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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finally an MMO designed for Gamers.


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Just like the new saying goes: "Fanboys gonna fanboy"


People who pretend that the game is perfect and act like questioning a bioware decision is heresy are far, far worse than people who can see the flaws in the game.



i've never seen anybody saying that the game is "perfect".


that applies to ANY game, actually.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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Only problem is that the people on this forum don't 'just see the flaws in this game'. Rather, they actually actively look for stuff they don't like, then exaggerate on how bad the flaw is and post it as fact on the forums...




The game is great and very immersive. Bioware put the RPG back with MMO.

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Just like the new saying goes: "Fanboys gonna fanboy"



...and haters gonna hate,


What angers you most: The fact you dislike SWTOR, or the fact the cheers of 1.5 million players are starting to drown out your complaint

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


You lost me at balanced PvP--especially since PvP suffers the most from the most glaring issue in the game's combat system.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.




Its hard to put "fun" in to a "MMO" ? wow did it, eq did it, gw did it, alot of mmorpgs did have "fun"



Storyline that matters? i kinda just want gear, epic end game instances, and awesome pvp gear.. i dont need storyline



I still smash buttons



Companions are boring


You really try hard to find something epic about this game, which proves how more it fails

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Its hard to put "fun" in to a "MMO" ? wow did it, eq did it, gw did it, alot of mmorpgs did have "fun" Storyline that matters? i kinda just want gear, epic end game instances, and awesome pvp gear.. i dont need storyline



I still smash buttons

Companions are boring


You really try hard to find something epic about this game, which proves how more it fails


Maybe SWTOR isn't for you then? WoW was fun-ish while I was engaged and the story was interesting. As soon as it got to the point where I couldn't care what the reason behind what I was doing, I was bored out of my mind. Guild Wars has the same problem, story wasn't that engaging.


Gear, Epic Ops, and stuff like that might be cool, but I can't be assed to pay for the game constantly when it isn't fun. Story > Grinding, as evidenced that grind missions ARE in TOR, but they blur by nicely and supplement XP.

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Its hard to put "fun" in to a "MMO" ? wow did it, eq did it, gw did it, alot of mmorpgs did have "fun"



Storyline that matters? i kinda just want gear, epic end game instances, and awesome pvp gear.. i dont need storyline



I still smash buttons



Companions are boring


You really try hard to find something epic about this game, which proves how more it fails


Boy did you ever choose the wrong game!


I played Wow - I enjoyed it - to a point. I enjoyed the story lines (although they were short). I never really got into the competative PvP, or world PvP (something that I found a trifle pointless, you could never win anything). Raids I did a bit - but endlessly repeating raids to proudy declare "We got one boss further tonight!". er.... no thanks. I finally realised that, for about the last year, I'd been paying subs to chat to my guild mates!


This game takes us back to RP in a big way (if you let it). It may well not be for you - if it isn't, fine, no problems - just don't shout at the people who find it good!


Oh - and we know that it's got some faults - what software hasn't? But, overall, I'm over the moon playing this game.


Apart from the Colocoid flash instance - that's just odd!

Edited by Colow_Leper
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Storyline that matters? i kinda just want gear, epic end game instances, and awesome pvp gear.. i dont need storyline


And this folks is what WoW has done to many people . Blizzard has done much damage to the MMO world; hopefully it can be saved. Comments like this one here makes me wonder. Have we lost quality MMO gaming forever?


I see a Panda in your future...

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- No incentive for open world pvp, other than ganking low levels.

- Unfinished engine - force medium graphics

- No guild hall

- No guild bank

- No guild based rvr

- Issues with the GCD still remain

* Trooper and Jedi Sentinel have the most known issues.

- Raid frames in warzones are constantly broken.

* At times the limit of 8 players exceed and brings in even more, then you see 10 vs 8 games.

* HP do not always update properly on the raid frame, it keeps it up at max hp, while I see a ally dieing from a gank.


Personally I am waiting for open-beta to end.


lol I totally agree !

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And this folks is what WoW has done to many people . Blizzard has done much damage to the MMO world; hopefully it can be saved. Comments like this one here makes me wonder. Have we lost quality MMO gaming forever?


I see a Panda in your future...


WoW is the best mmorpg ever made, FACT


I dont care about your touching look in to mmorpg´s



WoW went its own way, made something epic



WoW did not prove Instances, BG´s is the only way to go in to mmorpgs


but rather, "have cojones and innovate and make something NEW"


BG´s and instances arent really new anymore,

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WoW is the best mmorpg ever made, FACT


I dont care about your touching look in to mmorpg´s



WoW went its own way, made something epic



WoW did not prove Instances, BG´s is the only way to go in to mmorpgs


but rather, "have cojones and innovate and make something NEW"


BG´s and instances arent really new anymore,


Look, for heaven's sake - you're not going to convince me to stop playing SWTOR - I like it. You're wasting your time - if you don't like the game, and you think that WoW is better, fine, stop bending our ears and go back to WoW!

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Look, for heaven's sake - you're not going to convince me to stop playing SWTOR - I like it. You're wasting your time - if you don't like the game, and you think that WoW is better, fine, stop bending our ears and go back to WoW!



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