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Credit Economy Feedback Thread


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17 hours ago, JackieKo said:

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?
  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 
  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?


Not gonna speak on repair, since I didn't really notice the difference (which isn't to say there isn't one, but I have enough credits that I barely pay attention to repair costs as it is, I imagine some newer players will be able to speak on this better than me).


For travel, though, I want to point out really quickly: making traveling to a SH cost credits instead of having that tied to leaving the SH is horribly annoying. I'll give you an example that I got onto the PTS to test and confirmed is incredibly annoying (to me, at least): When I start a character, I almost never jump straight into the story. I start them, back out of the opening cutscene, travel to my SH, and then get them an outfit, some credits, unlock their inventory slots, clear out their mailbox full of 60+ things, etc. I can't do that, though, if it costs 100 credits minimum to travel to my SH and a new character doesn't start with 100 credits. I started a smuggler, sold the medpacs immediately, and only had 20 credits. Nothing I receive in the mail sells for credits (which makes sense), so I naturally turn to killing enemies (since I don't want to start the story yet, that's the whole point). I killed enough enemies to make it halfway to level 3, and had 47 credits, which is including the 20 I got from the medpacs. So, my other option, then, is to start a character, back out of the story, walk them out of the story area, log out, log into a different character, mail the new character 100 credits so they can afford to make it to my SH, log back out, log back into the new character, and then I can actually start doing the things I do for a new character. That's annoying, to put it lightly.


As an aside, this also adds another click to get back to my SH from any given area, since there's an "Are you sure?!" message to let you know about the 100 credit cost. Can we... not... do that? There's no need to add another click every time I want to go back to my SH. If you insist on keeping the price here even after what I mentioned above, at least just put the price on the button and leave it at that.


Also, as I was testing the new character thing, I noticed that starting a new character, backing out of the opening cutscene, and then logging out and into a different character causes the opening crawl to play for them instead. Weird.

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  • Dev Post
17 hours ago, bockchow said:

Since my feedback keeps getting deleted I will try to not give suggestions, only provide the specific opinions allowed. ...

I am asking once again that general discussion of this topic be made in the general discussion thread here. This thread is specifically for players who have played on the PTS. Again, I understand that there are a lot of opinions, perspectives, suggestions, and feelings on the matter, but all I ask is that the conversations take place in the specified spaces, so that we can gather info efficiently. 

I ask that everyone move their general conversation posts to the thread linked above. Otherwise, posts here that have no feedback concerning the PTS experience or the questions we would like answered will be removed.  

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Yesterday, I tried out a few Daily Areas on the PTS.  One thing I immediately noticed was that Daily Area: Oricon doesn't take you to where you pick up the daily missions.  Instead, it takes you to the bridge near the Dread Fortress and Dread Palace entrance.  In order to get the Oricon dailies, you either have to QT, take a speeder, or fight your way to the Pub or Imp base.  While QTing or taking the speeder isn't a massive inconvenience in and of itself, it really stands out compared to where the other Daily Area ports take you.  


As for the other things:

Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?
    • I didn't notice a difference on any of the toons I used.  I used a vendor when I was near one (as I do on live) and when my inventory was full (as I didn't pay to fully unlock my inventory space).
  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?
    • I didn't notice a difference.  I'm on a prog raiding team, so I like the idea of less repair bills from being killed, but I was not able to test that on PTS.

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?
    • I don't think it will change my use of QT.  I rarely use it outside of story and a few very specific set of dailies.  I don't think it should cost significantly more than Speeders do, though, which seemed to be the case.  Yes, you save time, but not 4x or 5x the time, which seems to reflect the price in QT vs speeder.
  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 
    • I strongly dislike having to pay to enter SHs.  I created a new toon on the PTS.  When I do that on live, I like to immediately go to a SH, unlock character perks, decide on an outfit and set it up, and then return to the opening scene.  This is simply not possible for troopers in particular to do anymore.  If you are going to implement a SH fee, it should be for exiting on the planet where it is located.  SH exit fees should be overridden automatically if you have the character perk for the planet, ie Rishi and Yavin.  Getting nickled and dimed for go into your SH makes them less valuable.  I wasn't able to test this on a Fleet SH.
  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?
    • No.


These changes seem like they will impact new, returning, and casual players significantly more than regulars.  I don't like them, especially with the constant reminders of how much it costs.  This doesn't feel like a good place to start at addressing inflation at the game, but makes things more annoying for new players or existing players on other servers.


Edited by DarthMcClain
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Third test.  

New character. I pretended I didn't have 1 billion credits in my Legacy stronghold and just played normally. 

1. the game does not inherently tell me about quicktravel. The only way I would even know about it is if someone told me. However since I do know about it I am level 9 and BROKE. I have no credits and I am struggling. 

2.  Repair bill at level 9.  the game doesn't really tell me about repair so I probably would never repair my gear. there is enough gear drops to just replace it as I play and sell the old stuff... as I have no credits to expand my inventory either.   I checked repair prices they were so low that I actually had the credits to repair. unfortunately the game keeps giving me Medium armor which I cannot wear so yay I get to sell but boo I cannot get more powerful. 

3.  To use a speeder cost 40,000 credits to learn and unlock in character perks... I HAVE to use quick travel because I am struggling to get anywhere.  At this rate I will never learn speeder... I don't know when I will have 40,000 credits and 5000 to buy a speeder on the fleet or Coruscant. Quick travel is draining my funds as I generate credits through white drops.  

4. my inventory is always full. so I have to use quicktravel to dump my materials. 5000 credits to unlock my inventory expansion which I don't have.    the inventory I sold and the mission I was just on with white drops was completely absorbed by quicktravel to dump my materials.  I had to sell everything in my inventory even stuff I would have used at a later time as I needed the room in my inventory so that I didn't have to use quicktravel as often so that I have more credits. 

5.  I have finished and left Tython with 512 credits in my inventory because I made conquest and spent that on speeder unlock.  Chasing that carrot. Now I have to go buy a speeder. 

Final thoughts on changes: 
The quicktravel and repair bill actually added to game immersion. It felt like every thing was doing mattered. I had to make an active thought before heading out on a mission to dump my inventory.  Should I take quick travel or save my credits?  Should I sell this item to make room or keep it because I may need it later?   I was a lowly apprentice with no lightsaber and no credits.   The inventory being full was like I had a weight limit on things I could carry. It really gave me an old school The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind vibe.    I was literally picking up everything. If there was a white drop I picked it up.  I actually liked the changes. 

Perhaps every quick travel could be a percent of credits in legacy bank and personal inventory at all times. Like 5%-10% of all credits owned per quick travel.  Make it every single type of travel. Strongholds, Starships. heroics, Priority (sharing a mission costed a 5% percent to receive) .  Only new players will be affected by quicktravel as it currently is.  Transferring credits to an offshore account (fake credit hording account/guild bank should cost 15%-20% transfer fee both directions mail or ingame trade!)  This would fix the economy and keep it fixed forever. Guild summons would need to align as well some how.  each summon would be a 2% of all credits in bank?  I have BILLIONS of credits and a percent tax is the only way you will get me to willingly spend my fortune.  Maybe make me pay for stronghold upkeep by percentage on all strongholds even the ones I never use. (DC Universe charged me a fee for stronghold upkeep)

Thank you for reading this thank you for the efforts you put into the game.  

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On 2/9/2023 at 4:15 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?

The prices themselves are fine for players with money, but I can see a problem arising for new players, players who only play casually and F2P players in general who are capped at 1 million credits. As has been pointed out numerous times in both threads so far, this change will not alleviate the growing inflation in the game and will instead only annoy players to varying degrees, primarily the players who aren't considered rich. I ask the dev team to look for more constructive ways to have players spend money (i.e. things players will want to spend money on).

On 2/9/2023 at 4:15 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 

The idea of having to spend money to travel to strongholds seems counterproductive. These are purchased properties that people put a lot of money into, people shouldn't be charged further for entering their stronghold. As was also pointed out by other players already, the amounts charged are so insignificant that they won't make a difference in terms of inflation.

On 2/9/2023 at 4:15 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?

I would expect none of the travel options to cost money. It has worked for 11 years and there's also the fact that many players have invested into things such as cooldoown reduction perks.

But since you're asking, I have noticed that the following things:

  • The only strongholds that charge money are Alderaan, Umbara and Manaan. Everything else still works as it should, i.e. doesn't charge any money. Couldn't test the fleet strongholds because the unlocks don't copy over to PTS, nor do season tokens for a re-purchase.
  • The general feedback thread listed "Priority Transports" having a credit cost for use associated with them, but I could not find anything that actually asks you to spend money. This includes the priority transport legacy perks as well as the regular daily area ports from the Activities window.
  • IF these transport charges end up going to live, we need to have a toggle for the confirmation to spend money on them. It's annoying to get that pop-up everytime.
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I leveled a brand new toon on the PTS to level 10 aka a "fresh start".  I know that more credit sinks are coming in the future, however, I don't believe that these travel fees should be implemented on starter planets at all (Korriban, Tython, Hutta, Ord Mantell).  I probably spent an extra 25 minutes total on Tython trying to scrounge up enough money to QT to the next story mission area as I didn't yet have a mount or rocket boots unlocked etc etc. 

As someone that has 'max credits' in this game, we do need these credit sinks and the travel cost charges are fine for established players.  I just think we should give new players a chance to get started - we shouldn't strive to impact the experience of new players on the beginning planets imho.  

Thanks for taking player feedback!

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  • Dev Post
3 hours ago, Enomars said:

Third test.  

New character. I pretended I didn't have 1 billion credits in my Legacy stronghold and just played normally. 



13 minutes ago, Siita said:


I leveled a brand new toon on the PTS to level 10 aka a "fresh start". 

Having this kind of hands of testing, numbers, and feedback is very helpful, thank you! Appreciate you taking the time to start a new character and go through what would be a new player experience. 

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Please make sure we don't have to click a button saying "Yes, I want to spend 100 credits" every time we fast travel anywhere. That would get really annoying really fast.

That aside, I doubt these changes will really affect any of us here on the forums. We all have bazillions of credits and haven't had to worry about money for a long time. So that's fine.

But these changes will be brutal for new players. If you haven't made a new account from scratch recently, give it a try. Make a new character with no help from your old rich characters, and you'll be surprised how long it takes to even build up enough money to unlock all your inventory slots. It's several hundred thousand credits to get to 80 slots, and that's not easy to get at the start. Money is brutal for a new player. 

Edited by rylixav
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I really want those dialog options rylixav mentioned disabled, including for cross faction strongholds.

And yeah, maybe start doing it around levels 50-70 instead? Something that more targets end game players who have the capacity to make credits really fast, but that won't negatively impact newbies.

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Adjustments to repairing:

    Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?

Not really.

    When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?

A little bit, yes.

Adjustments to travel:

    Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?

NO. This should remain free as long as the player has acquired all possible perks
via legacy tab. Adding extra costs to this will harm those who are at the early stages of the game.

    Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much?

To me, they are insignificant, but I believe there will be many who will complain. Again, this feature should remain free of costs.

    Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?


More general feedback:

The PTS character transfer has effectively killed all my outfits and strongholds. Not sure that was intended, yet it has no influence on game play only for Quality of Live

PVP attitude did not change much, I have seen folks offending others from match one, quite openly.
But I guess some folks will never learn tish is just a game. The keyboard warriors and snowlfakes are everywhere.

It seems the Alderaan map looks bit more sharp and the shadows work really well.

Adding cost to the basic game functionality is not the solution. The solution is to get rid of the ridiculous credit pricings on GTN sold items.

I know people will scream at me, but the solution is simple:

Make pricing limits!

State that listing an item above 1 Billion credits is going to be taxed of 90% of the sale.

Simple as that.
Folks will stop making ridiculous offerings.

You can be greedy, but you cannot be obscene, and if you are then you pay obscene tax.


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First:: Thank you for at least taking an interest in the core issue == ECONOMY+INFLATION.

Second:: Your implementation of this new "credit sink" adjustment is a sad and dysfunctional attempt NOT  actually address or fix this issue.

Here is why... placing an increase on the listed areas only creates an "ANNOYANCE TAX" to take credits away from regular, low level, free to play, and casual players. This increase does not effect the players who are causing the core issue as they are going to continue to inflate and abuse the system and other players. This increase does not effect the massive inflation of pricing and economy of either the GTN listings or private player to player trades <== (which is really the driving force behind the inflation).

IN OTHER WORDS... punishing regular, free to play, and casual players with increase credit costs (thus increasing grind time to pay for the increase) does not effect the economy nor those players who are the root cause of the issue.


Credit Economy adjustments
The following changes have been made for players to test while PTS is open: 

1* - Quick Travel now has a credit cost associated, with a minimum cost of 100 credits and a maximum cost of 5000. The cost to travel is dependent on the distance traveled.

     - Credit increase in travel has no relevance or effect on GTN/P2PT (player to player trades) or economic inflation - it does place burden on F2P/Casual players trying to utilize the  system

2* - Priority Transport Terminal now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between daily areas.

     - Credit increase in travel has no relevance or effect on GTN/P2PT or economic inflation - it does place burden on F2P/Casual players trying to utilize the  system

3* - Travel to Strongholds now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between planets.

     - Credit increase in travel has no relevance or effect on GTN/P2PT or economic inflation - it does place burden on F2P/Casual players that have and use their strongholds regularly

4* - Repair cost formulas have been adjusted across the entirety of the game so that repair costs increase in relation to item level.

    - Credit increase in Repair has no relevance or effect on GTN/P2PT or economic inflation - it does place burden on F2P/Casual players trying to play the game, and specifically burdens players who PVP consistently/constantly as they are the ones utilizing higher level gear and incurring increased damage from combat.

5* - Durability of equipment should now be lost at a LOWER rate on death, but a slightly HIGHER rate in normal gameplay. 

    - Durability decrease in Gear has no relevance or effect on GTN/P2PT  or economic inflation - it does place an additional cost burden on F2P/Casual players trying to play through the game and players who PVP consistently/constantly as they are the ones utilizing higher level gear and incurring increased damage from combat.


CONCLUSION:: These "Fixes" have NO ACTUAL RELEVANCE OR EFFECT on the core issue of the economy and Inflation.

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Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?
    Since I mostly play Operations, I can't really tell because noone is running them on PTS. During the few heroics I did it felt like less often, but then again you don't really die there so it's hard to tell.
  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?
    The increase seems insignificant to ME, but I do have a few bil saved up, but that shouldn't be the main focus. To casual players who are just running some heroics or flashpoints here and there, it could be quite significant in my eyes.

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?
    No, they don't seem fair. Your point with this change is to address the, admittedly bad, economy of the game. All this does is tax beginning players who have very few credits to begin with, leading to them needing to run around a lot more, which in turn probably leads to more new players quitting the game early on, at least in my opinion. It won't affect my usage of quicktravel though, since again, it doesn't really affect the players who have already saved up a bit.
  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 
    Again, they're fine for ME, but for casual or new players, which probably are your biggest playerbase, they'll probably add up to quite the large amount to them - which in my eyes just hits the players who aren't part of the economy problem.
  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?
    Nope, but I think if you really follow through with this, stronghold travel shouldn't have a cost. You already make players pay a rather large amount of credits just to unlock them, and now you want them to pay every single time they want to use what they already bought? Come on, you can do better than that.

    Some general feedback from me here:
    If you really do care about this games economy, which I'm starting to have my doubts in with every new patch you drop, you should aim to tax the people making billions every day by trading wanted old or new items. Add a tax to player trades and mails just like the GTN has, and maybe increase that one too. Add cosmetic credit sinks, just literally ANYTHING that won't negatively affect new or casual players, because all that will do is reduce your already low playerbase even more. If you really do follow through with this form of solution, at least make the cost scale with level, or even make it free for low levels, so it won't have that big of an impact on new players.
    TLDR: Not a fan, because this will most likely only affect players who are not part of the economy problem. Sad to say but your patches and patch ideas are getting worse and worse every patch.
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Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?
  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?
  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 
  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?


Repairing has never been an issue
The cost increase is insignificant 


QT costs only hurt new players, longtime players like myself don't care about 5k let alone 100 credits
I'm not a fan of having to pay to go to my own SH, from another SH, its just extra. But again the cost is insignificant
Honestly I don't really care about travel costing anything

This whole change just hurts new players and does nothing to affect the ultra rich players who aren't gonna travel anywhere anyway. They sit on fleet and make money with trade chat, more power to 'em but this change does nothing but remove money from players who can barely afford anything anyway. 

I appreciate that you want the changes to be gradual and not crash the economy but if you want to impact the people who are hyper rich you need to just remove credits. Credit sinks are great in concept but those super rich players don't care, its less than pocket change to them. Removing all the credits that everyone has is drastic but it will force the costs of everything down while players do dailies and other missions to get money. Then you just keep an eye on credit sellers cuz people will be desperate enough to buy from them. 

This is all just my opinion and hot take, but the changes you are implementing are only hurting new players. 

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Feedback questions!

Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?

I didn't find that the costs were all that bad on 336 blue gear from just normal wear and tear. I don't raid or have anything better than the blue mods (and probably won't have anything better since I don't raid) from Hyde and Zeek, so slightly increased costs aren't that big of a deal.

  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?

Seems fair to me. I didn't purposely die to check that repair cost though but I'm sure it's not going to break the bank.

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?

Quick travel to the Sanctuary on Makeb was 5000 credits, speeder was 150 credits. I'm probably not going to use Quick Travel anywhere I can just speeder to now. Slows down some daily areas but whatever. There are no speeders on Onderon so looks like I'll be huffing it on my vehicle whenever I do the dailies there instead of paying up to 5000 credits to travel to mission areas. I use Quick Travel a lot on a new character whenever I need to go back to a quest giver, especially on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, but looks like that's going to drain credits faster than a new character can earn through just playing missions. So, yeah, Quick Travel will no longer be an option to use unless it's a dire, absolute need to do it.

  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 

We already have to pay a lot for strongholds and to unlock the rooms in them, having to pay to travel to my most used one on Nar Shadda is pretty aggravating. If I have to pay to go to my Umbara one, I'll likely do it once to empty it, along with my Nar Shadda one, and never go back to them again. Same for both space station penthouses. I was looking forward to getting the Mek Sha stronghold, guess I won't be since it'll probably have a charge associated with traveling to it.

  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?

I would expect a cost traveling planet to planet on my ship but to go to any of my strongholds that cost a lot of credits (or time to earn) AND have to pay to do it... nope, not gonna happen. I typically travel to my Nar Shadda stronghold on new characters to get my legacy XP gear and then later on to use the GTN, mail, cargo hold and legacy cargo hold;  now they just became utterly useless to me with this tax to travel to them.

Further feedback after some more testing:

Started a new character, a Trooper, and the cost to use quick travel on Ord Mantell is far too expensive for a new character. Doing the mission "Unsafe Houses", travel from the final safehouse back to the fort was over 600 credits, which I did not have as a new character. Speeder cost to Falks Reach is only 10 credits but quick travel to there is 392 credits, which is a huge hit the paltry 2,250 credits I got from doing missions, killing NPCs and selling the junk and other items I got getting up to level 8. At least there's no cost to get speeder level 1 training at level 10, so that helps new characters out a lot.

As a side note, there's an invisible mission giver, Lt. Xorem, in the fort. I can see his nameplate and the yellow triangle indicating a mission is available but he's unable to be interacted with because he's invisible. Logged out and back in and he was still invisible.

Edited by StreetBob
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On 2/9/2023 at 7:15 AM, JackieKo said:

Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?
    • I actually have been finding myself repairing less often.
  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?
    • I haven't seemed to notice a huge difference so...I guess it's fair enough.

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?
    • I think that having it is fine but I think the price range should scale with the level cap on the world since this would still allow players on beginner planets to still be able to implement this mechanic while also keeping the "credit sink" aspect.
  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 
    • I think 5,000 for the base maximum is too much but, again, if you make it a gradual increase, I'd have no issues.
  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?
    • No, I don't think that there is.


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I don't have anything against the added costs for quick travel or transport to your stronghold, but who had the idea of this glorious popup asking you EVERY time if you are really sure you want to proceed and spend the credits to travel? this is annoying as hell, please implement an auto-accept option, like you did on several other popups before this change goes live.

Besides of that the price for travel seems not too high and at an acceptable value, where i dont see any affection of my use of quick travel.

Another question: what happens to emergency fleet pass travels, are they still for free in future?

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Note that your other thread specifically directed people to come here to give feedback. So if you're going around deleting feedback that you directed to come here, you need to be clear in your original instructions. Here's my feedback which is relevant, of course, because it addresses these travel costs.

I fully agree with the rejection of these travel costs. Charging for travel is entirely inappropriate. It severely penalizes new players; no one else will notice or care. Same deal with repair costs, which are already significantly high at higher levels. Besides, these will remove only chump change from the economy; they're so superficial as to be worth nothing at all to the problem at hand. Steer your thoughts away from daily mundane activities.

Additionally, current credit rewards warrant no reduction. They are what they need to be for the average player who doesn't have a fortune. For the billionaires, credit rewards mean nothing. I skip bonus missions that reward only credits because they're at a meaninglessly small amount for me. REMOVING rewards solves nothing; you want to drain credits.

The only real changes that will properly drain credits are providing things people want to buy with credits, and I fully agree with all the ideas I've seen so far:

- Place old decs, outfits, mounts, emotes, pets, etc., with vendors for credits ... at least ones that are not permanently available on the Cartel Market. If you tie them to reputation, which is not a bad idea, make any special currencies easy to get. If I have to buy cartel packs to get special currencies, I'm not paying credits to buy stuff.

- Increase the decoration limit for strongholds and have a credit cost for buying those dec increases. It's been years; there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to add more stuff to my strongholds when I still have oodles of physical space left.

- New strongholds when? I logged on for the first time in years and there was literally nothing new. Honestly shocking that the stronghold scene has been so stagnant.

- The gambling/Nar Shaddaa perma-event for highly desired rewards is an amazing idea. You should also include exclusive items that people have missed out on, like subscriber rewards (pets, mounts, etc.) and PTS rewards. I was going to join the warzone event for the special mount, only to discover that setup required hours of redownloading a game I already have and it would never finish in time. The PTS event was dead on arrival.

I understand that the superficial travel and normal gameplay penalties are the "start of the initiative" (notice that normal gameplay penalties is a TERRIBLE concept) but they are dead in the water. Do not start with them, do not pass Go, do not add additional credit-sink methods to them. Move on and forget them entirely.

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Since I can't actually test this out on the PTS because Bioware has yet to fix the blank server screen problem (or even comment on it for weeks) I'll offer this advice if you are dead set on charging travel costs.

1) Use of your personal starship and on planet speeder (taxi) should have no cost.

2) Quick Travel on planet should have the same cost as the speeders (taxis) do now

3) Priority Transports (from your Activity Panel) should have the same costs as the current costs for traveling by ship

4) Priority Transports from the Fleet should be slightly higher (25%) compared to the costs of Priority Transports from your activity panel (extra red tape, docking fees, etc)

5) Legacy Perk purchased priority transports should have no cost

6) going to your stronghold or fleet from anywhere should have no cost

7) going from your stronghold to a planet should have the same cost as going there by your personal ship (if a Priority Transport Fee doesn't apply).

9) travel costs should apply to flashpoints, operations, and PVP zones and should be the same as the travel by Priority Transport to a planet of similar distance.

Had to skip 8 because it kept converting to a smiley face emote


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Jackie deleted my OG post, so here is a draft missing a ton of other info I am too lazy to rewrite.

I annoyingly downloaded PTS and played it, so here feedback on how terrible of changes these are.

  • Quick Travel now has a credit cost associated, with a minimum cost of 100 credits and a maximum cost of 5000. The cost to travel is dependent on the distance traveled.

This is uncalled for and not cool. This is absolutely infuriating.

  • Priority Transport Terminal now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between daily areas.

No idea what this means, but who cares. Doesn't affect me or the economy.

  • Travel to Strongholds now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between planets.

Pathetic. We already pay hundreds of millions to make our strongholds, it should not cost anything to go there.

  • Repair cost formulas have been adjusted across the entirety of the game so that repair costs increase in relation to item level.

Why? The repair costs are outrageously too high as is.

  • Durability of equipment should now be lost at a LOWER rate on death, but a slightly HIGHER rate in normal gameplay. 

How pathetic. WHY? The repair cost are outrageous enough as is, and I don't even die that much. Now I will still not die as much and my armor will break more.


Feedback questions!

Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often? - 

 More often. You said it yourself "slightly HIGHER rate in normal gameplay." . Therefore, I am having to repair my armor slighty more often.

  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?

The repair costs are outrageous, in fact, even in the normal game, the repair costs are outrageous.  I've test on PTS and normal gameplay and the repair cost are now freaking insanely more expensive. WHY!!!!  This is unfair.

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?

Absolutely unfair. Quick travel should not cost money. Why the heck is there even a cool down on it? We paid credits to remove that CD. If QT is going to cost money, then it should not have a cool down, and I deserve to be refunded.

  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 

Absolutely too much. It Freaking cost 2000 credits to quick travel to the sith sanctum on Dromund Kaas, that is absolutely pathetic, and I can't imagine how detrimental that is for new players.

  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?

No. Stop making travel cost money. That's not how you fix inflation.


In the words of Darth Baras - "A blind, deaf, comatose, lobotomy patient could feel my anger."

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I appreciate all the work you guys do to make this game amazing, but the economy of this game is so out of control that by just making things cost more is NOT going to solve anything.  At best it will just make more new players leave because the influx of credits to them is less than what they will need to survive and play.  The BIGGEST issue in this game is Buying/Selling/Trading.  It is out of control.  Putting a cap on GTN was a great start but as always, players are smart and have figured out a way to get around it.  I have a great solution I think, it of course is NOT going to be popular with credit mongers but it will solve the issue over time.  Please make all Cartel Items untradeable.   If they were, the only way to get rid of them would be to sell them on the GTN...the GTN can be capped.   This in no way hampers the ability to sell something you already have or to make credits if you need them.  In this way we can also keep the cost of other things in perspective.  As long as you allow trading for billions upon billions for cartel market items...the economy will never be fixed.  Thank you for your time.

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Adding costs to Quick Travel and Stronghold Travel will do more bad than good, because of souring the gaming experience.

What about adding a cost to the activation of Quick Travel points? Possibly increasing by the level of the planet. Adding more Quick Travel points where applicable.

To get more trades into the GTN and therefore collect more taxes, increase the GTN credit cap to the character credit cap. Less trading outside the GTN.

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4 hours ago, DWho said:

Since I can't actually test this out on the PTS because Bioware has yet to fix the blank server screen problem (or even comment on it for weeks) I'll offer this advice if you are dead set on charging travel costs.

1) Use of your personal starship and on planet speeder (taxi) should have no cost.

2) Quick Travel on planet should have the same cost as the speeders (taxis) do now

3) Priority Transports (from your Activity Panel) should have the same costs as the current costs for traveling by ship

4) Priority Transports from the Fleet should be slightly higher (25%) compared to the costs of Priority Transports from your activity panel (extra red tape, docking fees, etc)

5) Legacy Perk purchased priority transports should have no cost

6) going to your stronghold or fleet from anywhere should have no cost

7) going from your stronghold to a planet should have the same cost as going there by your personal ship (if a Priority Transport Fee doesn't apply).

9) travel costs should apply to flashpoints, operations, and PVP zones and should be the same as the travel by Priority Transport to a planet of similar distance.

Had to skip 8 because it kept converting to a smiley face emote


Finally got onto the PTS to look at this. These changes will do nothing to combat inflation but will most definitely make the low level game tedious. Running the 4 Coruscant heroics with a lvl 80 Sentinel in 330 gear resulted in a repair bill of 10,178 credits but the credit yield (including selling "junk" dropped by the mobs) was 117,498 credits (and my bank on that character alone is 96 million) so those repair costs are meaningless to that character (and to any character that is high level or has a lot of credits available through legacy). Even these higher costs are insignificant in relation to the number of credits already in the game.

The only thing these changes are going to do is hurt new players and casual players that don't have the credits from a high level alt to fall back on. They will find themselves constantly short of credits for repairing their gear or traveling. People complained for years about how long it took to get across some planets on a speeder and these changes will only increase the number of people that have to do that instead of using quick travels from the boondocks back to civilization. The game needs to encourage people to play the game not drive them away with petty credit charges and annoying popups.

I stand by the recommendations above. The travel costs need to be reworked and the repair costs should be abandoned since they will have no effect on the number of credits in the game which is what causes the high prices on the GTN (not the influx of credits which is tiny in comparison).

Forcing all trades back onto the GTN (and finding a way to tax the billions of credits traded for sales runs) would be a much more effective credit sink . The casual players who these changes will most affect are not buying and selling things worth billions of credits nor making enough credits to appreciably affect the influx of credits. Most are getting just enough credits to get by with repairs as it is. You have got to put a stop to people buying and selling credits with real money or all these changes will be pointless.

Edited by DWho
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While it may seem that adding costs to Quick Travel and travel to/between strongholds is a good thing, I look at it as being really harmful.  

1) Quick Travel has been less expensive, than taking an in-game taxi to an area. This is especially true when traveling to what is generally the only "rest zone" you will find on any planet -- which incidentally is the cantina. Although you can travel to the general area in a taxi and run to the cantina, often if you are in the middle of a hostile area, it works out better to shuttle (QT) to the cantina or another unlocked quick travel point. ALSO, the charges being set at a minimum of 100 and maximum of 5000 based on distance is exorbitant. The charges need to be scaled by planet if you are not planning on essentially destroying the usefulness of Quick Travel ESPECIALLY if you need to return to a specific area multiple times in order to fulfill your missions for that planet *cough,cough* Sith Sanctum *cough,cough* I can see having the cost for the quick travel be equal to the cost to use the taxi to that area, but NOT having it cost up to 200 times more. THAT would likely turn off both new and veteran players -- especially those who do not have a huge credit buffer in their legacy bank (or in the case of new players, those who do not yet have their own stronghold and therefore do not have their own legacy bank)

2) While having costs for travel to Strongholds (other than "smuggling" to the other faction's capitol world) seems worthwhile, I do not think that having costs for transiting between strongholds would be a good thing. I have all the available strongholds and some of them have usable features such as material selling Jawas and some do not. ALSO, if I am traveling to multiple strongholds, I am often doing that to decorate/change decorations and having a charge just to get to a SH and decorate seems excessive to me.  What might be more useful is to expand the Individual legacy perks by adding more of the "Transit to [insert planet name]" to include more things similar to the credit charge to purchase instant access to your ship from any place in the galaxy -- or even to include a cost to transit to your ship from anyplace other than the initial spaceport/station/shuttle pad for a particular planet AND scale that to the cost to get to a planet from another planet. For example, make the cost to "instantly" transport to your ship from the wilds of Belsavis equal to the cost to travel TO the Belsavis space station from Taris.

3) If you are using a stronghold like Nar Shadaa (for example) to transit FROM Nar Shadaa to the Stronghold and then BACK to Nar Shadaa as a way to drop off credits or items (like Companion Gifts not suitable for your current Companion) having a charge like that will DISCOURAGE people from using their Strongholds more than having the stronghold costs stay the same when going to and from the planet they are on does.

As far as repairs go, I like the system where if you make regular repairs without dying that it costs a lot less, but I don't think that having to repair after/inside warzones is a good idea. For me, that would be an additional reason to avoid doing warzones/any other type of pvp like Starfighter. If you penalize people for doing PvP by now adding repair costs to it, you are not encouraging people to actually engage in all areas of the game.

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As others have pointed out, this will not do anything to combat the inflation. How is a 5000 credit cost on quick travel going to offset the costs for people running around with multi-billion credits?

These changes target the new and low level players and will not have any effect on what is actually wrong.

Here are a couple of proposals that would actually make good credit sinks and target players who actually have a lot of credits already:

1. Collection unlocks: I already paid for the item, allow me to unlock it with credits for account.

2. Appearance change: Not much to say about this one. Easy to implement, make it cost millions of credits depending on the type of change.

3. Legacy Item Vendor: Bring back old items that are no longer obtainable as cosmetic armor/weapons and add it to a special vendor.

Also, you need to implement measures to combat credit sellers, and force transactions back to the GTN.

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On 2/10/2023 at 10:47 AM, Enomars said:

Perhaps every quick travel could be a percent of credits in legacy bank and personal inventory at all times. Like 5%-10% of all credits owned per quick travel.  Make it every single type of travel.

This is genius.

As long as a character has at least 10 or 20 credits, travel is possible.

Devs:  Please consider using a percentage as @Enomars has suggested instead of a flat rate.


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