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Winning = Premade


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It's official.   If your pug team wrecks shop in a WZ you're now a, "premade".  No scratch that...  If your pug team in WZ wins at all you're a, "premade."

Welcome to post 2022 SWTOR PvP where grouping with friends or Guild mates is frowned upon in PvP & winning in general makes you sus for being a premade because nerds hate losing. 



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Oh look, another disguised "they are toxic to us, premades are innocent" thread.Too scared that one day Bioware may finally end this mess? :t_redface:
Well relax then - this will never happen, not with these devs. These devs will remove MVP votes from scoreboard instead, because showing unrequested appreciation is more toxic than pug stomping!

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This is what I have been saying for weeks if not months. 

SWTOR has allowed this discussion regarding teamplay vs solo play to fester and grow.  SWTOR has allowed this discussion to become an insult. 

SWTOR, an MMO, has somehow turned its player base against grouping up with each other.  There are literally a dozen forum users that post daily how disgusted teamplay makes them, how the dirty premades have ruined their time.  I swear it is like something out of SNL or Mad magazine.


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38 minutes ago, Tasaas said:

This is what I have been saying for weeks if not months. 

SWTOR has allowed this discussion regarding teamplay vs solo play to fester and grow.  SWTOR has allowed this discussion to become an insult. 

SWTOR, an MMO, has somehow turned its player base against grouping up with each other.  There are literally a dozen forum users that post daily how disgusted teamplay makes them, how the dirty premades have ruined their time.  I swear it is like something out of SNL or Mad magazine.



in a 40vs40 scenario most likely i would't notice a premade of 4-8 people, but in a 8vs8 ehhhhhhh.

the mmo thing it's just semantic, if for exemple the only feature aviable was the gtn and the rest was all single player, it will still be considered a mmo.

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Anyone who PvP's can tell a premade. and they only dominate certain maps. I hate premade's I think it is a cowards move, it's PvP not GvG, they have that its GUILD CHALLENGES, but NO ONE does it you know why? Because they would be up against other PREMADES. So to make a long story LESS long. STOP PREMADES they already have it!

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52 minutes ago, Tasaas said:

SWTOR, an MMO, has somehow turned its player base against grouping up with each other.  There are literally a dozen forum users that post daily how disgusted teamplay makes them, how the dirty premades have ruined their time.  I swear it is like something out of SNL or Mad magazine.

A couple things here:

1) You say SWTOR is an MMO, ok but PvP is PLAYER vs PLAYER (they have Guild Challenges if you want a group thang)

2) Premades are not bad COMMS are the problem.

3) It is the fact that if you want to win you are FORCED to join a group, 

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26 minutes ago, Lost-Savage-XIII said:

 (they have Guild Challenges if you want a group thang)

Those are currently BUG'd --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/926879-pvp-challenges-for-skirmish-and-guild-challenge-no-longer-functioning-bug-possibly-as-of-72-challenge-can-be-issued-queue-pops-but-nothing-happens-when-you-click-enter/

And now back to your regularly scheduled 97598754th "premades!!!!" thread. :csw_crawler:

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4 hours ago, Tasaas said:


SWTOR, an MMO, has somehow turned its player base against grouping up with each other. 


No. Swtor didn't turn it's playerbase against grouping up, toxic players in group content did. 


4 hours ago, Tasaas said:

There are literally a dozen forum users that post daily how disgusted teamplay makes them, how the dirty premades have ruined their time.


No, we are not posting because we are disgusted about "teamplay". We are posting because premades have an advantage over solo players and that ain't right. It is disgusting to stack the deck and call it competitive. It's not. It's a bunch of bullies trying to hold on to their priviledges because without them they would actually have to learn how to play pvp.

We post because we want balanced pvp matches where only skills matter, not this premade manager that has nothing to do with real pvp. That can only be accomplished if premades queue against premades and solo players queue against solo players.  



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OP reads like:
"I can't say people like playing against farm premades because nobody's that stupid so here's a thing that happened so the discussion isn't about how people don't like playing against farm premades! Anyway, back to farming you with my farm premade friends!"

1 hour ago, Lord_Ranon said:

Hell, if we ran an 8 stack, and farmed, we'd beat the living bejesus out of these players, because honestly, 99% of them in a 2-3 stack or less are pretty hopeless. But what a pathetic way to play the game - I refuse to do it, and I'm sure the DEVS don't want the game to be these 8 stack farming guilds.

Do it. Kill the queue like this. They won't fix it if they don't see it as broken, so break it. Say what day you started doing this so whatever metrics reader is trying to quantify results knows where to measure, and chronicle what happens in a new thread.

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17 hours ago, ALaggyGrunt said:

OP reads like:
"I can't say people like playing against farm premades because nobody's that stupid so here's a thing that happened so the discussion isn't about how people don't like playing against farm premades! Anyway, back to farming you with my farm premade friends!"

Do it. Kill the queue like this. They won't fix it if they don't see it as broken, so break it. Say what day you started doing this so whatever metrics reader is trying to quantify results knows where to measure, and chronicle what happens in a new thread.


I just can't mate - it's not in the spirit of the game, and makes me no better than the toxic clowns abusing, farming, and ruining other players experiences already.


It's just not my nature. There is a way to break the queue though for premades. If you see an 6-8 stack running, and your queued, if they get in a warzone (keep your player search open,  and search for guild i.e. cleavage), you realise your small group is about to be with them, and your game is generating the match to face them (leave queue JUST "before" the match is fully generated as a group) - you avoid the lockout, and they'll end up facing no-one, and getting an early shutdown.

Make it so the pre-mades end up getting no matches - they'll eventually log off or leave the game. Win / win.

Edited by Lord_Ranon
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On 3/3/2023 at 6:29 PM, ALaggyGrunt said:

"I can't say people like playing against farm premades because nobody's that stupid so here's a thing that happened so the discussion isn't about how people don't like playing against farm premades! Anyway, back to farming you with my farm premade friends!"

I like playing against farm premades. 

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No skill left in the game is gear vs gear like a korean mmo. You get full premades in gold augments going against people with less gear. Weres the counterplay their isnt because its a korean mmo pay 2 win style. They just pve in the middle spamming buttons kekw.

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it's not true, but of course we have issues.

the bolster system is not working correctly and so it can be exploited. this gives you an advantage over players with the same skill, but lower stats.
as long as bioware is not able to program a working bolster, it would be more easy to get a new stat on pvp gear, making pve gear worse.
like it was before. 

and sure if you are going for gold augs you -can- have an advantage over others (with the same skill, but just purple ones).
it also takes less time than a single warzone (incl. waiting times) to farm more tech frags than you get for your weekly in pve.
just rush through df. it takes less than 15min (for a group of okayisch players). so the rewards are a bit off in relation to the time needed.
you also just can do 6 weeklies on each toon, but you can run 7x every operation for tech fragments each character.

but pve and pvp are different worlds. it's totally true, that with the actual system around classes, they can do tons of damage to you,
just because they know how to play their class, to deal as much damage as possible. and they also know, how to counterplay some
short attacks. but most of they are really struggling, if they are on constant pressure. here they fail, because they don't chose the right
talents for pvp and don't know when to use DCDs. for example they break CC to fast and get globaled after that. 

so if you see people from good pve guilds, just mark them and keep up pressure on them. the most can't handle it.
i have seen this in many arenas, too. they are q'ing with a fotm premade setup, but still lose against a PUG not using any
voice of people with some more focus on pvp. if you let them do their play, you totally are f|_|cked. sure, because they are
doing a real good DPS. but dps alone doesn't kill people. 

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I have noticed a few things with a lot of premades on Star Forge. They either win the game easily because they are focusing on the objective and can communicate over voice (good for them) or they lose because they are intentionally ignoring the objectives to camp the enemy spawn area.

I have seen the later sabotage their own team by refusing to play objectives or allowing their teammates to play objectives. It is not uncommon to have a premade clear an enemy turret refuse to cap it and rush to the next enemy they see, grab the ball in Huttball and refuse to run it only tossing it between each other baiting the enemy, and having sorcs pulling their own teammates off objectives to drag the game out longer. I got caught by this a few times in Voidstar when sorcs on my own team were pulling me off a door in the middle of planting a bomb.

What I find hypocritical is when I see a premade of 4-8 players in a warzone bragging that they only care about kills and stats and refusing to queue up for arena where kills and stats matter.

Edited by remylion
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2 hours ago, remylion said:

What I find hypocritical is when I see a premade of 4-8 players in a warzone bragging that they only care about kills and stats and refusing to queue up for arena where kills and stats matter.

there's some truth to that. it's the modern equivalent of "reg star" (except the term used to refer to players who actually tried to win 😄). but you also should keep in mind that the arena queue is so small that they're probably not getting pops. for example, I dual queue all the time, and I get something along the ratio of 9:1 WZ:arenas. Only when I specifically sit only in the arena queue (to finish a quest in time) do I guarantee arena pops, and they're a lot slower than WZ pops. so it's not only grps afraid of arenas.

however, you also need to consider the differences in format. in a WZ, you die and respawn infinitely. in arenas, it's over once you die once. a lot of these ppl just want to pew pew.

I agree that it ruins the game experience for players who want to play the game as designed. but you cannot make ppl play the maps to win, and BW's brilliant attempt to do so is laughably bad. all it has done is cause uproar amongst players trying to maximize medals for various seasonal cheevos. but the reason for the restriction on medals was to only reward players for trying to win. 😆

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13 hours ago, fabsus said:

the bolster system is not working correctly and so it can be exploited. this gives you an advantage over players with the same skill, but lower stats.
as long as bioware is not able to program a working bolster, it would be more easy to get a new stat on pvp gear, making pve gear worse.
like it was before. 

This is false. Bolster doesn't exist anymore (in an impact full way anyways). If you've got proof of ppl exploiting gear please feel free to post evidence here. I've asked multiple times for ppl to provide evidence on this and nobody ever can because the exploit/gearing issue revolving around relics was fixed pre 7.2. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/10/2023 at 7:48 AM, remylion said:

I have noticed a few things with a lot of premades on Star Forge. They either win the game easily because they are focusing on the objective and can communicate over voice (good for them) or they lose because they are intentionally ignoring the objectives to camp the enemy spawn area.

I have seen the later sabotage their own team by refusing to play objectives or allowing their teammates to play objectives. It is not uncommon to have a premade clear an enemy turret refuse to cap it and rush to the next enemy they see, grab the ball in Huttball and refuse to run it only tossing it between each other baiting the enemy, and having sorcs pulling their own teammates off objectives to drag the game out longer. I got caught by this a few times in Voidstar when sorcs on my own team were pulling me off a door in the middle of planting a bomb.

What I find hypocritical is when I see a premade of 4-8 players in a warzone bragging that they only care about kills and stats and refusing to queue up for arena where kills and stats matter.

Neither one is fun, or fair.

The only fun & fair system is to prevent premade vs. pug in random WZ queue. Premade vs. premade only. Pug vs. pug only. 

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On 3/3/2023 at 4:28 PM, darksidenerd said:

It's official.   If your pug team wrecks shop in a WZ you're now a, "premade".  No scratch that...  If your pug team in WZ wins at all you're a, "premade."

Welcome to post 2022 SWTOR PvP where grouping with friends or Guild mates is frowned upon in PvP & winning in general makes you sus for being a premade because nerds hate losing. 



I guess im not lucky enough to end up in this "winning pug" for 2 evvenings in a row now.

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