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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Credit Economy Initiative beginning with 7.2.1


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Hi all! I want to share my impressions after returning to the game after five years... I absolutely agree with everyone who said that there really is nothing to spend credits on in the game now. For example, earlier there was absolutely not enough experience for pumping and the complexity was such that without the required level it was difficult or impossible to go through the story, not to mention the heroic missions. I remember experience boosts were worth their weight in gold. I had to wait for the update of periodic missions, for example space missions, to get additional experience. I mean, boosters cost money on the market. What the hell have you done with  companions? You don't need to put them on anymore, pump them up... I just flew to the imperial fleet, bought a pack of gifts for 20 credits each, and my companion in shorts and a wooden stick kneads the Mandalorians without any help :))) Now the experience is heaped up, boosts are pouring in packs from everywhere. You can leave the starting planet of level 50! What the hell? I'm a new player, I just came into the game, I want to see the plot, immerse myself in the world. What is my incentive to go through it? For what? To get item 18 at level 50? Ok, you've made an interesting system in flashpoints where the level adjusts automatically and the player gets items of the corresponding level. Why not do the same in the story? For players to wipe their flashpoints to holes? Buying items in the cartel market has also become useless. I used to take them to more flexibly customize the character and companion for specific roles. Now this makes no sense at all. We do not influence the companion, and the hero does not need it, since there is nothing to modify these things with. Mods are sold only in green quality, and blue and purple are either not on the market, or level 10 costs 2 million. Who is this for?
- add blue and purple items to mod sellers. This will also put things in order with their prices on the market. Nothing will happen to craft. It should be possible to buy everything you need at any level. This will also bring back the point of buying items at the cartel market.
- return the system with paying coaches for abilities
- return the ability to customize the companion with items, but leave the ability to give any role to any companion. This is a great decision to take exactly the one I like.
- add items of a higher level (everywhere from 10 to 50) and blue quality to sellers on planets; now binding planets to the level does not work properly. Or return the old system to at least levels 1-50, so that it makes sense to visit them.
- Give items from Cartel Market not just a cosmetic value, but also a practical one. For example, a weapon with a scope has an additional boost in accuracy depending on the level of bronze-silver 5-10%. Really unique items with their own name get some ability boosts like level 70 orange relics. I want to pay for uniqueness.
- make really expensive, but the coolest things in the game that you want to own. The most accurate blaster, the fastest speeder, etc. There are different vehicles with weapons. Let it work. Let me not get experience for shooting mobs from the tank, but it's fun and will help to remove the negative when returning from the location when they are spawn again.

Now it looks like your product owners have never played themselves.
I am sorry for my English.

Edited by arturgorohov
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I don't agree with hiking up most of the costs they propose (others' comments explain it well enough), and I agree with several comments that this will affect newer players the most.

I don't even like subscriptions to things like online games (or lots of other things), and the only reason I'm subbed to this game is because it's Star Wars. It's just a bunch of 1s and 0s, but it's Star Wars! I'll probably cave for a little while with these new changes to see how it affects me, but I'm already considering dropping down to Preferred and save my money by not playing as much, because I don't have the time to play a game that costs me more real money and just gets a little bit harder with a lot of seemingly mundane (I use the term VERY loosely) but ultra-convenient features.

It's bad enough that it's slow going starting off to build up enough credits to afford a whole lot of stuff that's on the GTN (yes, I know those are set by players, and from reading various posts, I'm understanding why a little better, but still; and yes, I know I can always spend real money, but I have a subscription, so I already do, and I have a family and a life, so "no"), but now what I acquire as a new character has added help being whittled down. You want "sinks?" Make it less expensive to craft stuff (if you want some sort of "difficulty" or "seniority," pick something besides credits), so that I can have a better chance to "sink" my credits (that you otherwise wouldn't be nickel-and-diming out of me) into cool gear, or even into crafting my own (right now crafting seems like a nebulous enigma to me, but I'm willing to learn). The storyline gear rewards are decent, but I also like some variety. Make the whole crafting-to-sell/use process more inclusive of the "consumers." Give players a reason to spend, not holes in their pockets! Today the GTN has gear posted at $millions that a year or more ago I could buy (the exact same gear) for under $1/2million easily, and that's a shame if you ask me (no one has yet, I know). Case in point, my wife teases me that I'm playing with Barbie dolls in this game, because I love "dressing up" my characters in cool gear (and I've seen others' characters with awesome outfits and very accurate sci-fi characters). Maybe she won't have to tease me about that much longer?

When I play, I try to help new guys out, because I like the game, and I want to help them see that they can succeed at it, and then go on to play the rest of the material. I'll still do that, because that's just the kind of person I try to be, but I want to play the game, and I want to enjoy it as much as possible, but I've had no problem dropping other games that just became cumbersome to progress without paying more real money, and that's what I feel like I'm seeing here. I'm no economist, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm inclined to agree with all of the other naysayers that have posted about how this will affect the "wealthy" vs the new/"poor" players in the game.

I don't claim to know the "silver bullet" that will work better/best, but I don't see this being very effective, or maybe the devs are focused on inflation somewhere besides where I see it being a problem? Read the posts! I see what these folks are posting about when I play!

Good luck, BioWare!

Edited by anonyhm
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This is so dumb, I am a newer player (only been playing for a like half a year) and it pains me to read this cause I really like the game. I agree that something should be done about the inflation cause a lot of the stuff that cost billions seems out of reach to me atm. However I am going through the feeling of not having a lot of creds (partly due to inflation and partly due to me spending my creds all the time) there have been times when I have had to stop sending my comps out on crew missions cause I spent more creds then I thought I did or should of. And knowing how it feels not to have a whole lot of money makes me hate this cause then I am spending more money on things that I worked for or already spent money on. Putting a fee on QT does nothing but kill your game as new players won't have the money to use it. So does putting a fee on going to SHs especially since we already spent millions on them.

If you don't want to read my whole post here is the short version:
These changes do nothing but hurt poor players like me, and new players, while the rich players can shrug it off cause 5k creds is nothing to them when they sell items that are worth billions of credits.

Edited by WilliamtheTiger
Changed STs to SHs
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I logged in yesterday and got 75,000 credits just for logging in. You're breaking things and fixing them at the same time. Makes no sense.  Don't do stupid things. Do this ...

New mount speed: 1,000,000,000 credits per toon
Lower cooldown on Jet boots: 1,000,000,000 credits per toon
Slot machine that takes 100,000,000 tokens and gives out unique cosmetics (1 in 10 chance or so to get one)

Economy fixed. You're welcome.

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I see the need to do something about the credit economy. 

I agree with many that the current changes penalizes new players and and is just another incentives for them to resort to buying credits somewhere.

As harsh as it sounds it see only one solution that might work, not even sure though:

  •  lower the maximum cap of item prices in the GTM while AT THE SAME TIME lowering the crafting costs of such items as 377 augments. One must come with the other.
  • in addition to that, as drastic as it may seem, either make it impossible or limit the amount of credits that can be directly traded or sent by mail. And by drastically, I mean really to the 100k or so, except for mailing received by from GTM revenues.  Alternatively simply have special terminals where players can retrieve their sales revenues from the GTM (as directly from the GTM interface).

I realize you could work around by sending 100 mails with 100k instead of 1 billion Credits, but you'd really think twice about it. Limiting the amount of mails you can send per day per character might also help, just up the mount of item slots sendable per mail for players who want to shift around large amount of items.

Frankly, anything else I can come up with would either penalize existing players, new ones, or be no more than a drop in the ocean.

Edited by Turiann
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16 minutes ago, Turiann said:
  • in addition to that, as drastic as it may seem, either make it impossible or limit the amount of credits that can be directly traded or sent by mail. And by drastically, I mean really to the 100k or so, except for mailing received by from

That's not a good idea. I've been in guilds that have paid up to 300m for Conquest points. Some now are still sending me 10s of millions.

Guilds pay their members for conquests. 100k isn't going to cut it.

Edited by Traceguy
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On 2/9/2023 at 10:29 AM, JackieKo said:

With the 7.2.1 PTS opening soon, players will be able to see the following adjustments:

  • Quick Travel now has a credit cost associated, with a minimum cost of 100 credits and a maximum cost of 5000. The cost to travel is dependent on the distance traveled.
  • Priority Transport Terminal now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between daily areas.
  • Travel to Strongholds now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between planets.
  • Repair cost formulas have been adjusted across the entirety of the game so that repair costs increase in relation to item level.
  • Durability of equipment should now be lost at a LOWER rate on death, but a slightly HIGHER rate in normal gameplay. 

I'm sorry, but this seems like a terrible idea.

It's going to nickel-and-dime new players to death, making them feel poorer than they already are and frustrated when they try to save credits for things they like.

It won't even put a scratch in some of the massive amounts of credits floating around.

And it will make people feel punished for traveling from area to area to experience content.  It charges us credits to go back and experience old content, as well.

My solution would be to increase the number of credit sinks for OPTIONAL things, not travel.

For example, add more vendors with decorations, mounts, and armor that cost credits instead of Cartel Coins.

Increase the credit rewards in the early game so new players can catch up, but keep the rewards level across the game instead of increasing them with each new expansion.

That's my two-credits worth.

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Again, we need to remember two things about this:

  1. The inflation that is being addressed, is the introduction of credits into the system.
  2. These are only the first steps towards addressing the inflation. There are more initiatives to come.

Credit farmers do not care about credit sinks. Any credit reduction initiative that targets normal gameplay will not affect those activities. The only way these credit sinks work to lower GTN prices, because the overall bank of player credits is reduced, leading to the lowering of GTN prices for high-end rare items.

GTN sales and credit transfers are not introducing credits into the system, but trades could be taxed in a way to remove some credits on each transaction, the same way the GTN sales are.

That being said, they can hopefully find a way to flag accounts that introduce large amounts of credits into the system, and figure out how to limit that activity, for those accounts.

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1 hour ago, StrikePrice said:

I logged in yesterday and got 75,000 credits just for logging in. You're breaking things and fixing them at the same time. Makes no sense.  Don't do stupid things. Do this ...

New mount speed: 1,000,000,000 credits per toon
Lower cooldown on Jet boots: 1,000,000,000 credits per toon
Slot machine that takes 100,000,000 tokens and gives out unique cosmetics (1 in 10 chance or so to get one)

Economy fixed. You're welcome.

I spent 3B credits yesterday just buying a few armors, rascal's toothpick, Revan's mask, etc. It cost about half my wealth, but i'm confident i can get most of those credits back in a week or so. For the whales who have been accumulating credits for years, I doubt 3B amounts to 1/10 of their wealth. 

And the problem of course with all these ideas of adding vendors and credit sinks is that BW has to MAKE them. We've never had a rep vendor for Seasons, why is that? Obviously, because BW can't afford the time to make decos and stuff for players to buy.  

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On 2/9/2023 at 11:56 AM, Fenrir__ said:

People need things to spend their credit's on right now that seems to be cool Cartel Market Items which people have to pay real money for and doesn't take anything out of circulation. What's needed is to have some of these cool items purchasable in game with credits to start readjusting the market and giving players ways to spend their credits. Add some awesome blasters, color crystals, sabers and more that people can spend credits on you will see a large amount of credits come out of the economy. The QT costs is just going to be obnoxious.

Our inflation is having too much money, so reduce the money going INTO the system, don't penalize people for already having money.  Compare this to real life: do you think fixing inflation means increasing everyone's costs and introducing new costs?  How would you like your food costs to spike again while also being charged to use your dishes and flatware?

To me, restoring/increasing costs is insignificant and just adds an annoyance feature. (I'm a crafter & reseller so my legacy bank and all toons' credits are capped already.) As Fenrir said, give us something to spend our money on and stop with whacking everyone, rich & poor equally, with more fees & taxes.

As a crafter, restore balance to crafting materials costs so we don't have to charge 20,000,000 creds for something I used to sell for 1M or less. I used to craft gear for lowbies, but this has disappeared because of mat costs and free end-game gear. Further, replace most of the bind-on-acquire gear with bind-on-equip gear and reserve bind-to-legacy to special gear or a bonus people can earn. You've taken away the biggest cost in the game: gear. The ultra-rich can afford gold end-game gear, but nobody else can.

But everything starts with reducing cash inflow, not taxing the snot out the poor people.

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Okay,  I just want to put out the truth. The game developers do not want to fix the economy. If they did, the crafting system would not be set up "for" players to be able to easily cheat. All crafting can be done safely from a personal stronghold. Where the only people who could catch someone running a script to play automatically is a game moderator, the very people who are making money off of currency farming(or are employed by the ones making money off of it.)  But even if they were not in their stronghold, to any other player the person running a script to play the game for them would only look like a person standing in 1 spot. 

   That is because of the way crafting is setup in this game. It is setup like one would do things on a mobile phone. While I understand that is convenient for many people playing from work, or cleaning their house, or taking care of the kids. Personally I don't believe this type of system has any place in an mmo. People should be incentivized to actually be at their pc while playing the game. And waiting for a "spam pop up" is Not incentive to be playing the game, nor is a timer.   

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57 minutes ago, Ardrossan said:

I spent 3B credits yesterday just buying a few armors, rascal's toothpick, Revan's mask, etc. It cost about half my wealth, but i'm confident i can get most of those credits back in a week or so. For the whales who have been accumulating credits for years, I doubt 3B amounts to 1/10 of their wealth. 

And the problem of course with all these ideas of adding vendors and credit sinks is that BW has to MAKE them. We've never had a rep vendor for Seasons, why is that? Obviously, because BW can't afford the time to make decos and stuff for players to buy.  

Right, exactly. I'm sure you have 20+ toons. So do I. If you had to spend 2b to get the new mount speed and lower cooldown on rocket boots, even at a high wealth level, you'd have to be selective. You might do it for 1 or 2 toons, not all 20. Multiply that effect across the population and you would have massive deflation.

Meanwhile, at 5,000 a pop, I can do 10,000 transports for chump change. It does nothing. 

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On 2/9/2023 at 4:29 PM, JackieKo said:

Quick Travel now has a credit cost associated, with a minimum cost of 100 credits and a maximum cost of 5000. The cost to travel is dependent on the distance traveled.


Ok, I'm not affected, but I know others who are. 
For the players it affects, a lot of things slow down when quick travel costs up to 5000 credits. This affects some planets with Hoth, Voss, Taris, Corellia. Casual players will, once again, be punished, while regular players will hardly itch. Above all, it will discourage newcomers.

Edited by athelan
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The best (and slowest because of needed development time) way to remove credits from the economy is to give people new desirable things to buy with their credits, mainly cosmetics and decorations.

The fastest way to remove credits from the economy is to tax every sale between players. The fastest/lazy way to achieve that is to remove character credit cap of 4.24 billion and instead make all characters use directly the legacy bank balance instead of an individual balance per character while raising the GTN credit cap from 1 billion to simply match that legacy bank credit cap of roughly 100 billion.

Then if you want to force GTN trading you could outright remove COD mail and the credit field in the normal inter-player trade window.

I for one hate waiting on the damn fleet for hours in order to either buy that 6 billion weapon I want or sell those 20ish 2-3 billion a piece armour sets and weapons filling up my legacy bank.

A side effect of this action would also be (if you think about it) lower overall prices because all the available supply for any specific item would be posted pretty much simultaneously on the GTN, while in trade channel not all sellers are online and on the fleet in trade channel at the same time. Also let us expand GTN posting past those 3 days to let's say 30 days with a one time non-refundable fee per day that's a small percentage of asking price (as in 0.001%).

I say this is fast but lazy because with minimal changes you will force a mandatory 8% VAT on each transaction by way of the GTN tax while maybe upsetting a bunch of trade focused players in the process.

As for the measures you are testing, they for now at least are laughable at best. The 5000 credit cost per trip will not affect players that have played from launch like me at all, with our many billions in the bank, almost fully unlocked collections, etc... They might have worked 7-8 years ago when the credit supply in the economy was about 10000 times lower then it currently is. 

The repair costs will probably somewhat meaningfully affect players actually playing the game and engaging in combat, but not people with huge credit balances that are mostly gathering mats and/or crafting to further expand those balances or simply sitting on the fleet selling/buying things in trade chat.

It won't even affect new players as much as people here seem to think.

Now for the part you will probably dismiss outright because it comes at a cost :)
If you also want to instantly remove huge amounts of credits from the economy, give players an opportunity to unlock collection items straight from the collection window with credits at let's say 1 million - 4 million credits per cartel coin and also legacy wide unlocks in the collection window for about the same rate. As credits leave the economy, this method of unlocking collection items will also become more and more prohibitive by default to where people will buy cartel coins again because raising a few billion for that single armour set you want will take many months compared to a few days of gathering materials or farming tech fragments that it does now.

You would of course still restrict purchase of new cartel market items to only cartel coins for at least as long as they stay in that "new cartel market items" tab in the collection so you get a guaranteed influx of cash after each new cartel market release. Only after a few months, maybe even 1 year, they would become available to unlock with credits in the collection window.

These actions will solve the economy as long as you don't introduce anymore exploits while only being a temporary hit to your income from cartel coin purchases that will "FIX" itself naturally as the credit supply in the game economy goes down.
Only then can normal monetary policies such as your proposed changes to combat inflation begin to actually work, such as "printing" less free money in the form of loot and quest rewards while taking more money in the form of travel, repair, vendor costs and the like.

My sincere advice is to not hit new players, especially free or preferred players with very low credit caps and give a meaningful way for the older established credit rich players to spend their huge bank balances directly out of circulation.

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Oh and as it was probably mentioned already, stop adding new currencies all the time.

If you want to gate access to rewards simply use the tried and true method of reputation tiers while allowing the rewards themselves to be purchasable with credits.

This can even be done for the galactic seasons and PVP seasons. Just add a new reputation track each season with a dedicated vendor that also sells the galactic seasons tokens for lots of credits when you reach maximum reputation. The first one per legacy would be free while each subsequent one would increase in cost, and the cost resets to 0 with the start of each new season.

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Just chiming in to say that I am here to play the game, not the GTN and I don't seem to make enough credits by playing the game to do very much with them on their own in terms of buying things from crafters or cosmetic sellers on GTN. Costs to travel will further impact this. I feel now required to play the GTN in order to pay for things. Which I've now done a little of out of necessity. I have half a billion which is an amazing number for legacy unlocks and such but if I want to say, augment one of my many characters or buy products or services from other players it feels like a really pitiful amount and was only possible by using my game time in a way that is not enjoyable for me. I'm still working on crafting which will take some time for me and I'm hoping this will benefit me greater for my goals but I'm disappointed that earning credits from saving the galaxy is no longer a viable avenue for very much. Logic dictates that the genuine reason for such lackluster attempts to address inflation is that someone doesn't want to piss off the credit hoarders of which I would assume many are people who regularly put cash into the game, being aggressive enough to affect their profits could negatively impact predictable cash flow. Which is understandable and would definitely need to be done carefully. Affecting poor and new players isn't going to change anything at all. I've now been in a few fleet conversations with billionaires complaining that their sales are being undercut by such steep values that these undercutters must be morons. Having many billions of credits and being annoyed at not getting billions more fast enough is moronic to me. I don't even know what the benefit of having billions and billions and billions is, except to make more billions. There's some effective solutions suggested in this thread and employed by other mmo's that could balance the economy and in a fair way, but given the response to this issue so far I don't have much faith in the devs to research or employ anything relevant any time soon - This is now proved given that their initial attempts to address inflation are costs that should exist to prevent inflation but won't solve inflation. It may also be relevant to point out that many studios under the EA banner are pushed into negative development choices due to lack of resources, unfair deadlines and an inability to apply systems that put long term benefits because they can or may affect short term revenue - but then very few companies tend to value losing out on short term profits to work on things that could positively affect regular profit in the long run, really only the smart ones can do this and pull it off. Here's hoping someone in the dev team is able to do turn things around seriously at some point.

Edited by NayaruLovegood
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Okay... I see just added credits mosquito bites, irritating for new/f2p players. Now, how long will be 1B sinking in 5k travel costs? Fast travel 200k times just for fun?

Seriously, the work should be done at income level. Slowly nerf the biggest income sources (slowly - because fast deflation will result in players holding credits like hell and releasing them in bigger packs, disrupting the economy) - and it will heal.
Well, unless the point is to maximally coerce players for subbing then current changes are a step in 'good' direction.

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Once again, you didn't hear your community. It seems that whenever someone "important" decides something, you just "add" it, without question, damaging your game even further.

What a waste of opportunities here, people had suggested many good and impressive things for you in order actually fix the economy problem and not break it further, but instead, as usual, you ignored everyone. 

I've been with you guys since 2011, from early access (remember queues on 20+ servers?). You've made some good, and also some very bad choices in the years to come, and your stubbornness to go for this ridiculous credit "sink", is to my opinion one of the worst decisions you've ever made.


You need to start listening to your community. I have spoken.

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3 hours ago, StrikePrice said:

Right, exactly. I'm sure you have 20+ toons. So do I. If you had to spend 2b to get the new mount speed and lower cooldown on rocket boots, even at a high wealth level, you'd have to be selective. You might do it for 1 or 2 toons, not all 20. Multiply that effect across the population and you would have massive deflation.

Meanwhile, at 5,000 a pop, I can do 10,000 transports for chump change. It does nothing. 

OH, per character unlock? Ugh, that would be a real gouge for sure. Yeah I guess it could work, but I think probably a lot of people wouldn't do it at all. Still, it's better than anything else they've come up with, and easier than most of the ideas suggested here. Plus you would think with this massive update we just installed they would be able to increase mount speed beyond Razor Kickstart levels.

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I don't want to presume anybody's motivations but it seems like some comments about how great this will be might not be made in good faith. Hyperinflation seems to be exacerbated by a growing wealth disparity. All travel being made more expensive will disproportionately target newer players and make things more inaccessible for them. This seems like it will cause more issues... I also think some acknowledgment of who is more likely to post feedback would not go amiss because those who have been participating for about a decade are probably more likely to respond to things about the game more often. 


Some potential alternate ideas to look at in the future (if I'm correct- which I might not be ofc): Taxation on in-game trade, since people seem to "exploit" this feature for getting past caps on the GTN. Speaking of the GTN, taxation on more valuable/more popular/more expensive "luxury" items would likely not go amiss.


Another thing that has been bugging me in game for quite a long time now is the expendability of things like armor. Items have a higher demand because they lack re-sale value due to the fact that (in my experience) most all armor items bind to one character. Dialing back the amount of armor this happens with could create a more balanced supply and demand market (again, in theory). Even having things more transferable between legacy characters would be nice, though may not contribute much economically. 



I already found 2,000 credits to get my republic character to my imperial stronghold to be outrageous. A small fee is nice and fine and w/e but I cannot say I am at all thrilled with this.


Speaking of strongholds... More craftable decorations to be circulated within the economy with price diversity blah blah blah, maybe good idea in theory , maybe bad in practice, etc. This applies to mounts, pets, etc. There is a pretty big gap I have observed between the number of crafters for amormech/atrifice and ones like cybertech. This translates into products available and inevitably prices on the GTN. Evidence of this is the observable gap between the price of schematics and missions for different disciplines, as well as the gap in mount prices (crafted vs. purchased).

Anyway... thanks for coming to my tedtalk lol. 



Reposted here because apparently I posted on the wrong thread so that might get removed... 

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This is a bad idea. All these changes do is punish poor, honest players that haven't exploited the system to get rich before or are just new to the game. Not a good idea, as it makes the game less enjoyable to play, which is the worst thing possible. Games are supposed to be fun!

On 2/9/2023 at 4:29 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Travel to Strongholds now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between planets.

This will punish poor roleplayers (we all know there are no credit payouts that reward actual roleplay) that won't be able to attend RP events in strongholds because they don't have enough credits. Nice.

On 2/9/2023 at 4:29 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Repair cost formulas have been adjusted across the entirety of the game so that repair costs increase in relation to item level.
  • Durability of equipment should now be lost at a LOWER rate on death, but a slightly HIGHER rate in normal gameplay. 

Great. Repair costs have been way too high for poor players to begin with, and it's hard to make credits for repairs if you're stuck with kaputt gear, too. Repair costs should be decreased if anything.

On 2/9/2023 at 4:29 PM, JackieKo said:

With the 7.2.1 PTS opening soon, players will be able to see the following adjustments:

  • Quick Travel now has a credit cost associated, with a minimum cost of 100 credits and a maximum cost of 5000. The cost to travel is dependent on the distance traveled.
  • Priority Transport Terminal now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between daily areas.
  • Travel to Strongholds now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between planets.

So now when you are stuck somewhere where there are no credits to make, there won't be any means to get away if you're out of credits. Have you even thought this through? Priority Transport terminals, fleet pass, priority transport were without cost to prevent exactly such a thing from happening.

Thus I suggest to revert the changes and go with some of the following ideas I propose instead:

- Allow to change primary and secondary combat styles for a credit cost as often as you like. It's possible
for free once, so making it repeatable with a credit costs attached would be a good credit sink.

- Change the Appearance Modification Terminal to optionally cost credits instead of cartel coins when you change your appearance.

- Add vendors where you can directly buy any resources for credits and trade in credits for any other currency.

- Give people the ability to trade credits for cartel coins.

- Lower cartel coin costs on the Cartel Market to the way they were when the cartel market first launched. Much of the credit  inflation came because people are selling expensive cartel coin items for billions and get rich that way.

- Add an option to unlock Cartel Market items for the account with credits instead of Cartel Coins.

- Give every Cartel Market item an optional, reasonable credit cost as well. That way people can't sell them  to others for insane prices as people can buy them for fair prices directly instead.

- Add a vendor that sells all crafting resources for credits, even the rarest ones that drop from hardest content.

- Add more strongholds to the game (Tython, Korriban, Ilum, etc.).

- Add the ability for guilds to own more guild strongholds at the same time (ideally one of each) and not just one. This alone will take lots of credits out of circulation, especially from richer people/guilds.

Edited by Glzmo
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This is a poor tax. You are now going to be punished for being poor, while the rich get richer.

It's just like real life!

Honestly, the forums are completely inundated with criticism AGAINST these new "economy fixes", and yet the trigger was arbitrarily pulled on it anyway.

The only thing Quick Travel fees are going to do is harm new players, but the game needs new players. It doesn't need more rich veteran players, who will not be affected by this change whatsoever. I recently got back into the game after a many-years hiatus and I was shocked to see the state of the economy and the GTN. All I had to do was sell a few old CM items I had saved in my Cargo Bays and I am well over 2b in Credits, and apparently this amounts to "barely anything" these days. The last time I played, reaching 1b was absolutely unheard of. Only the biggest and hardest of core Guilds were able to get their Guild Banks to such levels, and now it's just completely out of control. However, my girlfriend who recently started playing with me again, would have been absolutely screwed over if she wanted to purchase anything. Even as a Subscriber she would have no chance as a brand new player to get into the market, and now you are adding travel fees on top of it? The only reason she's going to survive is beccause I have a stupid amount of Credits that will never be affected by these changes, and I can simply give her millions to get started.

Honestly, at this point, it the economy is beyond repair or salvation.

Unpopular hot take, but unless they are simply going to drain everyone's credits across all servers and put a hard cap of (for a random example) 10 million credits for all players, they may as well just leave it alone. There is no going back, they allowed it to get to the point of no return. Either leave it be or make a completely drastic change.

Quick Travel fees is not the change we need, not by a long shot.

Edited by DewyMossEmpire
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