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ilubebi last won the day on January 30 2023

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  1. They don't even ban players who tell others to "kill themselves" and make extra characters to do so. They close reports, and forum posts, regarding harassment. I agree with some of what you said, but as far as harassment and toxicity is concerned, that's the cornerstone of SWTOR PVP. It isn't going anywhere.
  2. Sorry, but it is. Me saying: "Let's CC this person, while you kite this person. A and B keep the healer away from their tank" is far more advantageous than targeting someone's target. Please let me know how that goes for you next time you're PVPing. Let me know how many CCs you waste, and f[ ]k all if you target a person's target that has zero clue what they're doing. In before "I do this all the time bro and it's not perfect but instead, it's ✨flawless✨."
  3. Matchmaking? What's that?
  4. The developers. It was a "team" decision. They don't read these forums. If they did, PVP wouldn't be in this state. I do find it relatively nice that people still care enough to "try" to get their message across, however.
  5. Yea. I was trying to be 'nice' to the OP, but it has been about a decade. They spit in everyone's face, too. Community: Premades aren't fun! Devs: Hmm... how can we fix this? RIGHT! Let's allow EIGHT MANS. /spit
  6. +1 Have you seen the last... I don't know... eight months of posts asking for the same thing? Developers don't care. Literally at all.
  7. They're also online perpetually.
  8. If there weren't so many premades, this wouldn't be an issue. Otherwise, here for my +1. Useless thread.
  9. ilubebi

    Solos Ruin PVP

    The fact that BioWare allows premades to troll in-game, and their players to troll on the forums is pretty telling. 🤷‍♀️
  10. This is a lot of words to just say "premades should have their own queue."
  11. I’m having the same issue. The game becomes unplayable, especially in PVP. The game freezes to the point I cannot move, activate abilities, and eventually the client keeps showing the “This process has stopped/not responding” window over and over. This is a very recent problem. My partner can also play fine on their computer and does not have this issue. I am using an NVIDIA card (3060), partner is AMD. Driver is updated for card, settings have not changed on PC. Connected through Ethernet with no interruptions in connectivity. Card is not running hot, PC is not running hot during this issue. It is related to the SWTOR client, based on the error message showing up when trying to play.
  12. It's really great that you can carry teams and that your win-rate was high today! But I think you might be missing the point of this thread. This thread isn't really about arenas; it's about premades as a whole, and their effect on the general PVP population. If you read the thread, which mostly mentions 4mans and 8mans running through PUGs in warzones, you may understand better. You can be the best player in the game, but you're not carrying an entire team in a warzone of 8 as a single, solo player. Especially not versus a separate team of organized individuals who are aligning their CC, target-swapping, and (likely) making voice calls to dictate all of these plays interchangeably. PUGs are at an infinite disadvantage when you consider the above. You can make chat calls all day for nodes, sure, but it's unlikely you will EVER coordinate enough as a PUG to comparatively counter a premade (even if, as a solo player, you're target-swapping, using CC, and separating tanks from their healers). I imagine that's why there's somewhat of an overall consensus that they need their own queue. 3+ players in a group should be separated from solo players. Winning against premades does happen, you're right, but that's assuming RNG and matchmaking are in your favor entirely. That is also in hopes that you are paired with relatively geared players of equal skill level who know to mark, target, swap, CC, etc. However, with ELO the way that it is -- that's really unlikely. You will be paired with players who are exploring PVP, or super casuals. That's fine, but the point still stands: premades should be against premades. As far as having their own queue, it doesn't make sense to me why anyone would argue against this. It doesn't disadvantage anyone. No one is missing out; no one has any type of "unfair advantage" in this situation. It literally pits premades against premades. The only reason I can think that anyone would argue this, is because they like running through unprepared players -- because there's no real challenge and it's an easy way to complete the PVP season. So... you're telling him that the game was made to play as multiplayer only when there's literally solo content you can't do with anyone else? You should be able to do solo PVP and not face a full premade that absolutely dominates match, after match, for literally (insert 6 pages of reasons here). I understand where you're coming from, but not everyone has time to coordinate matches with their friends, regardless of how full their friends list is. You shouldn't need "a friend" to enjoy the game by yourself. If this game was supposed to be multiplayer only, there would be no solo content. I honestly agree with you to a certain degree. This is sometimes the case, but I'd imagine that's less than 10% of the time. You can't justify a team composed of 8 (or even 4) people in the same guild in 85% of consecutive warzones as "just a bunch of solo'ers that communicate is OPS Chat..."
  13. I quit two+ years ago because of this. Mix gank comps with high ELO (on my end), and it becomes exhausting and hardly fun. I just came back and I already see the same guilds doing the same thing. Two years, really? Premades are clearly still a problem, and they will never not be a problem. There really shouldn't be any arguing about this; it's fact. As a solo player, being matched against and camped by a premade is not fun. If you argue this, then it's likely you're the premade. What's worse is that I'm not even running 80s yet, I'm in 75 casual warzones leveling up. If they're already running around in the warzones at level 75, I can't imagine what it will be like at 80. Probably the exact same as it was before I left, unfortunately. It's a bit discouraging, and really frustrating. The community has expressed its frustration over this for years. Minor changes have been made, sure, but nothing significant enough to alleviate the issue (enough to notice, anyway). It's on the first page of the forums... still. Adding some type of incentive to win only exacerbates the problem. Why there hasn't been a queue for only premades of 3+ in 6+ years is a bit confusing. Who cares if they wait an hour for a queue? If your only reason for queuing is to win -- and with a huge advantage -- then you can wait for that win. Let the rest of the community enjoy themselves. Period. edit: For those saying “MMO, make friends.” That’s a great idea, but it doesn’t solve the problem. “Casual” generally means you aren’t devoting hours and hours to the game, and that you don’t have time to coordinate with 3 other people (and definitely not 7) consistently to form your own premade (as seems to be the suggestion from other premades). Wanting to log on for 4 hours a week and PVP without getting camped, and wanting to play solo, are completely valid. End of story. No one needs to adjust their play style — not the premades, OR the solo players. What needs to happen, however, is some type of medium where both groups can actually enjoy themselves. Right now? ONE group is enjoying themselves a lot more. Queues for premades would solve the problem. Don’t want to wait for an equal composition to fight? Then fight against your friends in parties of two, or solo. TLDR; This has been a problem for ages. Chances of it ever going away? Unlikely.
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