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Credit Economy Feedback Thread


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Feedback questions!

Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?

I repaired about as often as I normally would.

  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?

The cost to repair when I didn't die seemed significantly higher than normal and that was on a non-tanking character.  I didn't test on a tank.  The cost to repair on death seemed higher than normal and not lower than on live.

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?

Frankly, the quick travel costs are ridiculous and feel petty.  Quick travel on a planet is something that has never had a cost associated with it.  The only thing we had to pay for was the perk to reduce the quick travel cooldown.  I may actually be using quick travel a lot less even though I can afford it.

  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 

Quick Travel is too expensive.  This is not a place to introduce credit sinks.  It especially doesn't scale well for planets that by their design have gigantic maps.  If there are going to be quick travel costs, they shouldn't be higher than taking the longest speeder flight on the planet.  The whole reason I use quick travel is to get on with what I want to do in the game.  Sometimes I think the developers forget that this is a game.  I don't want to be gouged every time I want to pop off to the next quest objective on the planet.  This is especially true for places like Rhunuk where, even planning an efficient quest path, there is a lot of back tracking through large groups of mobs.  Rhunuk is surprisingly cheaper on relative QT cost because the map itself is rather small, but it adds up quickly.

I was dumbfounded by the cost to QT around the fleet.  There shouldn't be any cost to QT about the fleet, but if you are going to charge, I shouldn't be charged to quick travel to the Ziost Shadow/Gav Daragon if I've actually bought perks like Priority Transfer Fleet Vanguard Vessel


  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?

None that I've noticed so far.  

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dumb.. all i can tell ya..the prob with inflation is the gtn.. making folks to pay to quick travel solves what..nothing. repair costs..solves nothing.

lets make it so the folks that have less money now have to pay more..ARE YOU Frikin stupid? the prob is gtn..cap trades.


 fact: when ya make it harder to get what ya need..prices go up. so rather than make things more avaliable ie drops etc.. you choose to do stupid crap that only worsens the economy? My paying extra to quick travel..(spent enuf already for the legacy perks ty) will only make ME poorer..wont stop inflation..prices will go up cuz more folks now need more money. your doing things backwards..like always..  cap gtn at 1 mill max for all items. leave quick travel/repair alone.

you can always give me back the billions i spent on my armor/amps mods pre 7.0 to help alleviate this bag o crap ya gonna stuff up our a--




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Just curious how these travel costs are going to affect the rich (billionaires) players. We won't care. Maybe won't even notice the costs. Only when creating a brand new character will have to spoend a few more minutes to farm the creds to travel to my Stronghold which I always do when creating new character. And as a sign of protest I won't use the GTN anymore, will evade the tax (because I can) even for low value trades. Will try to sell things thru chat (fleet, capital worlds) and will only use the GTN to buy things :). Will offer slightly lower prices than the GTN if want to undercut the least value item which I want to sell and still get more creds than the GTN trader who may sell it for higher value. And travel costs won't stop me :) As a suggestion: if junk drop items are removed from drop lists it will be a great quality of life (and creds are autoloot, only consumable items and gear/decos to be click looted) and will have greater impact on inflation. Introduce all simple green and white items to vendors and remove them from the droplists as well. Redenominate the creds, no need to carry millions and food and travel to cost 100s (two zeroes cut can do some good, just numbers will look nicer/easier to manage and when having millions or even billions it may mean we are really rich). If this 64 bit upgrade allows why not having decimals even (like cents for dollars and euro irl). Hyperinflated economies often cut zeroes when combating inflation. And by the way there was no actual inflation for anything in the game outside the GTN!!!! Why spill it over the game and outside the GTN??? Prices haven't moved up at all (travel, base items/consumables etc, things needed for casual gameplay). Aside from few adrenals and augments everything else is mostly comsetics on the GTN. Why cosmetics costs will have to spill over the basic gameplay? Irl if there is an iflation it means almost everything is more expensive. Food, travel, cheap clothing (not only luxury brands), drink, tickets, everything becomes more expensive because of the inflation. If luxury wathces become more expensive but other basic necesities don't move up in price there is no high iflation. If luxury items increase a lot in prices but other things remain stable it's not said that inflation is higher (same for SWTOR's cosmetics and CC items on the GTN). Make taxes unavoidable (both on the GTN and outside for more expensive items (> 1 million, so poor/new players won't be affected but wealthy players won't be able to abuse the system)). And why not add all other not rare/special items form previous droplists to the planet vendors (one time solution, but why not) and maybe temporal buffs which cost quite a lot. And remove the tax evasion and credits/crafting mats drop perks. Ading travel costs to strongholds it looks like trying to patch a major bleeding with simple bandaid... It just won't stop and the slowdown effect... won't be substantial enough...

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1 hour ago, DrakoOnasi said:

So I saw something about people going around the GTN to avoid paying the tax, How will they handle that?

 I send Credits in game all the time to guild members as a Conquest rewards, so would the money get taxed ?

I think the should implement it for COD (when actual trade is done) and tradewindow (when item/s are on one side and creds on the other). So tradewindowing to help newplayers and conquest credits should not be taxed. Of course some people will try to abuse the system first sending the creds and seller sends the items back (or the other way around) but this comes with counterparty risk and scammers will teach people to not try it. Or make items only GTN treadeble and the GTN taxes will take care of the rest.

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Any Crazy idea is, make it so players can click any building, art piece, wall, plant, or anything item in the game. just like in StrongHold,  when your putting on Edit Modes in SH but this time any item of game at any place and any planet.   and why would an items in the game glow like in SH edit mode, so you can spend credit to buy it. save you the trouble adding new decoss all the time with updates.  when players can just buy any artistic items in the game and then add that deco to there SH.

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Another Though, this will nail people with billion of credit.  make the cost of posting on GTN anything over 100,000,000 cost alot more and remove more credits when finally bought.  ie if the cost of something on GTN iso nly 2% of worth, make it like 15% of posting number.  and if finally sells there extra lose of credits to buyer and seller.

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Ok, let's start that I copied a character with really low amount of credits (some around half million) to make those tests more "annoying".

Now Your questions:
Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?
I have tendency to click "Repair All" every time I visit a vendor, so I didn't notice difference - need more testing.

When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?
Taking into a count, that I started with really low amount of credits, the increased repair cost is way too high (Blue IR 336).

Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?
No! Do not implement them to Live Server! I will definitely use them less that I use them now (on Live Server).
This change will only make the game harder for new / poor players while rich will not even notice it.

Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much?
For SH, as stated here is ok.
For "from planet to planet", looks fine (as long as they are same as on Live Server at this moment - didn't checked that).

Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?
No comment.

Now my question:
What will have priority, planetary travel cost or Legacy perks that remove that cost?
Example: I go from Korriban to my SH on Yavin and then decide I want do some missions on Yavin and I exit to Yavin. As stated here, I will have to pay for that, but, at same time, I have Legacy perk that removes travel cost to Yavin.

And for last but not least, I will repeat myself (regardless I really hate to do so):
Do not implement Quick Travel Punishment to the Live Server.

PS. Sorry for my horrible english, it's not my native language.

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I'm not a fan of adding a cost to quick travel or to travel to a stronghold - it will exclude a lot of people from using quality-of-life abilities and will make little to no difference to those of us with billions.

I would rather you allowed us to buy bank slots with credits as well as CC.  In addition, increase the number of legacy bank slots we can buy and make them purchasable for credits.

Another thing you could do is reduce the amount of special currencies required to buy gear and increase the credit cost. 

Finally, make the legacy wide unlocks for Galactic Seasons Gear a credit price rather than the CC price.  I no longer bother paying for these unlocks since you increased the price.

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On 2/9/2023 at 10:15 AM, JackieKo said:

Be sure to read this post first before jumping onto the PTS and submitting feedback here! 

To reiterate, players will be able to see the following adjustments:

  • Quick Travel now has a credit cost associated, with a minimum cost of 100 credits and a maximum cost of 5000. The cost to travel is dependent on the distance traveled.
  • Priority Transport Terminal now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between daily areas.
  • Travel to Strongholds now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between planets.
  • Repair cost formulas have been adjusted across the entirety of the game so that repair costs increase in relation to item level.
  • Durability of equipment should now be lost at a LOWER rate on death, but a slightly HIGHER rate in normal gameplay. 

Feedback questions!

Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often?
  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair?

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel?
  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? 
  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost?

None of these changes will have any inkling of a positive change in the overall issue of massive inflation. stop focusing on issues that are only going to affect new, casual, and FTP players. These players aren't the source of the issue. Rather than nickel and diming every player in the game for PLAYING THE GAME, how about you open up the game for people to spend credits, you know; disposable income. One of the best ways to do this is a currency exchange. Example: 

in 7.0.2 you cost exchange Conquest Commendations to Tech Frags and the cost of OEM-37s and RPM-13s were reduced from 5,000 (originally 10,000) to 4,000 tech frags. In the months since this change, I have watch the GTN prices of these items drop from 800-900 million credits down to 200-250 million credits. That's a huge drop in price for for an endgame crafting material. it's not just the drop in tech frags, it's the currency exchange of Conquest Commendations into Tech Frags. I do this constantly: CCs start to max out, convert a bunch of CCs to TFs, TFs start getting full, buy OEM-37, list it on the GTN,  get credits.

If you're truly interested in reducing the inflation, set up a currency exchange and accept credits. Allow players to exchange credits for currencies like Daily Resource Matrixes and any other currencies in the game. these can be adjusted easily in one place on the fleet like a real currency exchange. Allow the exchange of one currency into another like Credits to DRMs, or Tech Frags to FP-1s, hell, expand it to allow for in-game credits to buy Cartel points even.  you already have CCs to TFs in the game, expand that. people will spend billions to not have to farm materials and currencies. 

Stop taxing basic functions of the game that only hurt new players, and allow the exchange of currencies that are already in the game. this only affects those that have hundreds of millions to billions in disposable credits that they spend willingly, and it's not a tax on just existing in the game. 

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I echo the sentiment from others that the increased travel costs will impact new players negatively while doing almost nothing against whales, it's just not enough but will be material to new players affecting QoL and possibly sour the game experience enough to deter playing.

I will second the idea of bringing back retired items in a special vendor (and maybe rotate) with huge credit costs to get them, and make them BtL so they cannot be traded/sold.

My legacy bank is not nearly as huge as many others but I have double-digit billions and trying to think what would get me to spend a big chunk of that. I am not hoarding them, just nothing to buy as I won't pay X billions (or X Hypercrates now) for the few outfits I would still like from other players. Retired items would be a big draw. Being able to buy more legacy bank slots would be also.

Overall I think providing items/QoL for huge credit prices would be more effective to pull a lot of credits from the economy than raising the costs for all players (raising travel costs).

Imagine how many players with billions to spare would pay to buy THORN Containment Set or Victor's Trailblazer or similar for example that would not impact players with low credits. Sellers want 50b for the THORN set right now and similar for Outlaw Set. I can see a lot of players spending billions on these (and without the risk of getting scammed thru multiple payments) to get them. 

One more idea: I would probably pay a billion to turn off cutscenes in The Esseles/Black Talon each run if you added the option 😁.

Edited by HypSpec
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another thing that would make a whale like myself part with the billions i have (double digits as well as some others here) is having something worth spending the credits on.. 

character boosting, account unlocks, account maintenance (renaming toons or legacies comes to mind), skipping to specific areas of the game via credits (like the ship terminal; just let us click 'start onslaught' and it skips like normal but has no level lock requirement and boosts you to a suitable level around -10 from what you would need to make it fair.. so if you need to be level 70 you get level 60 kinda deal), and for the love of god fix the DYES... not only are there not enough color combos, you price them way too high so people SCALP them on Trade chat and GTN to get billions for the high end ones like black/black.. 


high end items that need adjusted in CM to lower inflation: hypercrates, master's datacron/equip, commander's token 70+ toon slot, black/black dye, white/white dye, black/purple, squad dye, honorable general dye, and underworld boss dye.. players base their credit prices on YOUR CM prices.. so if a hypercrate costs 50$ to purchase, that means it costs around 8-10 BILLION credits based on Trade chat conversions.. if YOU lower YOUR prices, inflation prices drop drastically.. you can compensate by ADDING MORE DYE COMBOS and other items being adjusted more evenly.. like why have armors all at different prices? why are some dyes 240 and others 1500? 

inflation is NOT just the fault of players.. this is on YOU Bioware.. you need to adjust YOUR side before punishing the new players.. i'm already prepping to give out credits to new players just to help them get past this idiot plan of yours that will just push players away from your servers and cause you to get less subscriptions.. in plain english, Bioware, that means you're making yourself lose money.. good job

Edited by EzzyShade
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Something I see time and time again on fleet chat are complaints without giving a solution so I am so happy to see my fellow players taking the time to approach this very serious issue in the current state of SWTOR as the credit economy may just be one of those things that are turning away a lot of new and returning players.


To begin with a short-term solution, I believe massive credit sinks are overdue, and not 5,000 credits to do X thing because that will not resolve anything. Short-term would be a vendor that offers previously available armor sets similarly to the specialty goods vendor, but this would be a legendary goods vendor offering the following sets at these prices.

  • All old Revanite sets from way back in the Yavin endgame days - Each piece down to the belt buckle should cost a minimum of 100,000,000 credits as the Revanite sets offer a select few alternatives from the cartel market barring a few pieces.
  • The old Exemplar sets from the Oricon days - similarly, but more so, each should cost 200,000,000 per piece.
  • All of the Kai Zyken class armor sets that can be equipped in the outfitter by all classes - so for example, the Debilitator armor set that can only be equipped by agents and gunslingers will now have a version available to all classes. 100,000,000 per piece.
  • The Force Veteran armor set - This was given away in 2018 for signing into and linking the nvidia geeforce application. Since this was a giveaway, armors such as these should be the most expensive ones at 1,000,000,000 per piece. Who would buy this? The people with 60 billion in their legacy bank that want an elusive set to flex.

These are just a few listed that could provide a short-term solution to the market as those who can afford it will absolutely sink their teeth into it. I know I would for at least a couple pieces. I know some players will innevitably be upset that they can't afford it, but that's the point. The amount of credits in the market should be so low at a later date that these prices just seem impossible to match as a result of the price.


1. We all love Galactic Seasons and I especially loved PVP Season 1 and I had checked the halfway "catchup" cost for Season 1 out of curiosity on another server and it is too cheap. I know a brand-new player would spit their drink out at a 700 million catchup, but see that's the point, it's a catchup. The individual had time before it to earn it without spending a single credit. The PVP season's catchup to level 15 should at the minimum be around 2 billion credits because for example...If I were to say not PVP at all, I could catchup to 13-14 on week 9, grind out to I believe rank 18 and have 8 tokens. Then the next season, all I would have to do to get an elusive set of ranked armor would be to casually face roll warzones for seasonal points till week 7 and have 12+8 tokens, now 20 to buy it with minimal effort. The alternative is that they could do even less pvp and repeat what they did in Season 1 and do it in 2 and 3. Maybe 8 hours of PVP stretched across a year, but nonetheless still concerning. This should be used as an opportunity to make these types of people have to sink even more credits in so at least the economy is getting a bit better per individual that does this.

I absolutely love the dev team, I love the Old Republic, I've played this game so much across the years that when I think of Star Wars, I don't think of Yoda, I think of Satele Shan. I don't think of Darth Vader, I think of Darth Marr, and so on. I absolutely appreciate you guys for the second combat style as I totally dig it, but it's something I only use to play around as I personally prefer being a master of one rather than failing at being a master of all regarding class choice. That's just me, I know there are some incredible players who have mastered them all. However, I feel like the time and resources put into that could have been put into more consistent seasons, more Operations, new PVP maps, more armor styles, and so on as content is the name of the game now. It doesn't need to be story related though I love the story, but the reason I bring this up is because we need those new players rolling in ever since SWTOR dropped on steam to keep playing.

2. The reason for that is my next and final suggestion to this looonggg post, bare with me. As the population stands now, I do not believe it is economically feasible to offer a service such as other MMOs where you can purchase a 15–30-day subscription with ingame currency. However, if the population was to increase with more consistent seasons, new maps thrown in, fancy new sets that fits all classes, not just Mandalorians Bounty Hunters...There will always be people who buy a hypercrate to make a few billion really quick and there will aways be people that will buy it. However, there are also people who absolutely refuse to spend a single dime on the game unless it's for subscription time and maybe in the future that $15 you get from DarthVader321 doesn't matter because there's so many people buying and selling items from the cartel market, finances are in a good place. So, in turn, maybe DarthVader321 decides, "I have amassed 80 billion credits from flipping items on the trade chat and I don't want to spend $15 on a subscription because I don't have the money. Let me drop 20 billion on a 30-day sub time token that is immediately bound to me."

This post is ages long and I do apologize for its length, but I love the game and want to see the economy restored to at least it's early Onslaught days where it was still a bit brutal at the time, but certainly manageable. Thank you for your time!

Edited by KaiserImperium
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My feeling is that as long as there is a way to bring real world money into any game (e.g. like purchasing items with Cartel Coins and then selling for in-game credits), the problem will not be solvable. 

In my opinion, this is a direct result of Bioware (or any other company) needing to make money in real world currency.  I don't disagree with this.  Making money is the point of making a game like this.

I have to agree with others that have said that the proposed fixes seem like they will hit casual and new players too hard.  I am a casual player, and I see this causing me to move away from the game again rather than wanting to engage more heavily.

I don't have billions or even millions of credits.  I have a hard time expanding my houses.  I don't have any of the cool items that I see because I don't have the in-game currency to purchase them from the GTN, the real world money to purchase through the Cartel Market, nor the time to sink hours and hours into the game.

In my opinion, it seems like this move will speed the decline of the game rather than fix a problem.


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Gtn was and always be the problem.

Try cap prices there to hit whales in the heart, or try to make some "valuable wannabe items" bound and problem will be solved. 

As long as someone can just throw old garbage in the gtm for a ridiculous amount, there will be ppl that will try to buy it...

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I believe that the proposed approach to fighting in-game inflation is a terribly flawed one.

As a ten-year player of SWTOR, I have personally experienced a considerable animosity from newer players who apparently have the opinion that long-time players like myself are somehow responsible for their not having nice things in the game. They think that all long-time players are somehow at fault for the inflation on GTN without ever considering that it took us ten years worth of gameplay to get where we are at. The introduction of new credit charges will only serve to hurt these new players (who have little credits to start with) while not impacting seasoned and veteran players who have an abundance of credits. This in turn will only re-inforce the hard feelings new players have towards seasoned and veteran players and give them just one more thing to blame us for.

I would suggest that instead of punishing the entire playerbase for the actions of a few bad actors, you could do the following to help remove the over-abundance of credits from the game:

1.) Introduce the Gravestone Stronghold which would serve individual players the same way a Guild Flagship would, travelling from planet to planet (at cost of credits), offer a group summons feature (at cost of credits) and a multiple-choice 24-hour bolster (at cost of credits). It would be the most expensive stronghold to date, not including the additional cost to unlock its expansions. It would be the penultimate player status symbol players would genuinely want to throw their credits into.

2.) Restore class-skill trainers to their original purpose of selling class skills for credits. I myself began this game buying my skills as I progressed and never understood why that was ever removed.

3.) Introduce a character tatoo parlor on the fleet where we can buy custom tatoos for our characters (regardless of character race) using credits.

4.) Introduce speeder dyes and paint jobs that can be purchased using credits.

5.) Add more stronghold decorations that can be bought with credits.

6.) Regarding those new players with the bad feelings towards us old-timers, introduce for them an entry-level beast mount vendor, beast companion vendor and droid companion vendor on the starter worlds: Tython, Ord Mantell, Korriban, and Hutta. These wouldn't be like the Cartel Market versions but it would give them "something cool" to start with.

Overall, to fight inflation in this game, you need to go after the players who have the credits to spend; not the ones who don't.

Edited by CaldoChaud
Typo correction
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So for sake of it i ran around on pts for a while and i took count of my starting credits and what i had after jumping around a few planets quick travel maps and i do think the prices are bit random for distance. but i dont think it will stop people from using them. [or they could do what i used to do when i was a broke player with quick travel cool downs that hurt. .. i would sometimes die on purpose to go to medcenter if it was 200k closer to where i wanted to get to , could backfire and end up in wrong direction though ... 

it reminded me a lot of the character i once made years ago on a friends account (i think 2018 or early 2019?)  she was a free player and i remember my poor agent not having enough credits to buy a speeder till halfway through balmora. Yes it sucked but it made the feeling when i got my first speeder amazing .

Yes new players will be hit harder by these cuts, but there were times when credits in game were hard to earn, and maybe its not a bad thing to go back to those times. people complain the game is to easy as it is.


Scaled repair costs will become a big credit sink in long term.  from my quick few hours testing i still was able to afford repairs, but had to repair more than live.

i do wonder if some more broke players will be stuck doing repair of single items instead of repair all after a while.  



Overall despite the sinks and making things bit harder on free players i think these changes are largely for the better as it helps remove credits from game to mitigate new credits generated from missions , so if 900mill  new credits enter game in half hour, with all the repairs, travel etc a good amount of credits will leave circulation  , i like the idea even if it will be a rough adjustment to start 

that being said I do dislike the pay to visit your stronghold, but the devs have said this will not be implemented in live when it launches and only pay to exit stronghold will. (and lets face it we dont exit via stronghold to avoid the small travel fee, we do it to avoid the space port, so that fee wont effect anyone in great amounts 

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One other suggestion that might help reduce the abundance of credits in-game is to establish an official Spanish server.

There are a considerable number of Spanish-speakers in the US/EU servers. They've been asking for a server of their own for YEARS. Well, by giving them their own dedicated server, they would transfer their characters (and more importantly, their credits) to the Spanish server which in turn would cause a sudden over-night reduction of credits in the US/EU servers! Even if that represented a drop in existing US/EU servers' total credit count by one-quarter, as a quick-fix for the credits problem, that's still nothing to sneeze at. Furthermore, from a marketing standpoint, finally introducing an official Spanish server to SWTOR would open up the game to Spain, Mexico and South American players... And, like the idea or not, SWTOR needs more people playing it right now.

It is just a thought, but I believe it is worth taking it into consideration as an alternative to bombarding new players with a truck-load of credit-charges on... everything.

Edited by CaldoChaud
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On 2/20/2023 at 7:55 PM, CaldoChaud said:

One other suggestion that might help reduce the abundance of credits in-game is to establish an official Spanish server.

There are a considerable number of Spanish-speakers in the US/EU servers. They've been asking for a server of their own for YEARS. Well, by giving them their own dedicated server, they would transfer their characters (and more importantly, their credits) to the Spanish server which in turn would cause a sudden over-night reduction of credits in the US/EU servers! Even if that represented a drop in existing US/EU servers' total credit count by one-quarter, as a quick-fix for the credits problem, that's still nothing to sneeze at. Furthermore, from a marketing standpoint, finally introducing an official Spanish server to SWTOR would open up the game to Spain, Mexico and South American players... And, like the idea or not, SWTOR needs more people playing it right now.

It is just a thought, but I believe it is worth taking it into consideration as an alternative to bombarding new players with a truck-load of credit-charges on... everything.

We need fewer servers not more. Finding groups on Satele Shan is painful enough. Can you imagine how much pain Spanish speaks would have finding a group? I assure you, there are more Satele Shan players now than the spanish server would have.

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7 hours ago, Traceguy said:

We need fewer servers not more. Finding groups on Satele Shan is painful enough. Can you imagine how much pain Spanish speaks would have finding a group? I assure you, there are more Satele Shan players now than the spanish server would have.

That's odd. I've never had any trouble finding groups in Satele Shan... especially late-night on the weekend. But consider this... There are an estimated 43 million people in the world who speak Spanish as their primary language. 

Now, one of my former guild members (who hails from Brazil) stated that he knows many Spanish-speaking gamers where he is who would love to play SWTOR if it wasn't for the fact that they would have to learn English first in order to do so. As a result, many of them have given SWTOR a hard-pass. (I can sympathize with that. I'm not willing to learn Japanese in order to play those JRPGs not yet available here in the US.) If there are already dedicated servers for German and French players, I don't see how having a Spanish server would be that much of a problem especially with a potential world-wide customer base of 43 million Spanish-speaking people to recruit new players from.

The answer is clear:

  • To eliminate the over-abundance of credits in the existing servers,
  • To reduce per-server inflation,
  • To significantly boost SWTOR's over-all revenue with new potential subscribers,

...adding a new dedicated Spanish server makes the most business-sense.

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Regarding the over-abundance of credits and inflation, I would make two more suggestions as viable alternatives to tacking on a whole bunch of credit charges to the game.

  • I love those battle walkers from KotET and Iokath. And so, what if you were to introduce them to the PvP instances of other planets? Add a "walker rental" NPC to key areas in the PvP instances, and <channeling shifty used-car salesman voice> "For the paltry sum of one million credits, you too can pilot a walker into enemy territory to lay siege to an enemy base." But for subscribers (Alert: Subscription Incentive!) , they will get their very own battle-walker that they can summon anywhere... and can customize by buying exclusive temporary upgrades (armor/shield/missle launchers/grenades/beem generators/walking speed booster) from the same NPC: costing one million credits per upgrade.
  • Add an NPC in Outlaws Den who sells cosmetic versions of the SWTOR 1.0 Stalker armors at the cost of one million credits per piece. (I would literally be throwing my credits at those glowing armors!)

Like I've said before: Go after the players who have the credits to spend; not the ones who don't.

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On 2/23/2023 at 4:41 PM, CaldoChaud said:

That's odd. I've never had any trouble finding groups in Satele Shan... especially late-night on the weekend. But consider this... There are an estimated 43 million people in the world who speak Spanish as their primary language. 

Now, one of my former guild members (who hails from Brazil) stated that he knows many Spanish-speaking gamers where he is who would love to play SWTOR if it wasn't for the fact that they would have to learn English first in order to do so. As a result, many of them have given SWTOR a hard-pass. (I can sympathize with that. I'm not willing to learn Japanese in order to play those JRPGs not yet available here in the US.) If there are already dedicated servers for German and French players, I don't see how having a Spanish server would be that much of a problem especially with a potential world-wide customer base of 43 million Spanish-speaking people to recruit new players from.

The answer is clear:

  • To eliminate the over-abundance of credits in the existing servers,
  • To reduce per-server inflation,
  • To significantly boost SWTOR's over-all revenue with new potential subscribers,

...adding a new dedicated Spanish server makes the most business-sense.

main problem would  probably be hiring voice actors, for a new language server

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well , just before pts went own last week I did start a new character. role playing as a new player to SWTOR is a bit more tedious then I thought it would be,  what kind of a new player would I be. Unless I start a new account, can't play 100% as a newbie.

should I play as a smart newbie, and ask question, or just dive into it . . decisions,   .    .  I went for the dive into it, ask later newbie. There is another type of newbie I was not going to do, which is also a dive into it, . . . and  buy unnecessary equipment as soon as they can.

The newbie I'm role-playing  does understand the importance of a mount and inventory slots, so he'll be looking at getting those. he still does not know about quick travel yet, well just hasn't understood it yet. One thing I've decided on, and should not have, is doing side missions, this newbie would be trying every mission they see. Like all newbies.

About half way through Dromund Kass, this newbie figured out quick travel, and now wishes he didn't buy that first inventory slot expansion, he now has just enough credits to use it once.  Still have to run and just use Taxi's  since 50 credits are a lot cheaper then 1600+ credits

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you know it is just so tempting to just grab credits from the legacy bank, because this running around without affordable quick travel is boring !! it'll probably be a few days till this newbie ask how to earn more credits 😉, till then I'll try to stay in the newbie role 😌

I'll probably do the side missions,  this is a Test server

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