community, they’ve ultimately hurt their own companies earning potential. They had a whole region ready to start throwing money at them. Now I’m not sure 🤷🏻‍♀️

Trixx, I respect your opinion but I totally disagree with you. Once transfers open up the server will come back to life and all those people who have said they are quitting and unsubbing will come flooding back just like they always do. When the choice is playing at 300 ping vs 30 ping, the choice is clear. The server will be just fine once they get legacies transferred over.

There were mistakes made by Bradsword but they are nowhere near as dire as people are pretending they are. Could they have done transfers earlier, most certainly. There is no reason they couldn't open them up tomorrow with the 15 mil/character cap. The "eligibility for transfer" script is separate from the actual transfer script and very simple. The reason they are waiting makes no sense, but they are.

Star Wars fans will take a whole lot of abuse, just look at how pathetic the amount content has been since 4.x. People are still paying subs and playing the game. I'm confident, APAC players will "forgive" Broadsword, once they have their legacies somewhere there is a low ping.

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4 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

Same goes for the anti-GTN people who think the changes destroyed the GTN and "I WILL NEVER USE THE GTN AGAIN!!". Yet I still see them talking about selling items on the GTN.

I stopped selling stuff on the GTN because of it. 

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I stopped selling stuff on the GTN because of it. 

So did I.

But people don't notice when somebody says "I'm not going to do this anymore," and then just stops doing it and leaves it at that.

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31 minutes ago, DWho said:

Trixx, I respect your opinion but I totally disagree with you. Once transfers open up the server will come back to life and all those people who have said they are quitting and unsubbing will come flooding back just like they always do. When the choice is playing at 300 ping vs 30 ping, the choice is clear. The server will be just fine once they get legacies transferred over.

There were mistakes made by Bradsword but they are nowhere near as dire as people are pretending they are. Could they have done transfers earlier, most certainly. There is no reason they couldn't open them up tomorrow with the 15 mil/character cap. The "eligibility for transfer" script is separate from the actual transfer script and very simple. The reason they are waiting makes no sense, but they are.

Star Wars fans will take a whole lot of abuse, just look at how pathetic the amount content has been since 4.x. People are still paying subs and playing the game. I'm confident, APAC players will "forgive" Broadsword, once they have their legacies somewhere there is a low ping.

I really do hope you’re right.

But I don’t think you’re reading the other social media sites or speaking directly to the APAC players like I am. They have been expressing much anger & disappointment. More than I’ve seen since the last APAC closures. And word of mouth is how a lot of new players get attracted to games down here. All they are hearing from their friends is BS is treating them unfairly by back dating requirements to the 2nd of January for free transfers. So any old players that might want to sub & come back are saying “why should we bother subbing at all”. They are asking where’s the value for them when they’ll have to pay money to move their characters. 

For my sake & for those of the APAC region, I hope you are right & everything I’m reading & hearing is being blown out of proportion. But I don’t think you are because BS’s continued silence is actually making the situation worse.

They can obviously see that the APAC community is angry & frustrated over the free transfer qualification dates & credit restrictions. They could keep communicating with us & say they will address the issues upsetting people. But they’ve chosen to totally stop communicating again & it’s just making the whole situation that much worse than it needs to be.

Personally, I’m safe with the free transfers because I’ve been subbed since before the server opened & I didn’t cancel mine in protest over the credit limits or the free transfer eligibility, like so many did before BS changed the 90 day requirement & subbed at server launch to the 2nd January. 

It’s really this whole backdating the subscription requirement, a month & half after the fact, that’s really angered a lot of the community. BS can easily fix that by releasing a statement now & sending out a new email stating every APAC player subscribed during the month of March will get 16 free transfers. They could even offer some free transfers to preferred players who had accounts open before SV opened. Doing that would go a long way to building trust again & drawing players back to the game & server. 

Those of us still posting here are pleading with BS to listen & do something. We can see what’s happening first hand on the server & in the community. We want the server to work. Please devs 🙏

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Those of us still posting here are pleading with BS to listen & do something. We can see what’s happening first hand on the server & in the community. We want the server to work. Please devs 🙏

Personally, I believe the company is listening and taking action in accordance with the community's positions. It's important to remember that there was no perspective of an APAC server in recent years.

During these first months, BS has been quite attentive to player criticisms, promptly adding the collection sale at the end of the year, increasing the transfer limit from 2 million to 15 million, and adjusting the period to receive free transfers. I mean, they're doing something. Of course, if it were up to the players, everyone wants everything for free and immediately, but that's not how it works.

I believe the server will gain stability as transfers are released and restrictions gradually diminish. It's a new server and could very well take off with new updates throughout the year - older servers also experience player base fluctuations. As someone commented here at some point, I think the current deadlines for entitlement to free transfers could be different, aiming for future subscription acquisitions rather than past ones.

Anyway, I admire your commendable attempt to bring information about the community to the forum and, especially, to the developers, always having a respectful and constructive debate.

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2 hours ago, kinhoandrei said:

Personally, I believe the company is listening and taking action in accordance with the community's positions.

Which community would that be exactly? it's not the APAC community for sure.

2 hours ago, kinhoandrei said:

It's important to remember that there was no perspective of an APAC server in recent years

Why is that important, and what does it even have to do with the way they have been SINCE the release or intended release on the APAC server.

2 hours ago, kinhoandrei said:

During these first months, BS has been quite attentive to player criticisms, promptly adding the collection sale at the end of the year,

What collection sale? I dont remember anyone from the APAC region asking for a collection sale for the server. Maybe I misunderstood you using that as a reason they have been "attentive" to APAC players?

2 hours ago, kinhoandrei said:

increasing the transfer limit from 2 million to 15 million

This is just laughable and shows how out of touch the devs are with us, and you also if you believe it is a good compromise, all due respect.

3 hours ago, kinhoandrei said:

Of course, if it were up to the players, everyone wants everything for free and immediately, but that's not how it works.

Nope and not even asked for that your personal opinion and has no basis in fact.


3 hours ago, kinhoandrei said:

I believe the server will gain stability as transfers are released and restrictions gradually diminish. It's a new server and could very well take off with new updates throughout the year - older servers also experience player base fluctuations. As someone commented here at some point, I think the current deadlines for entitlement to free transfers could be different, aiming for future subscription acquisitions rather than past ones.

honestly if a couple of you are not devs on ghost accounts I would be surprised, everyone seems to have their head in the same sandpile.

Having said that I hope you are right for those left playing, I doubt it, but I hope so.
I have seen some pretty poor decisions over the years by those that make decisions on their games, but none that would intentionally hurt their own bottom line and stick to it, shows great hubris to be honest.

Going back to your first point, they have literally ignored us for the bulk of our suggestions and looks like they even given up providing any form of communication, the compromise's and let's be honest there was two, one isn't enough, and the other is backdated to a time no one was even aware off, and 100% unfair. You cannot think that adding in a condition retrospectively is fair surely, and then ignoring the pleas for fairness. 
So no they are not listening and taking action, if they are in fact listening its listening and ignoring, but I feel we've moved to flat out ignoring myself, and the reason for that feeling is the lack of communication after the "some time in March"
I mean look this was said 
"We also wanted to confirm that character transfers will open with Game Update 7.4.1’s launch. All of the changes above need to be tied to an update hence why the transfers are specifically connected to 7.4.1. We will be sharing more details of 7.4.1’s release date on the livestream (I’ll be popping in myself!), so players know what to expect and roughly when"

And yet there was no information and we do not know when they are going to be beyond "March" because they failed in even this promise to let us know in the live stream.
How anyone can see this as ok and defend them is strange to me.

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5 hours ago, kinhoandrei said:

Personally, I believe the company is listening and taking action in accordance with the community's positions. It's important to remember that there was no perspective of an APAC server in recent years.

During these first months, BS has been quite attentive to player criticisms, promptly adding the collection sale at the end of the year, increasing the transfer limit from 2 million to 15 million, and adjusting the period to receive free transfers. I mean, they're doing something. Of course, if it were up to the players, everyone wants everything for free and immediately, but that's not how it works.

I believe the server will gain stability as transfers are released and restrictions gradually diminish. It's a new server and could very well take off with new updates throughout the year - older servers also experience player base fluctuations. As someone commented here at some point, I think the current deadlines for entitlement to free transfers could be different, aiming for future subscription acquisitions rather than past ones.

Anyway, I admire your commendable attempt to bring information about the community to the forum and, especially, to the developers, always having a respectful and constructive debate.

There was no prospect for an APAC Server ""Recently"" because the technology wasn't available, When I purchased the special edition and helped run the launch promotions in Australia it was always made very clear this game would have the local servers. that's why lots of us invested time and money into the game. And a lot of us still believe it only failed because they only ever needed one server in this region by spreading the community across multiple servers diminished the player base on all APAC servers as soon as the technology became available and made it cost-effective they made a new server. Unfortunately, They did not attempt to promote the new server to APAC players who had stopped playing due to lack of playability end-game Not even an email to registered players until the 23rd of December over a month after launch. And even then it was a throwaway line how they've opened up a new APAC service.  

BS has not been attentive to play criticism at all. They pulled a classic anchoring move by throwing out 2 million knowing it was unrealistic so they could say look we listened to you here's 15 million. (I burned through 1 million in one Evening When I first resubscribed in Jan trying to unlock Bowdaar (The Eternal Championship Quest) With a 500 ping on Satele Shan and 60k repair costs each death On my purple level 75 gear.. I gave up because the required interrupts were impossible for me which is why I quit the game originally...

What becomes painfully obvious to anybody playing this game is that you burn through credits faster than you make them simply by playing END-Game. If you're not actively farming bounties you can stealth through Or playing the auction house your credits go down quickly And that's done specifically to combat the overinflation on US/EU servers, And I get that and it's necessary on older servers. 

The credit restrictions are only there to drive down non-essential items from the cartel market that are on the auction house Making mounts and armour sets Attainable For free-to-play players....But the same credit restrictions will have an extremely negative effect on the end-game players on this server Unless all the price increases that were made to combat over-inflation are removed from Shae-Vizla But there has been no mention of this that I have seen.

My one toon on SV is about lvl 50 and Has constantly had less than 200,000 credits. I stopped playing him because I couldn't afford to unlock most of the legacy items I "already have" on U S service like boosters and The very day I read the first post saying that transfers were coming I went back to Satele Shan After spending three hours in pvp queues on SV With no pops.  That one forum post had a very instant and very obvious negative effect on SV.

No promotions and no encouragements have been made for the "APAC community". Free transfers need to be made to players who were forcibly moved off old Australian servers if this server has a chance at surviving. The cost to transfer eight characters is about 60 Australian dollars.  Most of the players I've spoken to who have 8 to 16 characters that were moved from one of the APAC servers to US servers think it's ludicrous for a company to expect them to pay that amount to transfer back. I have sent posts out on the official Australian fan club newsletter (Star Walking) and Facebook page and only received negative feedback about the expected transfer cost. Some say they are interested in coming back again but like me are concerned they will be burnt again and are not willing to pay that expense on top of subscription costs to play your own characters on an acceptable ping.

Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.  


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