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Chat needs to change if the game is to feel more populated


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right now chat is dead on most planets. We can spend hours on certain planets and see no one talking. This also affects strongholds which is why most strongholds go unused.

Let players connect to fleet gen chat, fleet trade, and fleet pvp from any location. This could be a toggle option but will mitigate the feeling that this game is dead when players are on a planet devoid of players.

Isolating chat based on planet with out the ability to connect to fleet could be negatively impacting how players feel about this game and the usefulness of strongholds on planets that have perpetually low populations.

Note: We could also use a default LFG channel which is accessible to anyone regardless of location. We should not need to rely on a player created channel to form groups.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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Try going on the French server. Chat is mostly dead even on the fleet. Except for some idiot yelling (in english, in U.S. coin) ads for ******** (gold sales). 

Once in awhile there is someone trying to get a group for an OP or a WB. Very rare tho.

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Try going on the French server. Chat is mostly dead even on the fleet.

Well ... maybe it wouldn't be so dead if all of the players on the server were linked to a single channel. MMORPG players do tend to talk more if there are more people to talk to.

I don't know, I'm trying to be optimistic here.

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i have been thinking about this idea more and have maybe found a good solution for it also what can work.

why are there not making a new custom chat channel more and use the guild chat system for it to make it more server wide then you not have to make a big mess from the basic general chat at all.

then you still have the basic planet side chat and the new custom chat there add become's server wide.

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4 hours ago, ShadowyKai said:

Well ... maybe it wouldn't be so dead if all of the players on the server were linked to a single channel. MMORPG players do tend to talk more if there are more people to talk to.

I don't know, I'm trying to be optimistic here.

Honestly when I'm on other planets it's either because I want to avoid the toxic nonsense that is fleet chat or I just want to play the game solo (in which case I don't want fleet chat period). The only time having fleet chat available is useful is for the times I'm actually wanting to do Operations, and I'd actually be on fleet, or in my fleet SH for that.


Edit: Having fleet chat put into the planetary chat's is a horrible Idea. How many of us would just turn it off when not looking for Operations anyway? And even when looking for Operations most servers have a hand made chat channel for pugging Operations.

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tbh - looking at the chat quality in many instances I am actually quite happy it is dead...

Most servers have a dedicated custom channel for people to connect (e.g. LFG, Allies...), besides that especially the starter planet chats are notorious for spam of all sorts. In the end, it is human beings playing, and without moderation it will get out of hand.

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15 minutes ago, Sundown said:

tbh - looking at the chat quality in many instances I am actually quite happy it is dead...

Most servers have a dedicated custom channel for people to connect (e.g. LFG, Allies...), besides that especially the starter planet chats are notorious for spam of all sorts. In the end, it is human beings playing, and without moderation it will get out of hand.

The only thing I would change would have the LFG chat provided by the game that would function like the general chat. Now they are custom channels you need to join with every alt. Not a problem if you only have a few characters, but it's major problem if you have 100. On top of that the custom channels announce everyone's logins and logouts, and I don't want the whole server to know when I'm logging in or out. 

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5 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

Dear OP: Unless entirely optional, your suggestion would be self-defeating. I would turn off gen chat immediately if fleet chat followed me around wherever I went.


3 hours ago, Toraak said:

Honestly when I'm on other planets it's either because I want to avoid the toxic nonsense that is fleet chat or I just want to play the game solo (in which case I don't want fleet chat period). The only time having fleet chat available is useful is for the times I'm actually wanting to do Operations, and I'd actually be on fleet, or in my fleet SH for that.


Edit: Having fleet chat put into the planetary chat's is a horrible Idea. How many of us would just turn it off when not looking for Operations anyway? And even when looking for Operations most servers have a hand made chat channel for pugging Operations.

it would be a toggle option like all current channels. Don't like it and you prefer not to see a chat channel, toggle it off.


3 hours ago, septru said:

Game is dead.

Solution: fix the chat...?

Lol what? How about fix the game? 🤣

Giving players the option to have a game wide chat channel would make the game feel less empty. No, this suggestion isn't a comprehensive multi-year plan involving 1000s of hours of programming to add content which will guarantee a population increase in a decades old game. It is, hopefully, a simple change which could make empty planets feel less devoid of players.


1 hour ago, DeannaVoyager said:

The only thing I would change would have the LFG chat provided by the game that would function like the general chat. Now they are custom channels you need to join with every alt. Not a problem if you only have a few characters, but it's major problem if you have 100. On top of that the custom channels announce everyone's logins and logouts, and I don't want the whole server to know when I'm logging in or out. 

This is why custom channels are a PITA. Each server has a differently named custom chat channel for LFG. They are useful for small groups but should not be something everyone has to join to find groups efficiently.

Players have to:

  • first find out custom channels exist in this game
  • find out which custom channel is used the most on each server
  • join the custom channel with every character
  • disable and move system messages to another window because the Join/Leave spam makes having system messages on a frequently used chat page impossible

making a default LFG channel would solve these issues.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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i don't think most people use strongholds to communicate? if you want to communicate on fleet or DK/Coruscant or specific planet you go there and communicate. i mean sure SH's are quick travel and you can talk from them but if someone cares about their SH then they'll most likely decorate it rather than talk, i don't think most ppl go to their SH's simply to talk to gen chat of specific planet if anything they'll toggle the chat off to focus on decorating.

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46 minutes ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

i don't think most people use strongholds to communicate? if you want to communicate on fleet or DK/Coruscant or specific planet you go there and communicate. i mean sure SH's are quick travel and you can talk from them but if someone cares about their SH then they'll most likely decorate it rather than talk, i don't think most ppl go to their SH's simply to talk to gen chat of specific planet if anything they'll toggle the chat off to focus on decorating.

Strongholds are the best places to communicate while doing whatever it is you are doing there: crafting, sorting inventory, GTN, etc. - decorating is just a part of it and a temporary one at that. Right now, fleet strongholds provide an extra service by giving access to fleet chat. If a fleet-chat toggle was available outside of fleet, it would immediately elevate the value of planetary strongholds.

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7 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

Dear OP: Unless entirely optional, your suggestion would be self-defeating. I would turn off gen chat immediately if fleet chat followed me around wherever I went.

why not keep the general chat like its now and make a compleet new chat channel what is connect to the fleet chat more from all the planets then you can turn off that chat channel in the settings if you not like it.

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1 hour ago, VegaMist said:

Strongholds are the best places to communicate while doing whatever it is you are doing there: crafting, sorting inventory, GTN, etc. - decorating is just a part of it and a temporary one at that. Right now, fleet strongholds provide an extra service by giving access to fleet chat. If a fleet-chat toggle was available outside of fleet, it would immediately elevate the value of planetary strongholds.

never felt that way to me honestly, if im really into chatting with planet ill just go to said planet and jump around fleet or DK, in fact its what i do on fleet often or if im really bound to just stand there and talk ill do some quests to kill time, SH's are for completly different purpose but each to their own.

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11 minutes ago, DreadzKaiser said:

if we want this game to feel more populated, I'd rather they attract more players....

that only works if the reputation from the game it self become's better then its now.

that means on a lot of points there need to chance big time to inprove the reputation from this game what there not do at all.

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18 minutes ago, turbomagnus said:

If the in-game text chat is that empty (and I'm not sure I agree.... it may just be where and when you're playing that makes it seem that way), part of the blame may fall on the proliferation of out-of-game chat systems, both text and voice, over the years...

A lot of those out of game systems developed because Bioware allowed toxicity in chat to run rampant and people just got sick of it. How many people play with only Guild chat open as well.

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19 hours ago, septru said:

Game is dead.


Solution: fix the chat...?


Lol what? How about fix the game? 🤣


Lol, while this is a bit on the cheek it's kind of true. The solution to declining population in a game shouldn't be things like "link all the chats together so people feel like there's more players," "get rid of phases and factions so more people see each other and the game feels more populated!" They shouldn't be looking for ways to make the game "feel" more populated, they should be looking for ways to make the game more populated period. 

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9 hours ago, SoyElSenado said:

Lol, while this is a bit on the cheek it's kind of true. The solution to declining population in a game shouldn't be things like "link all the chats together so people feel like there's more players," "get rid of phases and factions so more people see each other and the game feels more populated!" They shouldn't be looking for ways to make the game "feel" more populated, they should be looking for ways to make the game more populated period. 

we would all love to see the game have a population resurgence matching what it had 12 years ago at release, even 7 years ago when we had double the servers, but the games population will never return to those numbers.

Adding game wide chat channels should be easier than figuring out how to draw in enough people to keep all planets so well populated they all have active players chatting all the time.

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Having access to fleet chat from anywhere would be awesome. It would help a TON for joining group content, yet being able to be actively playing and do whatever I want/need, while waiting for a group to start/form/summon for such and such objectives. I strongly support this suggestion.


- Create tab (on the tab window)

- Select and option to connect this chat tab to the Fleet chat

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